Illustrator :: Link Image Within Same Map

Nov 5, 2013

I've made a template file which includes several linked files (logo's in different shapes).
I've made a map and within that map the template file (.pdf) and 3 linked logofiles (.eps files)
I thought when I copy all 4 in a new map (for a new customer) and changed the 3 linked logofiles and then opened the newly copied template file in Illustrator...
that the template file would include the new logo's. But the links still point to the origial 3 logo files.
Is there a way to link the files within the map where the template file is??

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Illustrator :: Delete Link To Image?

Nov 28, 2012

in my Link window I still see the linke to an image that i have as embedded as well. How do I delete the link ? I didn't see a delete function in the link window, respectively in the dropdown of the window.

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Illustrator :: Compile LINK Image Into One Folder?

Jun 20, 2012

Normally what i did after client approved Final Artwork i have to open one by one by click option + double clik the link image. is there any command or action that i dont know off to compile all the LINK file by one click and save it in one folder?

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Illustrator :: Why Link Resolution Changing When Rotating Image

Feb 12, 2013

I placed a .psd image in Illustrator CS5 at 100% at 600ppi. My link information is telling me that it is at 600ppi. But when I do a 90degree rotation, my link information is now telling me that I have a picture resolution of 859ppi x 420ppi. Why is that? From what I know and learned, a resolution doesn't change except when we change the scaling of an image but not rotating it.
This made me wonder because when we receive files from customer with embed images, how can I know that this image wasn't rotated and that the link informations panel is giving me the right numbers?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Add Image Link Filename To Each Artboard

Jan 24, 2014

I have a document with several artboards. In each artboard is a different linked image. Is there a way to add the linked filename to the bottom of each artboard?

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Illustrator :: How To Receive Notifications When Placed A Image Or Link Is Updated

Mar 27, 2013

I have Illustrator CS 5 and until 3 days ago I use to receive notifications when a placed image or link was updated outside of Illustrator. It has now stopped. Did I accidentally turn off a preference I didn't know of?

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Illustrator :: Copy Long Text From Missing Image Link?

Aug 19, 2012

sometimes i open an Illustrator file with a missing image link. I have many image folders depending on the job and it would be great to be able to copy and paste the photo very long text to search for it in my HD.
This is an example [URL]
I am not able to select this very long text and copy / paste action. How do you manage to do it?

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Illustrator :: Cannot Connect To Image Via Link Palette Via Update Option

Apr 17, 2013

Illustrator CS5 every time import an image it automatically embeds the image and I loose all link information. I cannot connect to the image via the link palette via the update option or edit the original image. I have to relink the image every time I make an edit

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Photoshop :: Can I Embedd A Link Into An Image With CS2/Image Ready?

Jan 2, 2006

I've heard a rumor that I can select an area of an image and make it into a link. I've tried to to select an area with the marquee tool and then I click on the little orange feather in the lower right of the tool box. I've tried to paste my desired URL into the web link field but I can never get it to work. Can this really be done? How does an image with a link get saved? Jpeg?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Link Image To Website

Aug 22, 2011

I'd like to ask you how to create link image to website in jpg/png with coreldraw or photopaint.

Somethimes a strange thing happens, when i move vector graphic with arrows. it vanishes immediately, so i have to go back to make the graphic visible.

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Photoshop :: Link Part Of An Image

Oct 23, 2006

i have an image with text on it, and I want to know how to make just a section of an image a link.

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Xara :: Link Image To Another Page?

Jun 25, 2011

I have managed to create a hyperlink from an image, to another page on my site. For some reason I am not able to create a link for some other images and I do not know why. (Designer Pro 6). I have used the same settings via link but as said this does not work? Do images have to be a certian format for hyperlinks to work?

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Paint.NET :: Adding Link To Image?

Aug 29, 2012

So how do I make it so when you click the image it goes to a link?

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Photoshop :: Make Image Redirect To A Link

Sep 13, 2013

I want to make an image redirect to a link. Like, for example, an image that says YouTube and redirects you there. How?

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Photoshop :: Create JPG Image With Live Link?

Sep 9, 2012

for website [URL]....

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Photoshop :: Create GIF Image - Media Link Not Being Available

Jul 3, 2013

I'm trying to create a GIF image, and in the past I had no problems with 'Importing video frames into layers' but now an error pops up about the Media Link not being available.

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CorelCAD :: Insert Image - Link Broken

Mar 4, 2013

i'm happy to be a corelcad 2013 (V.2013.0.73) user, or a Corelcadder, but i've got a problem when i insert an image (png or jpeg) from my HD on my mac.

i can insert the image normally and everything seems to work (i see te images, i can print it...), but if i close (and save) the file, then i re-open the file, i don't see any image. I see only the path of the image... 

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Corel Website Creator X5 :: Setting Up Link On Image?

Apr 24, 2011

How can I set a link to another website in sub-directory ? For intense if my second website is inside a directory "/MyOtherWebsite" . Should I use external link? Link type <none>?

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Illustrator :: Unable To Link PSD Files In CC

Jan 15, 2014

When I place a psd file in Illustrator, I am not able to check the "link" box and it automatically embeds the image. I don't know if there is something else I need to do to make the box checkable, but I need to be able to link the images.

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Illustrator :: Embedded Link Not Showing Up?

May 31, 2012

I had a client send me a word document as a pdf which I dropped into Illustrator to make it print ready. When I pulled the file into Illustrator, two of the embedded links, which happened to be the logo of said client, did not show up. The file is in the links panel and shows it as embedded, I can even see the bounding box when I hover over where the logos are supposed to be. However, when I open the file in adobe reader or acrobat, or even preview, those logos show up. Illustrator showed no errors and none of us caught it so it was printed without the logos.
Is there an explanation for this and how can I check for it in the future just in case it happens again?

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AutoCAD LT :: Data Link Manager Can't Delete Excel Link

Dec 26, 2011

I'm messing around with tables and data links, practicing. I copied a range of cells in Excel, and did paste special to create a linked table.

Now I can delete the table object, but I cannot delete the link, cannot detach it.

When in Data Manager if I right click on the data link and click delete I get the error message "The data link is being used and cannot be deleted".

I have tried detaching, and the detach does not seem to take.

Now also, the table will not update from the source xls.

Win XP, AcadLT 2011, Office 2010. Using compatible setting for saving spreadsheet, for Office 2007 (not xlsx).

If I create a linked table by starting with the Table icon, choose "from a data link", choose the excel spreadsheet, etc., then I am able to later update the table from the spreadsheet, detach, delete the link, etc. But I can only delete the link if the table is not selected when I open the Data Link Manager.

But the one that was created following the directions from the Autocad video, with the copy, paste special, that link will not detach nor delete.

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Illustrator :: Multiple Instances Of Single Link

Feb 6, 2013

I created a clothing price tag design (consisting of some vector artwork, text, and a raster image as a background), and now i'm attempting to create a grid layout of the tags for print (20 tags on a letter-size page i can print using a desktop printer and cut apart manually).
Sounds simple enough, right?  Just duplicate the artwork 20 times.  Easy.
But here's the catch:  20 copies of the artwork (i.e. 20 copies of every point, line, object, and image) makes for a freaking huge file, too big for the printer to handle.  It gets acceptably smaller if i save it as a PDF without preserving Illustrator editing capabilities, but then that defeats the purpose; i need to be able to change the prices at will.
Now, it would seem to make the most sense to save the individual tag design as its own AI file (let's call it ''), then simply Place into a new file as a link, and duplicate it 20 times to create the print layout.  Theoretically, i would only need to edit the artwork itself once (to change the price, change a color, etc.), and the changes would be automatically applied to my layout file.  However, this is apparently too much to ask:  each time the linked artwork is copied, it creates a new, separate link.  To further frustrate things, when i edit the artwork file, i then have to update all 20 links manually, meaning that 20 different times, i get an Open File dialog, and have to select 20 separate times.  In the end, it's an exercise in extreme redundancy, and the file size of the layout isn't made any smaller.
Is there something i'm overlooking, or is there really no better, more efficient solution than just making 20 copies of everything and ending up with a file size of 80-90mb?

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Illustrator :: Can't Open AI - Link File Missing

Jun 30, 2013

I can't open AI on C6 (error message : link file missing) but I can open same AI on C2 without any error , why is that so ?

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Illustrator :: Opacity Mask Artwork Link

Aug 28, 2012

So, I'm having trouble with CS6 Ai and the artwork link with the Opacity Masks...for instance, I have placed a black-white image that I am using as a "grunge effect" mask over a group within my artwork. The problem I am having is that when I do one of two things (move the artwork itself or copy/paste the artwork into another file) the mask does not remain. I have the little link selected on the opacity mask that says "Link to artwork".  I also tried "Expanding" the artwork to no avail. Am I missing a setting or something that would allow me to "finalize" a piece of artwork that has an opacity mask applied so that I can use it elsewhere?
I opened Ai on my office computer and tried an opacity mask and it worked as far as moving the artwork around within the same artboard. But, if I copy and paste the artwork to a new Ai file, the mask does not remain. Is this normal?

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Illustrator :: Delete Missing Link From AI File

Jul 29, 2011

How do I delete a missing, unwanted linked file from an AI file? The referenced link is completely gone and is not needed. It can't be relinked or removed since it no longer exists. It is has been a phantom for as long as I have been using the AI file and I would like to clear the "Could not find the linked file" pop up every time I load the AI file.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Break Link To Symbol

Feb 5, 2011

If I right click on a symbol instance, I get a menu item, "Break link to symbol."  How can I do that same thing in Javascript?
1) That is, how do I use Javascript to break the link between a SymbolItem and the Symbol it represents? (i.e. without deleting the Symbol?)
2) Once the link is broken, how do I locate the Layer that was created when the link was broken?  That is, once the link is broken, it is no longer a SymbolItem; it becomes a Layer instead.  How do I locate that Layer?
3) How do I convert the Layer to a GroupItem?

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Illustrator :: Is It Possible To Link Excel Data To Graph

May 14, 2013

I'm laying out a report with many graphs of similar styling, the client is to provide an Excel doc with the figures and I need to redraw them as graphs.Is it possible to design the graph style in Illustrator, import the data from the spreadsheet to the graph and then place the graph(s) into InDesign. Essentially, this is what I'd like to achieve:
1) Style/design a graph in Illustrator
2) Import spreadsheet data into Illustrator graph (a step I'm also haveing problem with - is it possible to import an entire Excel doc or do you have to copy and paste each cell individually)
3) Import Illustrator graph into Indesign
4) If original data in Excel is changed/updated and the document is saved, data will update in Illstrator and therefore in InDesign.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Link To Webpage From AI JavaScript?

Dec 5, 2012

I've written a script with a ScriptUI interface, which other people will be using. I'd like to include a 'help' button in the interface, which ideally would connect to a web page with more details. (The alternative is to create the 'help' window in javascript, but the web page already exists and it would be a shame not to use it.)
From what I've read, other Creative Suite programs may be able to connect to the web with javascript, but apparently not Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Link Information File Path?

Jul 5, 2012

Windows 7.  AI CS5
It appears that Illustrator is no longer keeping file association information with my placed images.  If an image is linked, it works fine.  However, embedded images have no File Location and simply say its "Embedded" (No file associated with this image).
I understand that this is correct for pasted images.  But I have tried both placing an image with the link box, and changing a Linked image to Embeded.
I am not sure when i noticed this change, but its been some time now.  Trying to figure out if its related to the AI version, the OS version, or what.
This is not isolated, since all the art stations here (100 or so) do the same thing.  And I am pretty sure I noticed this when we were on Vista as well..

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Photoshop :: Create Image Of Face Extruding Through Chain Link Fence?

Jun 19, 2013

I am trying to create a image in Photoshop. I'm trying to make a face extruding through a chain link fence. I tried using displacement map but either I'm using it wrong or it is the wrong tool for the job.

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Illustrator :: Embedded Art In SVG File Prompts Could Not Find Link

Jun 19, 2013

I have been using an AI template to produce a lot of art as SVGs. The source Illustrator file has a bottom art layer, and several layers above that (6) which have a small PNG image that is basically a simple gray button. The same PNG is shown as embedded 6 times and then saved out as an SVG with the options of Profile: SVG 1.1; Type: Convert to outline; Image Location: Embed; CSS Properties: Presentation Attributes; Decimal Places: 3; Encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) and Include XMP is checked.
Some of these resulting files have since stopped working, and upon opening, display the error "Could not find link "05AE065BE.png".
The file is not linked, and the requested file name is generated randomly. The file shows no gray button PNGs, just the empty sublayer that they are on.
I've gone round and round on how this is happening, and have only found information on file character limits and even file path character limits, and server character limits. The file name of the embedded PNG is 27 characters, and the crazy file path and file name totals 137 characters.
Why would an embedded file be causing a linking error and random renaming of the embedded file? And also, why is it only happening on some of the files and not all of them? They are built identically within minutes and batch processed!

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