Photoshop :: Can I Embedd A Link Into An Image With CS2/Image Ready?
Jan 2, 2006
I've heard a rumor that I can select an area of an image and make it into a link. I've tried to to select an area with the marquee tool and then I click on the little orange feather in the lower right of the tool box. I've tried to paste my desired URL into the web link field but I can never get it to work. Can this really be done? How does an image with a link get saved? Jpeg?
i used photoshop to design the website sliced it with image ready and imported as html..but then i check out the website some of the image is can i fix view it as the same thing as i see it in photoshop while designing?
try to open a document with Image Ready, or save my new web-version image after jumping from Photoshop to Image Ready, I get an error message:
"Could not complete this operation because an assertion has failed."
Just what in the blue blazes does that mean,
Normally, when I collect a bug somewhere and Photoshop starts getting glitchy I just reinstall it, but that doesn't work. I really need to use Image Ready!
I am using a PC with Wxp pro (service pack 2+), and Photoshop 7.0.
Just started usin it. Its not being very useful because of one thing.. How do you make it so that when you duplicate a frame, then go to edit the first one, whatever changes are made to the first frame don't go to the 2nd? don't really no how better to say it.
I ve just finished an animated pic with test scrolling across the screen , now i would like to save or do what ever i need to do so i can upload it to an host website for viewing, but evertime i try to optimise it then save i cannot upload it, or when i do save it to computer it opens only as a imiage, no animation,
I have a very basic question; how do I create an animated gif in image ready using 2 or more images. I create what I want using the first image and when I select the second image it starts a new animation. I am trying to create an animation using 9 images that will dissolve from one to the other.
As a follow up, I found a tutorial that says open 2 photos in PS and drag one onto the other to form 2 layers each with a different photo. When I go to drag the one onto the other it makes the photo I'm dragging the active one. How do I open 2 photos, or more?
in slicing using Image Ready, i cab get the optmization done perfectly, but when i open it using FrontPage and try to edit the " empty space " -which is in the middle - in my case, i got all the images on the sides falling apart !!
When the mouse is moved over the link I get image boxes opening above and below the link but with no image in them. I have also noticed that Image ready has imported many of the graphics files with names such as Index_7-Index_14_over.gif so the file is not only the slice for Index 7 but the over gif as well. Im not sure what I am doing wrong but here is the page to show what I mean. I have redone the slices and rollover effects three times but still cannot..
I got the slices and everything done including the rollover effect but I have 2 questions. On the rollover effect options, it asks for URL, Target, Message Text, and Alt Tag. What does Target and Message Text mean? My 2nd question.....How do I get that I-Face on my website after saving it as an HTML file?
I thought someone might be interested in a web page I just finished. I wanted to embed a video within a picture so this is what I did: The background was sliced using image ready and a small video was inserted in the appropriate cell. The tricky part was to encode the video to be the same size as the sliced cell.
I've almost never used Image Ready so I'm pretty much lost at sea here. I've read the help files but can't find my problem addressed. I have two images, each in a layer, and I want to fade from one to the other and back again.
In Image Ready I created frames from layers, then duped frame #1 to frame#3. Then I tweened the transitions frames. Looks great in the animation palette. Looks good when I play the animation in Image Ready.
When I export to SWF format and play the file in my browser, the initial image and final image are good, but the middle image has gone almost entirely dark. I can see just enough of the outlines to know it's the correct image, but have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
I'm trying to create an animated image, but when I choose the option "jump to Image Ready", I get the following message: Could not fully start the application because a program error has occurred. However, the last time I tried to move to Image Ready (I haven't done so often; I don't use either Photoshop or IR very often),
I have created a image map with rollovers included. I saved the PSD and optimized the image for web and it created the image and html data. All hot spots are working and the rollovers work well too.
The problem I am having is that everytime I open the page containing the image map / rollovers I get a pop up bar at the top of my screen indicating that the data or content on the page is potentialy harmeful.
Why is this? When I visit other sites the rollovers work without a problem and no warnings. Why is this only with my image ready created images and scripts? I really do not want my users to have to have this pop up each time as it is a pain and it may scare some users away and it will screw up my links and images apperance if the pop up bar is not set to always allow.
I'm trying to put together a site for my wedding and ran into a snag. I made three slices in Image Ready 1 for the banner 2 for the NavBar and 3 for my Text, Links and Pics. The problem is that the third slice is a .gif file and I was wondering how to go about making this HTML.
How can I make a slice from the background which I'll define it as No-Image (which means I can write on it) and the colorful background will be kept and not be turned into a single background color?
I have never animated in image ready before, generally id use flash, but i wanna give it a shot, I have an Photoshop image with 4 layers and i want to make the animation so that the layers fade into each other, so when web page laods one of the images is there then maybe 3 seconds later it fades out and the other fades in,
changing the existing animated file. I wanted to change one of the slides as well as add a slide. When I go to "Save optimized as" I get a box that says "Replace files" and I get a message stating "some of the specified files already exist in the target location. The files marked below will be replaced: and all that is marked is spacer.gif.
I have the optimize window open on my screen and I have GIF selected to make sure I'm saving it correctly.
I am able to save it as a .psd file but I am unable to update the .gif file version.
I have also tried to save it as a different file name. Am I even able to update animated .gif files?
I use Photoshop CS2 all the time. Now from somewhere also have Adobe Image Ready CS2 which I do not want or need. My publisher images try to open in Imageready but can't. How can I delete Imageready without deleting Photoshop as well.
I want to ADD frames I have already made to my Image Ready program. I'd like to just be able to from already working inside Image Ready click on something and have my picture frames all come up so I can see them. Where can I drop them in the program to do this? Also what suffix should I make them then? PNG?
try to save an image in IMAGE READY, I get this message:" Could not complete this operation because an assertion has failed" What's this? What can I do? Should I re-install Photoshop 7.0.1?