Illustrator Scripting :: Break Link To Symbol
Feb 5, 2011
If I right click on a symbol instance, I get a menu item, "Break link to symbol." How can I do that same thing in Javascript?
1) That is, how do I use Javascript to break the link between a SymbolItem and the Symbol it represents? (i.e. without deleting the Symbol?)
2) Once the link is broken, how do I locate the Layer that was created when the link was broken? That is, once the link is broken, it is no longer a SymbolItem; it becomes a Layer instead. How do I locate that Layer?
3) How do I convert the Layer to a GroupItem?
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Sep 12, 2013
How to do it ?
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Apr 13, 2011
I have created a symbol in CorelDraw X5 on a Mac using parallels.
The symbol is on a layer which is not locked, and the object which has become a symbol was grouped before I made it into a symbol. The boundary marks changed from black to blue.When I try to select Edit/Symbol/Break link, the Break link command is greyed out.
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Sep 26, 2012
Is there a way to edit the text in a symbol instance without breaking the link to the symbol?
a really simplen example would be several instances of the same button graphic but with different labels.
I know these things are possible in Fireworks, but couldn't find a way to make it happen in Illustrator.
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May 31, 2013
In cs6 when I break a link to a symbol, the symbol group becomes a sublayer and the layers panel gets expanded showing all the objects in that layer. I then have to collapse the menu. every time I select any object that was part of the symbol, my layers panel expands. this is very frustrating. so avoided it, when I break a symbol, I have to select the objects from the menu panel and move them out of the sublayer. this is not very fun to do when I have a lot of symbols to deal with.
so is this a new behavior in cs6, is there a way for a symbol to break into a group and not a sublayer (ithink that's what's happening not sure)?
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May 21, 2013
I need to place a logo at the bottom of the image in eps.
i have created the logo as symbol, can this symbol could be placed at the bottom of the image.
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Dec 19, 2011
So I am trying to replace gps points with a symbol I have created. I have found blogs referencing a script that can replace selected items with symbols saved in the symbols panel, but I can't seem to find the actual script! Where I can find JET_ReplaceWithSymbol.jsx or any other script that can do the same function.
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Dec 5, 2012
I've written a script with a ScriptUI interface, which other people will be using. I'd like to include a 'help' button in the interface, which ideally would connect to a web page with more details. (The alternative is to create the 'help' window in javascript, but the web page already exists and it would be a shame not to use it.)
From what I've read, other Creative Suite programs may be able to connect to the web with javascript, but apparently not Illustrator.
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May 31, 2012
is there a way to extend existing classes? I am trying to add methods to the symbolItems class, but it doesn't seem to work. says it is not defined:
symbolItems.prototype.isIn = function(parentItem, runThis) {
//do something
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May 31, 2012
I'm having difficulty writing a script that deletes all of the symbols in the document (as opposed to just breaking links or expanding which I apparently cannot do). app.sourceDocument.symbols.removeAll();When it reaches a symbol that's used in the document somewhere it spits out this error: Error 1200: an Illustrator error occurred: 1346458189 ('MRAP')
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Aug 11, 2012
I'm trying to swap symbols in situ by changing the 'name' property of the symbol instance.
My rudimentary script can find the existing symbol name (for me, that's a small triumph!). The Illustrator document has two symbols in the Symbols panel, 'blue_square' and 'red_circle'. I run the script with an instance of 'blue_square' (and nothing else) on the page, and try to change the name to 'red_circle':
var docRef = activeDocument;
var symbolitem = docRef.symbolItems[0]
var symbolname =;
var newname = "red_circle";
symbolitem.selected = true;
// this next line causes the problem: = newname;
This causes an error - 'the name is in use'.
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Sep 6, 2012
I'd like to fill a shape with instances of a symbol. The sybmols should vary in size but never touch each other or the outer edges of my shape. Is there a script that can do this?
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Mar 25, 2011
How to create a single symbol from all the objects within a single layer.
Despite what the reference docs say, it doesn't seem that PageItems is a valid argument to pass into Symbols.add()...
Some example code?
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Nov 18, 2013
I have multiple documents using text as symbols. I need to change a ® 2013 to a ® 2014 within the symbols. Without having to go into each document and double click on the symbol or break the link, is there a way to do a batch find and replace that will search within symbols to change text?
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Jan 24, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to get the links and link statuses in Adobe Illustrator. It doesn't seem to be at all similar to InDesign DOM.
What I'd like to be able to do is check whether a file has a missing link. I have been able to trace it to a "placedItem" which is inherently a "pageItem". So is it possible to find the link status? Been going through the DOM for about a half hour now and still can't find it.
app.documents[0].placedItems[0] <--- How to get link status?
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a document with several artboards. In each artboard is a different linked image. Is there a way to add the linked filename to the bottom of each artboard?
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Mar 20, 2012
trying to have an applescript place a PDF as an Illustrator Link at the PDF's Media Box using "make new placed item". The only result possible as far as I can tell is a link at the PDF's Art Box.
I've seached around and have seen others with the same issue, but no answers as to whether it is actually possible. As with most Applescript stuff, I am either way overthinking it or it is not possible directly.
Currently I have a workaround using an Applescript script controlling Acrobat to sidestep the problem by setting the Art and Crop box to Media box, then place as a link in Illustrator, but it is not a direct route into illustrator.
I have also noticed that in the "Adobe Illustrator CS5 Scripting Reference" that the "PDF options object properties" do not honor the PDF crop bounds (except for the default value of Media Box). Is this an inherent problem with Applescript/Illustrator and PDF crop boxes? Could it be that the options for Open PDF and Place PDF are crossed?
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Jul 11, 2012
I want to get the "file.displayName" property of a RasterItem from a file where links are broken.the script :
myItem = app.activeDocument.selection[0];
works fine if the RasterItem source file is where the link points at.In my case, the link points to the local drive of another computer, so the "file" property of the RasterItem doesn't exists !!!I don't understand why, because all the informations are in the Links pannel of illustrator.
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Sep 19, 2013
How to adjust 9 slice scaling guides of symbol by script?
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Feb 25, 2012
I've been trying to pull together the right info to use JavaScript to create a form to bring in particular symbols from the symbol library based on the variables taken from the form. I've taken bits and pieces from various sample scripts and tried to make this work, but my problem appears when I try to use conditionals.This is a limited version of what I want to do, but it is enough to get the point across.
1. I want to select a script that has various dropdown boxes. I would like the first dropdown to give me 3 options: 10, 13, 18
2. I would also like another drop down box that gives me three more options: single needle, double needle, and knife edge.
3. I would then like it to have an "ok" button and "Cancel" button.
4. From here when I click the ok button, a symbol is brought in from the library depending on what parameters were given to the form.
ex. If I selected 10 in the first drop down and double needle in the second, I would like "SYMBOL A" to be pulled from the library and centered on the artboard.ex. If I selected 13 in the first drop down and double needle in the second, I would like "SYMBOL B" to be pulled from the library and centered on the artboard.
I've gotten the UI to pop up and it works as planned as well as bringing in a symbol, my problem comes when I try to incorporate conditionals and functions.Here is my script.
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;var Pallette = new Window ("dialog", "Create a Shell"); Pallette.add ("statictext", undefined, "Fill Opening in Inches:"); Pallette.orientation = "row";var myDropdown = Pallette.add ("dropdownlist", undefined, ["10", "13", "18"]);myDropdown.selection = 1;var myButtonGroup = Pallette.add ("group");myButtonGroup.orientation = "column";var btnCreate = myButtonGroup.add ("button", undefined,
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Jan 21, 2014
I have been looking for a solution to automate a printing and ordering process. I have a design template with 2 pages both 8.5x11 in size. One page represents the front and other the back for double sided printing. I have 6 different images per sheet so in my links panel I have 12 total links, 2 of each. I was wondering if there is a script to update all the links with the same filename with other image? Currently I have to search through all the images and update each one.
I have 6 artboards dividing the 8.5x11 sheet proportionatly. Each artboard represents a different order. Is there a script to write the linked filename to the bottom corner of each artboard?
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May 30, 2012
I think the execution would be relatively easy. how to tell detect if a symbol is within a rectangle vector area. so almost like a parent child relationship in HTML goes? was thinking about getting top bottom left and right of a layer called parent then checking all layers below it (maybe they have "child" naming scene, so i can match by layer name) if the top bottom left and right are >=/<= the one above it. so it is basically detecting if a box is inside another box.
URL...need to detect is symbol1 is within div1 or 2 and same with symbol2
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Jan 3, 2014
I am experiencing trouble with the simplify function. When I create a shrinkwrap / simplified part, it always keeps the link to the original assembly. Therefore I cannot move the shrinkwrap to other folders or treat it as an individual ipt file in any way. When I try to break the link I can't, the "link" button is greyed out:
This topic has been discussed for an older version of inventor here, but the solution does not work for me: [URL] .......
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Jun 25, 2013
I have a shrinkwrap part of a conveyor that I want to use in a plant layout. I have it just the way I want it now. However, I want to do a break link on it so I can copy it off to another project workspace. When I do a break link my derive settings change to some funky default and my model gets all messed up. The one that's giving me the biggest problem is the remove parts by size. On my long conveyors its removing my motor, reducer, drive chain guards, support legs, and other miscellanea that I need shown in my layout.
how I want it with the link unbroken.Here it is after I break link with nothing else changed: URL....
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Jul 29, 2011
I have a table linked to an Excel spreadsheet, I unlock the cells and then right click but the Data Link sub-menu is greyed out and not available. Cannot delete the link in the data link manager becasue it is in use. Had to open the drawing in 2011 and detach the data link. 2008 also detached the link no problem.
How to detach a table link?
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Aug 16, 2013
How do I add new symbol to an exsiting user defined symbol library? AI CS5.5, Mac.
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Oct 7, 2013
I have a logic problem in my code that I need solving,
here's the bit of code which is supposed to set the text, image and link for a symbol used multiple times on the Stage.
var names = ["melz", "brom", "calm", "micj", "mick", "brir", "mato", "brym", "azin", "hugh", "nicl", "bonr", "lisa"];
var name = null;
for(var x = 0; x < names.length; x++){
name = names[x];
var initials = (name[0]+""+name[3]).toUpperCase();
var cursymbol = sym.getSymbol(name);
The text and image code work, however my problem is with setting the link. It always sets all the symbols to the last name in the names[] array. What I want it to do is to set the link to the personalised name in the array. So the HH button will link to hugh.html and the BM button will link to brym.html etc.
For now I'm going to play around a bit and see what happens.
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Dec 18, 2012
I'm try to automate the importing of the Varaible and datasets into my graphs via Scripting, but the ImportVaraibles() function doesn't seem to work. Here is my Script, mostly copied from the example script provided with Illustrator (CS5). And, this works manually, using the file names in the script, via Load Variable Library
Set appRef = CreateObject(strIllistratorVersion)
'Open the file and import the datasets
Set docRef = appRef.Open(strTemplate & "")
Here is the problem, after I delete the previous library, then this next line, right from the example, does nothing
The script then exits with 'No Datasets in this document'
docRef.ImportVariables (strXMLFolder & "Lumber_200-500.xml")
'appRef.DoJavaScript "alert('Template:" & strTemplate & strRange & ".ai | XML file:" & strXMLFolder & "" & objFile.Name & "^')"
If (appRef.Documents.Count > 0) Then
Set docRef = appRef.Documents(1)
If I remove that delete line, the script runs, but just uses whatever Variables I had last loaded, not the XML file.
It's simply not loading. What do I need to do to get it to load?
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May 6, 2012
Can you access graph data through the scripting DOM?
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Mar 19, 2010
Is it possible to change te Break command permanently in the Break at Point command?I never use break, only break at point.
Changing te macro for break ^C^C_break to the macro for break at point ^C^C_break \_f @ doesn't work.
To do it manualy at the command prompt takes to much keyboard entries and mouse clicking.
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Jun 13, 2012
I am working in Illustrator CS4, and finished a 2-sided mailer/postcard for a client in cmyk. After emailing the final PDF to the client, the client responded back to me with their print provider's request for— "native file, with black and PMS broken out".
First—the file was set up as CMYK, so I am assuming it was partly a lazy response/request? (not realizing it was set up as CMYK).
Second—I typically I send files to commercial print providers as a PDF (Press Quality or PDF/X:1a)—is this not sufficient for them—and why?
Lastly, I would specifically like to know what steps I should take to prepare CMYK colors "broken out".
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