AutoCAD Inventor :: List In Form Doesn't Update After Chose Option
Sep 25, 2013
I have a few lists in my form. The first one decides what information the other lists should have, so none of the choices are the same. I should first add that I have the "OK, Cancel, Apply" option.
Is there any way that I can make the other lists update automatically when I chose something in the first one? The only time they update is when I press the "Apply"-button.
I have parameters and rules that decide what lists should be shown at what option from the first list so I don't think that is the problem.
I have a global form which is exactly made for a specific assembly for configuration of this very assembly. To make things easier for the user I call another external rule which only opens exactly this assembly.
Now when the user opens the form the assembly is not open and obviously can´t reference the used parameters.
Even after loading the assembly the parameters are not available, which results in something like this:
So this is a really simple question, is there a way to update a form so that it rereads the parameters from the assembly?
What I tried is using iLogicForm.CloseGlobal("Name of form") to no availability and then open it again with iLogicForm.ShowGlobal("Name of form").
But I couldn´t find any further info on the iLogicForm Commands.
I am trying to put an immediate update box on my form in ilogic. I want to be able to change parameters on my form without updating the model. There is this option in the parameters window but not in the form. How can I accomplish this?
Create a form with combo box that user can choose one option for the line notes, would be 15 lines with 15 combos, and if necessary the user should be ale to type something insted of using that pre defined option from combo.
I have 2 ideas to make that work, untill now im trying with this 1º but nothing yet.
First Idea:
Create some (15) boolean parameters to enable each line of this NOTE and when the user choose or type one option, that text go directly to one textbox into a Symbol with the 15 lines. I actually dont know how to make this connection, tried some stuffs that found here on forum, but some are too complex.
Second idea:
Instead of create parameters to control everything, i would create all the controls by iLogic, but that is harder then create many and many parameters ? And by this way, i dont know how to conect one INPUTLIST BOX with a pre defined Global form, or, is easier to create a form by ilogic (if that is even posible ofc) ? And still dont know how to make the connection with the chosen option and the text box.
That is just to "centralize" all my notes, that can be variable for each drawing, that way i dont need to have too much symbols for each kind of note, or even have to type everytime that i need one diffent. Would be nice if the user could just choose them in the right sequence he wants.
I have created a iLogic form for my skeletal part file that drives my assembly. The issues is that it is a few steps to get the assembly to update.
Current Steps: open skeletal part fileuse form to change size parameterssave new skeletal size changesopen assemblypress the update button if changes haven't already been applied...I have tried to link these parameters directly to the assembly and tried to create the form using those linked parameters from the skeletal part file. It looks like it would work, but I am unable to edit the parameters once the form is created.
I am hoping that the I can skip opening and editing the skeletal part assembly fileuse form to change size and dimensions, and all part files and drawings are updated to that new shape and size.
I have tried to create a global Form in the skeletal part file, and tried to update the size changes in the assembly file.I was able to changes the inputs this way, but once I pressed the apply I get an error with no changes. what I want but I am not very up to date on iLogic or these forms. I will be searching Google for now.
One of the features I was really looking forward to in CS6 was creating fillable forms with ONE application. I created a form following the step by step instructions in classroom in a book for CS6. When I opened the exported form in Reader X, I get a "This operation is not permitted" error. I opened the completed "end" document in the lesson to make sure I didn't commit an error, and I got the same message when exporting. I have looked for places in menus to modify security restrictions and I can't find any. I installed the updates and that didn't solve the issue.
I saw one solution posted which is to open the document in Acrobat, then do a "save as" option. Is there anything we can do that doesn't involve buying additional software? If this is not the case, then Adobe seriously needs to change its training and advertising about this functionality.
So I've got an iAssembly and I made a drawing and I want to show all the parts. I have read in other threads that it will not let you show a Parts Only list from an iAssembly. Why do iAssemblies not let you do this? Seems like a bit of an oversight to me but I'm sure there's some technical reason.
IV2012 Windows XP SP3 32-bit Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram 2 GB Ram 160GB HDD
I am using Inventor 2011. When I display dialog with options for export to PDF in Inventor, all options in this dialog I can set programatically except one - something like Print excluded sheets(I translate it to English from Czech version). This option is accessible when PrintAllSheets or PrintSheetRange option is set.
I can't find it in option values list for PDF in help file. Is it only undocumented or is it not accesible programatically?
Using Inventor 2012. I have created a parts list in my .idw that is tied to a .iam Assembly file. In the .iam file I have two instances of the assembly, where one hides certain parts, the other hides others. I can manually tell the parts list which instance I want it to read (see attached image), however, is there a way to have it update automatically? I.e. when I go in to my .iam file and activate one or the other, save the file, then the parts list will auto update itself to include the correct items? Everything else from part names to iProperties auto update in the list, so I'm curious if it can read the correct assembly instance.
Now i enlarged holes in the source part, but there was an error message in the derived part that the export status of the source isn't on, and that i should use design doctor.
Where is the control on the export status and what is it, i didn't see anything unusual in the parameters.
Where is the design doctor.
I cannot make new holes in the derived part in the place of the old ones since it says i have first to exclude the source.
Inventor would I input the total quantity of doors in the .iam in order to update the Parts List quantity column? I have a lot of user inputs in the .iam file set up to change width, height, etc that are based off of Parameters in the .iam, but I don't know how the user can enter assembly quantities in order to get the Parts List to update the Quantity column correctly?
I have attempted using custom iProperties but how to get it to display based off a user input Parameter.
Using 2013 sp1.1...After I change the hole size in the part, the callout in my hole note does not update. (crazy, I know).
If I pull a new hole note after the change, it has the correct dimension. But, if I change the hole size again, this new hole note does not update.I put the part on a new idw and it updates correctly, so somehow the idw is hosed.
My customer is having trouble with the part list feature inside the Inventor 2D drawing.
For example, He has a car assembly file with 4 wheels and alot more subassemblies, then he creates a view representation which only visible for 1 wheel.
When he generates the part list in Inventor 2D drawing, he go to part list >filter setting and set to ‘’Assembly view representation’’ but the quantity for the part list is still showing as 4 as per attachment.
change the value manually inside the part list table?
A coworker brought this to my attention and I was also immediately able to reproduce this. We use content center C channels and other common beams a lot. After inserting one into an assembly if you right click and select change size and edit the length it typically doesn't update to the correct length.
Insert a 10" Ansi MC/C channel any size
right click and select change size
add +.0625 to the existing length and hit apply
measure it at 10.06252 in
repeat change size and type in 10.0625
measure it at 10.0625
repeat change size and type in 10 + .0625
and measure at 10.06252 in
It seems to mess up more when you do math but it also screws up entering a simple number
10.000325 usually ends up as 10.000315 in for me.
Editing the part directly from it's parameter dialog doesn't yield anything like this.
I'm having continuous problems with acad 2012... I installed SP1 and SP2 but the problems continue when the users trie to use the preview option cad in down in a abrupt form without warning.
My parts list on my idw do not update when I make changes to the model. Specifically, I have deleted a bolted connection on my design and replaced with a different components but the parts list table does not update - all I see is a lightning bolt in the browser next to the parts list but I cannot update it here.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
After upgrading to Inventor 2014 we notice that the graphics do not work properly, and that the overall performance in drawings and modelling bad compared to 2013. Then we installed SP1 and now drawing views are disappearing, however when we select "shaded" view the view reappears and works perfectly..
I am working on a form (global) and have added a picture with a parameter and a picture folder underneath. So that the picture displayed on my form will change depending on the parameter value.Here comes the trick. Only text parameters can be used!On the form editor only 'Text parameter' can be selected to drive the picture selection. I actually need an integer, so that i can use my User/Excel parameters from Inventor.
I can work this around with an iLogic rule to equal the value of my string Picture Parameter with the relevant integer Inventor parameter, but the rules need to be run before the pic and the form updates (by pressing the 'Apply' button at the bottom of the form and then the assy updates too. So this takes a couple of minutes)... whereas if it was an option on the form editor then the update would be instant without waiting for everything to update...
Is there a particular reason why the Picture Parameter only can be a text parameter?
I ran the Update option once, mainly to get the ACR 8.2 version. It looked like all the files downloaded successfully and that the update process started. Then nothing.
- Clicking Update has no effect. There are absolutely no error messages. - Downloading the ACR 8.2 file and trying to run the AdobePatchInstaller.exe file does nothing. - Removing the Adobe Application Manager (AAM) Cache accomplished nothing. - Trying to run the AAM does nothing.
A popup message just informed me that there are 9 Adobe updates available and to launch AAM. Which, of course, accomplishes nothing.A support person on Live Chat said this is a known issue.I'm running Win7 Pro, SP1, 64-bit, 8Gb RAM, GeForce GT 630 Nvidia chipset graphics card.
I made a change to my materials library. I changed the color (from dark grey to light grey) of one material. I then saved this back to my library.
Now, when I start a new part, I get a warning that the material does not match the library. So, rather than using the material in the part, I opened the template and updated the material to match the library. (Manage >Update Styles).
This is where the problems come into play. In the update styles dialog, if I compare materials against my custom materials and then compare it to my Favorites, it just a continuious circle. It is like the favorites are stored inside the part and do not get updated to match the custom materials library. (I thought the whole idea behind using a library was to get the information out of the parts).
Here is a short video showing what it does. [URL] .....
The only way I can get the favorites to match is to delete the favorite material, update the style and the add the favorite back in. That is a bunch of work. The problem I got with this is that there are thousands of parts that have been created that has this favorite in it. The only way to update these is to open each part (if I knew which one), delete the favorite, update the materials and then add the favorite back in.
I have Photoshop CS6 installed via Creative Cloud, now I have updated Lightroom to LR5 and I wanted to update ACR from 7.1 to 8.1 but in the Photoshop menu the Update option is greyed out. How to update ACR to the current version?
I have a corridor that uses the Urban Sidewalk subassembly along the streets. During my rough design phase I set the outside boulevard widths to 2.00, and create a corridor surface using the Top Links as breaklines. I then do my lot grading, using that surface as a surface pasted into my FG surface. All of my side yard swales go up to the edge of the corridor's boulevard, with the elevation set 0.20 below the corridor surface. Once all of the design is done, I go back to the corridor and change the boulevard width to 0, thus forcing those side yard swales to now go up to the back of walk.this creates a small depression where we place small drain inlets.
Herein lies my problem, when I change the boulevard width from 2 to 0, the corridor surface never changes to reflect the 0' width. It's as if the break lines that I told the surface to use from the Top links are holding fast. The ONLY way I have been able to get the surface modeled correctly is to completely delete the corridor surface and create a new one and recreate the boundary, which I then need to re-paste and move to the top of the Edits in my FG surface. Just deleting and readding the Top Links from the corridor surface definition does not solve this.
the corridor-created breaklines do not get revised when the corridor changes, and cannot be edited/deleted by the user. Perhaps I am doing, or not doing, something that is forcing these breaklines to persist..