AutoCAD 2010 :: Icons / Tool Bar Option Doesn't Appear
Sep 19, 2012My icons, tool bar, option doesn't appear!! D: Circle, Views, 3D, Layers !!! I don't have it!!!
View 1 RepliesMy icons, tool bar, option doesn't appear!! D: Circle, Views, 3D, Layers !!! I don't have it!!!
View 1 RepliesJust installed AutoCAD 2012, started to set up my tools and found many of the ACAD toolbars displaying the wrong, or no icon for the commands. Example: Modify TB
displays "move" for erase
"mirror" for rotate
"fillet" for explode
This is true with the Draw TB, Dimension TB, UCS TB...and more..I have not even customized any toolbars yet...just turned on/off the AutoCAD ones.
I am having an issue with saving the merge control variable to "Lines Merge" under the Sheet Set Publish Options. I have full rights to the sheet set file, and can change the variable to make a plot, but it gets reset everytime I close program and reopen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought and downloaded PSE11. However, I don't think I disabled my virusware. It took an especially long time to download and I don't know if it downloaded correctly. My blur tool does not work and my "guided" options are not there. What is the easiest fix- uninstall and remove the serial number then reinstall using same serial number? My question with this is- how many times can I do this, and or is there an easier fix? I have PSE11 and LR4 and I am going back and forth between which one to use. I really need all the options to work from PSE11.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am experiencing two problems. One is the tool icons in Photoshop are disappearing on the screen. I move the cursor and see nothing on my screen.
The second problem is at other times the proper tool icon and function is not showing up and working. I select for example the pen tool and the hand tool icon show up and the function works as the hand tool not the pen tool?
I have created a tool palette with all the blocks that I use on a daily basis. The only thing is that now when I put my cursor on the palette I have no icons just words. When I adjust the size to the palette my icons appear.
My view option is set to text and icons.
where various icons on your palettes just disappear? the function is still there, but no image. attached is an example where the "Add", "Delete" etc icons have gone. other times the on/off freeze/thaw images will be gone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI went to use my laptop with autocad LT 2012 which I do not use that much. When I lookd all the Icons on the tool bars are missing. The tabs still work but it is hard to figure out what they do. I have not changed any settings.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow best to take icons from the tool palettes into the ribbon menu ?
I am currently going through the laborious process of moving my company tool palette commands into ribbon would be great to find a quick way to grab our custom icons from the palette and use them in the ribbon.
The icons are not visible in the toolbar. If I hover the cursor over the icon, the commands are active but no icons are visible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe icons on my osnap toolbar do not coincide with the commands.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just installed the 2011 update (recomended). Now, on restart, all my butto icons are gone! The buttons are still active but I can't see them. They highlight when I roll over but the icon doesn't show up.
What can I do???
See att for printscreen
With 2011 I have noticed my DWG icons in explorer are displaying the generic icon and not the new DWG icon.I have gone through the Folder options and File Types tab to try to reassign it but no luck.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a few lists in my form. The first one decides what information the other lists should have, so none of the choices are the same. I should first add that I have the "OK, Cancel, Apply" option.
Is there any way that I can make the other lists update automatically when I chose something in the first one? The only time they update is when I press the "Apply"-button.
I have parameters and rules that decide what lists should be shown at what option from the first list so I don't think that is the problem.
When I run LAYISO on the command line, It returns 'Select Objects on the layer to be isolated'
It doesn't give an option of 'or [Settings].
On my colleague's machine it does give the 'or [Settings] option.
Both machines plain ACAD 2009.
What is the system variable that controls this behaviour?
(I want to select Vpfreeze in paperspace viewport use.)
how to make nice smooth looking menu/ribbon icons like the ones that come with AutoCAD? Mine all look pretty lame.
I am using Paint and a 16x16 bit canvas.
Is there a special graphics program that simplifies icon creation?
I thought for certain that justification FIT option worked for Attribute definitions.
View 5 Replies View Relatedmy layer manager menu button icons have been replaced by hatch patterns this morning …. see attached .... Interesting.
I must have loaded the impressionist.cui interface this morning by mistake.
No doubt a restart will cure the issue.
I've done a grading "applying to entire lenght" but after done that I realized that I needed to do some located contentions. Is it possible to edit the grade for not applying it to entire lenght?When I go to the modify tab, edit grading, it does not appears the option "apply to entire lenght?"
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just made myself another toolpalette, and the icons/images don't show up.Well, none of the icons/images show up except for the Junction Box (J with a circle around it.)I found that the Junction Box block is the only one that is NOT Annotative. All the other ones are ANNOTATIVE (as they should be.)
In Windows Explorer, it looks like images were saved for each new block I inserted into the toolpalette, but the images are blank except for the Junction Box of course. Is there a special way you have to put your Annotative blocks into a toolpalette so the icon/image shows up??
Layer manager keep loosing the icons that represent a function. When you open layer manager, there are some icons on top of the layer manager page, one functions as make layer current, the other one to create a new layer & so on. these icons after a few time that we use layer command they all disappear, the only way to fix it is to close autocad & open it again. Of course if we use classic layer manager then things are ok but classic layer manage rhas uts own problems & limitations also.
My own guess is that the commad "layer" which invoke layer manager has memory leak, & when it is used a few time basically makes your system works on less memory resources & the only way to fix it is to abort the operation & start every thing all over again.
I just got a new Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse (MX 5500 Revolution) and I can not pan with the mouse. I love this wireless set up and it was a birthday present so I dont want to just get rid of it. I have the VX Revolution mouse at the office and have no problems with it.
View 9 Replies View Related1. Perspective view "border"..I wish to disable that yellow border (which I don't know how it appeared).
2. Align objects..I wish to align these two "faces"... the red one to be perfectly placed to the blue one (angle & position). Align option does not succeed.
I'm working on a project where I need a higher resolution version of the Photoshop and Lightroom tool icons. I've scoured the internet and can't find any icon sets of tools. I could do a screen capture of the tool palette and try to res them up, but they fall apart quickly.
I did open the package contents and poked around in there and found a few things like the eyedropper as PNG files, but could not locate any of the Photoshop tool icons.
trying to find out what the different icons?
View 8 Replies View Relatedwhen i go to Save As my tiff, the options are about halved. and jpeg is not one of them! suddenly i cant turn a tiff into a jpeg.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhy do I not get the option to "fade fill" when I use the ALT/Backspace keyboard shortcut to fill a layer. If I use the menu option Edit/Fill.. to perform the fill I am given the option to "fade fill"
View 10 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop did get an update. However, the shake reduction filter does not appear as an option.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am a Creative Cloud member, and have downloaded all of the products and they are all up to date currently. The issue I have is, I see all these people using a new resampling setting called "Preserve Details". They go Image ------> Image Size, and then the window pops up. Now their window already looks different then mine. Mine looks like it did in CS4, theirs has an image preview inside the window, plus they have another resampling option available to them. Why doesn't my have this option?
I have tried to upload an image to show you what I mean, but I am unable to upload via my computer, and yes it is the correct size (>450 pxs wide by >500 pixels tall, 131 KB).
URL... and completing all options related to the Mac, the "Edit in Photoshop..." still does not appear as a clckable option in my Lightroom 4.3 program which has all the current updates. Also, my Photoshop Elements 11 program also has all the current updates.
Please note that in the interest of time, that all of the "solutions" were attempted in the above mentioned link.
Can I change the size of the tool icons in the tool bar?
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