AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Combo List And Put It In Form Then In Text Into Symbol

Oct 30, 2012

Create a form with combo box that user can choose one option for the line notes, would be 15 lines with 15 combos, and if necessary the user should be ale to type something insted of using that pre defined option from combo.

I have 2 ideas to make that work, untill now im trying with this 1º but nothing yet.

First Idea:

Create some (15) boolean parameters to enable each line of this NOTE and when the user choose or type one option, that text go directly to one textbox into a Symbol with the 15 lines. I actually dont know how to make this connection, tried some stuffs that found here on forum, but some are too complex.

Second idea:

Instead of create parameters to control everything, i would create all the controls by iLogic, but that is harder then create many and many parameters ? And by this way, i dont know how to conect one INPUTLIST BOX with a pre defined Global form, or, is easier to create a form by ilogic (if that is even posible ofc) ? And still dont know how to make the connection with the chosen option and the text box.

That is just to "centralize" all my notes, that can be variable for each drawing, that way i dont need to have too much symbols for each kind of note, or even have to type everytime that i need one diffent. Would be nice if the user could just choose them in the right sequence he wants.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Ribbon Control Combo Box With Directory List

May 5, 2011

I would like to create my own Ribbon Control for a custom cui with a combo box that fills in the appropriate directory of scripts.

I will also need a button to execute this script from my combo box that will pass (executescript"my script.scr")

I have Visual C# 2008 Express

I am just starting to look at C# code about how to start this process.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Sketched Symbol With Prompted Text?

Feb 4, 2013

Usually I use the TextBoxes. But its text would not change.

How to use to add a prompted text into the definition of a sketched symbol?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create A Text Direct Inside On Sketched Symbol

Nov 1, 2012

With iLogic, define some pre notes and when the user choose one option some notes are chosen too.The idea now is: Create a text direct inside on Sketched Symbol OR edit some textfields inside the Symbol.

The symbol could be one existent, so its not necessary to create it.

I got a code to create the text, and that works perfectly! Just what im trying now is create this text into the Symbol... I've tried many ways with reference from: URLs....The code to create the tet im usnig is this one:

' a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' a reference to the active sheet. Dim oActiveSheet As Sheet oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet ' a reference to the GeneralNotes object Dim oGeneralNotes As GeneralNotes oGeneralNotes = oActiveSheet.DrawingNotes.GeneralNotes Dim oTG As TransientGeometry oTG = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry ' Create text with simple string as input. Since this doesn't use ' any text.

but, if i could just edit one existent text filed into the symbol would be great too and one "extra doubt", in all the codes that i get here, i have to erase the "public sub" and the "set" from all code, am I doing something wrong ? I'm running directly from the iLogic window.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Using Javascript And ScriptUI To Create A Form That Brings In Symbol From Library

Feb 25, 2012

I've been trying to pull together the right info to use JavaScript to create a form to bring in particular symbols from the symbol library based on the variables taken from the form. I've taken bits and pieces from various sample scripts and tried to make this work, but my problem appears when I try to use conditionals.This is a limited version of what I want to do, but it is enough to get the point across.
1. I want to select a script that has various dropdown boxes. I would like the first dropdown to give me 3 options: 10, 13, 18
2. I would also like another drop down box that gives me three more options: single needle, double needle, and knife edge.
3. I would then like it to have an "ok" button and "Cancel" button.
4. From here when I click the ok button, a symbol is brought in from the library depending on what parameters were given to the form.
ex. If I selected 10 in the first drop down and double needle in the second, I would like "SYMBOL A" to be pulled from the library and centered on the artboard.ex. If I selected 13 in the first drop down and double needle in the second, I would like "SYMBOL B" to be pulled from the library and centered on the artboard.
I've gotten the UI to pop up and it works as planned as well as bringing in a symbol, my problem comes when I try to incorporate conditionals and functions.Here is my script.
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;var Pallette = new Window ("dialog", "Create a Shell"); Pallette.add ("statictext", undefined, "Fill Opening in Inches:"); Pallette.orientation = "row";var myDropdown =  Pallette.add ("dropdownlist", undefined, ["10", "13", "18"]);myDropdown.selection = 1;var myButtonGroup =  Pallette.add ("group");myButtonGroup.orientation = "column";var btnCreate = myButtonGroup.add ("button", undefined,

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can IAssembly Configuration List Appear In An ILogic Form

Aug 29, 2013

A client was looking to develop a custom interface for documenting iAssemblies.

Would it be possible with iLogic to:

1. Show form.

2. User selects a Browse button to select iAssembly to document.

3. List all iAssembly configurations in the form.

4. User picks configuration.

5. Select OK to create base view, projected view, and Parts List.

This may require API.

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Photoshop :: Combo Box/List Box

Apr 14, 2006

1) I have a copy of a PSD file in which it has a combo box with a descriptive text embedded in it. Is there a tool in photoshop (like in MS Access, etc) that I can use to create the said button? I would like to replace the combo box with email address and password. Do I have to manually/use Photoshop to edit?

2) Since it is in PSD and have to convert it HTML later, any suggestion on how can I make the combo box functional after slicing the image in ImageReady.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: List In Form Doesn't Update After Chose Option

Sep 25, 2013

I have a few lists in my form. The first one decides what information the other lists should have, so none of the choices are the same. I should first add that I have the "OK, Cancel, Apply" option.

Is there any way that I can make the other lists update automatically when I chose something in the first one? The only time they update is when I press the "Apply"-button.

I have parameters and rules that decide what lists should be shown at what option from the first list so I don't think that is the problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create List Of Text Strings To Select From Defining Material Thickness?

Nov 7, 2011

Im trying to create a list of text strings to select from defining material thickness and then plug that selection into a global form custom iproperty called "MaterialDescription".. Also, is it possible to access and pre-enter field text edit items in iLogic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketched Symbol - Pick List Options?

Jun 16, 2006

Is there any built in option for a symbol to have a pull down pick list of options? I know that you can make it have a prompted entry, but can you do a sim idea with a pick list?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Pound Symbol To Parts List Automatically?

May 17, 2006

Is it possible to add the pound symbol to the parts list automatically.

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AutoCAD .NET :: ELockViolation Error When Create Text Form DataGridView

Nov 29, 2012

I want create text form datagridview.

I have a issue about eLockViolation i could not solve. See my project? Its use VB.NET.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create ILogic Form

Aug 31, 2012

I have one particular file which will not allow me to add an iLogic form. When I select "Add Form" it does nothing. This only happens in this one file. I can open other files in the same session and they work fine. I can add iLogic rules to this file but I can't create forms.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Ribbon Combo Box - Text Height

Jan 18, 2013

When creating Mtext, I can't figure out how to specify a given height using the ribbon. Clicking on the "A" on the "Home" tab brings up the "Text Editor" ribbon and displays the Mtext editor in the drawing area. On the "Style" panel of the Text Editor ribbon is a drop-down box with a default height of 1/8". Clicking on this drop-down box gives the list, 1/8", 1/4", 1'-6", 1/8", and 3/16". It appears those are my only choices, but I need to make Mtext that is 1'-0" high. If I try to highlight the size selected in the drop-down box and type in 1'-0", AutoCAD erases my typing, replacing it with the 1'-6" choice (or some other member of the preset list). It does this whether or not I have typed text in the Mtext editor, highlighted that text, etc.

If I hover the mouse over the drop-down box, a tooltip comes up that says "Ribbon Combo Box - Text Height / Press F1 for more help." Pressing F1 brings up the Autodesk Exchange window which is blank except for a spinning wheel animation in the center that never stops. The promised "help" never appears.

Right now my only workaround is to create Mtext using one of the heights that AutoCAD has chosen to make available, then select it and change its height using the Properties palette, which may or may not be so easy depending on whether the height I need is very different from the height I was forced to use and the zoom factor of my view (the created mtext might show up as an almost invisible dot, forcing me to play "Where's Waldo" to select it). This is an almost unusable kluge. How can I set the size when creating the Mtext, not afterwards? How is the list of sizes available in the drop-down box determined?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Text Ilogic Form

Jun 19, 2013

I have this grid template i use for my layouts I would like to edit text from my form.. How to do???

In attached part I have it to work with the number but not with letters

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Custom Symbol For Balloon?

Jun 17, 2013

is it possible to create a custom symbol for my balloon?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Custom Weld Symbol

Dec 10, 2013

Is there anyway to create a custom weld symbol in inventor?  As of right now I am using a sketched symbol from autocad, but i would very much like to get away from this.

I need a bevel weld back gouged then ground flush on the back side.  Cant do that as of right now with the inventor.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Level Symbol - Create Point Attached To The End Of Text And Apply Stretch

Apr 5, 2012

I would like to create an dynamic block to a level symbol, with a parameter that aligns the length of the line under the text with the text end.

I attached an jpg image with an example.

I thing the key element is to create an point that is attached to the end of the text and apply an stretch to it, but I didn't succeed.

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AutoCAD .NET :: List Dot Paired To Form

Apr 18, 2012

I try to make a form with à list dot paired:

(("mscorlib.dll" . "") ("AcdbMgd.dll" . ""))

A simple form with 2 column and a windows not fix, expandable !

My problem how to transfert list to .net (VB) ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Combo Boxes To Ribbon Panels?

Oct 16, 2010

I preparing an addin written in VB.NET VS2008 which allows uses to do several different function depending on the type of document opened and the ribbon environment active.

I have add lots of different icons/buttons to execute simple runtime commands, but I wish to develop my code a little better.

I currently have code that when the button is pressed opens a form with a combo box. If the active file opened in the workspace is as Assembly Document, the combo box is populated with the colors from the Styles Library. Once the user selects a colour, the program then cycles through all of the parts in the assembly and changes the colour at the part level be that which the user has selected.

I would like to short cut around opening the form and maybe add a combo box definition directly to my custom panel that I have created in the "id_TabAssemble" Tab ribbon.

have a snippet of code which adds a combo box to a ribbon Tab panel and allows that combo box to populated with whatever the user desires.

People may say that this is already done with the colour combobox that is in the Quick Tool menu for assemblies, however this colour change is only at the view rep level and not at the part level, if the part is used again in a different assembly the colour will be the original colour.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Area In To BOM List

Mar 25, 2013

How to create area in to BOM List.Why Inventor 2013 can't do that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketched Symbol With Prompt Text And ILogic

May 16, 2012

I have created a Sketched Symbol "Replace by" with a prompt text where I must write the new drawing number.

I'm trying to use Ilogic function to copy the Prompted text into a custom drawing iProperty.

Here is the code :

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:    3471 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:    3439 StartSelection: 314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
IfoSymbol.Name="Replace by"TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "Replace by")=???????EndIfNext
End Sub

I work  with IV 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Model Parameter Text In Custom Symbol

Jun 27, 2012

Just installed 2013 Pro x64 and I'm doing a little testing. Using Tube and Pipe, I created a few mock pipe runs which are named according to a unique line number. When clicking on the Iproperties of any of these pipe runs, I can see that the value of model parameter "Part Number" now includes the name of the top level assembly and the line number, which is the name I assigned to the pipe run when I created it (see Fig 1 attached). Then in IDW I created a user defined symbol which contains text that I have directed to extract value of "part number" from the model properties, and fill in my symbol with that value (see Fig 2). The problem is, when I tag the pipe run with my custom symbol, the value in the symbol remains blank, instead of giving me the value of "part number".  WHAT am I missing??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Style From Parts List

Oct 9, 2013

Is it possible to create a drawing parts-list style from a built parts-list in the drawing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketched Symbol - Fill Text Box With White Color

Feb 2, 2012

I want to fill the text box with white color so that the hatching in the views does not interfere with the text inside my text symbol.

as per my understanding this is not possible.. I thought of an alternative-- draw a rectangle instead of text box but was not able to find a way to make it fit to the length of the text. Note that : the text will be varying and so the text length.

Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Change Sketch Symbol Text Font

Jun 17, 2012

My iLogic ability is quite limited outside of what I use regularly?

I am trying to change the font style in every text definition in all my sketch symbols in one go. Actually I have started it based on only a selection set but I would be happy with just all symbols too. Below is where I got to, I am stuck on the For Each line to cover each text box in the symbol. Some of the other syntax may not be right either but I can't test it all the way through.
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument: oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oSheet As Sheet: oSheet = oDoc.ActiveSheetDim i As LongDim oSymDef As SketchedSymbolDefinition: oSymDef = oDoc.SketchedSymbolDefinitions.Item(i)Dim oText As TextBoxesFor i = 1 To oDoc.SelectSet.CountFor Each oText In ............oSymDef.TextBoxes.Item(i).FormattedText ="<StyleOverride Font='ARIAL'>...< /StyleOverride>"NextNextInventorVb.DocumentUpdate()
Also the XML style override is not complete if this is the only way to achieve this result.

Inventor Professional 2013, Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics 2013
Windows 7 x64 Core i7 32GB Ram FX2000

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Punch Converting Text To Sketched Symbol?

Nov 5, 2013

I have been given the task of figuring out a way to have etching placed on our parts to show the part number of the part. The end goal is to get the parts laser cut but have the part number etched into the part.Is there a way to convert text (i.e. 12345) to a sketched symbol that the punch feature would recognize and then add it to the library? Right now we are using 2012 but will be upgraded to 2014 within the next 6 months.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Numbers Are Added To Symbol When Using Symbol In Lieu Of Balloon

Mar 1, 2013

The attached picture is me trying to balloon a part.  I would like to just add some notes to the balloon so that I can update them manually but all I can find is to have a symbol.  So I created a symbol, the insertion point for the symbol is shown.  For some reason I get an extra number and the symbol offcenter.  Why is this happening?  What I'm really looking for is a balloon that is fully customizable so that I can just add text to the top and bottom and fill out the details.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Customized TXT From Part List And Sheet - VBA

Feb 8, 2012

I need do a customized TXT file create with some data the Part List and some data from Sheet.

Our ERP software read this TXT and register the Assemby in our database.

The final TXT result must be like red lines below:

C 100000-GS-005  100000-GS-005  5 Conjunto placas                     CJ
E 100000-GS-005  100000-GS-056  01
E 100000-GS-005  100000-GS-055  01

The columns where each text starts must be column 1, column 3, column 18, column 33, column 71.

Letter "C" means that this line is an Assembly

Letter "E" means that is a part.

Number "5" in the first line not change.

The number "01" in the lines 2 and 3, means the quantity of each part on the assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Custom Dialogue To Edit A Sketch Symbol Text?

Jul 18, 2013

What I would like to do is create a custom dialogue for each of 3 or 4 standard sketch symbols we use on a regular basis. I'd like to load 'suggsted' values out of an excel spreadsheet and allow the user to pick from them or enter in a custom text string if required.  The values would then become part of the sketch symbol.

I've spent some time looking into iLogic rules and I think I've determined that they're not flexible enough to do what I want.

If I'm correct, it is possible (or a good idea) to do this using a VBA macro? I'm a little hesitant to go down the full blown add-in route. While I'm pretty confident I could work it out.

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Illustrator :: Edit Text In Symbol Instances Without Breaking Link To Symbol

Sep 26, 2012

Is there a way to edit the text in a symbol instance without breaking the link to the symbol?
a really simplen example would be several instances of the same button graphic but with different labels.
I know these things are possible in Fireworks, but couldn't find a way to make it happen in Illustrator.

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