AutoCAD Inventor :: Create List Of Text Strings To Select From Defining Material Thickness?
Nov 7, 2011
Im trying to create a list of text strings to select from defining material thickness and then plug that selection into a global form custom iproperty called "MaterialDescription".. Also, is it possible to access and pre-enter field text edit items in iLogic?
Someday the light bulb is going off and I will understand mapcar and lambda. However.....I have a program that reads an excel file sheets. Sometimes the sheet only has 1 column, sometimes 2 or more.
I need to convert the saved values from the sheet to a list with the text spaced evenly. Unfortunately the text lengths vary. I would like a subroutine to pass the list to and return a list of strings with text aligned with padded spaces allowing for the longest text in each column. I am using the new list in a dialog box with fixed_width_font=true (so columns align).
I am trying to select multiple instances of text (dtext) with different strings but want to change all of the fomats to the same settngs. I have searched high and low on the web to no avail. I am using AutoCAD 2012.
For example: I want the routine to find all instances of "AA", "AB", "AC", "AD", "BA", "BB", "BC", "BD", etc... all the way up to "ZD".
Next I want all of those text entities to change to the following text formats:
Getting this to work with just finding one string at a time with the ssget function seems simple enough, but it's getting it to work with multiple strings that I can't get past.
Create a form with combo box that user can choose one option for the line notes, would be 15 lines with 15 combos, and if necessary the user should be ale to type something insted of using that pre defined option from combo.
I have 2 ideas to make that work, untill now im trying with this 1º but nothing yet.
First Idea:
Create some (15) boolean parameters to enable each line of this NOTE and when the user choose or type one option, that text go directly to one textbox into a Symbol with the 15 lines. I actually dont know how to make this connection, tried some stuffs that found here on forum, but some are too complex.
Second idea:
Instead of create parameters to control everything, i would create all the controls by iLogic, but that is harder then create many and many parameters ? And by this way, i dont know how to conect one INPUTLIST BOX with a pre defined Global form, or, is easier to create a form by ilogic (if that is even posible ofc) ? And still dont know how to make the connection with the chosen option and the text box.
That is just to "centralize" all my notes, that can be variable for each drawing, that way i dont need to have too much symbols for each kind of note, or even have to type everytime that i need one diffent. Would be nice if the user could just choose them in the right sequence he wants.
We have a general template (excel file) for material list. Is there way to connect this template with inventor. Or alternatively change the inventor BOM list to suite our template?
I'm making a program that reads a property file that follows the format:
"key=value" for each line on the text file.
One specific line has the key "file" and the value is some file path that includes a space.file=C:/my folder/my file.txt
Now I can extract what the key and value is for any given line in the file.However, I want to put all of the data into an Associative List so that I will not need to keep opening the file each time I search for information. I've been using the cons function in order to create a dotted list, which is successful. However I have an issue when I add this dotted list to the end of my associative list.
Suppose I have a key and a value already stored inside variables. Below I have two lines of code, first the dotted list portion is printed, and works as expected. The second line adds that dotted list to the associative list:
Now, the dotted list is inserted properly and looks like this after printing the whole associative list: ((version . 1.0.1) (file . C:my foldermy file.txt))
(layoutlist) ... returns a list of strings of the layout tabs in the drawing.I've used this ages... Isn't it a core lisp function, or is it coming from express tools or somewhere else?
So I have this script I used to run in AutoCAD 2011 which involved mirroring a group of many layers and then moving the "last" object created. In 2011, when I moved "last", it considered everything I mirrored to be "last." In 2012, it is taking strinctly the last object I created, not the group of layers that I mirrored, to be "last." Is there an internal variable I can change so that "last" can mean everything I just mirrored again?
In Inventor 2014, is it possible to export a list of all of the materials in a given material library..? As text, or into Excel, or something similar?
I have a material library in Inventor 2014 containing lots of custom defined materials. I would like to create a master list that I can give to someone who isn't using Inventor. The only property that I really need to export is the material name, e.g.' CSA G40.21-44W'.
In this case, engineering is trying to coordinate better with purchasing, by making sure that materials are specified in the same way in both departments.
I know that the material list you get inside of the frame generator comes from CC, but is there a way to add other types of frame styles to the generator?
What I have is we need to create some Uni strut frames and this material is not in the frame generator and I would like it to be for the functionality that this tool brings.
I am working in 2013 right now. My project loads two material libraries, and I am finding that if the Autodesk Material Library is selected in the dropdown, and I try to set the material to something in my Custom library, it fails. If I first select my custom library to make it the active one, then my code works fine.
So my question is, how do I set my custom library to be the active one, or better yet, so that it will look through both library's and pick the material from the library that has it.?
I have my own library, Inteco Material Library, created with a material 'perforatie'.
Now I have a flat part and made a sketch with another rectangle. I have used the Split tool so I create a separate area that I can select.
If I select that area and I go to my own library I can not select my own made material. I have the material in the Inventor Material Library installed but I can not select it.
In our part list we have a column for Material, ipt's display the material and iam's display blank expect for a few instances that display Welded Aluminum-6061(see attachment). These assemblies are all steel and not weldments. What would cause this and how can it be fixed?
We use different types of sheet metals, from stainless to bronze, and different thicknesses.
Currently, in order to show the correct material on a parts list, I have to duplicate the material Stainless Steel, and rename it to say 20 Gauge Stainless Steel. Then again for 16 Ga, 14Ga, 12 Ga, etc...
I'd like to have the parts list show the common material such as "Stainless Steel", with another column for the sheet metal style such as "20 Gauge."
We also use items such as Plastic Laminate. I'd like to create a generic material for the physical properties of "Plastic Laminate", and then change the material appearance to say "Formica #1234 Walnut". Again, i'd like to be able to put this in (2) columns on the parts list.
I just started using PS (CS6) and I added 10 new custom swatches that I want to save in a new swatch library. However, I still have the PS default library of swatches listed (that contains scores of colors). Can I select multiple swatches at once to save them for the swatch library? Or do I need to delete ALL the default swatches first manually, then save the remaining colors in the new swatch library? If so, it makes it a daunting task...
I am working in inventor 2013. It's been a while since I learned inventor and have not worked with it in a few years. I'm not even sure if the capabilities exist.
1. I want to be able to create a new "material" from a picture. Specifically from a piece of fabric that I have that has patterns on it. I'm not sure if I should turn the picture into a material or if is should use shrinkwrap or if there is something that I don't know about that would be a better option.
2. Is there any way to make opposite sides of a piece different colors? Example, if I build a wall, can I make one vertical face black and the opposite vertical face silver?
3. Is there a way to do a "flythrough" or "walkthrough?" I've heard of programs that let you create a path through your model and then have the camera follow the path. Does inventor have a similar capability?
4. Back to materials; what is the best way to change the appearance of multiple surfaces in a model? Is the bill of material the best place to do this? I was hoping that there would be a way to do one thing and have it change multiple pieces of the model. I know that with dimensions you can say that one dimension is always equal to another, but is there a similar function with appearance so that I could change the appearance of one piece instead of having to edit every single piece.
How can one add numbers in text strings that are in seperate blocks or dynamic blocks with pull down menus? I can get a sum of numbers in a text string to add up, but once it is in a block or dynamic block with pull down menus they don't all add up.
How can one bcount dynamic blocks with pull downs?
I knew how to do this in inventor 2011 but now that i installed inventor 2013 I forgot. How to create a new material and save it for future use in inventor 2013?
I am working with tables that are linked to data from an excel file.After I create a table I dettach it from the excel file. I do not want the excel file to control the table.
I then need to update the text format of all the text in the table. I've noticed that the text strings are still formatted based on how the excel file was formatted.
The only way to remove this is to click on the cell, highlight the text, right click, and then select Remove Character Formatting. Unfortunately I have to do this for each text string.
Is there a way to remove the character formatting for all of the text strings at once?
Even better, is there a way to format the table so that it does not change the text style based on what is in the excel file but instead based on AutoCAD's text styles?
I am jumping 8 versions to 2012. I've located this command but it changes the all text strings that match? I tried naming the block but that didn't work.
I have copied the "Diamond Plate" from the Inventor Apperance Library to my document. Now I want to edit the texture that this style is using.
1. Where is the texture map that this style using located? When I edit the style, I can't tell what is telling it the filename. I have mundged every file on my hd that it could possible be (hoping it would cause an error), but that didnt work either. Another thing I tried was in the QAT "Duplicate as Generic", but that did not show me the texture file either.
2. Is there a way to change the angle of the texture?
I know the material-appearance feature is appalling and badly implemented, but I can not wait until SP1, so any simple method of adding new colors to Inventor. I have looked through the wiki help and there is no simple explanation.
In our company the way we generally work with Inventor is to assign certain colors to parts and sub-assemblies, thus making it easier to build the final assembly. In previous versions of Inventor this was easily done. In 2013 some of the bold (primary) colors are missing and almost all of the various shades of these colors are also missing.
Migrating files across to 2013 has also caused problems with the color appearance not updating correctly. I won't go into the details but the problems and niggles aren't consistent, and there doesn't seem a way to clean/refresh the document library.
What I want is about a dozen bold colors (with a matte finish so when editing the part you do not have to overcome the optical illusion of starring into a morphed mirrored image of a carpark).