Photoshop :: Select Set Of Swatches (ideally At Once) From Long List To Create Swatch Library?
Mar 5, 2013
I just started using PS (CS6) and I added 10 new custom swatches that I want to save in a new swatch library. However, I still have the PS default library of swatches listed (that contains scores of colors). Can I select multiple swatches at once to save them for the swatch library? Or do I need to delete ALL the default swatches first manually, then save the remaining colors in the new swatch library? If so, it makes it a daunting task...
I am having a difficult time trying to create a new swatch libray of patterns from multiple png files. The way I am doing this is very slow and repetitive and seems silly for a tool as advanced as the latest CC suite including illustrator.
What it seems I must do is open all the png files in Illustrator, creating multiple workspaces, drag one png file into the swatch window, then save that window as a library, close the existing window to reveal the next png file, open the user library I just created, drag the next image into the currently active swatch window, then drag the previous swatch/s from the user library into the current active swatch window, resave and replace the user defined swatch library (now with two images in there)fromthe updated current active swatch panel/window, close the existing workspace to reveal the next image file, and then repeat the process again, slowly building the user defined swatch library up by adding one image at a time and then adding back into the Swatch panel the previously built up library of swatches again one at at time. (you can select all from the existing user defined library and drag over into swatch panel, but this creates at least one duplicate on each cycle for as soon as you click on the first swatch in the library, it adds itto the current swatch panel and then when you select all swatches to drag across it includes the first swatch and copies it again)
This is a very slow process to build up a swatch library. For some reason you cannot drag swatches directly into the user defined library you have created, only into the active swatch window for each workspace. I searched the web and forums for answers but could find none. There must be an easier way, just can't find it.
Ideally, the best option would be a swatch window option that allows the import directly from a list of selected files in the finder.
I have been using LR 4 for a couple days now and when I went to the "Keyword List" I could access some of the keywords. When I got to "S's" I could not access them. One other thing I did, was to use the "Filter Keywords" and when I put the "S's" in, then I could. Seems maybe there is a limit to how many keywords can be listed?
I've looked everywhere for this answer and have found very little. What little I have found had to do with Windows, I'm on a Mac running Illustrator 5.5. This has bugged the crap out of me forever, how do I permanently add swatches to the swatch panel?
I've made a design in Ai CS6 (with colorspace) and have used several Pantone swatches. From a few Pantone colors I have used only a percentage of the color, for example the design consists of: 75% of Pantone 485 C, 32% of Pantone 1345 C and 100% of Pantone 154 C.
In the process of the design I have used several other Pantone colors which are not used in the final design, but they are still in the Swatch tab/list. So when you click on the triangle (upper right corner) > "Select All Unused..", the Pantone colors that are only used as percentages (Pantone 485 C & Pantone 1345 C in the example) are being selected as "Unused" ?!
I have been using Ai CS4 before this version and in that version this wasn't a problem.I could you percentages of Pantone colors without the swatch being selected as "Unused".
I really don't want to manual delete every unused swatch by dragging it into the trash bin.It would be such a time wasting handling.This is really inconvenient as I am working for a print and design company and need to save the Pantone colors that are used in the design, even if they are only a percentage of the Pantone swatch.
I have created a swatch panel with my own colours - named "custom 1" in to add a new colour to "custom 1" at a later stage? Surely once you create a custom swatch panel, it can have colours added to it?
Whenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project. I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there. Why can't I get that to happen?
I just want to be able to put the swatches in a library into a specific order. I don't see a way to do this I'm just missing it. A google search did not provide any useful insight into this so I figured the next step would be to ask here.
Edit: I have figured out how to edit the .aco as text, but there must be an easier way. This will work for now, but in the long run this will not be a reasonable solution.
Im trying to create a list of text strings to select from defining material thickness and then plug that selection into a global form custom iproperty called "MaterialDescription".. Also, is it possible to access and pre-enter field text edit items in iLogic?
I frequently use Pantone solid coated colors in my work, and have to open that palette anew each time Illustrator has been restarted. I know that in CS4 I could keep that palette available, but I haven't been successful doing the same in CS5. I have saved my workspace, but the Pantone palettes disappear when Illustrator quits.
I am reading a tutorial for Adobe Illustrator CS6 that was written for CS5 version and I am at a point where the author uses the 'Mayan Bricks' pattern.
(He says that it is located in Swatch Library > Patterns > Decorative > Decorative_Primitive).
The problem is that in CS6 version there is no Decorative_Primitive folder.
I have a big custom swatch library that I'm continually making additions and corrections to. I have it set as persistent, and the library works fine, but it doesn't update when I make changes to it. As far as I can tell, it's still stuck at the point where I upgraded to CC a few months ago. I've tried unchecking persistent, closing the library and Illustrator, then reopening and reinstalling the library, and it's still reverting to the old version.
I'm writing a script to create a new AI document with a restricted swatchbook. The designer is supposed to use only the swatches/inks provided by this script. So far I was able to delete all current swatches and add a CMYK or RGB spotcolor swatch.
var inkt02 = app.activeDocument.spots.add(); = 'inkt 2'; inkt02.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT; var kleur02 = new CMYKColor(); = 10; kleur02.cyan = 80; kleur02.magenta = 0; kleur02.yellow = 90; inkt02.color = kleur02; var newSpotColor = new SpotColor(); newSpotColor = inkt02; newSpotColor.tint = 100; thePallet.addSpot(newSpotColor);
Often we will be dealing with Pantone colors. No need to define these, as they are inside AI already, right? But how to call them from the library? I'm new to ExtendScript.
I have a list of 300+ colors that I need to make into a swatch library for Illustrator. The data looks like this:
GREEN GRASS,127,187,0 PALE YELLOW,241,235,135 LIGHT YELLOW,238,231,93 DAFFODIL,249,231,21 MOONBEAM,249,223,22 etc.
It's RGB I think. In any case, I am just starting with Illustrator and I know NOTHING about scripting. these colors into a swatch library? I am getting a migraine just thinking about putting them in one by one.
I found something here, but that didn't work for me. I get an error on processing on line 75. [URL] ....
Error 24: app.doScript is not a function, Line 75 _> app.dpScript(speakThis, 1095978087); //AppleScript.
I get as far as choosing the csv file, and then I get the error. I think this outputs as CMYK, but not sure.
I am working with Cs6 (Windows 7). I am trying to apply a gradient fill to an object, but don't know how to get the swatches to show colors. All I have is graytones. How do I load the color swatches? I do have the gradients and swatches open in the tools panel, but the swatches is just empty.
I upgraded to Illustrator CC and now I can't access my user defined swatch library. It's there, but not highlighted. How to access these, or import from CS6?
I have a large list of custom colors in Excel that has the color name and CMYK breakdown of each color. I'm looking for a way to import this information to create a custom Color Swatch Library. That will have the name of the color and the CMYK breakdown. So that I can easily use in Illustrator and Photoshop. Is there any way or application in doing this with out manually entering the information and creating a new library?
I am using Auto Cad 2011 and I always use the option to 'attach' xrefs. what is the difference between attaching and an overlay? Does one use less memory than the other? When would be the best time to use an overlay?
Also when my new version was installed when I bring in an xref the layers show light (I really like this) another girl in our office has the same version but her layers are still saturated. how does she change it to show ghosted layers in the xref?
is there a way to not have the long list of xref layers when I bring them into a drawing?
I'm trying to write a script that applies a single swatch to a single path item and repeat for every swatch that is currently contained in the swatch library. This script that I have written is only applying the last swatch in the swatch library to every path item on the page. Currently I'm more concered with getting each swatch that is currently in the swatch library to be applied at least once before worrying about applying the same patch to any extra number of patch items compared to the swatches.length.
// Apply every swatch library color to path items on a page if ( app.documents.length > 0 && app.activeDocument.pathItems.length > 0 ) { doc = app.activeDocument;
I created a line (stroke). I am following along with the Pluralist Brochrue creation video tutorial. I cannot click on the stroke weight options in the toolbar, I cannot select or make changes to the swatch panel options, even though the line is selected.
Is there any way to change the format of Lat/Long in a C3D point list display from degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees? I have looked pretty hard, but can't find anything. The geodetic calculator only does one item at a time, I think. Any plug-ins out there? I suppose this could be on a wish list as well.
I am using R2012.and have ended up manipulating point values in Excel-not a quick way of going about it.
How do I create the swatch set and I can't get the logo layers colored in?
Choose the Magic Wand tool , making sure "contiguous" is checked in the Options bar. Select the rectangle under "Monochromatic (Single Hue)". Press Alt+Backspace (Windows) or Option+Delete (Mac OS) to fill the selection with the foreground color.Â
#Open the Color Picker and select two values of your base color. Apply your color selections to the "Values" swatches.
Next, select two intensities, and apply to the "Intensities" swatches.
Now that you've got your color palette, combine the colors into a swatch set. Use the Rectangular Marquee tool to draw stripes and fill with the colors you've selected above. This is a space to experiment with how the colors look next to each other.
Ready for the fun part? Make a selection around the client logo using the Rectangular Marquee tool. The logo has been separated into layers to make color application easy. First, apply color to the "bg" layer. Sample a color swatch using the Eyedropper tool , then press Alt/Option-Backspace to fill with color.
Keeping the selection active, click the "top curves" layer. Sample a color with the Eyedropper tool, then press Alt / Option-Backspace. Move on to the "middle curves" layer. Select a color, and fill.
I am proficient in Illustrator, but this has been one of a few enigmas. Every once and a while in a file, I have noticed that after deleting a color that is definitely not in use(ie there are no strokes, fills, stray paths etc) using these colors. I have made sure of it. I will delete the color from the swatches and as a final pass I like to add used colors and sure enough that color will come back. I tried making sure it's not checked global, didn't work, some I don't even think are global colors, and in fact they are generally CMYK. I often notice that Black and C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 don't like to delete from the swatches among some other colors when you delete unused swatches. I thought perhaps they were in guides or something but it's truly unexplainable, and generally with a fresh file if all colors are deleted it'll still leave black white and gray.
Or ways to troubleshoot better other than creating a debug file and deleting lines of code as recommended in the older forums?
Downloaded an image from iStockPhoto. Opened up in Illustrator and removed the black background because I want to set my own values for the black background in InDesign.
Noticed that there are several "bubbles" of black background behind the main image that contain radial gradients.
These "bubbles" fade from a dark blue in the center out to black on the edge. Again, I want to be able to set this "black" to the value of black that I want to use for the background of the card. When I click on one of the bubbles, I see in my Gradient palette that it's a radial gradient and the value on the left of the slider is 100, 75, 0, 50 which I can see in the Color palette. But I can't change anything there. On the right of the slider in the Gradient palette is the "black" which is 80, 50, 0, 100.
So, how do I modify the value of that black? If I choose "new swatch" in the swatches palette, it just creates a new swatch called "New Gradient Swatch 1" It shows Process Color for the color type below which is greyed out as well as everything below that. how do I go about changing the black on that gradient?
In Illustrator CS4. I want to create a repeating pattern, using a swatch. I've done this before succesfully but not sure why this one isn't working as planned.
The small image at the bottom (just the area inside the artboard) is the spacing I want between the characters, but the pattern at the top is what I get.