AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Chose Camera For Rendering
Dec 30, 2013
Why I can not chose camera for rendering animation?
I have assembly with animation set up in in. I have 4 cameras.
I would like to render animation from everyone of them (one after the other to separate avi for the same timeframe)
"Camera" selecting box on render animmation window is not activ so I can nnot chose any.
Help says I schould be abe to select. Why can't I?
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Sep 25, 2013
I have a few lists in my form. The first one decides what information the other lists should have, so none of the choices are the same. I should first add that I have the "OK, Cancel, Apply" option.
Is there any way that I can make the other lists update automatically when I chose something in the first one? The only time they update is when I press the "Apply"-button.
I have parameters and rules that decide what lists should be shown at what option from the first list so I don't think that is the problem.
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May 6, 2013
I am trying to render a specific camera view for a specific mm lens. My issue starts when I select the camera and the pop up viewing window shows a particaluar camera view, I anticipate this as being the correct viewing lens as set in the camera properties. I then right-click on my camera and set the current view to the camera. This shows the outline of the camera FOV and beyond, which ends up being the final render plot. I know I can use 3dsmax for a more accurate depiction of what I want, but I like to proof my images before sending them over to 3dsmax. Which is the correct FOV as stated in the camera properties? Also, is this the same view as my render?
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Jun 2, 2010
For some reason when using the path option in inventor studio for camera animation the camera rolls for no reason?? I have created two helical curve sketches around my product, the outer curve is the path for the camera and the inner curve is the path for the target. Both curves are the same height and have 1 revolution. When i play the camera it works out fine untill it hits 1/4 of the way through and suddenly flips 180 degrees so now the camera is upside down, once it hits 3/4 of the way it flips back again to the correct rotation. If i dont create an inner curve for the target and place the target directly in the centre of my product with no path to follow the camera spins all over the place when it follows the curve.
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Aug 24, 2013
I had a problem in brush tool, when i increase size brush tool become 31px - 2500 px it will become lagging, but in 30px - 1px not lagging It just brush tool and another tool there is no lag like that.I choose another color still having lag, and the another tool no having like that.
Layout size is A4 (27,8 x 21)
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Dec 18, 2012
I'm using CorelDraw x6 for a while and I haven't got any issues with it by now. Today I've open one of my files and some of the texts was missing (the one with font "Trajan Pro". First I thought that my file is broken (it wasn't). My second thought was that there is something wrong with the font (if this is possible), I've replace it with still no change.
Every time when I change a text with this font it disappears from the screen. I can see the preview, When I mark it as a text I can still see it. But when I point some where else on the screen it is gone. See the pictures.
I do not know is the problem with Corel Draw, but everything was working just fine by now, and Now I can not use this font any more for some reason.
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Jun 9, 2006
I notice this happen here and there. I'm typing some text, and the color being typed is nothing like the color I just chose and I see in foreground. Actually you see the color three places, foreground, little box in option bar and character palette.
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May 21, 2012
why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012.
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Nov 28, 2011
Translating when rendering only seems to use 1 cpu core and takes 90% of the render time, so having a quad core processor running a view that takes 10 min render only gives me a 5% decrease in time over a dual core...
I don't think you can really call Inventor rendering a multi core app?
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Oct 10, 2013
I have downloaded Inventor 14, and the program appears to start up without problems. However, when i create a simple sketch, it first says "Choose a plane". In my textbook, it shows a picture of the three planes to choose from. However, my computer screen shows a blank gray screen. It appears some tool bars are missing as well.
However, if i click in the space where I imagine the axis should be, it takes me into sketch mode. Similarly, when I draw a line, the information bar reads like I am drawing a line, but no line shows up on the screen.
Is there a specific requirement on my computer I could be missing? I have downloaded Inventor twice, and both times had the same problem with the program. Perhaps a video card I need to have, or a certain RAM requirement?
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Sep 17, 2012
Is it possible to render Inventor files in the cloud?
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Jul 29, 2010
After running a rendering for an animation, I opened up the .wmv file to see that everything was a blur. The anti-alias was set to high, screen resolution to 1024x768, frame rate 25, and 1500 kbps. Is there something that I am doing wrong?
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Jul 23, 2012
I am trying to render some images and video of a design I've been working on.
This isn't an absolute necessity, but I would like to have my companys product and logo displayed on the monitor in the design. If you look at the screenshot what I'm trying to describe should come clear.
These images were just dropped into a sketch on the face of these two monitors.
When I go to render, the sketch image does not appear. It just renders the default face color of the part.
Is there something I'm missing?
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Oct 18, 2013
I'm using inventor studio for the first time(Inventor 2014 / Windows 7). I'm having some trouble with work surfaces showing up in my rendering. The surfaces are set with the visibility turned off. When I'm in my normal assembly window, they're invisible. They're even invisible while im in studio, setting up lights & such. They only show up on my renders. If i go into each part and suppress them they render ok. Problem is I have sketch geometry and constraints that crash when they're suppressed, so I really need them as active, but invisible.
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Nov 1, 2011
I have a question regarding display problems when I import my Inventor assembly into Showcase and try to apply ray tracing. The assembly file is now missing some part and does not display at all. The assembly file is model that has been designed with frame generator however some of these framed generated parts just don't display. The strange this is they do display in other less desired formats such as shaded etc but not when ray tracing.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Oct 20, 2012
I need output of png with alpha format, so I have to render in Studio.
I unchecked True Reflections but the items in the image reflect on each other.
Is there a way to stop this? see example.
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Jan 11, 2013
I have a part rendered in Inventor Studio- Looks great when I save it as a .bmp and print it. How can I add dimensions and leaders and callout to this rendered imaged?
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Dec 12, 2011
Any way to render my 3d parts into a vector image format? I do not have access to Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.
We are a software company that uses these models in our applications. Originally we just used .bmp rendered images. If there is no way to do this, any way I can turn .bmp into a vector image format like .ai or .eps?
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Jun 3, 2009
I have prepared an animation which is 50 seconds long. Now, i just want to render that animation, but i couldn't.
The problem is that if i select "Entire Animation" option for the time range, and click the "Render" button, i obtain just an image rendered (1 frame) and if i try to write the time range manually by selecting the "Specified Time Range" option, i've realized that it is not allowed to specify a value greater than 30 secs. When i write "30.1" for instance, the forecolor of the input box turns red, and a message appears if i click the "Render" button, saying "Invalid Expression!"
"Help" says, "You can adjust any value in the input box.", however.
I've solved the problem by making two seperate animations and merging them by using an other video editing software, but i didn't satisfy the topic. Is there a limitation due to "something" or am i doing something wrong?
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Feb 11, 2013
Our marketing team is requesting the resolution of our product video to be 1920 x 1080 pixels. Invetor Studio only allows me to select between 176 and 1280 pixels, is there a way to change this setting?
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Oct 10, 2011
My goal is to get it so that I can just turn on realistic visual style and ray tracing and be able to get usable screen shots for product datasheets/ marketing material without having to resort to rendering in studio. (If possible and I think it should be) All my products feature a black powder coated enclosure (think DVD player shape/size). When I enable ray tracing all I basically see is a black blob with no good definition between surfaces,etc.I'm assuming now that I need to do 2 things #1 increase/modify lighting and #2 modify the colors in the style library to work better. For that black color in the style editor I basically have all 4 colors (ambient/diffuse/specular/emissive) set to black. Is there something I should do to allow "more realistic" colors instead of just all color options set as black? I've gotten very decent renders from studio that worked just fine in the past but I've got roughly 400+ screenshots that are needed now for new products. I can play around with settings till I'm blue in the face but I was just looking for tips to have a decent baseline to start with.
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Jan 30, 2012
Just started the rendering tutorials. Opened a iam file but could not activate the rendering icon to access inventor studio. Tried several iam drawings even created a simple one. how to get this feature to work?
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Apr 3, 2013
I'm using Autodesk Inventor Pro 2013.
I have a middle complexity model, with several decals (,jpg, Using Mask), projected to different parts. When I start Studio, and start rendering, Inventor hangs. The render window opens, but it freezes on Translating and soon both of the windows are not answering. I've checked th CPU. Inventor uses around 1G of ram, during regular use. When I start rendering, slowly it goes up around 5,5G, and eventually the Windows freezes. Rendering the same model without a decal works fine.
I've installed all the Windows updates, and the Inv2013 1.1 Service Pack. Nothing worked.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Intel Core i7 @ 220Ghz
6GB Dual Channel DDR3 1600MHz
nVidia GeForce GT 630M DDR3 1GB
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Aug 16, 2012
When I go to animate an assembly in presentation, it will let me set the camera in the sequence view, however I can't seem to find a way to delete the camera. I put too many cameras and now the animations making too many transitions between tweaks. Is there a way to delete the set camera?
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Aug 28, 2012
I am developing the API to automation assemblies and have run into a bit of a snag. I'm having trouble understanding how the camera upvector can be changed to minipulate the view. I'm attempting to rotate the front view 180 degrees around the z-axis - similar to clicking the rotate arrows on the view cube - and then set that position as the front view.
Here is my
Sub ViewChange()
Dim oTG As Inventor.TransientGeometry = _invApp.TransientGeometry
Dim oCamera As Inventor.Camera = _invApp.ActiveView.Camera
oCamera.ViewOrientationType = ViewOrientationTypeEnum.kFrontViewOrientation
[Code] .....
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Aug 24, 2011
We are sometimes faced with the problem that we would like change the coordinate system of the model and have the drawing update it with the new orientation of the part without the need to place every annotation again. This is mostly for legacy parts and assemblies which are not modeled correct according to the coordinate system of the machine.
The following sample code does not work, is this by design or is there an error in the code?
Public Sub RotateFirstView() Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oDrawView As DrawingView Set oDrawView = oDrawDoc.Sheets(1).DrawingViews(1) Dim oCamera As Camera Set oCamera = oDrawView.Camera Debug.Print oCamera.ViewOrientationType = kFrontViewOrientation oCamera.ViewOrientationType = kIsoBottomLeftViewOrientation oCamera.ApplyEnd Sub
Inventor Professional 2012 SP1 (25 seats with subscription)
Windows 7 64 bit
Lenovo D20, 12 GB RAM, Intel Xeon X5687 3.6 GHz, SSD
Quadro 4000, driver, dual monitors
SpacePilot, driver version 6.15.3 Firmware 3.12
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Oct 8, 2009
I'm using inventor 2010, In studio mode, I adjust the zoom or view that I want my camera to end with, when I click "Add camera action" bottom, that zoom change in or out,
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Sep 12, 2012
Attempting for the first time camera animation, but the rendered movie appears to be faded, washed out, loss of color- not sure the proper term here. Attached image shows original, with window in upper left showing washed out color in movie animation rendering.
Inventor 2012
Windows 7 64 bit
3.07 Ghz Xeon processor
6 Gig
NVIDIA Quadro 2000
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Oct 23, 2011
I have published the result of a dynamic simulation to the studio environment in Inventor 2012, and I would like to fix a camera to a point on the face of a simulated object. The camera target is at a point normal to this face, and its position and rotation need to update automatically with the object's current orientation at each time step to create a "point-of-view" video. The motion is too complex to be approximated by a camera path. The dialog box to define the camera allowed me enter a parameter for the rotation, but it was not stored as a variable; it needed to be manually redefined after each time step.
I think it may be possible to create a macro to redefine the camera's position, target, and rotation between each time step of the rendered animation, but I am not at all familiar with the objects and methods of Inventor's VBA. Would it be feasible to create something like this, or is there a simpler way, such as exporting the result of the simulation to another program like 3d Studio Max?
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Aug 23, 2013
For some reason, the camera pivot has changed..Whenever I set it to anything, it keeps going back to the stupid configuration of being 5 meters away from my plot... which means the slightest rotation makes me lose the view.
I tried using the navigation the navigation wheel's "center", but it sets it in two dimensions of the projection's plot on my screen, which is not enough.
And I tried the command alias "3DO", but every time I do it, it works only once... and for some reason the camera pivot gets lost again on the next move.
how to change the camera pivot position by entering it somewhere like (0,0,0).
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Aug 23, 2012
I'm trying to retrieve a Camera Object for the "Home View", without setting the view to Home.
I use the "UserInteractionDisabled=true" in a addin to make sure the user doesn't mess with the inventor while my addin is doing some time consuming work.
When documents are open in this mode, the view is set to front. The only way I have found to get the camera for Home View, is to use the GoHome method on the ActiveView, but this is slow since it is running an animation...
Roughly im doing the following:
Inventor.UserInterfaceManager.UserInteractionDisabled = true;Document invDoc = Inventor.Documents.Open("c:\somefile.ipt");View v = invDoc.Views[1];v.GoHome(); //would like to not do this, it is animatingCamera cam = v.Camera;//cam.ViewOrientationType = ViewOrientationTypeEnum.kDefaultViewOrientation; //<- this will fail.. Point eye = cam.Eye; Vector up = cam.UpVector.AsVector();Point target = cam.Target;
Is it possible to get the Camera object for Home with "going" home?
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