AutoCAD 2010 :: Background On Rendering And Attach / Create New Material In Library For Rendering
May 21, 2012
why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012.
I'm rendering an equipment shelter that sits atop a gravel pad. I've picked the "Gravel Crushed" material, and it looks OK, but I'd like to be able to scale the material so it isn't so "fine". I'd like it to be more coarse.
So I made a house, and imported it into 3ds max. None of the materials that I applied in auto cad architecture using images, did not appear in 3ds max. So I tried adding bitmaps in 3ds max. the Problem is, when I add a bitmap in 3ds max, the material appears in the view-port, but when I render the material texture wont show. Only a color comes.
For example, I applied a grass bitmap image. When I render, instead of the grass texture appearing, only the color green appears.
I'm working with a procedure to render the same scene (same camera position, same light, same lens, same output size, etc) several times due material change. The number of renderings of the same object may easily reach thousands because the scene objects may receive hundreds of different materials at the same time.
Due the scale and repetition of this render process I was wondering if there is a way to pre-render what doesn't change from render to render to try to speed up the process as much as I can. The ideal solution is to do the next Render by reusing all the calculations made previously (even if I have to save a temporary render info - not sure this is even possible inside 3ds Max).
The ideal world would be having a baked max file waiting just for the material replacements and quickly generate the rendered image as fast as possible.
I know some different material properties may affect light and shadows but I think 3ds Max already separate this Render step.
My aim is to automate this process reducing the overall rendering time without wasting resources to recalculate what haven't changed.
I'm trying to render a residential project, I can't seem to find shake and shingle siding materials ( cedar impression) . I need to start rendering this project as soon as possible.
I've created some generic walls and I wanted to overide the material but I can't find a way to do it. I thought I could do it in revit arch 2010 but using properties and edit type but I don't get the materials selection using revit arch 2011.
Whenever i add in a background image (clouds in this case), everything that is reflective becomes see through. Is there a setting that can make this go away? It does it with every, single background image that i've ever used. Recently, i've started to just not use them, but i really need to put a background with some of these for a Job Fair for our company. If you see below, the piping (i know it shouldn't be THAT reflective but that's what they want) becomes slightly see through as well as the hand rails and foot boards..
I am currently working in 3d and trying to render my drawing. However, most of my object is black, as is the background of the render window. Is there a way to change the background color?
I just installed AutoCAD2012 and can't find how to change rendering background. I want to get white background, but it always coming as grey. Where to find that option for changing color of rendering background ?
I'm new to 3d.....How to render a drawing like the image attached. I know how to attach materials, but the powers that be want it to look like the image. Also can one solid have different colors assigned to it? The drawing attached should hopefully explain what I mean.
Any tutorials or could talk me through rendering with an HDRI for both lighting and as a visible background through windows? I would like the HDRI to reflect in my scene and be visible. Would I still use the sun as a source of light? I am having an issue with moving the hdri as it is not mapped in my environment correctly. If you look out the windows it appears as though my house is floating.
Is there a way to hand off all the rendering to a different computer? AutoCad is installed on my desktop, but it would be great to offload all the rendering to a server that has lots of CPU power. Is this even possible?
Why am i seeing all black when i rendered my southwest or southeast view, without setting up a camera. But other ppl of my peeps r seeing in colour and materails. Also, my other problem is when i put on realistic view, i m seeing grey-ish blocks instead of "real" materials. In my previous assignment, I did see the "Real" materials when i set it on realistic view. However i did try to reset to default for my realistic veiw, but still it did not seem to be working.
I am trying to render a specific camera view for a specific mm lens. My issue starts when I select the camera and the pop up viewing window shows a particaluar camera view, I anticipate this as being the correct viewing lens as set in the camera properties. I then right-click on my camera and set the current view to the camera. This shows the outline of the camera FOV and beyond, which ends up being the final render plot. I know I can use 3dsmax for a more accurate depiction of what I want, but I like to proof my images before sending them over to 3dsmax. Which is the correct FOV as stated in the camera properties? Also, is this the same view as my render?
I'm working on a couple of models (all using the same "stage" for rendering) and I split the models up into their own separate dwgs but retaining the stage area for each. What I'm having an issue with is rendering the current view in model space. What's happening is that I'll either get an all black (meaning nothing was rendered) or I'll get a rendered piece of the stage where a model once was set up, but not the current view for which I want (where the model is set now). So basically, the rendered view is pointing somewhere else. I'm not setting any of the camera views however to render; I've been using just the current view so I can get exactly what I want. I just need to figure out "how" to get it to render what I'm seeing on screen (consistently) and not something off to the side, or a shot of the wall or floor, or the old location of previous renders, etc. Sometimes switching back to 2D wire frame will fix the problem, but now it's not. I've tried setting the camera view current and that isn't working either. It still renders what was an "old" rendered view--like it's stuck in memory. Closing and re-opening CAD doesn't fix the issue. This is very frustrating. All I'm trying to get is a WYSIWYG rendered view.
how and if I can put a miter on the end of a 3D solid cylinder, I am trying to draw a tank that has a 10 degree sloped bottom with a 1" radius fillet around the bottom at the sloped end.
I know you can change the color of a rendering background, use and image, change clouds etc but can you just turn the background OFF? I can't find where to do this in 2013
However, rendering seems to be hit or miss with me. Sometimes autocad will render objects and then, all of a sudden, rendering produces a blank black screen.
I'm using Architecture 2011 trial and it generates good rendering, but after adjusting sun angle (time), I received a message: Make sure the destination directory is writable and that the disk is not full. Rendering aborted.
I have copied the "Diamond Plate" from the Inventor Apperance Library to my document. Now I want to edit the texture that this style is using.
1. Where is the texture map that this style using located? When I edit the style, I can't tell what is telling it the filename. I have mundged every file on my hd that it could possible be (hoping it would cause an error), but that didnt work either. Another thing I tried was in the QAT "Duplicate as Generic", but that did not show me the texture file either.
2. Is there a way to change the angle of the texture?
I'm attempting to render a series of images in the cloud and my plan is to take these images into Photoshop so that I can apply a background from an image I possess.
To do this I need the background to be a plain white background, export as a TIFF or PNG, then add an alpha channel in Photoshop. The problem is that whatever settings I apply in Revit, the cloud rendering always gives me the standard grey / blue horizon background. I have changed the render settings using the render setup, through the view properties, through the graphic display, still no joy....
Any way of creating a glowing object without using the rendering effects.I am trying to create an Acrobat 3D file using Tetra 4D which does not support 3DS Max rendering effects.
Everything is working great in Maya 2014 except the following two issues.
PROBLEM #1: Create geometry (eg., polygon cube) in Maya 2014 and save scene file. Start Maya 2013 and open the file created in Maya 2014. The file won't open and prints "// File read in 0 seconds. Warning: line 0: swatches file depend node not found, icon discarded: defaultRenderLayer //
Is it not possible to open a scene file created in Maya 2014 with earlier versions of Maya?
PROBLEM #2: Cannot create wireframe rendering of geometry with surface Shader + mib_ambient_occlusion as in earlier versions of Maya.
i have got 2 ways to create foliage for architectural rendering. One of them is using proxies and the other is using particle system.I have got another idea.
Use position restricted one polygonal plane with opacity mapped plane.Scatter.Look at constraint with camera.
I want to use a monochrome image to create a (1/3 size) image with subpixel precision. For starters, a pure black&White clipart seems the easiest to do this with. But after toying around some I couldn't find or think of a proper way to do this.
Any method to convert greyscale-antialiased images to 1/3 sized subpixel antialiased ones?
- Scaled the vertical resolution to 1/3 - Created 3 copies offset by 0, 1 and 2 pixels respectively for use in the next step - Masked out 2 in every 3 colums of pixels leaving R, G and B striped versions. - Scaled striped component images to 1/3 horizontal resolution (no interpolation, aligned so that it uses exacly the desired 1 in 3 colored pixels) - Got stuck with three seperate R, G and B colored component images... - Posted this question
Also, attached is an intermediate result of my efforts: the combination of the three striped R, G and B versions. Simply scaling the attached image unfortunately does not yield the desired (and expected) result.
Is there a reason why when I convert a font using create outlines, this is happening with Stempel Schneidler btw, it appears to add a bit of weight to the type? I've never run across this issue before. I first noticed it when I printed out the document. It all of a sudden seemed heavier compared to the font normally. The problem becomes much more pronounced at a small scale. I notice it onscreen AND when I print it. I wouldn't normally create outlines but the letterspacing is pretty tight on this and I need to make a TY ligature.
I am in the samill building buisness. While designing I thought it would be nice to show logs on our equipment. Is there anyway to show bark on drawings to show the texture on the final drawing?
I have a Revit file with over 1,000 materials and associated appearance assets. It was created in a previous version of Revit before library support. What I want to do is create libraries from them. However, the only instructions to add them one at a time using dragging and dropping. That will take me days to do. Is there a way to simply create an asset or material library out of multiple materials from a project file at one time without having to individually select them?
If you model a spere, render it and drop the opacity, so that you can see anything which was inside. And give your 3d model the usual backgroung "The Sun"
The sun will cause a yellow shadow from the spere, is there a way of turning the shadow off for individual objects ?