AutoCAD 2010 :: 3D Color Rendering

Mar 5, 2012

I'm new to 3d.....How to render a drawing like the image attached. I know how to attach materials, but the powers that be want it to look like the image. Also can one solid have different colors assigned to it? The drawing attached should hopefully explain what I mean.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Background On Rendering And Attach / Create New Material In Library For Rendering

May 21, 2012

why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012. 

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AutoCad 3D :: Rendering Background Color?

Nov 13, 2012

I am currently working in 3d and trying to render my drawing. However, most of my object is black, as is the background of the render window. Is there a way to change the background color?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Offloading Rendering To Different Computer?

Sep 17, 2013

Is there a way to hand off all the rendering to a different computer? AutoCad is installed on my desktop, but it would be great to offload all the rendering to a server that has lots of CPU power. Is this even possible?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rendering And Realistic View

Dec 10, 2012

Why am i seeing all black when i rendered my southwest or southeast view, without setting up a camera. But other ppl of my peeps r seeing in colour and materails. Also, my other problem is when i put on realistic view, i m seeing grey-ish blocks instead of "real" materials. In my previous assignment, I did see the "Real" materials when i set it on realistic view. However i did try to reset to default for my realistic veiw, but still it did not seem to be working.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rendering Specific Camera FOV

May 6, 2013

I am trying to render a specific camera view for a specific mm lens.  My issue starts when I select the camera and the pop up viewing window shows a particaluar camera view, I anticipate this as being the correct viewing lens as set in the camera properties.  I then right-click on my camera and set the current view to the camera.  This shows the outline of the camera FOV and beyond, which ends up being the final render plot.  I know I can use 3dsmax for a more accurate depiction of what I want, but I like to proof my images before sending them over to 3dsmax.  Which is the correct FOV as stated in the camera properties?  Also, is this the same view as my render?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Set Current View For Rendering

Dec 14, 2012

I'm working on a couple of models (all using the same "stage" for rendering) and I split the models up into their own separate dwgs but retaining the stage area for each. What I'm having an issue with is rendering the current view in model space. What's happening is that I'll either get an all black (meaning nothing was rendered) or I'll get a rendered piece of the stage where a model once was set up, but not the current view for which I want (where the model is set now). So basically, the rendered view is pointing somewhere else. I'm not setting any of the camera views however to render; I've been using just the current view so I can get exactly what I want. I just need to figure out "how" to get it to render what I'm seeing on screen (consistently) and not something off to the side, or a shot of the wall or floor, or the old location of previous renders, etc. Sometimes switching back to 2D wire frame will fix the problem, but now it's not. I've tried setting the camera view current and that isn't working either. It still renders what was an "old" rendered view--like it's stuck in memory. Closing and re-opening CAD doesn't fix the issue. This is very frustrating. All I'm trying to get is a WYSIWYG rendered view.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rendering 3D Solid Cylinder?

Jun 13, 2013

how and if I can put a miter on the end of a 3D solid cylinder, I am trying to draw a tank that has a 10 degree sloped bottom with a 1" radius fillet around the bottom at the sloped end.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Rendering Color / Lighting Output

Apr 24, 2011

I am using arch 2009, I have a bizarre issue with the rendering output soley based it seems on what version of Autocad the original drawing was created.

I have a block with 3d elements & materials, I insert it on any drawing which was created in release 14 which just about 100% of our drawings are (because you know, you take your old title blocks, convert then to the new version of Autocad, year after year after year, so the original title block was created way back when, just saved in the new format.) Anyhows, these are where the 3d blocks were created, newly in r2009, on on drawings originally created a long time ago. We just created new office title blocks from scratch in r2009 starting with the acad.dwt template.

When you insert any of these blocks, render it, the colors are different, too bright. here are all the specs for both drawings, one with the corect colors, one without. We have a ton of these blocks created over the last year or so which we render in Acad for the graphics guy to use for color elevations so its a pretty big deal if the color output is not reliable, it should be the same if all your settings are the same regardless of where the drawing file came from. I have missed something, and its probably something simple, it always is.

1. Same block with same material specs, verified on both drawings.

2. Zero lights, as per the lightlist on both drawings.

3. LINEARBRIGHTNESS - set to zero on both drawings.

4. LINEARCONTRAST- set to zero on both drawings.

5. DEFAULTLIGHTING - set to ONE on both drawings, viewport.

6. DEFAULTLIGHTINGTYPE - set to ONE on both drawings, viewport.

7. Render envirionment & render settting dialogue boxes, match line for line, verified.

Here are the 2 rendered images of the same block inserted on 2 different drawings. The darker one is the correct one:

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rendering Produces A Blank Black Screen

Jul 1, 2012

However, rendering seems to be hit or miss with me.  Sometimes autocad will render objects and then, all of a sudden, rendering produces a blank black screen.

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3ds Max :: Rendering With No Color

Sep 1, 2011

i have this problems with rendering, ok what i did was i colored my bug i created..i use Vertex paint, colored it, looks fine and dandy, but when i render has no color so i havent applied anything else on it besides Vertex paint. I just started using this program only a few days ago, so what am i missing? is there something i need to do before i render the my whole bug with colors?

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Photoshop :: Undocumented Color Rendering Changes In CC?

Aug 19, 2013

Why is photoshop 14 drawing colors differently than 13 and is there any way to stop it?I have a 256 step, three channel wedge, made without dither or aliasing, which draws perfectly (no bands or crossover) in CS6.  This same file draws messed up in CC, with slight colors shifts and stepping. I have saved out the color settings from CS and loaded them in CC.  The individual channels draw the same in both files when viewed singly.While my monitor calibration has only been perfect this way on gamma 1.8 images (this is what I have my NEC spectraview software set to),  but it has been perfect, no steps, in both colormatch and gray gamma 1.8 from CS4 through CS6.  Now, comparing CC to CS, on the same monitor, same file, same settings, the channels draw identically but the color composite is different.
The screen shot of the color composite file is shows 3/4 tone changes:
The same file with a solar curve on it:
Channels draw as before, and match up, witness the screen shot of the channels lined up with a solar curve:
I realize that this probably doesn't look bad in the context of a webbrowser, however, usless I've made some gross mistake, the rendering has changed and I see no documentation on it.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 Color Rendering For Nikon NEF

Oct 25, 2011

I was very happy with the color profiles available in the LR3 version, to use with Nikon raw files (from a D700 camera). I managed to have almost the same color and contrast impression as the ones delivered by Nikon RAW software (Capture NX), using camera standard color profile. And the workflow is thus much easier woth LR3.But lately I discovered some problem for average grey value as seen on the comparaison of the same image processed by the 2 software below :
extract at 100% scale of the image processed by LR (using camera standard profile).The same image processed with Capture NX :You can see that the grey are purple, and event almost green in some areas. I had already noticed few years ago a some problem with LR2, but I thought the problem was gone with LR3. Now it is back with LR3.5 --? This color problem does not happen when using ACR 4.6 rendering in LR, but the global color impression is different. I must had that except from this, the global color rendering is very close to NX.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Mleader Vs VPort Color - Arrowhead (DOT) Doesn't Take Vp Color

Oct 29, 2012

i did the test with a qleader and everything seem to be functional but mealder have an issue where autodesk have to check this

example: i have a layer called test1 with color green i have a meleader with a Dot as an arrowhead when i go to the viewport and change the vport color to red

well everything changes expt the arrowhead which will take the layer color (green) but if i go to properties and i change the arrow head to closedfilled then it will take the vport color (wierd) i did the test with autocad 2008 to 2012 all the same problem

i did tried with a qleader and it works fine.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Video Rendering Color Shift?

Aug 14, 2012

I am using cs6 to make a time lapse video. When rendering this in H.264 format there is a significant color shift. For example green grass takes on an almost cyan look in the rendered file.

I am running Win7 64. My monitors have been calibrated using a Spyder 3 Elite, and color management works perfectly for me in all other areas (printing, etc.)

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Revit :: Project Always Comes In Grey Color After Rendering

Oct 2, 2013

Whenever i render my project it  always comes in grey color after rendering.

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Revit :: Change Color Of A Rendering Background

Feb 27, 2013

I know you can change the color of a rendering background, use and image, change clouds etc but can you just turn the background OFF?  I can't find where to do this in 2013

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Lightroom :: 5.2 - Slideshow Image Quality / Color Rendering

Nov 6, 2013

I´m quite frustrated after discovering that some of my images look quite poor displayed by the slideshow module. My situation ist as follows:

LR 5.2 running on Mac OS X 10.8.5, 1:1 previews are rendered, preview quality is set to high, and I´m using a sample image showing a dark cloudy sky with some fine gradients; my slideshow preset doesn´t use any borders as I read this often causes quality issues.
When I´m in the Develop module, there is no problem at all, even in fullscreen display mode on my 1920x1200 display the gradients are perfectly rendered.

In Library module, when displaying fullscreen, quality is okay, but I can see some slight difference compared to the Develop module - which I understand after reading that in Develop the output is based on the actual raw data, and in all the other modules on rendered previews.

Now, when in Slideshow module, the image quality is significantly lower than in Library and I see some quite obvious banding in the gradients. I don´t have problems with blocking artifacts but the banding/posterization is considerably worse compared to a JPEG export with a quality setting of, for example, 75.
I can´t imagine LR´s slideshow tool would be working with a lower color depth than the 8 bit as in standard JPEGs, right? Did I miss any of LR´s parameters that influence the image quality of Lightroom slideshows or of the previews used therefore? Otherwise do you have some other explanations or hints for me in order to get this fixed? We do everything to capture our images in the best possible quality so we should also be able to present them properly after all...

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Lightroom :: What Rendering Intent Used When Export Using Custom Color Space

Oct 17, 2012

What rendering intent is used by LR4 when exporting using a custom colour space as there is not an option as there is with the print module.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Screening Without Color

Jun 13, 2013

Is there any way to screen parts of a drawing other than using colors?  For instance Microstation can screen using fences. 

Basically I have one file of line work I am referencing into my sheet file.  This line work consists of around 40 streets for a construction project.  I need to be able to show where each street is according to surrounding city blocks.  The idea is to have the street being worked on as being bold and surrounding streets screened out.  Is there any way to do this aside from making each street its own file?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Cannot Plot In Color

Sep 7, 2012

I can not plot in color!  Using Civil3d 2012 64 bit.  Plotting to a HP DesignJet 5500 which I think is set to use the new driver for 64 bit.  I have tried everything I know.  Been doing this many years and I have never ran into this one.  Used CTB ACAD, None and tweaked a few of my own.  The funny thing is if I have an image that will plot in color and the other funny thing is I can send the same plot to a HP Color LaserJet 5550 PS (standard office size) and the dwg plots just fine in color so I'm thinking it has something to do with the 64 bit side of things.


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Color Part Of Box?

Mar 1, 2013

I need to color a polygon which is made with single line with different colors. Right now what i am doing is retracing the required part for particular color and then coloring it, but this is very time consuming. So is there a simpler way?

For example in the attached file consider that in yellow box i need to fill red above and green in lower portion. How to do that?


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Can't Change Line Color

Aug 31, 2012

Been using ACAD for 20+years...AutoCAD 2012/Civil 3D 2012 is driving me nuts. Simple question I am sure. I created a new layer with green as its color. It is showing up as yellow in my viewport. I checked my plot style(ctb), and is same as I have used for many years....prints black(pen 7). Typically shows green on screen and plots black.  Looking in the Layer Properties Manager, I noticed that on the far right, there is a column labeled 'VP Plot Syle'. It has Color 2(yellow) shown.  How do I change this as I am guessing this is causing issue. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rendered Background Color

Jun 30, 2010

No matter what I change the viewport or model space background color to my rendered image comes up with a black background.  How do I change it to white so I'm not using all the toner on the printer?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Color Of PDF Text?

May 29, 2012

I attached some old PDF drawings and they are just perfect.  The background is transparent and they really look pretty good.  Is it possible to change the color of the pdf text?

Version: AutoCAD C3D 2010

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Set XRef To Color Grey

Jun 28, 2012

I have a few xrefs loaded into my drawing and I want them all to appear greyscale (color 9) so that whatever I draw on top of the xref is in color and is easy to spot..

I have tried putting the xref on a layer that is default color 9 but the xref is still shown in color. How to set the xref to color grey?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Color In Some Letters And Symbols

Mar 3, 2012

I'm using ACAD 2012 3D. I want to color in some letters and symbols, but whenever I do they get muffled away by the material I selected for my object.

Here's a render prt scn: [URL]....

As you can see the black arrow is partially yellow, which I do not want. The problem doesn't only happen after rendering, but in my model space as well. I tried all kind of things to get it all black. Hatch, make a solid out of it, different layer, draworder, apply other materials, but nothing seems to work. What goes for the arrow goes for all the words in gray/white too.

In case you wonder, I've made an effect pedal for guitar.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Paper Space Background Color?

May 11, 2011

way to change the background color (color outside the "paper" in paperspace?

The light gray that I can't seem to change, is suboptimal for me. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Changing Fields Background Color?

Apr 22, 2013

Is there a system variable or some other method to change the background color when using fields?  It makes reading text very difficult.  I realize I can turn off background for fields, but I don't want to do that.  I want to change the background to a darker grey so one still knows it's a field but easier to read. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Color Point Cloud Plotting

Jul 12, 2012

Is there a way to plot a color point cloud (PCG) in color in a viewport in paperspace?  I can't seem to figure it out if there is. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Reference Color Change After Upgrade?

Dec 19, 2012

I have the AutoCad Map 2009 (32bit) with Windows XP on one Computer and uploaded AutoCad LT 2011 (64bit) in Windows 7 (64bit) on a second Computer. The Files could not be migrated (not the same Program and Operating systems) In Release 11 all my Reference File colors are now faded in Model and Paper Space. What do I have to change so that it looks like in Map 2009?

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