AutoCAD Inventor :: Work Surfaces Visible During Rendering
Oct 18, 2013
I'm using inventor studio for the first time(Inventor 2014 / Windows 7). I'm having some trouble with work surfaces showing up in my rendering. The surfaces are set with the visibility turned off. When I'm in my normal assembly window, they're invisible. They're even invisible while im in studio, setting up lights & such. They only show up on my renders. If i go into each part and suppress them they render ok. Problem is I have sketch geometry and constraints that crash when they're suppressed, so I really need them as active, but invisible.
I am currently using AutoCad 3d 2011 and i am trying to add some graphics (bmp. or jpegs) to surfaces. In model space when materials are on the graphics are there. When i go to render in the graphics come out grey. However if i change the lighting settings to American lighting units the graphics then appear when it is rendered. Why is this? I do not like using American units as it always makes my renders appear washed out.
How graphics can be seen in any of the other lighting units? or why this may be happening?
I have a simple model of two desk units. I also have a large rectangular area under them with a carpet texture applied. The desks each have two textures/materials applied. I am rendering to a viewport at 640x480, with shadows on and "high" quality. I have 4 point light sources in the model. When I render to viewport, it all looks great. But when I plot or plot preview, all of the detail/textures/materials in the horizontal surfaces are gone and it plots as completely white in those areas and also shows it white in plot preview.
Attached are two images. RENDER A is a screenshot of the correct image rendered on screen and RENDER B is a screenshot of the plot preview screen showing the white areas (which is also how it really prints).
I'm using mental ray rendering photometric lights with a lot of reflective surfaces. I keep getting little white specks showing up on certain surfaces.
Is it possible to delete/clear contents outside visible work path easy way?
Sometimes when you create stuff, move stuff, import and cut images something is left outside visible work path. For example, in Adobe Photoshop it could be easily deleted with select tool + delete. Even non visible leftovers that is outside work area.
I started using Gimp yesterday and sure some things are SO irritating after long use of other image editing softwares.. I just can not figure out how people get used to it (Gimp).
Long way would be to move layer contents so you could see those "leftovers" and then it allows you to select them and delete. Then move back image where it was previously. But even after deleting those lefovers why the hell GIMP would select layer size according to "what it was at first" not what's acual dimensions of non transparent area?
I was editing a video an while playing with the scale I went to RAM preview and it wouldn't work so I closed it down and reopened it as this problem has happened a few times and this has been the fix. I then went to RAM preview from the beggining and my computer crashed, no bluescreen the monitors just went blank and the BIOS popped up. I then reopened my project and RAM previewed from the beggining and it didn't start it just said requesting frame 2 of ... I then played with a few of the prefrences eg. clearing the cache and purging memory and It still didn't work. I then disabled multiprocessing and RAM previewing worked again though I would like multiprocessing to work as It is alot faster. I then tried restarting my computer and reinstalling AE but still no luck.Also rendering does not work either with multiprocessing enabled.
Specs: i7 4770k @ 4.4Ghz G.skill Ripjawz Z 32GB @ 2133Mhz GTX 780 Samsung 840 pro SSD Seagate Barracuda 2TB HD
I m trying to render a time lapse video on PS CS4 and the process works well up until the export window. When i go there the first option under file options, quick time export, is unavailable( grayed out). The only available option is Image sequence. What do i have to do to enable the quicktime movie creation or any other movie format for that matter?
How to get surfaces in a dwg to display correctly in inventor 2012? (just upgraded after SP1) I keep getting random results. I have a seat from our supplier translated from solid works brought in as a composite (converted in inventor 2011). I have assigned colors to faces and in the part/assembly environment it is fine, as soon as it is in a DWG it goes randomly transparent! Some times it is completely see through and others you get an odd face displaying correctly! Even in different views on the same sheet different faces appear normal.
Attached jpegs are: surfaces in dwg and surfaces in an assembly.
Inventor 2014 Professional Dell Precision T3500 Intel Xeon Windows 7 Quadro 4000 Inside Leg 35 inch
After you create a drawing view, surfaces can be included or excluded from drawing views. Files that contain only surfaces automatically include the surfaces in a drawing view. Is there a way to disable this functionality?
Working on a part and after much extruding and intersecting ended up with pretty much what I was after, but there are all these surfaces that don't seem to clean up by boolean operation of the solids. Will this cause a problem when I go to manufacture from STL file ?
I am attempting to revolve a sketch between two surfaces in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012. The problem is that the extrusion is being created on the opposite side of the two surfaces that I want.
For example, I have two flanges on a cylinder. I would like the feature to be created to stretch on the lower side, the larger angle, where the sketch is. Instead, it is creating the feature on the upper side, the smaller angle.
I have adjusted everything I can within the revolve feature options, including unchecking "minimum solution" and switching the starting and terminating faces.
In the attached file I am attempting to revolve "Sketch 7" about the x-axis, between the two flanges closest to the "top." The sketch is centered on where I want the revolved feature to be created.
I am using 2013 and my construction surfaces keep displaying in my drawing views. They are hidden at part and assembly level and include surfaces is greyed out but they show as visible in the feature tree in the idw, and in the views.
Is there a setting somewhere to stop this. This is from IDW. They should not be visible.
I have successfully opened a STEP file from our Engineering group and saved it away as an Inventor Assembly. I would like to define Materials and/or Surface finishes for all parts. Why wouldn't the Surfaces and Materials synchronize between the Styudio's Surface Creator and the BOM Materials Control in the Assembly area?
I have found the way to define a new Surface in the "Inventor Studio" Interface and saved it with a unique name. Now, I would like to assign that Surface as a Material to the parts in the assembly ... and of course I would like to define numerous other surfaces and materials for assignment to all the parts throughout the assembly. Finally, I would like these surfaces / materials to follow the model into Showcase for presentation purposes.
Is it possible to show surfaces in a drawing view of an ipart member - although the option of include all surfaces is there I can't get them to show. Similar issue with showing sketches - get model sketches is there but nothing can be shown.
I want to make symmetric surface i.e. golf ball with dimples. I found that I can do them by using revolve cut but how can I set them symmetrically on whole spherical surface.
is there a command or workflow to split all intersecting surfaces? currently we build surface models and split manually or open in autocad, explode, overkill, breakall, then export the lines for rebuilding in an FE package.
Ideally we would like to export straight from inventor with one hit i would like to do the 5 splits below the EOP marker automatically
I have two .dwg files that represent two different surfaces. I would like to import each .dwg file into Inventor, then create a solid with the original surfaces serving as the top and bottom. I can send the .dwg files if necessary.
is there a command or workflow to split all intersecting surfaces? currently we build surface models and split manually or open in autocad, explode, overkill, breakall, then export the lines for rebuilding in an FE package.
we would like to export straight from inventor with one hit
URL....However when I try to export to .STL it won't do it because it is only surfaces and not a solid.I have searched everywhere on how to convert from surfaces to a solid but nothing I have tried has worked.
I have an assembly that I am trying to offset surfaces from other components to create a different part. I have this part inserted into the assembly (only planes and axis exist on this part for now).
When I try to edit it in the assembly, and select "Copy Construction" from the surfaces menu it will not select the surfaces I need. First is this the correct command? This looked like the closest to an offset surface command.
If not, what is the correct command?
I should also add that this assembly has welds in it, if that makes any difference.
1. Multiple faces 2. surfaces that are not flat, cylindrical or conical
I have tried using the “stitch surface” command but I can’t seem to get it to select .
The surface was created using the loft command, but I don’t know how to select it as a composite surface . When I am doing the emboss. Maybe it has to be done using another method besides emboss?
I'm having trouble creating a solid from different surfaces.
I already tried the surface stick, but it seems that it is still not a solid. (How can I check this?) The part is still yellow. If I try to apply the sculpt feature it says:
Modeling failure: A valid body cannot be constructed based on the selected inputs.
It 's a quiet complex shape. You find here: [URL].....
Is this possible ?!! Ive been working in various CAD packages and have found this to be an issue every time. Say for instance you want to bolt through a wall onto a tapered flange, how can you select a non parallel face as the start or finish surface?
Having trouble bolting through a beam onto a tappered face of a channel. In RL a tapered washer would be used, though they exist in Content Centre it doesnt work with the application.
attached are 3 files that demostrate what is happening when I select a profile to loft and the rails of the Surface and how it changes the profile and how I can get a straight back edge not bowed in like it did to the front