Illustrator :: CS6 Quit Unexpectedly On Mac - Switch Library

Nov 28, 2012

It happen recently when I try to launch Adobe CS6 Illustrator, the loading stop at switch library and quit unexpectedly. I did not encounter such issue previously. I tried updating Illustrator patch but it is still having such issue.
I am using a Mac Book Pro, OS X 10.7.5, here is the error message.

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Photoshop :: CS3 - Adobe Updater Quit Unexpectedly

Nov 20, 2013

I'm running Photoshop CS3 on Mac version 10.7.5. Every time I open PS I get the error message "adobe updater quit unexpectedly". Once I click out all I see is a white box for "Adobe Web Suite Premium CS3" that is blank. It can only be minimized - not closed. Everything else in PS is greyed out and unusable.

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Lightroom :: Photos Deleted From 3 Trial After It Quit Unexpectedly

Feb 1, 2012

I recently downloaded Lightroom 3 (currently have L2 version) and upgraded to do a 30 day trial version. As I finished working on some new pictures and started working on a slideshow the application quit and asked me if I wanted to upgrade again, as I did that when the application started again the folder of the images I was working on was not there any more. How can I retrieve this again? Did I loose the images and the work I did on them?

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Photoshop :: Error / Photoshop Quit Unexpectedly

Feb 18, 2013

Photoshop has been crashing for me for about three weeks now. I can't recall installing anything new on my Macbook Pro or making any substantial changes to any software, etc. PS crashes upon launch, while I'm working on a file (resizing images, applying filters, etc.). I work with templated images, so it's become a race against the clock to get everything in order and saved before PS crashed.

I have CS2, and just tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Same problem. I've copied-and-pasted the 'Photoshop Quit Unexpectedly' error details below.

Process:         Adobe Photoshop CS2 [9657]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS2
Identifier:      com.adobe.Photoshop
Version:         9.0 (9.0x196) (9.0)
Code Type:       PPC (Translated)
Parent Process:  launchd [118]


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Photoshop :: Error / Photoshop Has Quit Unexpectedly

Jul 3, 2013

I keep getting "Photoshop has quit unexpectedly" and loosing all my work. It happens a lot, and with no recover work feature I am getting pretty frustrated. I have lost hours of work. Many things seem to cause the crashes, there are some things I know of, and so avoid, but sometimes it happens for no apparent reason. See below for links to the latest 3 crash logs:

is the software really this unstable? I'm sure crashes can be caused by third party items such as fonts, custom shapes, styles etc etc But I seem to encounter this behavior on my work computer, home computer, home laptop with no consistency.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Appearance Library Colors Randomly Quit Working?

Aug 8, 2012

We are have been using Inventor to draw wooden furniture for a couple years, and have a custom appearance library with several different finishes (using photos of actual finished pieces of wood). Every now and then a part (ipt) takes a notion to not change to the color we set it to, seemingly without ryhme or reason. This mostly occurs with mirrored parts, but occasionally a standard (not mirrored part) will do this as well.

We have done all the obvious things, and some not so obvious. The path to the photos and the library is added to the project, and I opened the Appearance Browser and checked to make sure appearance knows where to find its bmp file, and it still doesn't do it to change color. And yes, I tried restarting my computer, because a couple days ago I was working with the Appearance Browser, and sometimes restarting Inventor made a difference in whether certain things worked or didn't work. This is also not limited to one computer, it acts like this on all of our computers.

We are using some png files and some bmp picture files. Would the file format maybe have something to do with it ?

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Lightroom :: How Does Library Module Switch Images Around

Aug 25, 2012

For no reason I can think of, sometimes the photo I see is different from the one that should be there. The correct one shows up in Develop, but I don't understand why Library shows a different one. Sometimes all the images in a folder get shifted over by one, or sometimes one is a duplicate view of another. And then for no reason it seems to resolve. But meanwhile I'm afraid to export the catalog to copy on another computer for fear that I'm exporting incorrect data.

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Lightroom :: V5 Still Takes A Second Or Two To Switch Between Library And Develop

Jun 10, 2013

intel 2600k @4.3 GHZ with 32 GB RAM and a 250 GB ssd here.... still LR behaves sluggish when switching modules.
ok only at the first time when i switch between modules.but why is the library module not loaded in the background to avoid this?

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Lightroom :: Image Doesn't Come Up / When Switch From Library To Develop Module

May 21, 2013

The image does not come up when i switch from the library to develop module.

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Lightroom :: 3 - Getting Error Message When Tried To Switch From Library To Develop Module?

Oct 28, 2012

I've been using my LR3 for a few months but this is the first time that I got an error message when I was switching from the Library module to the the Develop module.  I have a macbook pro with 500 GB HD.  I am currently using 450 GB already. 

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Lightroom :: Image On Screen Changing When Switch Between Library And Develop Modules?

Jul 6, 2012

I've noticed in the past couple of days that I will be refining an image in the develop module, feel I've gotten it the way I want it to look, and then switch back to the library module to export. When I do so, I notice the colors are quite different than they were just a second ago in the develop module. When I switch back to the develop module, it goes back to the way it looked in the develop module. How might I fix this?

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Illustrator :: Quitting Unexpectedly In Lion

Jul 23, 2011

I just upgraded to Lion, and now my Illustrator crashes before it opens. I tried deleting the prefs files, but no luck.

Here's the error:
Process:         Adobe Illustrator [8593]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator
Identifier:      com.adobe.illustrator
Version:         399 (15.0.1)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [150]
Date/Time:       2011-07-23 18:08:41.424 -0400
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7 (11A511)
Report Version:  9
Interval Since Last Report:          64735 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:           15
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   13
Anonymous UUID:                      17486957-5091-4D35-9C35-190464A01EAD


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Illustrator :: CC Quits Unexpectedly When Moving Paths

Feb 18, 2014

It works fine until I try to move a path, any path, that I've drawn with the pen tool.  It happens on any file I work in  When I do, it quits and gives me the message below.
Process:         Adobe Illustrator [1500]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC/Adobe Illustrator
Identifier:      com.adobe.illustrator
Version:         17.1.0 (17.0.0)
Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [142]
Responsible:     Adobe Illustrator [1500]
User ID:         501
Date/Time:       2014-02-18 19:18:52.630 -0800
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
Report Version:  11
Anonymous UUID:  B3A0132E-B579-C3FC-1AB9-D4C9C1E032E4


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Illustrator :: Why Is AI Quitting Unexpectedly Every Time Upon Launch

May 21, 2012

The inital thread was created because Adobe Illustrator from CS6, downloaded via the Creative Cloud, quits unexpectedly upon launch everytime. However, all of the other desktop apps I downloaded work perfectly.
I tried every step suggested in the thread, however none of the solutions worked. I restarted my computer afterwards and it still does not work.

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Illustrator :: CC Unexpectedly Quits When Trying To Launch App On MacBook

Jan 2, 2014

I'm having problems trying to launch Illustrator CC on my MacBook. It keeps unexpectedly quiting when trying to open. Below is the link to the error message I am receiving.

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Illustrator :: Why Does Quit On Opening

Nov 3, 2013

I installed cs5 and used it without problems. I downloaded a trial version of cs6, and when it expired, I get a message that say cs5 has quit unexpoectedliy everytime I try to open it. I've uninstalled and reinstalled but it still will not open.

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Illustrator :: CS5 15.0.1 Crash On Quit (Mac OS X 10.6.4)

Sep 14, 2010

Illustrator CS5 15.0.1 keeps crashing on "Quit". It runs fine when using the program and saving my files but when I go to "quit" it, it crashes.CS5 is all up-to-date with the latest updates and the same goes for the MacPro Quad 2.66 Nehalem with 8gigs RAM (Mac OS X 10.6.4).

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Photoshop :: Illustrator CS6 Crash Unexpectedly When Trying To Open File

Sep 19, 2012

Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6 crash unexpectedly when trying to open a file.  I'm on OSX 10.6.8.  I installed the software through Creative Cloud.  I tried deleting preferences and it still doesn't work.  Here is the error details.
Process:         Adobe Photoshop CS6 [254]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS6
Identifier:      com.adobe.Photoshop
Version:         13.0.0 (20120315.r.428)
Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [96]

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Illustrator :: Customize Keyboard Shortcuts In CS4 - All Settings Lost On Quit

Nov 27, 2008

I have tried to customize keyboard shortcuts in CS4 but each time I quit I lose all settings. (they work fine til I quit). I have saved new sets, overwritten previous sets but they don't seem to save.

Otherwise, speaking as a recent convert from Freehand, CS4 is wonderful now multiple pages have been added

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GIMP :: Switch Between Eyedropper / Brush Switch

Jan 9, 2013

If there is a way to switch between the eye dropper/brush tool fast.

On Photoshop there the "alt" key but on my mac it really wastes a lot of time for blending colors .

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Illustrator :: How To Switch To Outline View

Jun 27, 2013

I am using Illustrator Cs6 on windows and when I used to switch to outline view there used to be a crosshair mark showing the center of shapes and the same mark for stray points, and about a week ago those marks have disappeared. I checked the attributes window to make sure the center mark is on and its still not showing centers in outline mode. Did i accidentally change a setting i didnt know about? if so is there a fix? those center crosshairs sure were useful...

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Illustrator :: Files Name Switch From Small Letters To Capital

Feb 23, 2013

I've a weird problem working with Illustrator CS6. It doesn't happen all the times but sometimes my files name switch from small letters to capital.

For example the file "" becomes "FILE.AI"
What could be the reason?

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Illustrator :: Auto-switch Back To Selection Tool?

Oct 8, 2012

Did it used to be true that AI would automatically change the current tool back to the Selection tool after you used another tool (such as drawing a rectangle)?

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Illustrator :: Perspective Grid - Switch Orientation On Horizontal Plane

Sep 12, 2013

I have a tall rectangle I want to place on the horizontal plane of the perspective grid.

Clicking that plane in the widget, or slecting the rectangle and hitting 2, results in the rectangle oriented towards the right vanishing point (or 2:00). I need it to point the other way, toward the left vanishing point (to 10:00).

Is there some way to force an object to do that?

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Illustrator :: Keyboard Shortcut To Switch Between Workspace Elements In Application Framework

Nov 15, 2010

I'm working with Illustrator CS5 and was looking for the keyboard shortcut to move between the workspace elements contained within the Application framework.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Unexpectedly Quits OX 10.5.8

Feb 13, 2013

Suddenly a few weeks ago I can't do anything in Photoshop on my Mac without it unexpectedly quitting about a minute into waht I am doing.
I was using Photoshop CS2 9.0 in OX  10.5.8 .I did a disk repair,I took Photoshop off and reinstalled a few times.Upgraded to 9.1 and now 9.0.2
Process:         Adobe Photoshop CS2 [2477]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS2
Identifier:      com.adobe.Photoshop
Version:         9.0.2 (9.0.2x312 [20060822.902x312 02:00:00 cutoff]9.0.2x311) (9.0.2)
Code Type:       PPC (Translated)
Parent Process:  launchd [96]


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Photoshop :: Why Does CS5 Keep Quitting Unexpectedly

Sep 2, 2013

Why does my Photoshop CS5 keep quitting unexpectedly?

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Photoshop :: CC Quits Unexpectedly?

Sep 5, 2013

I just wanna know what happend?!

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Photoshop :: P3 Keeps Quitting Unexpectedly

Oct 11, 2012

Why is my ps3 quitting unexpectedly all the time?

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Photoshop :: CS2 Keeps Unexpectedly Quitting

Feb 21, 2013

I've literally been opening it for the past hour but it quits within 30-60 seconds..Did they purposely give us this one for free knowing it doesnt work
This is the message...
Process:         Adobe Photoshop CS2 [204]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS2
Identifier:      com.adobe.Photoshop
Version:         9.0 (9.0x196) (9.0)
Code Type:       PPC (Translated)
Parent Process:  launchd [88]

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Photoshop :: Unexpectedly Quits

Dec 4, 2007

I am currently using Photoshop CS on an Apple 1GB G5 20in iMac.

There?s still plenty of RAM space available but when using it, Photoshop keeps unexpectedly quitting.

I have tried someone?s suggestion of disabling the TWAIN plug-in but to no avail.

I?ve also uninstalled and reinstalled the application but the same thing happens.

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