GIMP :: Images Breaking Up When Zooming And Artifacts When Using Tools?

Jan 21, 2013

i've got a strange problem: when zooming images in the GIMP (2.8.2, installed from archlinux [extra]), viewing them larger than the size they are being automatically zoomed to by default, they break up into unconnected, rectangular tiles.

moving (panning) them around with the mouse so that they partially leave the screen brings those parts back to be displayed properly. means i have to 'swivel' the image across all borders to get it to display properly.

in addition, applying scissors or path tool leaves artefacts on the image that can be removed the same way.

i've noticed this first with the development version of GIMP (2.9, compiled from GIT) and thought those were the new GIMP's growing pains -- but then i noticed the same happening with the stable version (2.8).

i've tried switching to an earlier version of xf86-video-ati and to an earlier kernel, but neither rectifies the problem. i also tried different options in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ 20-radeon.conf, whith the same result, i.e., none.

seems to have something to do with the image being refreshed, or not being refreshed, but which part of the system is at fault baffles me.

i'm using arch +testing, and here are my system's details:

System: Host: laptop Kernel: 3.7.3-1-ARCH x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: KDE 4.9.98 Distro: Arch Linux
Machine: Mobo: ASUSTeK model: K53SK version: 1.0 serial: BSN12345678901234567
Bios: American Megatrends version: K53SK.203 date: 10/11/2011CPU: Quad core Intel Core i7-2670QM CPU (HT-MCP) clocked at 800.00 MHzGraphics: Card-1: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller
Card-2: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Whistler LE [AMD Radeon HD 6625M Graphics] 1.13.1 drivers: ati,radeon,intel tty size: 114x37

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Photoshop :: Colours Stuff Up Zooming Or Changing Tools

Jan 31, 2013

I get the colors right then I zoom in or change tools the color changes and then back again like skin goes all red magenta..I work in raw or psd when saving files wrong color occurs again in saved JPG even though color looked alright . Im using windows 8 64  CS6 Same thing occurs even when no plug ins loaded tried all color spaces also. I am not talking monitor to print difference either .

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Photoshop :: Breaking Apart Gang Scans Into Smaller Images

Jul 4, 2007

i have multiple gang scans, some of them containing 15 images or more. they are scanned at 400dpi and are extremely large files i want to break the component images into their own unique files and save them as tiffs in exactly the same format that they are in now. i want to make sure i dont compress them or change the info in any way except for file size.

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Photoshop Elements :: Images Breaking Up When Moved Around In Their Layers

Jan 28, 2014

I’m using Photoshop Elements 12 on OSX 10.9.1. When using several layers with pics on it, the pics break apart when i move them around on the layer… I get a mosaic of ’broken’ pics. It looks like a memory problem but it isn’t.

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GIMP :: Artifacts After Flattening Two Multiply Layers

Sep 17, 2011

I've making a light glow texture for a game with gimp. I've created the light with supernova effect, then i used a a black to white gradient layer with multiply, also another multiply layer is used to make the light fainter.

(there are more in the picture, these are mipmaps for game that are smaller and more shinier to get realistic glow effect).

In game it will be used for texture of an additive material, and a little artifact is noticeable if i watch carefully. These artifacts are noticeable too in flattened image if i add more lightness to it. This is what i'm talking about that halo around the light. But on mask there isn't anything like that.

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Lightroom :: Zooming In On TIF Images Gives Fuzzy Results

Nov 16, 2011

Using 3.2 lightroom, when I zoom in on a tif image it is fuzzy. If I click on the next image over, then click back it reloads and is sharp.Is there a way to force a reload without clicking to another image and then back.When doing same on a raw file (NEF in my case) I do not have this problem.

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Photoshop :: Zooming In On One Image Has Same Effect On All Other Loaded Images

Nov 29, 2013

When zooming in on one image it has the same effect on all other loaded images (C5)

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GIMP :: Scale Without Blur (like When Zooming)?

Feb 10, 2012

How can I scale an image without the image resulting to blurry edges?

What I want to do is simply scale my image in the same way when I zoom in it. Pixelation is not a problem.

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Photoshop :: Images Open Small Zooming Works Poorly?

Nov 28, 2013

When I open a large image (one larger in resolution than my monitor), it opens in a small window on the far right of my screen. When I move it to the middle of my screen, resize it so I can see more of it and zoom in again, the window snaps back to the far right.

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Lightroom :: Blurry Images When Zooming In Survey And Grid View?

Jul 17, 2012

When I am in Survey View and hit the Z key, some of  the previews are blurry.  The same thing happens in Grid View.  However, in Loupe View, the images are fine when I the 'Z' key.  Using Survey View would make things go faster when making my picks. 
I tried rendering 1:1 but the returns a mesage that says renders are up to date and rendering was done.

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Photoshop :: How To Keep Tools Palette On Top Of Images

Feb 10, 2013

CS2 tools palette remains on top, when I now use CS4 my images cover the tools palette. Someone has been dabbling and lost a basic function when messing with the design of the interface. How does one keep the tools palette on top ?

I have mine down the left side of the screen and have done so since the very first ever Photoshop,.
As soon as I move my images around its gone, buried under them. The Layers etc palettes remain over the images, just the tools get buried.

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Photoshop :: How Simple Tools Be Used In 32-bit Per-channel Images

Oct 13, 2013

I have just begin working with HDR imaging.  I am using it for what it was designed for.  The subject of the photograph is a creek, looking straight across the creek to the far bank.  The creek and the far bank are in bright sunlight.  I was in woods, and deep shadow, when I took the photograph, and so the foreground is very dark.  I converted the image to 32 bits/channel when merging it into HDR Pro, and used ACR to tone the final image.  All of that worked very well.
But when I wanted to make some final little adjustments to the image, I found that I couldn't!  I wanted to select a color range, but the Color Range option was grayed out.  I tried to use the magnetic lasso, but a message box popped up saying that I couldn't use that tool in 32-bit images. 
I don't understand this limitation.  32 bits are supposed to be best for HDR images, but I can't use simple tools to edit the result? And then when I switched to 16 bits, it seems I have to merge the channels first, but that loses all of the smart filters and other history that I had when working in 32 bits! 

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Photoshop Elements :: Three Images On Cursor With Certain Tools?

Dec 15, 2013

I am getting 3 images on the cursor when clicking on certain tools (magnetic lasso, eg.) How can I get back to one image?

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GIMP :: How To Resize Tools On Mac

Jul 1, 2012

I recently acquired a new Macbook Pro laptop and installed GIMP on it. I have been using GIMP for years on a PC but for some reason I cannot figure out how to resize tools (The smudge tool particularly). I have GIMP 2.6.

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GIMP :: How To Get Rid Of Selected Tools

Apr 2, 2012

When I choose a tool and do whatever it does, how do I get rid of it afterwards ? I try enter, escape, etc. Nothing. Like the scissors, or the path tools, they even mess up my creations after I close down the program and come back in.

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Photoshop :: Can't Edit / Use Any Tools Of Images Because It Says Layer Is Locked

Feb 25, 2013

I can't edit/use any tools of my images b/c it says the layer is locked.

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Photoshop :: Tools For Working With Lightfield Or Plenoptic Images?

Oct 8, 2013

Adobe built and tested some software several years ago for working with Lightfield or Plenoptic images. Where are they? Why can't we use them?

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GIMP :: Tools Not Working After Install?

Jul 28, 2012

i have just installed GIMP 2.8 on to my computer running UBUNTU 12.04, everything seemed to go ok with it opening up, but when i tried to select a tool, the tool icons go through the motions of selection, but non of the tools will work.

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GIMP :: Different Brush Settings For Different Tools

Jan 8, 2013

I'm just beginning to use Gimp with my Thinkpad x230. It's got a pressure sensitive stylus with eraser to use on the screen, and in ubuntu it's basically an on-screen wacom.

One of the greatest things about this is that I can use Gimp like a souped up sketchpad, I can automatically change tools to eraser whenever I spin the pen around.

The only problem is that whenever I change the brush size for the pencil, then move over to eraser, Gimp uses the brush size I selected for the pencil for the eraser tool. This is super annoying in practice. Is there a way for Gimp to memorize which brush size I want for a given tool?

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GIMP :: How To Make Other Tools Move

Sep 10, 2012

I have a question for tools in GIMP. Now I see that the tool moves in a certain grid. Now, I want the other tools to move like that too. What I'm saying is that the pencil tool moves by pixels in my document. Since I like to do pixel art, it'd be nice if the other tools also moved like that, by pixel not free form. I'm working on a 32x32 grid and it's good that the pencil moves like that. I just want other tools to move like the pencil, pixel by pixel, now it might be different pixel movement for me since I have my grid set up at 4x4 spacing, I'm a newbie at GIMP and would like if you can answer this question.

How do I make other tools move like the tool. My grid's set up at 4x4 and the pencil moves pixel by pixel. I like that how can I get other tools to move like that?? I just noticed grid doesn't matter, but I want to make other tools move like the tool.

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GIMP :: Brush Size Between Tools

Jun 13, 2012

I'm having an issue when I go back and forth between my paint brush tool and my eraser tool. Ever since I got 2.8 installed, the brush size is the same for all tools. When I had 2.6, if I was working with my paint brush and had it at a small brush size, then turned my pen over to the eraser and I would have that tool's brush size to be much bigger. I wouldn't have to keep on adjusting the size every time I flipped my pen. Ever since I got 2.8, I've had to keep on adjusting the brush size because the brush size stays the same, and doens't stay set for each tool. I'm using windows 7, am using an intous4 tablet and pen, had installed the latest wacom update, the latest gimp obviously with what I believe to be the binary and source code.

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GIMP :: Text Editor And Other Tools

Jan 13, 2013

I used text-ed for sentence. Made another and played with attributes. Selected other tools. 2nd text block still surrounded by dotted do I select NO TOOLS?

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GIMP :: Toolbox Showing Double Tools

Nov 27, 2013

I'm using GIMP 2.8.4

One day, my Toolbox suddenly started showing "double tools". All of the tools are repeated twice.    

I've played with all of the Toolbar setting, but I've been unable to get rid of this annoying problem!

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GIMP :: Use Keyboard Shortcut To Select Different Tools

Mar 6, 2012

I like to use keyboard shortcuts in GIMP to select different tools or to nudge an image, but I frequently click on the layers window, which causes keyboard shortcut commands to then be directed to the layers window. So whenever I click to select a different layer or do anything with layers, afterwards I always have to have to click on the image window again to regain use of my editing keyboard shortcuts.

Because of this, I also often forget that layers window has focus and end up messing up my layers with key-shortcut commands intended for the image window. Is there some change I can make to my workflow or keyboard bindings to avoid this problem?

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GIMP :: Defining Areas With Wand Tools

Jul 29, 2012

I know how to use the scissor tool to cut out patches but since they're difficult to place i like to define areas like with the wand tool. Did i by chance miss a important function?

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GIMP :: Fill And Stroke Tools Don't Work

Feb 19, 2012

For some reason, the fill and stroke tools don't work, the Bucket fill doesn't work as well.I have checked "fill whole selection" box.

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GIMP :: Tools To Make Horizon Straight

Apr 15, 2011

I have an image with the sea and a horizon, I want to make the horizon straight and wonder if there is any useful tool in Gimp to edit the image? I have done it in Photoshop before and remember that there was several tools to pull and change the image. Perhaps Gimp doesn't have tools like that? As it is now, the the horizon is a little bit curved and look strange.

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GIMP :: Fuzzy Edges Around Brush / Ink Tools

Jun 16, 2013

I make cartoons, and the brush tool and ink tool are my favorites (They have a really nice effect). The problem with these is that whenever I try to color Using the fill tool, there is a light, fuzzy uncolored edge around the brush tool or ink tool's lines. It looks pretty ugly, especially up close.

How do I prevent the fuzzy edges on these tools?

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GIMP :: Dialogs For Tools STOP Showing

Jun 11, 2011

I use the GIMP all the time and I love it! I'm not a realexpert, but can do mostly what I like.

I'm using Gimp 2.6 on Ubuntu. I open the GIMP, and I'm going along just fine, then all of a sudden I can't get the dialog box for a tool I'm using and I can't view the layers tool box. If I close everything and open GIMP again, it will work for a while.

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Photoshop Elements :: 9 - Remove Three Images On Cursor When Select Certain Tools From Toolbox?

Dec 14, 2013

How do I remove three images on the cursor when I have selected certain tools from the toolbox in Elements 9? I have just gotten a new computer and 9 was transferred to it from my old computer. Have never had this problem before.

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GIMP :: How To Change Style Of Outlines Of Selection Tools

Dec 21, 2012

back in 2.6 the width of the outlines of the several selection tools wassimply 1px (running ants by themselfes), now with 2.8 (at least herewith OpenSuSE 12.2, XFCE 4.10 it is 3px (pls. see attachment (8 time se larged)).

Is there any possibility known (style setting for gtk, ...) to change it(back) to 1px? It would work make much more precise ..

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