I have an image with the sea and a horizon, I want to make the horizon straight and wonder if there is any useful tool in Gimp to edit the image? I have done it in Photoshop before and remember that there was several tools to pull and change the image. Perhaps Gimp doesn't have tools like that? As it is now, the the horizon is a little bit curved and look strange.
Total buffoon when it comes to getting GIMP to do what I want to do. I'm just practicing with making maps, black lines on a white background, and I've run into some issues I'm wondering if I can get rectified.
1) For whatever reason, the line weight of everything has shifted throughout the file, ending with some lines lighter and grayer than others. Is there a way I can get GIMP to trace all the lines in a uniform black, with uniform thickness?
2) I have tried locking the white background, but often when I select and move my black lines, if I don't click in just the right spot it moves the white background instead, which is really, reeeaaaly aggravating. How Do I get that background to be completely untouchable?
3) In trying to colour the image, I've run into problems with their being a white outline between the colour and the black lines. I think I need to sharpen the image or somesuch? How can one correct this issue?
4) Is there anyway to convert the black dotted lines of the paths tools into straight black lines, in regards to an older file? If not, is there an easy way to trace them?
5) I find the scale too tends to make my image too jagged. I want to take a section of my map, move it too another file and enlarge it to do detail work - what's the best way to do this in order to have a clear image?
6) Any way to translate an image from a MErcator Projection ot a Winkell-Trippel projection, one that works on a Mac?
I have a question for tools in GIMP. Now I see that the tool moves in a certain grid. Now, I want the other tools to move like that too. What I'm saying is that the pencil tool moves by pixels in my document. Since I like to do pixel art, it'd be nice if the other tools also moved like that, by pixel not free form. I'm working on a 32x32 grid and it's good that the pencil moves like that. I just want other tools to move like the pencil, pixel by pixel, now it might be different pixel movement for me since I have my grid set up at 4x4 spacing, I'm a newbie at GIMP and would like if you can answer this question.
How do I make other tools move like the tool. My grid's set up at 4x4 and the pencil moves pixel by pixel. I like that how can I get other tools to move like that?? I just noticed grid doesn't matter, but I want to make other tools move like the tool.
I have been trying to make a semicirlce or a half of a circle in order to make a Sun on a horizon.Thus far I have used the Ellipse tool and tried using the New Layer > Subtract Front Shape method but I am left with something closer to a crescent shape.
I have also tried to draw a circle and then remove handles but that hasn't worked either.
I need to do a small bit of horizon straightening on an image which I have.
Using the rotation tool is fair enough.
Under clipping I select crop to result.
In the rotation dialog i enter the angle ( -.7 )
When I click rotate, it goes through the motions of a status bar advancing (green bar), but when it is finished doing its thing the image vanishes entirely, and i'm left with what looks like a transparent background.
If in clipping, I select 'Adjust', it rotates fine but I have to crop the result manually to have the image 'square' with no transparent angled edges.
How the rotation tool works? I'm using Gimp 2.6.4 on Windows Vista.
What I want to know is if there is a way to make a hotkey or at all save specific options for specific tools. Let's say I'm using the 'Paintbrush, Opacity 70%, Hardness 075, Size 4.00' as my "standard outline tool". Can I some how save that preference (and any other tool such as "Specific Eraser Op. 100%, Hard. 100, Size 10.00) so that I can easily switch between "Ouline Brush" and "Specific Eraser" . Maybe to the 'f-buttons'
I'd like to be able to make maybe 5 specific tools:-Outline Brush
-Small Eraser -Big Eraser -Detailed Color brush -Big Color Brush.
how do I make straight lines? I found out that you can click and hold one of the arrow keys to get a horizontal/vertical line. But how do I get a straight diagonal line? I'm doing an isometric drawing getting ready for my engineering class next semester, and I want to be familiar with using isometric paper. But I can't make any lines!
I drew an image and now want to edit it in photoshop cs3 or illustrator, I want make what ever line that suppose to be vertical or horizontal straight, and curvy line even. Overall I want to make my image outline straight and even, I drew it freehand so it is hard to make a perfect straight and even line.
I've been trying to make a straight chain and make a curved one. I've tried the warp but it only distorts the links and become out of shape. How i would make it curved like the one in the diagram.
In PSCS5 and earlier, I used to be able to make a straight line of points in a curve by placing 9 points on the straight line curve. I did this by drawing a small straight line at the bottom of the curve using the pencil tool and then clicking the curve point icon.
I decided to draw a long box, 2 pixels wide and fill it with the desired color. That was all fair and well until I tried reducing my image and then the nice looking spider web line that I drew turned into a horrible black and white block line that looks crap.
So, I decided to try and get rid of it, and here I am 45 minutes later still trying to get rid of it. I don't what layer it is on, there are many layers, whenever i find the layer it is and delete it it then turns up in another layer in a different color. I've tried copying and pasting over layers, it just keeps coming back, I don't know what is going on anymore, it wont go away....
How to draw a simple freaking straight line in GIMP by clicking on a point and then clicking on another point?
How do I draw a straight line in GIMP? I'm guessing all those tutorials are aimed at windows users. But I use Debian. Also tried ctrl, alt etc.
I have to wonder what kind of reasoning went into deciding not to have a line tool. It seems so simple to implement compared to all that advanced stuff. The only decent way to make a line currently that I can see is to make a square by filling a selection, shrinking, deleting, then delete all the sides of the square that i don't want. But this is so inefficient to do every time I need a line.
In CS5 and prior versions of PS, you could "make a straight line of points in a curve". After opening the curve dialog box, draw a straight line with the pencil tool and then click the wavy icon above the pencil tool icon (edit points to modify the curve) and it would automatically place 9 equidistant points on the curve. With CS6, it only places 3 points. Any way to get 9(or at least multiple) points placed?
I shot an interior. How do I get the lines of a room straight? I used the straighten tool in the cropping area but one side get straight and the other is off.
I'm pretty new and have a simple problem that for some reason I can't figure it out! And that is how to make a series of lines on the image that are all perfectly horizontal or perfectly verticle. This will be part of a chart and the lines will be dividers. So the chart will have basically 21 rectangles with 3 rectangles across and 7 rectangles down.
So, I KNOW how to use the straight line tool to make the vertical and horizontal lines but I don't know how to keep the lines perfectly vertical and horizontal and parallel with each other!
Is it possible to create a straight line by using coordinates instead of left clicking on a specific point(my hands are just to shaky when using a mouse to get the exact coordinate) then holding shift and then taking forever trying to get that perfect end point pixel location.
Is there something I can do to stop the appearance of random straight lines? They appear to randomly leap out from the tablet pen curser to the edge of the screen. Pressure sensitivity does seem to work--everything works perfectly with the exception of these bizzare lines!
I have around 20 differently sized layers that I am trying to arrange into a straight horizontal line. I want them next to each other so that one layer's right edge is the same as the next layer's left edge. I also want them all on the bottom edge of the image. I've tried the Align tool and the Align Visible Layers option under Image, and neither have worked.
I notice that when I hit shift to create a straight line, it seems to be straight in about 1° increments.
Is there anywhere that I can specify the increment angle? Mostly, I make 90° straight lines, so I'd like to up this increment so that there is a more noticeable space in between the increments.
I created some trees in Photoshop and created an opacity map for them, but for some reason when I place the trees in 3ds max they appear very washed out and bleached above the horizon line. I am using Mental Ray physical sun for the sky.
I am using a daylight system in 3ds max, but unfortunately there is a black horizon line that I can't get to go away. I tried taking the physical scale in the Environment tab up to 100,000 but that just made the black horizon white. It blended a little better but it still obvious. Is there a way to make that go away or disappear?