Well, I've checked Deviantart and google images, as well as a few random render sites, and they have a few C4Ds, but they are generally either not renders and have a background or are just plain bad. On here it seems like people have C4Ds for every situation, but I'm currently at a grand total of 4, which makes it difficult to do much with.
I'm fairly experienced with PDN (2-3 years), but I've never used a C4D. I notice people mentioning them a lot in tutorials and other posts. What place/website do you find C4Ds? How do you use them?
Everytime I resize my c4d, it goes through. However, when copy and paste it into my canvas it pastes as the original size instead of the new size I made.
I have two satellite images that I am comparing to look for changes in topography between the two dates at which the images were taken. I was going to use the Layers Divide Mode, but the problem is that any brightness changes AND non-changes show up as white (the algorithm gimp uses is 256*Image1/(image2+1) ), so you can see if the pixels of image1 and 2 are the same, it'll give a pixel with value 256, and if image 1 has brighter pixel than image 2, it will give a value greater than 256...which gets converted back to 256. I've also looked into the Difference and Subtract modes, but they take absolute values or sets anything negative to 0, which skews my results. Basically, I'm wondering if there is something in gimp which will allow me to compare the two images, kind of like creating a ratio image in ENVI where darker colors stand for darkening over time, whiter colors stand for brightening, and greyish colors show non-changes. I want to divide one pixel value by the other, and use that value to create a new ratio image.
A couple days ago, I was making some images, and I looked up a tutorial on how to make a watermark [URL]....... I did everything it said, but I could not find the brush.
I download the Gimp 2.8 and have a lot of prolems with it.... Today I can´t find the history of the paths. Where is it? I can´t use path two times if I need. Sweet Gimp 2.6...
I had my first go at GIMP last night following a video I found on YouTube.I managed to make some progress.
The main problem I had was trying to find the layers box which is supposed to appear on the RHS of my screen but is absent. I had a fiddle about with Layers in the options toolbar at the top of the screen but that didn't work.
I cannot find the page setup in the menus of 2.8. For some reason, despite my image being landscape, I cannot change the print orientation to landscape.
In earlier versions, Page Setup was under the File tab, but, for the life of me, I can't find it anymore.
Just downloaded GIMP on Vista and tried to import a PDF file that I need to work on. I got the file into the Import (?) window, clicked on Import and the program whirred away for a while but I can't see or find the file - there's just a blank window.
How can I find my file to work on it? Do I need to load it into GIMP in a special way?
I am trying to figure out layering masking. I have watched some videos at which people use laying masks to color, shade, etc... however they are able to mask the outline as well, but when they color it does not effect the outline.
I'm a consistent yet still newbie user who uses GIMP in lieu of other photo editing programs. how to get my Toolbox and Tool Options to seam back together? I somehow pulled them apart, and when I click on 'Lock Tab to Dock' it does nothing, they're still separate.
I have an odd behavior with saving, how to deal with. This is using Gimp 2.6.11 under Windows 7 Professional SP1.
When you do a "Save As" for a new picture, the default directory is "\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin". I have been careless and sometimes clicked "Save" without changing the directory. When I go to the directory "C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin", the files are not visible. But within Gimp, I can use the "Open" menu item to see them and open them, so they do exist.
how I can delete these files, because they don't belong in the bin directory?
after I created a path , added text, I couldn't find the "text along path" button (which is supposed to be at the bottom (text)tool option), so how can I make it appear?
so under edit pref and input controllers. I edited the scroll button of the mouse to have zoom in and out. works like a charm. Now, i have seleted to edit the ctrl+scroll up and down features to change brush size. Problem is, it works great right after i have selected the brush and type of tool i want, but as soon as i paint on the image and then hit the ctrl button, it now displays the another tool and i think its the color picker. I try to also scroll the mouse wheel and nothin.
I cant seem to find the option that is controlling the color picker or whatever that tool is to come up when the i hit ctrl. I even searched for color picker under keyboard shortcuts.
How can I find all pixels in an image with an exact, specific color? So far, I've only managed to find the pixels matching a pixel I click on; but I wish to find pixels matching a specific color value!
I edited a picture that involved a layer, it asked me to save it as a jpeg picture which I did. Now I cannot find the picture I edited or the original picture. It comes up as a white page. What did I do wrong and what can be done to revert it.
I'm an absolute beginner, and cannot find a simple pointer in GIMP. By simple pointer I mean an arrow to select an object, similar to the pointer in Inkscape. What am I missing?
I have checked the road map for GIMP and I have seen that the Unified transform tool can be expected in version 3.8. (ugh)
Now what I would like to ask is there any tool or plugin for GIMP that can transform my selections? Or is there any open source image editor that can do it.
I'm not an artist and just for this I have to use Photoshop. For me PS is an overkill for just cutting up an image.