GIMP :: Paint Brushing Copied Texture Possible?
Apr 24, 2012
I have an old photograph. The print is not in good shape, it looks like an old oil painting with cracks all over the place. It looks bit like a jigsaw. I have to zoom in quite far and when I do, I can, if I wish, select a small area that is homogeneous. The area is a coat, so it's sort of a cloth texture. Now, to my way of thinking, I wish I could select this small area and the select paintbrush which would lay down a textured area exactly like the selected textured area. That would be kind of a magical paintbrush.To my limited mind, I think I may have to paint over the whole photograph to restore it. But, anyhow how might I begin to restore this photo I have?
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Mar 18, 2012
I' only trying to create a logo for a project of mine.
This logo is composed by two things: the first one is the picture of the logo itself, than the second is the text part (which is not the hardest thing to do).
What I'm trying to do is, once have drown the "subject" (a light blue drop, in my case), to copy and paste it in order to have other four copies of the same drop, but moved and rotated to create something like a circle..
You can find the original logo I created attached. But I'm not really satisfied with it (this is also why I'm writing here!) =)
I'd like to re-create it and put the drops as in the attached logo....
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Mar 4, 2012
I have a lava texture and a ground texture. I'd like to be able to make some cracks on the ground texture that would show through the lava texture below it. Something like a cracked mud look. I would be using this for a game I'm making form some terrain textures. Are there any plugins that would aid in making these transparent cracks and perhaps even add depth to the cracks?
I guess a spider web where the spider was on crack would be something I'm looking for. Similar to the following image:
Lava Ground
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Nov 23, 2011
I have an image that I resized and that resulted in a gray checker board pattern above and below the original photo. I tried to add another photos above by copying and pasting it but get nothing I can see.
I tried merging visible layers but that did nothing (obviously since the copied photo is not visible).
Specifically I open the second photo, Select > All, Edit > Copy, went to the first image Edit > Paste resulting in a outline box of about the right size but without anything in it. I dragged this to the place I wanted it but I cannot get it to become visible. When I anchored the layer the outline box went away.
I have two layers but the second layer appears to be exactly like the first one.
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Oct 20, 2013
Please see at the problem:
I wanted to transform only selected part of image and instead all the layers and all the image was transformed by 1800 degree. How to do this what I want to do with the aid of free gimp?
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Feb 11, 2012
I have two images of the same size (e.g.800x600)
I select a region of the first image with any selection tool (e.g. the fuzzy select tool) I copy the selection.
Isn't there a way to paste the selection into the second image at exactly the same position where it was in the first image?
It seems to me unbelievable that there is no such option, but I can't ind it. I must be missing it. In Adobe flash it is called "paste in situ".
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Oct 18, 2013
I can't find a way to resize (make smaller) a clip that I have copied and pasted from another image. Here's a screenshot:
How to make the cat smaller?
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Nov 25, 2012
In GIMP 2.8, I'm having an issue with font settings not sticking with copied layers.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Click the text tool, then click the canvas.
2. Type the word "Cow".
3. Double Click the word "Cow" and set it to a fancy font, pink, and 24pt.
4. Select the "Cow" text layer and duplicate it.
5. Move the duplicated layer down. You now have two "Cow" layers in a pink, fancy, 24pt font.
6. Double click the word "cow" in the copied layer to highlight the word "Cow".
7. Type "Chicken" over the word "Cow"
Expected result:
The text is now "Chicken" in a fancy, pink, 24pt font.
Actual result:
The text is now "Chicken" in the default font.
In order to keep the font you want, you have to insert the new text after the first letter of the existing word. ie: "CChickenow", then remove the extra "ow" from the end, then remove the "C" from the beginning. This is very tedious and frustrating.
I am aware that you can set a default font to whatever you want (except making it bold by default?). But, if I copy a layer and type over it, it's because I wanted to copy the appearance of the layer, not start over with a new one. Is there a setting I can change? Or is this a known issue with text editing in 2.8?
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Jan 13, 2007
i work in a photostudio and i use healing brush to retouch pictures.... i've been wondering how anyone could come up with this kind of airbrush effect? is it healing brush?
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Oct 30, 2005
Is there a way to enable symmetrical brushing in photoshop? So that I'd have a center point in a layer and if I draw to the left side, the exact same thing appears on the right side - at correct distance. So far i've been just drawing the another side first and duplicated it afterwards, but it'd be very nice to see the results in real-time.
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Apr 12, 2009
Is there a way to lock a specific opacity while brushing out color? I want to brush a color out on my document that is at about 25% opacity and I don't want the opacity to "build" as I paint over color I've placed already? I want the color to remain at 25%. I'm not using the airbrush feature and I've been unable to find any setting that solves the problem. Each time I brush over my color the opacity builds, making obvious, unwanted streaks of more solid color.
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Jul 2, 2013
In the upper left corner you will see the word "brush". Along that same panel are three different options that you can choose from to work with. I can't recall the first option, but the other two are "texture" with a word behind it and "content" with a word behind that. Somehow I inadvertently "knocked" these options off and don't know how to restore them.
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Jul 19, 2013
I'm running Gimp 2.8.4 on Ubuntu 13.04 Linux (64-bit) and I'm trying touse the "Bevel and Emboss" layer effect on an image which I copied fromanother image. Here is what I've done:
1. Loaded image 'A' into Gimp
2. Selected a portion of it
3. Used "/Edit/Copy" to copy the selection
4. Used "/Edit/Paste As/New image" to create a new image from the selection
5. In the new window for the new image, "/FX-Foundry/Layer effects/Bevel and Emboss"
6. When the "Bevel and Emboss" window opens, I accept the defaults and click "Ok"
The filter starts to run and then stops with an error message. Here is the message I get:
------------ START ------------------
Bevel and Emboss Message
Error while executing script-fu-layer-effects-bevel-and-emboss:
Error: ( : 1) Procedure execution of gimp-selection-layer-alpha failed on invalid input arguments: Item 'Pasted Layer copy' (87) cannot be used because it has not been added to an image
----------- END -------------------
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Aug 26, 2012
Okay so I downloaded some brushes and then my photoshop cs6 started to work a lot slower and it just wasn't working right at all. So I deleted the brushes but it didn't change.
So basically the problems are when I try and use a brush the brushing is delayed and when i switch tabs it won't let me back onto the program and when I try and make a simple picture with just text and a photo and then try and save for web this pops up 'This image exceeds the size Save for Web was designed for. You may experience out of memory errors and slow performance. Are you sure you want to continue?'
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Nov 14, 2013
've been having this annoying problem with CS6 where every now and then no matter what I click, nothing would happen. I try clicking tools, layers, brushing something on the canvas and nothing happens. Even when I try to close the window i am using nothing happens. When I roll over the X the colors light up and everything but nothing happens (same when I roll over tools and swatches).
Can't close or minimize anything. I've noticed it happening more often when I work on big files over 80mb. The only thing I can do is use shortcut keys to save whatever I have, quit photoshop and reopen again. Sometimes I have to reopen more than once. It also happens a lot when I minimize PS and browse the web for a bit and come back. It's so annoying, and I worry that one day I won't even be able to use shortcut keys or access the top menus.
I have a Macbook Pro with OS X Mavericks. I recently updated to Mavericks, but even with the OS I had before that (10.7) I still had this same problem.
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Nov 26, 2013
How to change one texture to another . Added an attachment to show what i mean. example the snow texture, how to change just that part to a different texture.
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Aug 13, 2012
How do you add texture to a photograph?
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May 3, 2013
I want to cover this picture (shape):
with the rusty metal texture that is this picture:
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Aug 2, 2011
What i would like to do is add a background texture to an image that already has color without the texture pictures color taking over, how can this be done?
I am using an apply texture plugin, but once again it applies the texture and the color of the picture , all i want is the texture.
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Mar 7, 2011
I recently ran across some nice textures on the Brusheezy site, which then led me to google whether or not I could add these textures to my PDN. What I found was a custom texture .dll listed at this site [URL]...... that says it will allow the loading of PS textures in to PDN. Does it work, and do those of you who created and run PDN recommend using it?
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May 17, 2013
I'm working on an ebook cover and it was suggested I add texture. Can I do that in
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May 15, 2013
Basically I have 2 images, 1 texture background and 1 logo vector and I wanna blend these images together.
I have the vector on a layer on top of the texture background on the layer underneath and I want to get rid of the background but have it imprinted onto the vector as a texture fill effect. How would I go about doing this?
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Nov 27, 2011
I have this runway texture
I want to make it repeatable only in the y axis like the map/make seamless but just in one direction.
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Feb 16, 2013
I am trying to create a displacement map from a texture, and am not sure how to go about it. If you look at the attachments you can see what I am trying to accomplish. What I have done so far is:
Desat by Lumin
Motion Blur -> Linear
Length 10
Then I think I need to color by apparent depth.. which I am not sure how to do?
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Jul 27, 2013
I want to know how I can put a pattern on an image. It needs to be an image with a transparent background. For example, this image (that I found on Google):
(this is a huge picture, I am just using it as an example).
Its a PNG image. Its a star template, filled with a pattern of can I do this using Gimp? I want to make different stars like this one..some with cheetah pattern, some with zebra pattern etc.
I know it has to do with the layers or something
Also, does Gimp come with templates I can use? Like a star, for instance?
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Apr 13, 2012
I'd like to change the picture here:
So that the fur of the animal looks purple/mauve (in particular the gray part, it would be best if the white part didn't change).
I haven't found a way to do this, even approximately (which would be enough), in a textured surface. Methods I've seen changing the hue saturation seem to work when working with primary colors, but I can't get it to work with a gray color.
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Feb 1, 2014
Basically what I'm wanting to do is curve the text around the image...which I already know how to do...but have the texture and color of the image its around be applied to the text. I've included the file.
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Aug 6, 2012
I trying to edit the linked image to be the background of a new site I'm creating. I need to make the image longer by copying the soil teture from the bottom of the image and fading it into black.
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Sep 16, 2011
I am trying to recreate the text of this logo: [URL], specifically the "Arkham City" text. As you can see, there are several darker and several lighter pixels inside the text, forming a great looking texture that isn't a single color. My question is, how can I recreate this texture, having some darker and some lighter pixels?
Also, what would be the best way to recreate the wind effect? I tried using wind, but that winds out the entire text rather than just the bottom of each letter.
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Aug 13, 2013
I was just wondering if there is any way to effectively apply a normal map to a texture in gimp?
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Jun 15, 2012
I have PSPX2 and run XP Home.
Until recently my Ulead Art Texture worked perfectly.
Now when I go to the Edit area all the pallettes are greyscale.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and cannot get the colours back into the pallettes.
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