GIMP :: Layers Hiding The Copied Image

Nov 23, 2011

I have an image that I resized and that resulted in a gray checker board pattern above and below the original photo. I tried to add another photos above by copying and pasting it but get nothing I can see.

I tried merging visible layers but that did nothing (obviously since the copied photo is not visible).

Specifically I open the second photo, Select > All, Edit > Copy, went to the first image Edit > Paste resulting in a outline box of about the right size but without anything in it. I dragged this to the place I wanted it but I cannot get it to become visible. When I anchored the layer the outline box went away.

I have two layers but the second layer appears to be exactly like the first one.

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GIMP :: Copied Font Layers Revert To Default While Editing

Nov 25, 2012

In GIMP 2.8, I'm having an issue with font settings not sticking with copied layers.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Click the text tool, then click the canvas.
2. Type the word "Cow".
3. Double Click the word "Cow" and set it to a fancy font, pink, and 24pt.
4. Select the "Cow" text layer and duplicate it.
5. Move the duplicated layer down. You now have two "Cow" layers in a pink, fancy, 24pt font.
6. Double click the word "cow" in the copied layer to highlight the word "Cow".
7. Type "Chicken" over the word "Cow"

Expected result:

The text is now "Chicken" in a fancy, pink, 24pt font.

Actual result:

The text is now "Chicken" in the default font.

In order to keep the font you want, you have to insert the new text after the first letter of the existing word. ie: "CChickenow", then remove the extra "ow" from the end, then remove the "C" from the beginning. This is very tedious and frustrating.

I am aware that you can set a default font to whatever you want (except making it bold by default?). But, if I copy a layer and type over it, it's because I wanted to copy the appearance of the layer, not start over with a new one. Is there a setting I can change? Or is this a known issue with text editing in 2.8?

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GIMP :: How To Use Bevel And Emboss Layer Effect On Image Copied From Another Image

Jul 19, 2013

I'm running Gimp 2.8.4 on Ubuntu 13.04 Linux (64-bit) and I'm trying touse the "Bevel and Emboss" layer effect on an image which I copied fromanother image. Here is what I've done:

1. Loaded image 'A' into Gimp
2. Selected a portion of it
3. Used "/Edit/Copy" to copy the selection
4. Used "/Edit/Paste As/New image" to create a new image from the selection
5. In the new window for the new image, "/FX-Foundry/Layer effects/Bevel and Emboss"
6. When the "Bevel and Emboss" window opens, I accept the defaults and click "Ok"

The filter starts to run and then stops with an error message. Here is the message I get:

------------ START ------------------

Bevel and Emboss Message

Error while executing script-fu-layer-effects-bevel-and-emboss:

Error: ( : 1) Procedure execution of gimp-selection-layer-alpha failed on invalid input arguments: Item 'Pasted Layer copy' (87) cannot be used because it has not been added to an image

----------- END -------------------

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GIMP :: How To Transform Only Copied Part Of Image

Oct 20, 2013

Please see at the problem:


I wanted to transform only selected part of image and instead all the layers and all the image was transformed by 1800 degree. How to do this what I want to do with the aid of free gimp?

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GIMP :: How To Resize Clip Copied And Pasted From Another Image

Oct 18, 2013

I can't find a way to resize (make smaller) a clip that I have copied and pasted from another image. Here's a screenshot:


How to make the cat smaller?

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Photoshop :: Hiding Layers

May 20, 2009

I work on computer forensic investigations and I am currently working a case where there is evidence that a person has possibly hidden an image using Photoshop, Gimp, or something. The things I need to know is what image format do I need to be looking for? There were no .psd's on the hard drives but what other formats? Can a .bmp, .,jpg, or .png for example be manipulated with layers, masks, or anything else to conceal an image. Also, I am not a big photoshop user but I need to investigate this further. I will be using Gimp. What would be the process of importing an image and showing the layers. I have tried but failed miserably in working with layers, trying to show different layers, etc.

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Photoshop :: Hiding A Picture In Layers

May 20, 2009

I work on computer forensic investigations and I am currently working a case where there is evidence that a person has possibly hidden an image using Photoshop, Gimp, or something. The things I need to know is what image format do I need to be looking for? There were no .psd's on the hard drives but what other formats? Can a .bmp, .,jpg, or .png for example be manipulated with layers, masks, or anything else to conceal an image. Also, I am not a big photoshop user but I need to investigate this further. I will be using Gimp. What would be the process of importing an image and showing the layers. I have tried but failed miserably in working with layers, trying to show different layers, etc.

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Edge Animate CC :: Hiding Layers Via Boundary?

Aug 24, 2013

I'm using Edge to set up animations for my portfolio pages.  I'm working on several, but I'm still instinctively using Flash techniques that are different, or don't work with Edge.  I'm trying to set up a kind of 'conveyor belt' with two belts, one on top and one below.  Each belt will scroll and carry a word, and cycle in a loop so the words move back and forth through the machine graphics I have.
Is there a way to 'hide' an object beyond the opacity slider and keyframes/pin?  Once the word is covered by the machine, I want it to disappear, but parts of the word which still haven't been carried inside the machine are still visible, so using the opacity slider is out until the whole word is inside the machine.  But if I try to scale it, the shape changes while parts of the word are still visible. 
One solution is to break each word into chunks of 3 letters or so, with individual layers for each cluster of letters.  Then once each chunk is hidden, blink it out.  But before I do that, I'd like to find out if there's a way to make a hard edge, or a boundary, somewhere on the stage, beneath which a specified layer becomes invisible, so that if an object scrolls past that boundary before exiting the stage, it gradually disappears.  Is that possible?  I'd prefer this way, because I plan to animate the 'belts' the same way for smooth scrolling.

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Photoshop :: Edit Copied Layers Simultaneously?

Apr 10, 2008

I'm working on a PNG that's supposed to be tiled for use as a web background. It's an image of clouds, and since it's an organic form, I want to avoid it looking tiled, I'm editing the edges to make them blend together.

I've got 9 identical layers over a white background, and what I'm LIKE to do is have any change I make in one layer be reflected in all 9. Can that be done? It would come in pretty handy about now...

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Photoshop :: Unable To Edit Copied Layers In CS

Aug 4, 2004

I'm having an issue with editing layers copied from one file to another in Photoshop CS. It seems to be essentially locking the layers and I can't figure out how to unlock them. I've tried duplicating them, renaming them, and resetting my tool preferences (I'm desparate and frustrated). They are in the same mode. This also tends to be an issue with opening a .jpg or .gif file and trying to edit it.

it seems the issue was my computer had the user permissions set for read/write only. Once I changed it so that all users had all permissions I was able to edit it.

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Photoshop :: Stop PS From Amending Copied Layers...

Mar 19, 2009

Is there any way to stop Photoshop from amending copied layers with "copy", "copy 2", "copy 57", etc.?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Hiding Layers Inside Blocks?

Mar 6, 2012

When I bring a part in as a block into an assembly, is there a way to turn the block of just that part off and all its layers inside that block?

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AutoCad :: Disable (current Layer Will Be Off) Popup When Hiding Layers?

May 12, 2011

How can I disable the "the current layer will be off" popup when hiding layers? I found this:


but I'm afraid the expert command is only valid for commands

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Item Of 1 Bit Depth Have Layers To Be Copied / Duplicated

Feb 7, 2014

Can an item of 1 Bit depth have layers which can be copied or duplicated.  My 1 Bit item is partially locked and the layer menu does not permit any operations.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Xref Layers Do Not Print Correctly When Hiding Lines

Oct 24, 2012

I am having an issue with plotting a drawing that includes an xref. I have also included an attachment as reference.

I am working in AutoCAD 2010; I have a drawing that includes another drawing as an xref. The xref is on layer “0” in model space and my titleblock, annotation and viewports are in paper space (layout tab). I am using color dependent plot styles (.STB). The xref is a 3D model created with basic AutoCAD solids representing steel shapes, there are also some line segments representing the steel centerlines. The viewport is a plan view of the 3D steel model, the view is not clipped. Since the xref contains 3D objects when I print the drawing I don't want the “hidden” lines to show up, I accomplish this by setting the viewport shade plot setting to “HIDDEN”.

Here is the problem:

When I print the drawing the xref’s layers do not print correctly but rather take on the properties of layer “0” which has a plot style of “NORMAL” so everything prints in color and with a default lineweight. I want the xref to print using the xref’s layer properties that are defined in the .STB file. One variable that changes the outcome of the printed drawing is the viewport shade plot setting.

If the viewport shade plot is set to HIDDEN the xref prints using layer “0” properties (undesired) and the3D object lines are hidden (desired). See attached Viewport #1

If the viewport shade plot is set to AS DISPLAYED the xref prints using the xref’s layer properties (desired) but the 3D object lines are not hidden (undesired). See attached Viewport #2

The ONLY difference between the two viewports is the shade plot setting, there are no layer overrides and only the xref objects are affected, the objects in paper space print as expected. This only happens with an xref or block. If I bind the xref into the drawing and explode it so the objects are “live” in the drawing everything works fine. Unfortunately I need it to work correctly with an xref.

If I use a color dependent plot style (.CTB) where the .CTB file controls the color and lineweight I am able to achieve the desired results, unfortuneatly my company is determined to use .STB files

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Paint.NET :: Make Same Copied Patter Copied In Different Positions In Circle

Mar 18, 2012

I' only trying to create a logo for a project of mine.

This logo is composed by two things: the first one is the picture of the logo itself, than the second is the text part (which is not the hardest thing to do).

What I'm trying to do is, once have drown the "subject" (a light blue drop, in my case), to copy and paste it in order to have other four copies of the same drop, but moved and rotated to create something like a circle..

You can find the original logo I created attached. But I'm not really satisfied with it (this is also why I'm writing here!) =)

I'd like to re-create it and put the drops as in the attached logo....

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GIMP :: Paint Brushing Copied Texture Possible?

Apr 24, 2012

I have an old photograph. The print is not in good shape, it looks like an old oil painting with cracks all over the place. It looks bit like a jigsaw. I have to zoom in quite far and when I do, I can, if I wish, select a small area that is homogeneous. The area is a coat, so it's sort of a cloth texture. Now, to my way of thinking, I wish I could select this small area and the select paintbrush which would lay down a textured area exactly like the selected textured area.  That would be kind of a magical paintbrush.To my limited mind, I think I may have to paint over the whole photograph to restore it. But, anyhow how might I begin to restore this photo I have?

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GIMP :: Image In Grayscale (6 Layers)

Feb 22, 2011

I downloaded an image of the internet to edit [URL]......

Because I want to edit the base and put clothes on it and such. I opened the image in gimp and added the lines for the clothes on multiple layers. I went in to color it and the color showed up grey, any color i used turned out to be grey. Then I looked up at where they put the name of the image and it says: (greyscale, 6 layers) I assume that why i cant color it. is their any way to change this so i can add and edit color?

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GIMP :: Making Image Into Layers?

Mar 12, 2013

I'm having some issues using either GIMP or PS to do this, so I figured I'd ask here. when it comes to image editing and tasks like this, but I'm currently being asked to do something for a job.

I need to take a single image which is a restaurant floor layout, then make it so all of the tables on the image are a different layer so that they can be moved around/customized accordingly.

As far as I can tell, this would involve creating layers, copying the tables from the main image, pasting them all on top as their own layer, and then sliding them around from there.

Is there any easy way to do this, or am I completely off-base?

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GIMP :: How To Separate Layers In Image

Jun 4, 2012

I have some very old GB postage stamps which can be identified by their plate numbers. The plate number, which is engraved in the design of the stamp, has an effect on the stamp's value. Unfortunately on a number of stamps the cancellation mark obliterates the plate number. I would like to be able, in a digital image, to lift the image of the cancellation mark to reveal the design underneath.

I have tried using Adobe and Corel imaging software without luck.

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GIMP :: Adding GIF To Image (between Layers)

Jul 29, 2013

how to place an gif between two layers (or add text, brushes, images over it) without screwing up the animation. I've experimented with it, and the results tends to be that one of the layers (pictures) go missing in the animation or the animation just does not animate.

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GIMP :: Divide Image Into Layers?

Apr 22, 2012

In the attached image, it comes up as one layer. What I want to do, is change the background gradient. So I guess I need to move the image of the bus to another layer and then change the background. But I don't know how.

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GIMP :: Transferring Layers From One Image To Another

Oct 15, 2011

I would like to transfer several layers from one image to another larger image and have the layers maintain their original alignment to one another. When I simply drag the layers from the layer window to the target image, they typically are not aligned when they arrive.

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GIMP :: Paste In Same Place As Copied Selection Was (2012)

Feb 11, 2012

I have two images of the same size (e.g.800x600)

I select a region of the first image with any selection tool (e.g. the fuzzy select tool) I copy the selection.

Isn't there a way to paste the selection into the second image at exactly the same position where it was in the first image?

It seems to me unbelievable that there is no such option, but I can't ind it. I must be missing it. In Adobe flash it is called "paste in situ".

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GIMP :: Modify Underlying Layers For Image?

Dec 30, 2013

How & where to modify my ''Underlying layers'' for an image I am working on.

The overall project/design is for a t-shirt mock-up template. The whole idea is to make it as realistic looking as possible (photorealistic)

I found a great tutorial (which unfortunately was made for photoshop...) I was to follow it and pretty much apply the instruction to Gimp. However, there is part where the ''Underlying layers'' are being tweeked.

I am able to follow everything up to (4:32) [URL] ...........

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GIMP :: Scroll Multiple Layers On Same Image

Apr 5, 2011

I have been trying out gimp and i'm getting the hang of the basics but what i would like to know is how can i scroll multiple layers on the same image,

i have been using the 'move path' function and i can get one layer to scroll but how do i add more layers to the image? i want one text layer to scroll horizontally and then another different text layer to scroll vertically but at the moment i only get one or the other.

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GIMP :: How To Quickly Fit The Image To Visible Layers

Dec 22, 2009

first post from relatively new user of Gimp 2.6.7 on Vista.

I'd like to be able to quickly fit the image to the visible layers -- usually just one layer, in fact. I'm currently doing it by drawing a rough marquee and then correcting it at high magnification before using Fit Canvas to Selection, but there must be a better way! :roll:

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GIMP :: Opening Flattened Image In Layers?

Jun 16, 2011

I created an image in gimp and flattened it before saving. I now want to edit some of the text in that image, but when I open in Gimp "As Layers" or just open it, it does not open in three different layers, like I had before flattening it. Am I doing something wrong. I saved it as a jpg file after flattening it.

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GIMP :: How To Drag Layers From One Image To Another In 2.8 (2013)

Dec 7, 2013

I'm using Gimp 2.8.2 on Linux. I've configured the UI to single-windowmode and have opened multiple images, each with a tabbed display.

It is my understanding that I should be able to grab a layer from oneimage and drag-and-drop it onto the tab of another image in order toappend a copy of that layer in the new image. I have not been able to dothis. I'm grabbing a layer from the layers dialog and dragging it to the tab-thumbnail, but the layer is not copied to the new image.

A couple of comments for the UI designers:

* I find the [X] icons on the image tabs to be a real problem getting accidentally selected and dismissing the image when attempting to quickly select another tab. I would prefer another tab dismissal method such as right-click-menu close.

* Some user control over the tabs would be good. For example, I would like to see the the vertical height of of the tabs be smaller and have the option of displaying file names and/or icons.

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GIMP :: Image With Layers - How To Cut Out Middle Of Canvas

Mar 16, 2013

I have an image with many layers. I want to cut a vertical strip out of the middle of one of the layers because I want to narrow the transparent gap between the left side of that layer and the right side. That is, my image has stuff on the left side and stuff on the right and a gap in the middle through which shows the pattern in the layers below, and I want to narrow that middle gap. I want to do the same thing as cutting a vertical strip down the middle of that top layer with scissors so I can scrunch the sides together, so less of the patterns on the layers behind shows through.

Is there any way to do this? It doesn't work when I simply select the area I want to cut and click "cut" or "clear" - those commands don't get rid of the canvas in that section, just the contents, which are transparent anyway.

I'm trying to avoid resizing the canvas and then laboriously reconstructing the layer with all the finicky alignment issues, because that seems unnecessarily time-consuming, when all I need to do is remove a gap in a blank section. I tried using guides to guillotine the image, but that, too, is turning out to be time-consuming in terms of reassembling the image. I know I must be missing something obvious - how does one simply remove a selection of the canvas (and not of the image itself) with the selection tool?

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Photoshop :: The Technique Of Hiding One Image Behind Another.

Jan 8, 2006

I know some people are familair with this technique where you highlight an image and the picture turns out to be someone/thing else from what was before it was highlighted. Anyone know of this technique? I know it requires the filter/render/checkerboard plugin but I can't find it anywhere. It involves opacity and masking.

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