GIMP :: MacOS Slower Since Native Windowing Switch?

Jul 23, 2013

For a long time I'd been using Gimp 2.8.0 on my Mac Mini. (Running Lion) It worked well, but it had a few annoying Wacom-related bugs.

Today I upgraded to Gimp 2.8.6 ... and it's very very slow. I tried 2.8.4. Also slow. (On the plus-side, the Wacom bugs are totally gone.)

I tried a couple of different binary builds. The two linked from the Gimp homepage and one from All very slow. At print resolutions, even something as simple as changing a layer visibility (Previously almost instant) now takes the better part of a minute.

Did something horrible happen to the rendering code during the X11 migration?

I've tried
--Turning off all color management.
--Working on monochrome files. (No improvement, which makes me think it must be draw-related.)
-- Increasing and decreasing the tile-cache size.

So far I've just been using pre-made binaries, but I'm not adverse to compiling my own if I absolutely have to.

Rolling back to 2.8.0 fixes the performance problem, but I'd really like to have the bug fixes.

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GIMP :: Switch Between Eyedropper / Brush Switch

Jan 9, 2013

If there is a way to switch between the eye dropper/brush tool fast.

On Photoshop there the "alt" key but on my mac it really wastes a lot of time for blending colors .

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GIMP :: How To Install UFRAW Plugin For Mac Native Version Of (2.8.2)

Sep 11, 2012

how to install the UFRAW plugin for the Mac native version of GIMP (2.8.2).

I have searched, but everything I find says that UFRAW is included with Mac builds of GIMP. This seems to be true for versions that run under X11, but not for the native build.

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GIMP :: How To Switch Off Highlighted Area

May 30, 2012

I used the Ellipse Select Tool to cut, then paste an area in an image. Now the move of this image component is done I need to 'switch off' the ellipse to paint outside it. I expected the 'Select' 'None' menu option to switch it off, but it doesn't.

What should I do?

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GIMP :: Switch To Index Mode Changes Colours?

Jun 18, 2012

when saving images for the web i try save them as indexed png's to save space.

however, when switching to indexed mode GIMP will alter my colours if i choose to use a palette with less colours than i have in the image. This is the most noticable if for example i have an image with bacgkround #ffcc00 and a multicoloured icon in the middle. due to the icon the image probably has over 100 colours. if i then choose 64 colours not only will it affect the colours in the icon, but change the entire, large, unicoloured background area to maybe fec50a (just an example). is there anyway to force GIMP to only use colours already present in the image?

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GIMP :: Keyboard Shortcut To Switch To Next / Previous Tab

Aug 30, 2013

I have Gimp 2.8 and I am using Single-Window Mode. I have about 15 images open at the same time and I am doing repetitive tasks on each of them. I made keyboard shortcuts to do the tasks themselves but I still have to use my mouse to go up and click the next tab to start work on the next image. It would save time if there were a keyboard shortcut. I see that under the Windows menu I can use Alt+1 through Alt+0 to select any of the first 10 images, but I have 15 open.

I wanted to know if there is a keyboard shortcut to just switch to the next tab or the previous tab.

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GIMP :: Black And White - When To Switch Off Color Chanel

Jun 17, 2012

i am planning to spend some weeks in France - and there i want to take many many pictues.

The question - shoulkd i switch off the color chanel before i take the fotographs or afterwards. I can swith it off at the Nikon Camera - sure thing

Black and White - when to switch off the color chanel

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GIMP :: Why Do Paths Disappear When Switch From Path Tool

Nov 7, 2013

For instance, when I go to paintbrush tool.

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GIMP :: Switch Focus To The Image Window Without Having To Click It

May 19, 2012

If I'm editing an image and I click the toolbox (or, say, the docked layers dialogue), if I hover my cursor back over the image and press and hold spacebar so I can scroll around the image, currently I have to click within the image window before it registers my keystroke.

The more intuitive behavior and what I want to be able to do is just hover my mouse cursor over a window and and keystrokes or scrolling I perform happen within that window. This currently happens if I scroll using my mouse scroll wheel, but not with keystrokes.

I'm using single window mode in Gimp 2.8, though I've also experienced this issue in non-single window mode when using Gimp 2.6.

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Photoshop :: CS2 9.0.2 Crashes On MacOS X 10.5.8?

Feb 20, 2013

CS2 crashing all the time after 10 sec on Mac OS X 10.5.8?
Process:         Adobe Photoshop CS2 [562]
Path: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS2
Identifier: com.adobe.Photoshop
Version:         9.0.2 (9.0.2x312 [20060822.902x312 02:00:00 cutoff]9.0.2x311) (9.0.2)
Code Type:       PPC (Translated)
Parent Process: launchd [103]
Interval Since Last Report:          2655 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:           2
Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  690 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2


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Photoshop :: CC 14.1 GPU Not Detected (MacOS)

Sep 9, 2013

I upgraded to Photoshop CC 14.1  Mid 2009 Macbook, 10.8.4 6GB ram/NVDIA 9400M GPU 236 MB ram.
When I launch PS by itself, my GPU is detected. If I double click on a file, there is a delay in opening and I get this message:
All my OpenGL functions are disabled. So now what can be done to get my GPU working as it did in 14.0?
I'll guess I'm out of luck since NVDIA doesn't issue updated drivers for my GPU.

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Photoshop :: Restore A Corrupted PSD File (MacOs 10.7.5 - CS6)

Jun 21, 2013

after working with a lot of layers, masks and clipping layers my file got corrupted. That happened in the past but I always found a way to fix it buy copying uncorrupted layers to a new file. Most of the time it was just one layer corrupted. But this time is big, it looks like the whole file is corrupted.

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After Effects :: Left And Right Bracket Does Not Work To Trim MacOS

Feb 7, 2014

I have an iMac computer with Norwegian Keyboard.
I cannot get the left and right bracket to work - so maybe it is some other keyboard command I have to do to make it work?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Saves In Wrong File Format On MacOS / When Trying To Load Obsolete Plugins

Sep 26, 2012

I've got about 4 hours of work into solving the dreaded  "Photoshop: CS6 saves in wrong file format on MacOS when trying to load obsolete plugins" (Aside: I don't suppose I can send Adobe an invoice for billable hours?? Naw, never happen.)
I could still not get CS6 PS to open and "save as" correctly. All of my plug-ins were current and the only linked ones were reinstalled after PS was updated. URL.... I saw multiple mentions of the "Standard Multiple Plugin" as a possible source of the problem. Found this file in /Library/ Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins. (Mac OS X 10.7.5) Removed the file and PS does what it should: defaults to all file formats on open and allows any format to be selected on "save as."
Get Info identifies this file as an Adobe plugin ver. 12.0.2 created and modified 7/18/11 obviously well before I got CS6. It also shows an Adobe copyright (2003-2010) message so this is NOT a third party plugin, nor is it a bad symlink, nor is it an outdated 3rd party plugin. Since this was placed there by the Adobe install and not modified by the CS6 upgrade, I can only conclude that Adobe wanted it there.What - if anything- will happen without this file in place and if it is necessary where does one obtain a new one?
I did not copy any old plug-ins to the new program nor did I have any bad aliases nor did I have multiple copies of anything.

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Photoshop :: Launching CS6 Macos 10.8.3 Causes Spacebar / Enter And Arrow Keys To Stop Working

Mar 25, 2013

i have a mac air 10.8.3 with cs6 V13.1.2 x64. The machine is running fine. I use an external usb apple keyboard, which is brand new (having just been returned from apple after a warranty case).
Launching Photoshop causes the space bar, the enter key, the up-down-left-right keys to become unresponsive to the entire operating system, even after photoshop is closed. Restarting the mac resolves the issue. Photoshop is the only foreground application launched, nothing else is running (other than background services and things like dropbox, sip, etc).
The issue affects both the external usb keyboard, and the in-built keyboard.I have tried deleting my photoshop prefs file, which makes no difference.
I have noted that bringing up the keyboard viewer ( Keyboard preferences > 'show keyboard & character viewers in menu bar'; then from the icon choosing 'Show keyboard viewer' ) will not show the key as being depressed. CLICKING on the SPACEBAR key, the ENTER or ARROW KEYS in the keyboard viewer also does not work!

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Photoshop :: My CS4 Seems To Be Running SLOWER On...

Oct 17, 2008

I'm running:

AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-Core processor 2.20GHz
4GB Ram
Windows Vista 64

My graphics card: Dual SLI Geforce 9600 GT (1GB Ram)

I booted up CS4 last night expecting to see an amazing difference, and well I did. It ended up seeing slower redraw rates and it chugs when I pan through big images.

I have a feeling there's some setting that I'm not doing right. I updated my Geforce drivers.

In the Nvidia control panel, there are a ton of settings for the Photoshop CS4 applications that I've been playing with but cant seem to get a favorable solution. Anyone have an Easy Button for this?

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3ds Max :: 2012 - Mental Ray Slower By 30%

Apr 8, 2011

I just tested some of my scenes from Max 2011 in 2012, and rendering is in average about 30% slower than in 2011.

I am attaching pictures for reference. It is obvious that they are 100% identical, there is no difference quality wise, but a significant difference performance wise. I will add some more result comparisons on more complex scenes to confirm the problem once they finish rendering. I am willing to provide my scenes to Autodesk if interested to solve this issue ASAP.

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Photoshop :: Lost Native CS6 Plugins?

May 28, 2013

after a problem with an anti virus i lost ,ost of the cs6 native plug ins, where can I download them?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Running Native Commands

Jan 11, 2012

I haven't had enough of an application to justify trying to figure it out. At this point however, i've designed a small conversion form that can be called by our engineers and allow them to convert between various units. I'd like to have a button though that allows them to call up the Quick Calc application from within AutoCAD. What i'm wondering is how do i actually call a native autoCAD command? Is it possible and if so where could i find documentation on the syntax. For what it's worth i'm working in C# in VS 2010.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Can't Rotate Native Objects

May 22, 2009

I can't rotate anything in 3ds Max anymore. The only way I've found is to go via the hierarchy pivot box (left hand menu), which isn't much of a workaround.

The rotate gizmo appears, the pie slice appears, angle numbers change when I drag but nothing moves. Is there a quick way of resetting 3ds to defaults? I presume I've switched something on or off that I shouldn't have!

I can rotate merged objects, just not native ones. I grouped a lorry with a box (I wanted to put a logo on the box for the side of the lorry) - when I rotated the lorry, the box stayed put!

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After Effects :: Render 3x Slower Than RAM Preview?

May 31, 2013

I have a Comp, which admittidely is a render nightmare, with 64 instances of a the same video each 1 frame ahead of the next. So it's very RAM hungry and something of a balancing act between the number of CPUs and how much RAM each is allowed (but generally allowing 3GB per process and 1 less CPU than suggested)
The thing that is killing me though is the RAM Preview is going almost 3x faster than a normal render. Even when the normal render destination is an SSD and compression is None. otherwise exact same settings i.e. 100%, best quality.
The really interesting part is that when doing a MP RAM preview the CPU usage (as viewed in activity monitor) is a solid wall of green but when I do a standard MP render the CPU useage is fluctuating wildly. I've tried various dififerent MP options (all maintaining a safe RAM overhead for the sysytem) with very little difference in performance.
MacPRO 2x 2.26 QuadCore, OSX10.8.3, 32GB RAM, Proavio RAID for source, internal SSD for destination.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 64-bit Native Scanner Support?

Oct 29, 2011

Has native scanner support for 64-bit Windows been added to X4, or is it still necessary to purchase a 3rd-party driver (VueScan)? I ask because my copy of X3 is sitting on the shelf unused due to lack of scanner support, however Photoshop Elements 8 is working with the Canon scanner with no issues. It is time to upgrade one of these products and lack of scanner support is a deal breaker for me.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Vectorize Native PDF Files

Nov 3, 2012

Is it possible to vectorize native PDF files within the AutoCAD 2013 environment. If yes how? Sample PDF file attached.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Opening Non Native DWG Files

Oct 18, 2012

When opening non native dwg files (exports say from solidworks) it doesn't bring the file into the correct areas in relation to the model being in the model space, drawings being in the paper space and not just pasting into Autocad from the non native file. 

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Xara :: Exporting Selection As Native XAR File?

Apr 28, 2011

I exported a part of a Xara design as a .xar file and choose 'selection' when prompted (as opposed to 'drawing'). This successfully create a .xar with just the objects I selected, however when I go to File->Import and select this file the preview panel shows an image of the entire original document, which is misleading as to the contents of the .xar. Bug or not?

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Lightroom :: How To Convert To DNG Having Imported Native Camera Raw

Aug 22, 2013

I have LR5 running on windows 8.
I've imported from my camera's memory card into Lightroom 5 , but I retained camera raw (ORF) instead of converting to DNG during import.
how I can convert to DNG having imported native camera raw?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Locking Up And Running Slower Than In CS5 Version?

Aug 20, 2012

Bridge and Photoshop CS6 have been locking up after installing as part of Creative Cloud.  I thought CS6 was suppossed to run faster than CS5.  I am a PC user, running Windows 7 with 16 GB of Memory and I& proccessor. 

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Photoshop :: Files Slower In CC - Any Features Can Turn Off

Jul 24, 2013

I finally updated from photoshop 7 (ancient, eh) to Photoshop CC recently. My computer uses Windows 7.I noticed that my files seems slower when I was working on it via photoshop CS3 (office machine) compared to photoshop CC:

1) When zooming in with CTRL+, photoshop CC seems to go from a low res to gradually filtering to higher res, compared to photoshop CS3's rather jagged, broken lines to smoother lines. The new feature, was causing my files to slow down, because zooming in and out seems to be taking longer than before. Is this a feature I can turn off?
2) I was wondering if photoshop CC being slow is also affected by my file size. The image is 37cm x 142cm at 300 pixel/inch. The file is quite small at 38.8Mb, but I noticed that the document size on the photoshop status bar is 209.7M/552.0M instead. I was wondering if this status bar was a clearer indicator of how slow I could expect the file to be?
3) Lastly, er, this might seem a stupid question, but I was wondering if photoshop CC being slow might be just be an indicator of my computer on the overall being slow. I recently replaced a 3 year old desktop drive with separate power plug with a portable harddrive. When my computer is reading into the harddrive it does get slower. Does Photoshop CC automatically read into external hard drives when it is working?

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Photoshop :: Why Do Files Open Slower Using Vista

Sep 18, 2008

I have a new laptop using Vista. It has twice the memory and speed of my last laptop. It takes much longer to open a file in CS3 compared to my other laptop, however once a file is open it runs faster. Is there a setting that I'm missing or is it a Vista thing.

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Photoshop :: Batching Files Runs MUCh Slower

Mar 23, 2007

On my old computer, which was a 2.8Gzh Pentium, older model toshiba, photoshop ran really slow, there wwere "lags" when i would click around in a big image. Not bad, but there.

My new computer screams when editing photos... it's a 3.4ghz with a gig of ram, 7200rpm drive etc.

Yet for some reason, batching files runs MUCh slower on the new machine. I've tried to figure out why but can't see anything. Same batch from the same action too. All I'm doing is this:

"Generate proofs" action"

open raw file

fit image to 450

create text later

write "proof"

change opacity to 45%



That's it. But ANY batch I do will run slow like this, not just this one. It's driving me crazy cuz just to batch proofs of about 40 images (about what I shoot for a given photo session) takes like 45min!

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3ds Max :: Editable Poly Editing Around 10x Slower With Nitrous

Aug 19, 2011

For an example if I create a sphere, add a turbosmooth with 4 itterations and collapse it to an editable poly again. Then when I try to manipulate the mesh by draging vertices with or without soft selection or paint deformation I get around 10X faster performance with direct3d (roughly 40-50 fps compared to nitrous 4-5 fps).

I know that nitrous is slow with pflow and animation but I did not expect it to have such poor performance with modelling?!

I have the same effect on both of my workstations. Laptop with core2 quad extreme, 12 gig ram, quadro fx3700m, win7 x64. Dells latest graphics driver. Stationary computer with Xeon quadcore, 14 gig ram, geforce 285 gtx card and win xp 64. Latest nvidia driver.

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