I'm wanting to do something seemingly very simple but I've never tried working with pictures before other than to resize or crop. How do I convert a simple picture to a line drawing?
I can find tutorials and plugins and such to convert a picture into a cartoon picture... but is there a plug in or way to go from cartoon to RL (real life image photo)???
I have a data set including .shx .shp .prj and .dbf files each named the same for landuse, rail, road, etc for a single city. How can I open these files to export a simple line drawing for use in a thesis project as a map.
How I can convert a picture from a jpeg & convert that to a vector based eps. This is going to be for a cycling jersey for a friend but the designer only accepts vector artwork. I don't know if I would be able to do this with GIMP. I've added an attachment of the file I want to fix.
How to convert 3D drawing drawn using the line in the 3D object / solid? Drawing is the image below and drawn using lines and polylines and I not use extrude options or other 3D options. [URL] .......
how I would convert an XCF to a PNG on the windows command line. With flattening of layers.
Heres what I tried before I gave up...
Various complicated GIMP python scripts but couldnt figure out what to do with them Imagick - tried various options but couldnt get to produce correct image xcf2png - couldnt find a windows binary nConvert - didnt seem to handle transparency and seems to include layers that are hidden
In Photoshop CS6, how to convert the background in the scan of a line drawing on white paper to line drawing on transparent ground? I used to be able to do this in CS3
How do you draw a line within a shape? I know how to make a circle or rectangle (through the circle or rectangle select tool/stroke path) and how to draw straight lines. I want to take a box like this:
----- 1 1 1 1 1 1 -----
and add a line through the center like this:
----- 1 1 1-----1 1 1 -----
And of course I'd prefer the line be neat, from one end of the shape to the other, not just a sloppily drawn line.
Of course I can do this very slowly by drawing the line, zooming way in, and manually moving the line into place. But surely there's a better way!
I guess we're talking simple vector graphics--I'm working on a rivets layer and want to add a matrix of dotted lines to complement a fuselage. My challenge is that most of the lines should be slanted. I've been looking for some "line tool" that creates a straight line between two defined points. It seems, however, that Gimp has no vector tool. Maybe I can address this by drawing a right angled matrix and then use a perspective tool?
New to GIMP and would like to add some color to a line drawing. I have a line drawing that I scanned into the computer as a JPG. I've imported that JPG into GIMP.
the line drawing has a dozen or so areas created by the intersecting lines. I would like to fill the various areas with different colors. How can I do that?
If I pour a color paint on the picture without doing anything, the entire page changes to the color poured. Not what I want to do. I want area A to be red, area B to be blue, and area C to be yellow.
I'm trying to trace around an image to create a line drawing. The object I'm tracing has a lot of curves in it so using the Pencil Tool. Also, I've used the Paths Tool and then clicked "stroke path". That's all fine and well but it's taking FOREVER to trace the picture.
Since the image has a lot of curves is there a tool or gadget in Gimp that can provide a smooth curve, say, around a circle?
I would like to open discussion about function that could easilly convert Civil 3D drawing with its all corridors, grading groups, feature lines etc. to regular AutoCAD 2D drawing to be able to hatch, measure, trim and so on. Is it clear, that corridor edit commands and features are not good enough to add another structures as stairs, culverts, parking lots with green islands and another civil structures...
Export to AutoCAD or AEC Explode converts drawing to some 2D/3D exploded hybrid, where it takes hours of editing, flatting and joining lines to make graphically correct and usable 2D drawing. And what worse, when the design is changed, user has to start from scratch again and again, which is not twice effective... And it is just directly against all Autodesk marketing phrases how to work smarter using BIMs.
Im trying to cut the top off a bunch of photos (164 to be precise). I only want to cut a small amount off, like the top 20pixels. I need all the photos to be cut identically.
I mostly shoot in RAW + JPEG and when importing my catalog I converted RAWs to DNG. However, I have on some occaisions had to shoot JPEG only and I'd like all my masters to be stored as DNG. The only option to convert JPEGs to DNG that I can find is via Export. I presume if I used this I'd have to export them all then delete the JPEG masters from my catalog before importing the DNGs.
After filling the inside of a line drawing, (cartoon "shape"), I'm left with the checkerboard pattern that indicates transparency. I'd just like to get rid of that checkerboard pattern so I can view my drawing the way it really looks! Can this be done in GIMP?
I am trying to create a simple action/droplet that will open a bunch of PDF files and make them a certain resolution on the open and then save as jpegs to a particular file. The problem is, when I create the action, the first step, when I open the PDF file, whatever name was in the name box, is it??? Every new PDF opens with that same name and overrides the next one.
Is there a way to tell Photoshop to pick the current name of the file opening and not use the one that was the original file that the action was created from?
I have a photograph of a female model and I need to draw lines onto the photograph to show where the waist and chest measurements would be. I guess I need a solid eliptical line which passes in front of the model and then a dotted line which shows where the ellipse would pass behind her.
We are creating a new company title block for the use in Inventor 2010 and AutoCAd 2010. It has initially been generated in Inventor and exported to AutoCAD. My problem is that all attributes that came over are now setup as multiline attributes and I can't seem to change them to single line. Therefore you have to open the multiline editor separately for every single item to make changes in lieu of just 'tabbing' through the values in the Enhanced Attribute Editor. This adds time and frustration and seems to be intolerable for some of my colleagues.
Is there a way to change the attributes to a single line in AutoCAD I'm just not aware of? I tried to find different settings for the export from Inventor but the options seem to be very limited.
I could probably go over this and create separate AutoCad only titleblock and border but that would kind of defeat the purpose.
I have a very simple 'Metric Generic Model line based' family that contains 1 rectangular extrusion.
My Problem: Revit wont allow me to place a FamilyInstance of this family inside a (Architectural) project. When I click Architecture Tab->Component->Place a Component and select my Family I get a circle with a cross in it and are not able to place my family instance anywhere. Note this occurs in all levels/views from Site to Level 1, 2 etc.
We have an employee in our office that is kind of old school in some ways. That person has a habit of exploding everything possible in a drawing. Most of us create notations using mtext so it's easy to edit and manipulate. Is there a way to convert the single line text back to multiline after it's exploded?
What I am trying to do is drawing a rectangle. But apparently autoCAD is acting up and wouldn't let me draw it. After clicking the rectangle button located at the top, I tried to draw a rectangle in the sketch area and this is what I got.