I guess we're talking simple vector graphics--I'm working on a rivets layer and want to add a matrix of dotted lines to complement a fuselage. My challenge is that most of the lines should be slanted. I've been looking for some "line tool" that creates a straight line between two defined points. It seems, however, that Gimp has no vector tool. Maybe I can address this by drawing a right angled matrix and then use a perspective tool?
How do you draw a line within a shape? I know how to make a circle or rectangle (through the circle or rectangle select tool/stroke path) and how to draw straight lines. I want to take a box like this:
----- 1 1 1 1 1 1 -----
and add a line through the center like this:
----- 1 1 1-----1 1 1 -----
And of course I'd prefer the line be neat, from one end of the shape to the other, not just a sloppily drawn line.
Of course I can do this very slowly by drawing the line, zooming way in, and manually moving the line into place. But surely there's a better way!
New to GIMP and would like to add some color to a line drawing. I have a line drawing that I scanned into the computer as a JPG. I've imported that JPG into GIMP.
the line drawing has a dozen or so areas created by the intersecting lines. I would like to fill the various areas with different colors. How can I do that?
If I pour a color paint on the picture without doing anything, the entire page changes to the color poured. Not what I want to do. I want area A to be red, area B to be blue, and area C to be yellow.
I'm trying to trace around an image to create a line drawing. The object I'm tracing has a lot of curves in it so using the Pencil Tool. Also, I've used the Paths Tool and then clicked "stroke path". That's all fine and well but it's taking FOREVER to trace the picture.
Since the image has a lot of curves is there a tool or gadget in Gimp that can provide a smooth curve, say, around a circle?
I'm wanting to do something seemingly very simple but I've never tried working with pictures before other than to resize or crop. How do I convert a simple picture to a line drawing?
After filling the inside of a line drawing, (cartoon "shape"), I'm left with the checkerboard pattern that indicates transparency. I'd just like to get rid of that checkerboard pattern so I can view my drawing the way it really looks! Can this be done in GIMP?
I'm curious to know if there is a way to create slanting text with this program. I'm basically trying to create fliers for my band, and would like to have some neat text effects in there and not just have plain old 2D text.
I have some text that I want to slant upwards at roughly 40 degrees. Reading other threads it is suggested to select the text and then use CTR+T and then rotate the text which works to get the degree but the text gets rotated and I need the letters to be "left justified" if that makes sense, what I mean is that the text has to be in an upwards direction.
I have to draw a rather weird drawing with a lot of angled lines. Currently I'm using UCS to draw them but it's really tiresome.
I would draw 1 line, then type in UCS, select the X and Y axis, draw that line, escape, then hit in UCS again, rinse and repeat.
Is there a simpler way? I tried polar tracking "relative to last segment" but it still uses the x axis as the base, which is not what I want. I want the line to be the X axis.
I found out that you can't change line color in the line nova because a fix to prevent white on white or something like that. Is there another way to change the line color.
I've just recently caught up to 2.8 (From 2.4 something or other believe it or not ) and amongst a couple of things I have to say I don't like is the fact that previously when setting a path, if I wanted it to be either perfectly horizontal or vertical I could see by the steps in the path preview line whether it was or not.
With the new version, initially at least, that's no longer the case. As I tend to work with straight lines a lot of the time it's proving to be a bit of a pain. Is there any way to set the path preview line to show the steps again to indicate a straight line.
I'm trying to use the line tool to draw a colored line, I draw the line via Line tool, it appears in grey, I right click>stroke path and select Pencil > OK, the line is still grey and not the foreground color. If I do the same with a Rectangle Tool, it works fine and darws me a nice colored rectangle. What am I doing wrong? This is driving me nuts...!!
I'm using GIMP 2.6.11. When I use the line tool and left click + shift to snap a line from point to point, there's no preview line that shows exactly where the line is going to be drawn. In former version(s) of GIMP, I could clearly see where the line was going to be placed because of this feature. I miss it because when doing technical drawings precision and exact angles are needed. Is this feature not included with GIMP 2.6.11? How I can get this tool to work like it used to?
I'm creating a simple map for a non-profit event. I'd like to draw a white line (road) with a black outline to provide definition - it's simple a line within a line. Additionally, I'd like to save the setup for reuse as a default setting of some type to easily recall.
Started producing a new catalogue some time ago very happy working away on the first 3 – 4 pages
Before long I was up to 100 pages, looking fantastic. But then the thought come to me, I have set may page colour to BLACK and all my drawing and text are WHITE as I said looks fantastic until you go to print a page. How much black Ink would you use printing 100 pages black.
I have tried publishing to PDF then in acrobat replacing document colours and on screen that works fine but when you print it still prints
With the black background and white text for some reason.
I am currently working with an image that I want to have end up being a 2d line image in a CAD program (or illustrator, i can go illustrator -> cad)
I started by using the cutout filter on the image, to make it have 4 layers. Then, I used the magic want tool to make each cutout layer its own photoshop layer.
This is where I am stuck. I cannot figure out how to move forward from this. I tried putting the image into Illustrator, but when I get it in there, with the 4 layers from photoshop, I cannot get teach cutout "block" to be its own vector; it is just recognized as an image file.
I am on a PC using Photoshop CS3. I have drawn a besier curve using the pen tool and would now like to 'stroke' the line so that I have a nice thin sharp line. If I 'right click' I only get the option to stroke the path using one of the brushes and 'simulate pressure'.
I have photoshop cs4 extended and a wacom tablet + pen. Sometimes while I sketch(drawing lines fast) making dots, drawing things close to each other, a thick line jump from my dot or start point of drawing to some other point in the line. It's really annoying when you sketch something and suddenly and thick black line jumps across your drawing. Or when drawing dots close to each other, a line suddenly connects them.
when drawing a line whether a normal line or polyline it adds an tail to the top going 90 degrees to the right, and even on paper space it still shows them. but I cant click on the or delete them, they move with the line too.
First off I'm using AutoCAD 2008 and I'm trying to input survey points to establish a subdivision.
My units are set as follow: length type: decimal with precision set at: 0.00. Angle type: Surveyor's Units with precision set at: N 0d00'00" E. Units to scale inserted content: feet.
I have a specific point at which i want to start from and that is 1421334.93,78320.62 which is my benchmark. I want to start my next point at 113.66 feet away from this benchmark at a bearing of N 5d27'23" W. So far I have tried using the command @113.66<N5d27'23"W but nothing happens.
I have a particular drawing that every time i try and draw a line or a pline, it only draws in magenta. And i have to go into my properties dialog box to set it by layer and not by color....Is there some setting in the drawing taht is making this happen?
Recently I've been working with a lot more projects that contain curved architectural features. It appears that I am unable to draw a line to an implied perpendicular point on an arc. I can draw a line to an implied point perpendicular to another line but not an arc. refer to attached images.
Image1 demonstrates the implied point perpendicular to a line.
Image2 demonstrates that there is no implied perpendiuclar point on the arc given by AutoCAD.
Image3 demonstrates that if the arc is manually extended, a point perpendicular to the arc does exist.
I scan cartoons I've drawn so that I can colour them in Photoshop. However, when I click within an area I wanted coloured, I get a thin white line between the colour and the black outline. No matter what I do, I cannot get rid of this except to keep on clicking the colour until the line disappears. Is there a quick and more effective way of filling colour without this hassle?