I have a photograph of a female model and I need to draw lines onto the photograph to show where the waist and chest measurements would be. I guess I need a solid eliptical line which passes in front of the model and then a dotted line which shows where the ellipse would pass behind her.
How to create a flow arrow label for a feature line that parallels the curve?
I've a vague notion that this could be done with a dynamic block and a few fancy expressions. I'm comfortable with expressions, but I've never used dynamic blocks at all, so I wouldn't know where to start.
To be clear, I know curved text is possible, but I'm looking for a curved line (ie an arc) that would look 'parallel' to the arc of the feature line (ie have the same centre point). This would have to be dynamic to allow for different radii and for flipping to the left and right side of the feature line.
Having a time getting ribs to align 2m below top of ridge beam, and connect to curved wall below. I created one, then arrayed, but the radius changes at each 2.5 degree interval. I don't think I should have to calculate the % radius change to get the beams to do this. Some constraint button maybe?
Not sure if editing a wall profile is the best way to model this, but it's working.
I've been working on creating a sword in 3D Max for the last couple of days and have run across a problem. At the base of the blade, it goes up straight for about an inch and then tapers out and up another half inch in a curve.From there, the blade tapers/curves back in, then out once more to create a thicker end of the blade, width wise. I need to know a simple way of doing those curves. A friend of mine suggested using quick loops, then individually scaling them to get the curving effect. That just seemed like it took too much time to me, and I thought there must be a simpler way. I tried adding a taper modifier to the selected area, but that didn't really seem to do much, except give the opposite effect that I wanted.
I draw a curved line and would like it to remain as a curved line even after saving the file. However everytime after saving, and opening the file again, the curve breaks into many line segments, which is not what I want! I want the curved line that I draw to remain as a curved line even after saving and opening. How do I do that? I am using autocad2010.
I use the ARC command to draw a couple of lines, they look okay here. But after I saved it, and re-open it again, what previously appeared as curved lines changed in their appearance to polyline segments.
Is it possible to draw a curved line, preferably with arrows at one or both ends? Lines drawn with the freeform brush are too jaggedy; I'm looking for something with intermediate handles that will make smooth curved leaders for text annotation of features in photos.
I've figured out how to make paths...what I'm trying to do is make a line that follows a path - without having the program "fill in" the path-defined region.
How to make custom brushes flow in a curved line. For instance I created a thorn stem brush and it works if I use it in a straight line (A) but if I curve it, it goes out of shape (B)...
I have a bench which I have drawn in CAD, and I want to calculate the area.
The bench is a sort of "S" shape.
In the past I have only calculated the areas of straight objects and so have been able to pick points, but i'm not sure how to go about it when the object includes a curve.
My question is how do I create text in a curved line? I have a circular logo which I want to have a curved line of text above and below. I can create the text OK but I can't see how to make it curved.
I have a very simple 'Metric Generic Model line based' family that contains 1 rectangular extrusion.
My Problem: Revit wont allow me to place a FamilyInstance of this family inside a (Architectural) project. When I click Architecture Tab->Component->Place a Component and select my Family I get a circle with a cross in it and are not able to place my family instance anywhere. Note this occurs in all levels/views from Site to Level 1, 2 etc.
I'm wanting to do something seemingly very simple but I've never tried working with pictures before other than to resize or crop. How do I convert a simple picture to a line drawing?
When I have a cdr file and need to save it as a plt file for my plotter the saved file has several little straight lines to make a curve instead of one smooth curved line. This didn't start happening until I upgraded to Corel Draw x4.
I have an assembly with a curved line made in a sketch, and a part with a point in the bottom.
I want to constrain the point to the curved line, but the regular Constrain options wont let me do so.
I am making an animation with Inventor Studio, so I need this constrain, so I later on in studio can manipulate it and insert the first part into the other.
I have curved underbelly of a massive stair. In order to draw the the detail, I would like to pick this curved line of the underbelly to make a hatch but unable to. Is there a way around this or is this just something I have to work around?
If there is a way to "flatten" a non curved polyline or series of lines to one straight segmented line, without altering the distances of each segment?
Usually, when you check the 'dashed line' option on the stroke pallete, you will instantly create a dashed-line stroke on the selected path. What I don't know how to do is retaining the straight property of a dash on curve parts of the path.
I have a data set including .shx .shp .prj and .dbf files each named the same for landuse, rail, road, etc for a single city. How can I open these files to export a simple line drawing for use in a thesis project as a map.
I'm having problems exporting a logo to a png or jpg the top line of curved text (MWW) keeps disappearing. It's probably really simple, but damn its annoying. File is on rapid share [URL ...
I am trying to draw a needle and thread showing a curved line as the thread with parallel lines so I can show where the thread crosses over itself. This is used as a stitching diagram.
Illustrator keeps freezing when applying an effect such as texture-grain to a simple gradient, or even rasterizing a simple black circle. My system is about a 6month old macbook pro with 16gb ram, i7 and AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB. What could be causing this? It wasn't like this when i first started using the laptop but has started to do it everytime i try and do any of those simple tasks recently.
I want to extrude a big number of pillars to a rather complicated surface and that works out fine. But each end of the pillars warps around the surface and I want them just to go up to it and stop with a resulting horizontal face.