GIMP :: Auto Smoothing Path In 2.8.6?
Jun 30, 2013
I took up the program to facilitate completion of a small project for a 16-year old daughter that's making an incredible recovery from a serious illness. I provide this background because I'm currently "a bit" impatient - and I'm HOPING GIMP can be used to get this done. What we're looking at is a VERY small "Heart Locket" our daughter was given at birth. What I'm looking to do is create "photo masks" for my wife and my faces so we can "craft" the photos in the requisite size (~1/8"x1/8") and shape (heart)! So far I've succeeded in importing a photo I'd taken of the Locket's interior with a Macro Lense at a "workable size," such that the finished "mask" can be scaled to match the photos we're using, then scaled down to final size in photographic process. And while I'm VERY impressed with Path Tool, I CAN'T find a way to eliminate the tedium of "hand-smoothing" the result. I actually found a plugin that'd been developed for this purpose in 2009, but fails to install because it's looking for (what I have to assume is) an older dll. I CAN'T be unique in this need, can I?
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Aug 29, 2013
I've created a simple poly surface mountain range in Blender 3D, with no smoothing applied. Yet when I import it into Photoshop CC it appears to have smoothing enabled, giving me undesirable results.
I've tried multiple formats (obj, 3ds, dae) and get the same results. I've checked to see if Im just exporting incorrectly, but when I open it up in SketchUP or Maya, I get the flat rigid surface that I want, and not the smooth surface.
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Sep 27, 2011
I created an oval: 418x528 and using stroke, gave it a one pixel border. Unfortunately, the oval border looks not smooth. I'd like to give it a wider border, but the unsmoothness looks worse the wider you make the border.
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Oct 7, 2012
I'm have been trying to edit the above image for my wallpaper. As you can see, there is this rippled effect and I'd like to smooth it out.
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Jun 20, 2012
I have a number of images which are all mainly line diagrams of equipment. I'm trying to tidy up the images (they were created using xfig years ago) using gimp. The aim is to smooth them out and neaten them up a bit.
An example image would be:
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Jan 12, 2012
This is easily the best method I have found so far for retouching skin and textures in GIMP. Using wavelet decompose you can work on the different frequencies of features in an image independently and with unparalleled control.
Getting Around in GIMP: Skin Retouching (Wavelet Decompose)
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Feb 5, 2013
how AutoTrack displays alignment paths
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Mar 7, 2013
Why the "Text along path" feature hovers the text so far above the currently active path? (in my case, the space between the path and the text is about 3 times the height of the currently used font!). I've been told that the letters should lie on top of or at least closer to the path instead. How can I move the text closer to the path?
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Jan 3, 2013
For the move tool you can choose to disable auto selection, auto select a group, or auto select a layer. By default though the path selection tool autoselects a layer. How can I disable autoselection?
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Feb 22, 2012
I'd like to start using the auto-publish feature in Autocad, however the options for the file location are pretty limited. I'd like to set it to something like the following:
../transmittals/current issue/
but the options I'm presented with is either an absolute location, or the drawing folder or subfolder.
Is there a sysvar or a registry setting I can tweak to make this behave to my liking?
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Sep 25, 2011
When i creates a new path with Shift+Click by path tool no new path created in path dialog.Why?
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May 18, 2009
I have photoshop cs4 and I cannot find the Auto smart fix, auto levels, and auto contrast nor the adjustment for each that I had with photoshop elements.
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May 17, 2012
I'm trying to place text to a "curvy" path. I took some screen shots to show you want I'm talking about.
I created a simple curvy path 1 point on each end. (I noticed I drew in a node in the middle of the curve as well. But that actually doesn't exist in the path. I created the text a reasonable size and clicked "Text Along Path". As you can see, it never starts at the beginning of the path. Ever. I have sized the font up, and it gets a little closer to the beginning, but obviously the end of the address flies off the path. I've sized down the text and it will start even further to the middle of the path.
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May 23, 2013
I have no problem getting my text along a path but I am having trouble getting the text and the path to align so that the center of the text element is centered on the path.
Is this possible or do I have to figure out someway to make my path of a certain length so it ends up that the text fits to it perfectly??
Here is a screenshot of my current problem. You can see that the text and the image below it are centered. I then placed some guide lines to make sure my path was also centered. When I placed that text along the path though, it left justified the text when I want it to be centered instead..
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Apr 9, 2011
While opening new picture with gimp, it asked me if i want gimp to change the orientation of picture. I accidently marked "Do not ask again" and pressed "YES" button. So now, every time i open new picture, it automatically changes orientation(rotates whole picture 90deg). How to stop it?
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Jan 29, 2012
On windows is there anyway to Auto-Hide menus?
Like this: [URL]....
Unfortunetly its only for ubuntu from what I can tell: [URL]....
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Aug 20, 2011
How do you get Gimp to auto-load to the desktop on boot-up, in "Fedora-14", and in XP..?
Why does Gimp's resizing a pix always eventually fail intermittently in Fedora-14..?
I resize all my pix edits to 11-inches, to fit the screen properly.. After Gimp has resized about seven pix, on the next one, I delete the numbers after the decimal after the "11", and hit OK, but the numbers I deleted after the decimal all come back..
I must return to "Printsize", delete the whole height number, and key-in "11" for it to save the number of my choice..
How do I configure Gimp so it will resize pix without this glitch?..
Does Gimp bulk resize a collection of images?..
How do you make a HUGE Gimp-brush for color-painting extremely large areas?..
Can the user customize the default brushes?..
Is there a solid brush that the user can use to configure the angles the planes of the brush touches edits..? Would be sweet if one could touch the cursor to a spot on the brush, and twist it to the optimum position for the task, like how Fedora's color wheel changes its desktop background screen colors...
Will Gimp bulk resize a thousand pix edits to one height size..?
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Sep 6, 2011
I'm working on a graphic in which I wish to have some text around a circle. I know, I know, use "Text to Path" ... except that will not work in this case because the text I want to have go around the circle is not from a font, but drawn by me (my other other project; find a program for creating font files that I can afford to make a proper font so "Text to Path" would work).
So, I have a selection (and a path from that selection) that is basically the outline of the text I want to manipulate. I have another selection for the circle the text is supposed to go around. What is the (probably obvious) thing that I'm missing to get the text selection path to be drawn on the circle?
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Feb 3, 2012
I find that if I have some video that has poor color, if I grab a still from it and bring it into GIMP, GIMP does a good job on correcting it.
Now, I'd like to know what color correction settings were applied by that filter so that I can go back to my video editing package and apply similar color corrections across the entire video clip, not just the still.
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Sep 18, 2012
This is my first experience with GIMP.
I'm ready to start organizing my dad's pictures. As from now I have 1330 pic's scanned and I want to enhance them. I found out that a lot of pics need to have a new White Balance. To do this one by one will take me a year. So, the question is: How to manipulate this "auto white balance" for a lot of selected pictures?
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Oct 5, 2013
In MS Paint when i select part of image with Polygon tool, this part is auto filled with background color. In GIMP i have to use first Selection tool (Free Select) and than switch to Bucket Fill for filling selected area with color. How to make auto filling selected area with color in GIMP as it in MS Paint ?
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Jun 11, 2012
I have noticed that using "Stretch Contrast" gives a much more contrasty image than using the "White Balance" option. Isn't it supposed to be the other way round based on the description?
I'm using the GIMP 2.8.0 for Windows.
Also "Stretch Contrast" is very close to "Normalize" and "Normalize" does seem to shift color in exactly the same way as the "Stretch Contrast" option, although based on the description, it shouldn't.
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Mar 12, 2012
I want to make a script-fu with the White Balance auto correction(Colors->Auto->White Balance).I couldn't find any procedure/plug-in in the procedure browser that do that.
How to call this procedure? or, it there a way to do it manually?
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Nov 6, 2012
I am a bit skilled in basic gimp use but I am looking to do text along a path in gimp 2.8. I under stand about creating a path making it visible etc but i cant use the add selection tool nor does my text options include the button to text along path i read a post on a video some one mentioned a plugin i tried to find the plugin and could not getting extremely upset . Is there a plugin i need if so where can i dl it and how do i install it .
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Jul 14, 2011
I've been struggling to get some text to go along a circular path. I've finally done it, but it's going along the wrong part of the circle - I want it to go along the top and it's part way round - and I can't seem to find a way to move it along. I've tried several times but it does the same thing each time.
Also the text isn't showing in the right font, although it is in the text box. Am I missing something?
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Mar 9, 2013
I'm using GIMP 2.8.2 and I have problem with the Selection to Path tool. I've been using this tutorial [URL] to create a pie chart, but once I use the ellipse selection tool and create a circle I can't select to path (the option is greyed out).
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Feb 5, 2013
i trying to stroke a text path, but when I stroke after selecting "Text to Path", the stroking "eats into" the text, instead of stroking outside of the text.
In PS, there is the ability to stroke inside, along the middle, or outside of the path.
How, in GIMP, can I select where the stroking occurs?
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Jan 13, 2014
I've created a complicated polygon (hundreds of nodes) with the Paths Tool and am trying to fill it. When I select the Bucket Fill Tool, I get a tiny little error message at the bottom that reads: "Cannot modify the pixels of layer groups". Now then, I do have a Layer Group in the Layers tab to collect text items, but this is a Path in the Paths tab (which I thought was separate).
I have tried switching the path from Stroke to Selection, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
In the past, I've used Fireworks (mainly), Photoshop, and Illustrator with varying degrees of success.
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May 13, 2012
I just downloaded GIMP 2.8 for Max Snow Leopard. I like a lot of the new features, particularly being able to use the one window feature.
I'm having some challenges with Text along path. I found it under the context menu okay. However, when I use it, only part of the words I'm trying to put on the selected path show up. I was using three words that amount to a total of 20 letters. The last half of the last word is getting cut off. I've tried several different things to no avail.
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Feb 8, 2012
j pgs can contain paths info. In Photoshop you'll be able to get that path.
We use it a lot for packshots, this way we can save a JPG, but with an embedded outline Path, this way you'll always be able to "cut out" the packshot by selecting the path.
It does not work with gimp .
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May 25, 2013
Is there documentation on using the 'text along a path' command for gimp 2.8?
The documentation that exists ... [URL] ....shows the path tool in the tool box but I dont have this button. Is this documentaion out of date?
I found somewhere saying that 'text along a path' has been moved to the text context menu but I cant figure out what this context menu is supposed to be.
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