CorelDRAW X5 :: File Is Not Importable Using Selected Filter

Nov 3, 2013

I'm using Dropbox to synchronize my files with another computer and do backups.  Over the last three months I haven't been doing anything with my CorelDraw files but recently tried opening a file and found there was a problem.  When attempting to open a file, I get this error:

Either filename is not importable using the selected filter, or this format is not supported.

I thought it was related to Dropbox so I created a brand new file, saved it and was able to open it.  Dropbox sync'd the file and Dropbox gave an update message that Dropbox has updated the file to the most recent version.  Afterward, I wasn't able to open the file with CorelDraw anymore. 

I'm using CorelDraw X5 and saving the file in X5 format.  Is there anything I can do to recover my files?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: File Not Importable By Selected Filter

Oct 18, 2013

In X5 Draw I am working on a job and the run time error comes up and shuts X5 down. And then when i restart and try to access that same file (saved throughout job) I get this error that the file is not importable by selected filter, or the format is not supported.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Either Is Not Importable Using The Selected Filter

Jun 9, 2010

I'm getting error "Either is not importable using the selected filter, or this format is not supported" while trying to open a Corel Draw file I received from someone in X3.I read through the posts and can understand only that this could be a Corel Version problem. Based in this I've two questions.

 Q1)  How to get around this error and successfully open that .cdr file in X3?

 Q2) How to determine which version of CorelDraw was used to create this file?

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Illustrator :: Text Cut Out - Filter Cannot Complete Because More Than One Object Is Selected

Oct 27, 2013

I am currently trying to cut out a word from another word in Illustrator. I have managed to do this several times before but both options I have used in the past simply are not working for me today.

As you can see from the attached image, I have 'cut out' the word 'I'm' from the word 'hungry'. (You can see straight through to what ever colour, fabric etc is underneath the logo).
Today I am trying to update my logo and the usual methods aren't working for me.
1. Type > Create Outlines > Divide
2. Object >Compound Path > Make
Usually I can simply delete the 'cut out' text from the image but I keep receiving an error messages that I don't understand.
1. "The filter cannot complete because more than one object is selected"
2. "Can't make a compound path. All objects in a compound path must be paths, and they cannot be brushed or part of an object."
I am a complete novice and I have never encountered these errors before. What used to be a simple 3 step cut out command is now a nightmare. I must be doing something wrong, maybe I have missed a step and not realised?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Opens New File As Well As File Selected From Windows Explorer

Apr 18, 2012

I have recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2008 to 2001. Now when opening a file from windows explorer (desktop vs the AutoCAD browser) and AutoCAD is not running. AutoCAD will startup and open a new drawing as well as bring up the dialog box for finding a file to open, which I cancel, THEN open the drawing that I have selected. I have not seen this before and am wondering what variable or option is causing to happen. I am also seeing two icons for the same drawing file in the Windows task bar.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Not All Text Selected

Jul 17, 2013

In my job, I wrote a lot of technical manuals in CorelDraw x6 because of it strength in page layout involving text and graphics. And its multi-page capabilities.

One big questions: if I use the shortcut ALT+T to select all text, not all text are selected at all. Is this a defect?

In my work, I need to convert all text in the manual to curves before sending to the external printer. I had end up browsing the entire Object Manager list to ensure all text are converted to curves. Of course, this is a pain in the neck as I have many pages and objects to work on.

Note: I had discovered some text in a) groups, b) locked, and c) embedded properties often found not selected at all.

My manuals include locked objects with text, illustration diagrams with text, paragraph and artistic text.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Exporting Selected Only Artwork To EPS

May 29, 2012

Program: CorelDraw X6 64 bitOS: Windows 7 SP1 64 bit

I have problem when exporting selected only artwork to eps. The artwork itself contains standard fill objects with no strokes and no special effect on each object (drop shadow, powerclip, etc). On EPS Export dialog I change nothing, just clicked OK button.

The problem is there is no sign if the process success or fail.The file created only have zero bytes.The File>Exit menu is dimmed.When I try to close the document, it say:

Some of the documents could not be closed, because tasks are being performed in the background. Check the status bar of each opened document to see what tasks are being performed and their progress.

I can't close the document and exit the program, so I have to use Task Manager. Also if I continue to edit the artwork, i.e. selecting an object inside a group, the program crashed.

The Windows Crash Report:

Problem signature:  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH  Application Name:    CorelDrw.exe  Application Version:  Application Timestamp:    4f4c60a4  Fault Module Name:    ntdll.dll  Fault Module Version:    6.1.7601.17725  Fault Module Timestamp:    4ec4aa8e  Exception     c0000005  Exception Offset:    000000000005386a  OS Version:    6.1.7601.  Locale ID:    1057  Additional Information 1:    91e0  Additional Information 2:    91e002aff0b00b72d21810f7f6e3ec21  Additional Information 3:    df3c  Additional Information 4:    df3c618bdba74b45b8aca9fde7c3e7c7

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Moving Selected Object?

May 9, 2011

For some reason Corel will not let me select an object and move it with my mouse, I can only move an object with arrow keys.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: How To Rename Selected Shapes

Dec 31, 2012

If i select 2 or more shapes & then run a micro.Rename all shapes name to user input name. code is that but it is not working

Sub RenameShape() Dim objName Dim sr As ShapeRangeDim s3 As Shape Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange If sr.Shapes.Count = 0Then MsgBox "You need to select a shape first" Exit Sub End If objName = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Name objName = InputBox$("Assing a new name to this shape", "Rename Shape", objName) If objName <> ""Then Set s3 = ActiveDocument.Selection.Name = objName End If Exit Sub End Sub

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Applying Hues To Selected Objects?

May 17, 2012

Is there any simpler way of applying hues to the selected objects at once despite of selecting each element and applying the hue.  


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CorelDRAW X6 :: How To Remove Selected Outline Border

Jun 30, 2013

I know how to remove all the border of a selected object.

But how to remove only one side (between 2 nodes), such as remove only the left side border of a square ?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Can't Move Or Rotate Selected Object

Mar 14, 2012

My CorelDRAW has just developed a glitch - I can select objects but not move them (other than by using the nudge button) and if I click twice on the object it doesn't change the nodes to allow me to rotate  - weird and seriously difficult to do any work in the programme.  I've tried turning the computer off and on again and have tried the default setting.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Draw EPS Filter?

May 23, 2012

Just started playing around with X6. If I export something with spot colors to an EPS file and reimport it, the spot colors are converted to greyscale. Also happens if I open in Photoshop. RGB or CMYK works okay. I've also noticed that while EPS is an available export format, it does not appear on the import file type list even though it is set up through customization>global>filters so I am having to import it through All File Formats.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Create Box Around A Selected Shape

Aug 30, 2012

Here's another video that shows how to make a box around a shape.

Have fun watching me goof up my words

(Note: I notice the forum chops off the right end of the video. Maybe you can save the swf and watch on your computer)


"The best thing about learning is that it never stops, and the rabbit hole will go as deep as you let it. [URL].....

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CorelDRAW X5 :: How To Change Same Letters In Text To Selected Color At Once

Jul 13, 2011

I have a large text with different letters and want to change the different letters with different color.   for an example


How do I select all the text  and change the same letters to a selected color at once, I know how to change the color for a letter one by one, but it is too tedious.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Text Jumping When Selected?

Feb 1, 2011

I've noticed an odd issue when we upgraded from X4 to X5.  On an identical document when we select a text block, in X5 the block "jumps" up and to the left by about 10 pixels.  Below is a video of this peculiar behavior.  X5 shown on the left, X4 shown on the right.  Both documents are identical.


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CorelDRAW X4 :: Break (curve) Apart With Multiple Entitles Selected?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to know why CorelDraw won't let me select several curves at a time and break them apart simultaneously.  When I select more than one (by marquee or shift key) it greys out the "break apart" command, and Control-K won't work either.  I did find a work-around macro in an old post, but I don't understand why the CorelDraw programmers turn off the break-apart command for multiple selections. 

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Shortcut For Spot Color To Selected Element

Mar 26, 2012

I have been looking for a command to define a shortcut for the spot color to the selected element.  But i could not figure out.  How to covert the selected element into spot color here in x6.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Inner Shadow On Selected Shapes

Apr 8, 2011


Here is a free macro which saves a little time. It creates an inner shadow on one or more selected shapes. There are a few presets on the macro and if you want to adjust the transparency slightly, click the undo arrow, adjust the transparency and then reapply.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Extra White Pixel Still There When Anti-aliasing Selected

Mar 9, 2010

ALL users of Draw who use it for web-design. If this is intended to be this way and understanding that it's a pain for most users why not just offer the option of having it cropped automatically in the export dialogue?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: GSM To Duplicate Selected Object Left Right Top And Bottom Sides

Apr 25, 2012

I want a gsm to duplicate the selected object left, right, top & bottom sides

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Adding TTF Filter

Apr 11, 2013

I have realised that I did not check the TTF filter on install

Do I have to re-install the whole program again or is there an easier way of just adding it in afterwards. FYI: the TTF optionis not in my Global Filtr Settings list to ad or remove.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Two Of Same File When Only One Is Selected?

Jan 20, 2014

I just recently started having an issue with lightroom 5.3, I import a raw file into lightroom then edit it in photoshop (through lightroom) then i save the file through photoshop and it appears next to the original file in lightroom. When I export the edited image it also exports the original unedited file as well? how to change this? Its very annoying having the original copy of the file exported as well.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Instantly Create Layers From All Objects Selected?

Aug 23, 2013

I have finished my works using only one layer( a bad habit I know) and now I need to export them as PSD, and as You know it needs Layers so it can be editable on Photoshop.

I know the fact that I should import all the objects in single Layers, ie creating thousands of Layers for all the work, new layer for each object I import.

But is there any option for easy extraction of objects into single layers, one click option or much easier than going individually through each of them?

If not available, this type of option would work for CorelDRAW or any vector program, be really more effective and stay in touch with the requirements of the industry, especially when it comes, on creating vectors for web or apps.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Selected Object To Be Halved Horizontally / Vertically

Aug 2, 2010

I want the selected object to be halved exactly either horizontally or vertically. 

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Paint Shop Pro :: The Selected File Does Not Contain Bitmap

Aug 24, 2011

I'm using PSP Ult ver. 13.21.20 and have been getting this message for awhile now. I'm not able to associate any jpg or bmp files with PSP. When I right click to "Open With" PSP is not an option and trying manually does nothing. Some pics I can drag in and open. Dbl clk only opens the Instant Viewer.

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Photoshop :: Open Selected File Within Action

Nov 17, 2004

Is it possible to put as part of an action 'open the file that's selected in the file browser'. At the moment I select files and then run a batch process, or open the file and then run an action, but can I skip that stage?

What I have in mind is being able to look over the file browser to see which action each file needs to have run, but to be able to just click an action button and for it to open that file and run the action, etc.

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Photoshop :: 'File Type Being Selected By Keystroke'...

Jan 6, 2009

In previous versions, when in the file requester, with the File Type field focused, I could type the first letter of the format I wanted (ex. J for Jpeg), and it would select it. That was a nice little feature that sped up the saving process (...didn't have to open up the File Type pulldown, and scroll through the selections until I found the one I wanted).

Is that now gone in CS3 (extended), or is there some setting I can change to get that back?

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GIMP :: How To Export Selected Paths To SVG File

Jul 3, 2012

What is a most convenient way to export selected paths to SVG file? GIMP provides only 2 options for the export: export only one - "active" - path, or export all paths. It's not very useful in my case. I have an image with several layers and a bunch of paths related to different layers. So I need to export only paths which "belong" to a selected layer, so to speak. Of course, I can edit SVG by hands, but I wonder if some decent tools there exist for this task.

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Lightroom :: File Is Not Moved To Selected Destination

Jul 30, 2010

Recently upgraded to LR3. When moving a number of files from one folder to another, about every third time, it moves all but one file and I get this message about the unmoved file.  If I then try to move just that one remaining file, it moves it fine.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Subsequent Fonts In A List Will Not Apply To Selected Text

Sep 18, 2013

CorelDraw X6.Since the last update, some of the subsequent fonts in a list will not apply to the selected text.

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