CorelDRAW X6 :: Exporting Selected Only Artwork To EPS
May 29, 2012
Program: CorelDraw X6 64 bitOS: Windows 7 SP1 64 bit
I have problem when exporting selected only artwork to eps. The artwork itself contains standard fill objects with no strokes and no special effect on each object (drop shadow, powerclip, etc). On EPS Export dialog I change nothing, just clicked OK button.
The problem is there is no sign if the process success or fail.The file created only have zero bytes.The File>Exit menu is dimmed.When I try to close the document, it say:
Some of the documents could not be closed, because tasks are being performed in the background. Check the status bar of each opened document to see what tasks are being performed and their progress.
I can't close the document and exit the program, so I have to use Task Manager. Also if I continue to edit the artwork, i.e. selecting an object inside a group, the program crashed.
The Windows Crash Report:
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: CorelDrw.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4f4c60a4 Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17725 Fault Module Timestamp: 4ec4aa8e Exception c0000005 Exception Offset: 000000000005386a OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1057 Additional Information 1: 91e0 Additional Information 2: 91e002aff0b00b72d21810f7f6e3ec21 Additional Information 3: df3c Additional Information 4: df3c618bdba74b45b8aca9fde7c3e7c7
In Photoshop, if I have a layer with a style such as a drop shadow, and I click on Image > Trim, I can crop the canvas to the exact points where the drop shadow fades out. I want to do essentially the same thing in Illustrator. I have an object with a drop shadow. I select the object, double-click on the Artboard tool, and in the dialog that appears, from the dropdown menu, I select "Fit to Selected Art". This succeeds at cropping the canvas to the dimensions of the object, but but it also cuts off my drop shadow. My only solution has been to eyeball the cropping of my canvas, but I really want to be precise and automate this process.
I am having trouble exporting a graphic in high-res format. The artwork I created is 2 inches by 2 inches in Illustrator, which is the size it will be when printed. When I export the file, I choose png and select '300 ppi,' leave anti-aliasing as 'none,' and use a transparent background. However, when I import the graphic into other applications (word, etc) the graphic is blurry and, in no way, high-res. I've tried exporting it as a PDF and get (from what I can tell with the naked eye) the same output. It might also be worth noting that I get a blurry output even inporting the .ai file, too. I've checked the Illustrator document resolution and it is set to maximum (300).
The software that I use my GIMP images for requires that I export a bmp with the settings in the attached screenshot. I have two questions:
Is there a preset somewhere or perhaps an image type that I can select that will always export bitmaps with the Do not write color space information checked and 24bit R8 G8 B8 radio button selected?
Is there a way I can script this to be done as part of a python script?
These are the only image choices I have available.
These are the export options I need for my image to be visible in the software, I have to select these options every single time I do an export.
I just recently started having an issue with lightroom 5.3, I import a raw file into lightroom then edit it in photoshop (through lightroom) then i save the file through photoshop and it appears next to the original file in lightroom. When I export the edited image it also exports the original unedited file as well? how to change this? Its very annoying having the original copy of the file exported as well.
I am looking to have my .cdr files viewable by my Road sales men. I want to make a .jpg listing of all my .cdr files with multipage .cdrs have filename-2, etc.
Would like to keep the same folder structure that my .cdrs are in but under /jpg/
What can I do other than manually re-save all these files? What kind of Batch export with sub-folders is possible? I have tried the file convert, but it fails after 4 files.
I've experienced when using CorelDraw X5 with Windows 7, in Windows Explorer it will only show the generic CorelDraw X5 "green" icon for a thumbnail. It doesn't show the thumbnail of the actual artwork. Workaround to show the artwork thumbnail?
I have a Vector Art file in the formet .eps. I want to use that file in CorelDRAW,but the problem is that most of its art is converted to mesh,which makes my artwork quite messy!
How can I successfully achieve it?
It is because the Printer requires it in .cdr format!
I really don't know the best way to do this or maybe there is a standard, but here is what I am wanting.
When you put text over a simple vector graphic, the graphics makes it hard to read the Text.
I normally delete the graphic lines touching the text and this works but was wondering if there was another way.
Example: if this is a one color design "White" and it is just an outline of lets say a human, and I want to display text which is "White" also across the human image sometimes the image will interfere with being able to read the text clearly.
I am using X5. I hanve a customer with a business card and wants the artwork enlarged for a t-shirt to about a 8.5 X 11 inches. The logo measures about 1.5I X 2 inches. Is this even possible to make it anything that looks half decent?
I want to print the file with these layers selected individually, so that if I have two text layers "Cow" and "Dog", I get two similar images with different text.
How would i automate this? It would take a lot of work to select each layer and save the files individually.
I am using CorelDraw 12. I am trying to automate the Art work generation process using the Interop.CorelDraw Assembly along with C# .Net. I am facing a problem. When I am creating a word object, if the Height of the Text is greater than 21cms the art work is not being generated. It took me a while to understand this. I am not really sure how to remove the size range for the Text.
we just upgraded from X5 to X6, and I was just wondering if there is a way to preview artwork, in the preview pane, using X6, and I am referring to .cdr files not .eps.
Also how do you go about changing the default font when starting a new document?
Is it possible to do such a thing? Everyday I have to change the production number in the label artwork. Can I link this production number in the artwork to an external file such as an Excel datasheet?
In Recolor artwork is there a way to change the black and white colors to a color? When I try to edit them it doesn't edit them at all. It would be nice if I didn't have to manually tweak the colors to have color before I go into Recolor Artwork.
To create 2-color artwork from any colored vector clipart I used to be able to:
import colored clipart convert to CMYK if needed select entire graphic and create new styles with 2 parents change (edit) the colored parent to a named Pantone spot color (the child colors automatically become percentages of the Pantone spot color) "find and change" the remaining CMYK to Grayscale, and then back to CMYK (this ignors the spot color and converts the annoying rich blacks to percentages of K) export to a PDF file--which when imported into, say, InDesign, will separate on the K and Spot Color Plates only, in all its glorious shades of gray and tints of Pantone spot color.
I'm completely at a loss on how to do this in X6, and I'm on a short deadline.
In my job, I wrote a lot of technical manuals in CorelDraw x6 because of it strength in page layout involving text and graphics. And its multi-page capabilities.
One big questions: if I use the shortcut ALT+T to select all text, not all text are selected at all. Is this a defect?
In my work, I need to convert all text in the manual to curves before sending to the external printer. I had end up browsing the entire Object Manager list to ensure all text are converted to curves. Of course, this is a pain in the neck as I have many pages and objects to work on.
Note: I had discovered some text in a) groups, b) locked, and c) embedded properties often found not selected at all.
My manuals include locked objects with text, illustration diagrams with text, paragraph and artistic text.
If i select 2 or more shapes & then run a micro.Rename all shapes name to user input name. code is that but it is not working
Sub RenameShape() Dim objName Dim sr As ShapeRangeDim s3 As Shape Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange If sr.Shapes.Count = 0Then MsgBox "You need to select a shape first" Exit Sub End If objName = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Name objName = InputBox$("Assing a new name to this shape", "Rename Shape", objName) If objName <> ""Then Set s3 = ActiveDocument.Selection.Name = objName End If Exit Sub End Sub
I'm using Dropbox to synchronize my files with another computer and do backups. Over the last three months I haven't been doing anything with my CorelDraw files but recently tried opening a file and found there was a problem. When attempting to open a file, I get this error:
Either filename is not importable using the selected filter, or this format is not supported.
I thought it was related to Dropbox so I created a brand new file, saved it and was able to open it. Dropbox sync'd the file and Dropbox gave an update message that Dropbox has updated the file to the most recent version. Afterward, I wasn't able to open the file with CorelDraw anymore.
I'm using CorelDraw X5 and saving the file in X5 format. Is there anything I can do to recover my files?
In X5 Draw I am working on a job and the run time error comes up and shuts X5 down. And then when i restart and try to access that same file (saved throughout job) I get this error that the file is not importable by selected filter, or the format is not supported.
My CorelDRAW has just developed a glitch - I can select objects but not move them (other than by using the nudge button) and if I click twice on the object it doesn't change the nodes to allow me to rotate - weird and seriously difficult to do any work in the programme. I've tried turning the computer off and on again and have tried the default setting.
I'm exporting a CorelDrawX5 file as an EPS so it can be opened in Router VCarve software. All the lines of the artwork in the CDR file show up as solid lines before being exported.
After being opened in the Router software as an EPS, the lined artwork shows up in pieces. I've never had this issue before with the Vcarve software or Corel, but I even tried rebuilding the files from scratch, and it still happened so I'm thinking its a corel issue.
I am using corel x6 and out putting to laser engraver/cutter, router and water jet. For laser engraving in particular i am have trouble getting a reasonable image. It ends up being pixulated. An it is odd as some times i am engraving one inch square area and some times 2 feet square. The relationship between DPI and size seems to be broken and i can not figure out why. I am normally working with vectors but some times i need to engrave with a bit map. So i will export the vector to a bit map then import the bitmap into a new document and output to the laser. I output to the laser directly from with in corel 13. It is when i import into corel that i can see that the bitmap is pixulated. if I export at 1200 dpi it is better but not good enough. For an 11 inch square out put i think it was a 43 mb file. [URL]....