Is there a way to draw a helix in X3? It is not evident to me and a search does not turn it up. Alternatively, I could draw a helix in MatLab (or such) and import it, but what file format would make it manipulable in X3?
Just started playing around with X6. If I export something with spot colors to an EPS file and reimport it, the spot colors are converted to greyscale. Also happens if I open in Photoshop. RGB or CMYK works okay. I've also noticed that while EPS is an available export format, it does not appear on the import file type list even though it is set up through customization>global>filters so I am having to import it through All File Formats.
Haven't used AC in a while and hoping this is a simple question, trying to take a polyline (in this case a coil shape) and add a diameter to the line. This 3D object will then be imported to COMSOL for some thermal expansion modeling.
I have a helix spline that is pretty large. The larger I make it the more evident it is that it is made of segments. I can't find any place to adjust the interpolation. Is there any way to add more segments to smooth it out a bit?
How can I (or is it not possible) to have a line start in front but end up behind. Example, a thick line (that will look like a tube when done, i hope lol) starts out in the front.... travels off the side of the object then goes behind it.
essentially starts as the topmost(front) object, but ends as the bottom most (back) object.
I am working on a project that involves a screw conveyer(auger) with a 3" od, 1.5"/flight and a 0.800" ctr shaft. I modeled it without any difficulty using the "helix" function in a 3-d sketch & then swept a rectal around that path. The problem is, I need paper templates to layout the pattern on the steel. In the past I have made use of the "flat pattern" feature to print paper templates for tube notching and such, but that function prompts me with an error message "no surface to flatten" Attached is the full screw(augShaft9in.ipt), a single flight and 2/3 of a flight(i dont think a full flight will flatten & not overlap). Need to getting these patterns printed.
what ive been trying to do is make a helix that sweeps around a rectangular prism i was able to make it in solid works but i cant find a way to do it in inventor.
I'm having trouble drawing an egg shape. I drew the oval, then converted to curves. I moved the bottom node up and that made the shape squatty, but I want to move the side nodes out symmetrically. Is there a way to do this? Is there a simpler way to make an egg shape?
I just wrote about the crash on scroll. Now when I try to open the file draw goes through the motions of opening it and end up with an untitled document. The entire file has been destroyed. I've had this kind of trouble before but not since I upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. It makes Draw almost impossible to use since any action even saving might trigger a crash and with the crash comes the possibility that the file is lost. Does this behaviour was specifically addressed and fixed with any of the service packs? I'm still using the original build.
I am trying to loft a triangle around the path of a helix. I want the top point of the triangle to be facing in such that the ouside surface is flat (in the veritcal direction) for the entire helix and I have the two triangle cross sections oriented to do as much. Whenever I try loft it, autocad associates sides of the triangle that aren't supposed to connect causing the triangle to twist along the path. Is there a way that I can easily tell autocad which sides I want to connect?
I've got a Mesh which consists of several Helixes with regular Tubes in between. They are all welded together, so it is one long Mix of Helix and tubes. In Animation, the amount of Turns in each Helix needs to be changed (from 0 Turns, up to 50 e.g.).
First I attached bones to each helix, but strechting the bones only leads to stretch the Helix - not reducing the Turns. In another attempt, I took a regular Tube with a Path-Deform-Modifier and a helix-spline, so I had good control of the Mesh, by changing the splines-parameters. But since my Mesh consists of several individual helixes, I cant use it cuz i can only select 1 spline in the deformation-modifier.
i'm using corel draw x4 on windows 8. I use the Math-Type Editor in order to create complex formulas with indices, potencies, greek letters and fraction bars.
Unfortunately Corel Draw can't depict some of the symbols for example the small theta "ϑ" or the multiplication sign. Instead of writing them it creates a blank or question marks.
Is there a way to create those symbols in the Math-Type Editor?
I am trying to do a fancy rectangle box 183mm width and 91mm high, in the centre is a clock face 93mm in diameter, and i want to have a nice curve effect as i have tried t to show in the about terrible sketch, making them look like shoulders.
I used polyline to trace a tree trunk. I wanted it to be just a series of line segments which I was going to export to AutoCAD and then to Sketchup. However, each segment I drew said it was a curve. When I exported to AutoCAD it came in as a spline. If I convert that to lines, where I had maybe 10 lines there are now 100.
I also tried to 2 point line tool. I started each new line from the end of the previous. It gave me the same result.
Is there a way for me to end up with just the 10 line segments? No spline. No curve. Just 10 straight lines.
I need to draw a 3D (style) football. The white segments are hexagons and the black are pentagons as in the attached picture. Of course, these won't match up correctly whilst lying flat as a football is round. How do I create the illusion of this? And the shading etc?
I have a helix I've made, and I want to turn it into a thread in a hole I've already made.
I'd also like to make a matching bolt to fit the said thread. Keep in mind my thread speficics are not importan this is all merely for a proof of concept.
I do know know if auto cad offer a say to make a bolt and so on w/o too much work -but I've attached the said file and the helix I'm concerned with is in the "threads" layer.
When you sweep a profile along a helical path, use the plane normal sweep (instead of perpendicular sweep) to orient profiles suitable for coil or spring. In the example below, the sweep path is a constant radius, variable pitch helix.
I am working on Sweeping three helix profiles around a cylinder to create a screw thread. When I sweep the profile, Inventor gives me the error messages:
"The attempted operation would create a self-intersecting surfaces. Try with different inputs".
"The attempted operation did not produce meaningful intersection edges from the face-face intersection. Try with different inputs".
However, this is exactly what I need to create the helix profile I require and eventually increase the size of the Extrusion Sweep profile to 80mm. When I increase the sweep profile to 80mm I get the same error message about the self intersecting surfaces.
I am working with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011, 64bit, 8gb RAM, Windows 7, Intel Core i7-2860QM.