AutoCAD 2013 :: Using Helix To Make Thread And Matching Bolt?
Apr 8, 2012
I have a helix I've made, and I want to turn it into a thread in a hole I've already made.
I'd also like to make a matching bolt to fit the said thread. Keep in mind my thread speficics are not importan this is all merely for a proof of concept.
I do know know if auto cad offer a say to make a bolt and so on w/o too much work -but I've attached the said file and the helix I'm concerned with is in the "threads" layer.
Haven't used AC in a while and hoping this is a simple question, trying to take a polyline (in this case a coil shape) and add a diameter to the line. This 3D object will then be imported to COMSOL for some thermal expansion modeling.
I am trying to loft a triangle around the path of a helix. I want the top point of the triangle to be facing in such that the ouside surface is flat (in the veritcal direction) for the entire helix and I have the two triangle cross sections oriented to do as much. Whenever I try loft it, autocad associates sides of the triangle that aren't supposed to connect causing the triangle to twist along the path. Is there a way that I can easily tell autocad which sides I want to connect?
I have some problems with Bolt Connection Component Generator. For placement I choose Concentric, i choose all references, but I can't select Diameter. It is stuck to 10mm and i can't change it.
Trick to keeping objects aligned with a helix when using an associative path array? The animation below demonstrates the problem where I can't seem to keep the "treads" on a spiral stairs aligned with the center of the helix. (fewer objects accentuate the problem)
I'd like to use an "NPT" Hole Dialog thread but it doesn't show up in the Thread type list.But it does show up in the Thread Dialog/Specifications Tab/ Thread type list so it's available.
I definitely have "NPT" in my Thread.xls & I have my Options/Files set to point to the correct Design Data folder.
I can drill a hole as needed, but can't thread a hole at all. Not with the Tapped Hole function when drilling the hole, or after drilling the hole then using the Thread Tool. Inventor will just not let me create threads this way outside of cutting a coil.
I am trying to add a thread class to the thread.xls. (that part is ok)
The thread is M26x2.0
I can't seem to find any information for me to simply plug in the values into the .xls, so I am thinking that I have to crunch some numbers. which is fine. I just want to make sure that this image below is the correct the reference for this task.
using the pitch, I should be able to calculate all my min and max values, but the xls has class column and a tap drill column, how would I determine these values??
Dwg A: Circle & Square is drawn in the model space and 2 Viewports in Paper Space annotating the 2 objects Dwg B: Triangle is drawn in model space and 1 viewport in paper space annotating the triangle
i want to bring the Square detail (model and viewport with annotation) from Dwg A to Dwg B,while copying the Square and pasting it in Dwg B with the same reference points, i am having the square object over the Triangle in model space.I do not want to move the triangle since that is matched with the viewport on the paper space and annotated
i want to move the Square to a new reference (while pasting) BUT in a way to have the layout annotations matching and being asscociated with it,
I am working on a project that involves a screw conveyer(auger) with a 3" od, 1.5"/flight and a 0.800" ctr shaft. I modeled it without any difficulty using the "helix" function in a 3-d sketch & then swept a rectal around that path. The problem is, I need paper templates to layout the pattern on the steel. In the past I have made use of the "flat pattern" feature to print paper templates for tube notching and such, but that function prompts me with an error message "no surface to flatten" Attached is the full screw(augShaft9in.ipt), a single flight and 2/3 of a flight(i dont think a full flight will flatten & not overlap). Need to getting these patterns printed.
what ive been trying to do is make a helix that sweeps around a rectangular prism i was able to make it in solid works but i cant find a way to do it in inventor.
When you sweep a profile along a helical path, use the plane normal sweep (instead of perpendicular sweep) to orient profiles suitable for coil or spring. In the example below, the sweep path is a constant radius, variable pitch helix.
I am working on Sweeping three helix profiles around a cylinder to create a screw thread. When I sweep the profile, Inventor gives me the error messages:
"The attempted operation would create a self-intersecting surfaces. Try with different inputs".
"The attempted operation did not produce meaningful intersection edges from the face-face intersection. Try with different inputs".
However, this is exactly what I need to create the helix profile I require and eventually increase the size of the Extrusion Sweep profile to 80mm. When I increase the sweep profile to 80mm I get the same error message about the self intersecting surfaces.
I am working with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011, 64bit, 8gb RAM, Windows 7, Intel Core i7-2860QM.
I have generated a gear set using inventor. Now I would like to 3d print the gears. I have uesd the export tooth shape to get the true tooth profile. now I am attempting to use the coil feature to generate the helical tooth. The problem im running into is in the coil tool I can only give it a Revolution and height dimension. The hight is the width of the gear, but I am having a problem converting the helix angle to the "Revolution" perameter. I have read other posts and they say that it is Helix angle / 360. I have tried that and then compared it to the original gear generated by inventor and it is not even close. I need to do this on in internal gear and match it to an external gear.
trying to draw a hex nut in isometric...I've got the ellipse with the inside/outside dimensions but as far as placing the lines and connecting them to make the hexagon perimeter I keep coming up wrong..
I'm trying to make a dynamic bolt that has a nut on it that can move back and forth but is constrained to the max distance set by the bolt length. I want one line type between the head of the bolt and a different line type between the end of the bolt and the nut.
Currently if I take my nut past the end of the bolt, the lines are all messed up?I'm new to dynamic blocks but liking them.
Is there a way to draw a helix in X3? It is not evident to me and a search does not turn it up. Alternatively, I could draw a helix in MatLab (or such) and import it, but what file format would make it manipulable in X3?