AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole And Thread Dialog Box Show Different Thread Types
Oct 4, 2012
I'd like to use an "NPT" Hole Dialog thread but it doesn't show up in the Thread type list.But it does show up in the Thread Dialog/Specifications Tab/ Thread type list so it's available.
I definitely have "NPT" in my Thread.xls & I have my Options/Files set to point to the correct Design Data folder.
I can drill a hole as needed, but can't thread a hole at all. Not with the Tapped Hole function when drilling the hole, or after drilling the hole then using the Thread Tool. Inventor will just not let me create threads this way outside of cutting a coil.
I am trying to add a thread class to the thread.xls. (that part is ok)
The thread is M26x2.0
I can't seem to find any information for me to simply plug in the values into the .xls, so I am thinking that I have to crunch some numbers. which is fine. I just want to make sure that this image below is the correct the reference for this task.
using the pitch, I should be able to calculate all my min and max values, but the xls has class column and a tap drill column, how would I determine these values??
Yesterday I tried to make a table-driven I-feature of a few drilling paterns.
I want to use this for drawing steel manifolds. The I-feature is used to insert standard drilling paterns, for example a patern to fit a standard flange.
The only problem is, for the thread I used the thread feature, otherwise it doesn't show up in the I-feature.
But when I make a drawing of a part were this I-feature is used, the specification of the thread doesn't show up when I create a hole table, because in the I-feature, the thread is a separate feature.
I'm adding in inspection dimensions for a PPAP submission drawing and have found that I cannot set hole and thread dimensions as inspection dimensions. I'm quite surprised to find that this option isn't available. Is it there, just hidden, or is it really not available to me?
To the top right of this picture is the inspection dimension I want and to the left the thread dimension which I can't get into this format.
I'm using Inventor 2011 and can't find any thread inserts in 'hole' command. Neither helicoil nor recoil - are they unavailable? Cose that would be a bit poor. Can I ****ch them on somehow?
When you have a part with a thread feature, the default setting should show the thread feature in the drawing view...rather than making the user right click the view and select "Display Thread Feature". I don't understand why this doesn't show up in the drawing is, after all, a feature on the part.
I have created a custom thread.xls table so that thread callouts are in decimal format per ASME B1.1.
When I use the Hole / Thread feature note in an .idw, the thread class will not show on an external thread. If I change the format to not use Custom Thread Designation, the thread class appears. If I use the Custom Thread Designation on a threaded hole, everything works fine.
You can organize a multi-threaded work with data through Inventor API? For example, there is a assembly and I need the first part of assembling a list of items to consider in a data set, the second part of the list - in the second data set, the third - the third and so on up to N, where N - depends on how many threads can run in the system . Whether these flows are processed and to receive data in parallel? Or go to the consistent implementation of this algorithm will first be processed by the first part, and only after it will start the second ...?
I am having a terrible time getting the thread modeler to work correctly for an M16x 1.5 thread. I have tried multiple approaches to get the correct thread dimensions output.These are the steps I take:
1) Create hole (I've used both major and minor thread diameters,16mm and 14.376mm)
2) Apply Inventor threads (M16 x 1.5)
3) Select threads from tree using the Add-in thread modeler "Controller"
4) Analyze dimensions finding both cases yield the wrong dimensions.
This add-in would be very useful and a great time saver if it would work correctly.
I have recently installed Inventor 2013 Professional Ultimate and am having some issues. I can not seem to get the Thread function to work. When I go to apply a thread I get the follow error....
When I go to search the directory, I find that the Thread xls document is infact there, but it is not located where the program thinks it should be (XLS Folder --> en-US Folder)
I also made sure that the Design Data location was correct within the Application Options...
We are using inventor 2012 at my school and have recently purchased a makerbot 3D printer abd having lots of fun. However i recently created a model that has an M40 Thread as part of the model. However when i try to 3D print it, it doesn't recognise the thread and it isn't printed. I see the thread on the ipt but once it is saved as an stl it seems to disappear.
When working in the drawing environment it is easy to accidantially snap the dimension to a thread symbol (the arc around the hole), instead of the actual hole.
I don't think need dimensions to snap to these symbols.
In the drawing, i annotate a thread. the automatic text for thread depth is always, as far as i see, incorrect, for example if the thread depth is 50 it writes, i don't remeber, but something like 250.
Maybe it has to do with the font, altough i doubt. i am in israel, and the quantity of threads, also an automatic text, is written backwards, for example 4x instead of x4.
I use the following code to get the information if a thread is right or left handed from an outer thread:
'Gewinderichtung Gewinde1If Feature.InventorFeature("Bohrung1").HoleInfo.RightHanded = True ThenGewinde1_Richtung = "RH"'Else If Feature.InventorFeature("Bohrung1").HoleInfo.RightHanded = False Then'Gewinde1_Richtung = "LH"'ElseEnd If
Now I also need to get this information from a hole feature but I was not able to adapt the code correctly. The error I get says that "HoleInfo" for the type "HoleF eature" was not found.