CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: PhotoPaint Freeze On Open (no Welcome Screen)
May 4, 2011
I've been using these two programs for some time with no problem. I recently upgraded some of my adobe software and now when I try to open CorelDRAW of Photopaint, there is no welcome screen anymore and I can't click on anything.
Is there something conflicting with the welcome screen (flash or something that the welcome screen uses) that perhaps was installed with one of the adobe products, maybe? Not sure if it matters but I updated adobe dreamweaver and fireworks.Both programs are unusable now with this loading problem.
I have had CorelDraw & Photopaint X4 installed for several months and just started having this problem.
CorelDraw: Every time I use the Fill Color option, whether by double-clicking the bucket icon at the bottom OR using the option in the toolbar, the program freezes and never recovers. When I use the color palette to fill a shape, I do not encounter the problem.
PhotoPaint: Every time I use the Image ->Paper Size option, the program freezes and never recovers.
I have reinstalled the program and the problem persists.
These are options I use often, and if I don't find the solution I will have to find an alternative to Corel.
I am a long time user of Corel products (well, since Corel 4). I have been running Corel 12 for several years, as financially, as a pensioner it is not viable to keep up grading and 12 has been perfectly adequate. I am on Windows 7 Home premium, and I know that 12 was not designed for that platform, however it has been operation satisfactorily since 7 came out. Today, It has crashed, and I am unable to open photopaint at all either from the shortcut or the program list.
(Corel Draw, which is the only other part of the suite I use) appears to open and be available. I tried to repair with the original disk to no avail, so that having failed I did an uninstall, cleared the caches the temporary files and did a clean install. Corel Draw is still working, but Paint will not open at all. The logo appears then totally disappears after a few seconds leaving the desktop clear. There has been no changes to the computer recently and until last night the program was working fine.
My tool box specifically- the bar which lists commands like print or save--- is suddenly gone--- don't know how to get it back with no commands to call it up
When I open PhotoPaint X5, which is part of my CroelDRAW X5 Suite, I receive an error message; "PhotoPaint has stopped working". CorelDraw X5 opens correctly without any problem.
I have un-installed and re-installed the CDX5 Suite, but the problem still persists.
Below is the 'Problem Signature', which means nothing to me!
Working in photopaint . . . all goes well until I try to save or close the file. Then it stops responding. When I try to close CorelDraw, it says that I cannot close it while I have the photo open in Photopaint. However, Photopaint is no longer running. This is new problem since I installed Patch 3.
When selecting "File - Acquire Image" in Corel PhotoPaint X6 it does not see my scanner, yet when I open Corel PhotoPaint X5 the scanner is there and I can scan directly from there.
The scanner also works fine in Adobe Acrobat and other software installed on my computer. Only Corel PhotoPaint X6 is not working
PhotoPAINT doesn't cycle through the images of an animation right after creating a new one.
Here are the steps to reproduce:
Create a new image and select, say, 5 frames for the image. Add some imagery to each of the frames (and don't forget to flatten the object hierarchy as PhotoPAINT doesn't deal with graphic objects for animated images.) Open the Film tool window and hit the [Play] button. Result: The image does not get animated.
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
Corel X4, still installed on my PC, has no problem at all.But Corel X6 (CorelDRAW as well as CorelPHOTOPAINT) crashes after the preview scan with Epson Scan (EPSON Perfection V330 Photo) in professional mode. When I use the simple mode (which does all automatically: preview scan, border recognition, best guess about resolution and color mode and the final scan) there also is no problem.
But I wonder what the TWAIN driver does with Corel X6 after having finished the preview scan ..I already tried to uninstall and reinstall the (latest) driver suite from EPSON without success.
Is it possible that I can open a bitmap present in a coreldraw file in photoshop, edit it there and it gets back to its original position. that is the thing for which corel photo paint gets opened, i can set Adobe Photoshop for editing images?
I seem to have lost the functionallity of double-clicking on an image placed in CDR X5 to automatically edit in Photopaint. The checkbox in tools/options/edit is checked and photopaint can certainly be opened in the Application Launcher but double-click does nothing.
I installed Corel Draw 12 on a new machine with Vista HP, and I cannot git rid of the registration nag screen. I lost my registration info a long time ago, and have tried the "never register" option, but the nag screen keeps coming up.
I'm trying to uninstall X5 to install it again. Because when I try and any of the programs connected to it I get blank screens. I'm completely dumbfounded.. When I click on it to "UNINSTALL" I also get the green bar for about 2 seconds, but the box is completely blank. No buttons or anything.
I opened my CorelDRAW X3 to find that the colours on screen look corrupted.
I use the "Optimised for professional output setting" in Colour Management which I never change.
Now, rather than looking fairly close to printed colours, they look very bright... too bright! (see screen shot)
I think that i have had this problem before and i ended up uninstalling and reinstalling. I would like to avoid this if i can as have have a lot of custom settings that i would have to re-do.
I’d like to copy an object a distance that I specify on screen. I can see how to copy a specified number of inches, but that is very awkward. You have to measure the distance (horizontal and vertical) and then input the numbers, then click “apply”. Is there a simpler way to do it?
Or is there a way to paste at a specified location? If I do an Edit>Copy then Edit>Paste, it pastes the new object on top of the old one.
I suspect that there is no way to do this, but it seemed so logical....How can I rotate the actual view of a page in DRAW? I have these box designs that I get handed, done somewhere else on the planet, with changes to various panels that are shown as upside down or at 90 degrees to the original page. I have to squint and cough backwards to read them.
Of course, for text, I can do an edit, but usually the text has been converted to curves many revisions ago. I looked, but could find no option for simply rotating the view, which would solve the problem.Surely there is a view "object" that gets filtered through the various existing View options, meaning that a simple set of transforms should also be able to rotate the entire pageview.
I do know how to kludge it, by selecting ALL and then rotating everything around a center point, but it requires than everything be selectable, and I use layers a LOT, for keeping the background frozen, for example. So, to get to a simple view of a small section on some sideways box tab, I have to unlock everything, select everything, rotate, edit, and then rotate back again and relock all the locked layers. It would make life simpler to have rotation as an option in View. Unless there's a better way???(And, no, the monitor is even harder to twist around.)
after installing the update to 6.2 on my spare system coreldraw just starts with it's welcome screen in any browser (standard-browser: ie, firefox or chrome) instead of corel itself. therefore i can't work with coreldraw anymore - even cannot close it. have to kill process in task-manager.
no uninstalling possible because of the same failure: uninstall opens a browser. so no uninstall possible.
no new installation from dvd possible, because the installer also opens an browser-window instead of an installer.
When you open the welcome screen and you choose "New from Template" the welcome screen in the background is missing the left side of the welcome screen.
And when you close the "new from template" window, it stays missing and you cannot choose any of your recent "open documents".
When designing brochures in X5, we quite often will save a file with no issues, but when we go to re-open it we end up with "encountered an improper arument" error message and the file is no longer able to be opened.
If you try to open the backup it comes up with a "runtime error" and won't open either. We are running Windows 7
About a month and a half ago, after a microsoft update, I cannot open .cdr files from the file/open list. When going to file/open, the programs hangs up, cannot even use "cancel", and have to go to Windows Task Manager to shut down the program. All is well until I try to open a file from file/open.
I can import .eps, and everything else seems fine.My work around is to open from My Documents --Which works fine. Just is a silly little aggravation.
I have uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired, etc....all the normal fixes.
Well as much as I do design work for customers for tee shirts,I never had to do color separation, for the screens.I’m wondering how do you do this? ( how do you separate colors in corel, for screen printing) .
how to work cereldraw x3 i was going fine with all my work then it just went white when i tried to do something not sure what and now i dont know how to get it back to normal i cans elect my work but cant see any of it
I am interested to know why with Corel Draw the quality of many of my images and text looks very poor on the screen, but when I publish to PDF they are how they should be. Is there any way of changing this so I see on the screen what the real quality looks like?