What is the default color management setting (all the setting) that Coreldraw X5 is set to after installation. We had a tech guy from our local printer chage the values and now we only have problems
I always use CMYK in my designs and the Pantone color codes for their logo design. I have never had to convert them before and have searched forums and boards with no luck in finding an easy way to do this.
This discussion is on using RGB file creation techniques to output to ink jet devices. I posted the comments below the link because color management off always pops up in the conversation as it turns to non-postscript devices so I wanted to circumvent the side bar conversation.
First let's get this straight, I've written it and said it about a thousand times, you cannot turn off color management.
When you select simulate color management off in the default application color management dialog, CorelDRAW simply utilizes a different set of color management settings. The rules of color management never change! The application requires guidelines on color and still must have rules that govern conversions, PERIOD.
These rules are not different, only the engines, rendering intents and profiles change. These setting in X5 and X6 can be, in some cases adjusted to simulate previous setting in versions prior to X5 that were labeled color management off, but this label in older versions (X4 and older) were deceptive in their nature, color management was never turned off, just set to a specific configuration.
Simulate color management off (in X5/X6) uses wide gamut cmyk simulation as the CMYK profile, it disengages the color engines (setting CorelDRAW to another internally controlled process) and sets the interface to RGB. It does not turn color management off.
These settings have many uses for industries such as laser engraving and screen printing separations and I support their continued use. Do not confuse this and use these settings for professional output using press work, ink jets or digital printers.
Document colors in Corel Draw X3 have changed. Example: dark green is now black on my designed object; Teal is now light green.
I thought it might be color management had switched somehow but all management settings do not make a change as they did before or at all. Basically I think the problem lies in the color management. I re-installed the program but the problem remains. Color management does not affect color appearances as they used too before.I run windows 7 and have had it for a couple of years with no problems.
When printing 100% black on laser printer the Black is all in raster. Very strange because the same file printed from X4 /same PC and same printer/ is OK and is not in raster.
Probably the problem is somewere in X6.
I don't belive that the problem is in the color management because it's the same as my X5 and there all is OK too.
I've been using these two programs for some time with no problem. I recently upgraded some of my adobe software and now when I try to open CorelDRAW of Photopaint, there is no welcome screen anymore and I can't click on anything.
Is there something conflicting with the welcome screen (flash or something that the welcome screen uses) that perhaps was installed with one of the adobe products, maybe? Not sure if it matters but I updated adobe dreamweaver and fireworks.Both programs are unusable now with this loading problem.
Well as much as I do design work for customers for tee shirts,I never had to do color separation, for the screens.I’m wondering how do you do this? ( how do you separate colors in corel, for screen printing) .
I've been struggling with the color management in CorelDraw X5 for awhile. I usually just design blind and check the print out or exported images after the fact to see if they're how I initially intended. The image above is exactly how the design looks in Draw.
This next image is how it looks when I print it out or when I export it to a JPG or PSD or other bitmap.
I've been researching for awhile on the color management and have tried many many varieties. I'm still not sure what the deal is. If it was my monitor or drivers I don't think I would be getting the result I want after I export the image, although I haven't tried updating the driver yet.
When I open or import a DWG into CorelDraw X6 it changes the colors (see image).
I tried changing the Color Management Settings to Minimal Color Management which is suppose to preserve the original color when opening, importing, and pasting, but that doesn't work.
I have more than 1000 installed on an xp system. I know I don't need this many. I'm sure I could get by with 400 or less. How do you thin down your fonts? How many do you try to keep on your system?
What are you using for font management? Bit stream? Something else?
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I am new to Corel Draw X4 after using illustrator. I created some artwork for a client in hot pink. But when I try to print, or to save as a pdf, or open in illustrator it is not pink.
What do I need to do with my color settings? I have contacted Oki who assisted my in downloading the correct driver to print pantone colors. Therefore must by color settings in Corel Draw?
We are just in the process of setting up Corel X6 for deployment in our office and we are trying to get a handle on the colour settings. We have upgraded from CD11 which had very little in the way of colour management and so we are somewhat inexperienced in how to set up.
We have two production printers an OKI 821 and a Ricoh C820DN which we print to using PCL drivers. We believe that we therefore need to use RGB as our colour mode and use an ICC profile for each printer for colour correction with colour management switched off on the driver. Is this correct? We've had a try this afternoon and the colours on the prints differ greatly from the display (which has been profiled using an xrite i1pro calibrator). They also differ from each other.
The monitor profile is set as the device profile in the windows colour system, and we are using that as our engine in corel.
I recently purchased an Epson R3000 and am having terrible trouble with the colour management from Corel. Everything I output has a very yellowy/browny caste over it when compared to my screen (for example a slightly warm grey comes out brown-grey and light blues come out very murky in colour tone). I have applied Adobe RGB (1998) to the document, opted for Corel to manage colours and turned off colour management in my printer. I am also using IC profiles specific to my papers. My monitor is self-calibrated but up until now the colour difference between screen and output device has never been a problem.
I have just purchased Corel draw x5 and need to change the colour management default settings but when i go to tools, colour management, i only have document settings! I have done this with new pages, old pages, images on pages etc and no luck.
I run a little print shop as part of our Charity and we produce T-shirts, sublimation mugs and coasters as well as some paper based goods.
I've read a lot about color management but what is the best way to to set up to print to our postscript printers (one OKI 821 & a Ricoh 820DN)
Currently I have the default workspace set to CMYK, sRGB & coated Fogra39 profiles, color engine as WCS, preserve black off and the rest as defaults.
My question is how to set up for printing to postscript? I've read that this is best for color accuracy and allows for different colour spaces with in the same document. We print a lot of cards for local artists whose images are edited in Photoshop and output as srgb jpegs. We then import these into corel and add writing using the standard CMYK palette.
At the moment when we print we have corel set to manage colours, output colours as native as there is a combination of of RGB & CMYK elements. Within the printer driver we set either CM off or ICM managed by host, depending on the driver.
Is this correct? I did have a thought that this combination may mean that effectively there is no color management happening at all!?! It is useful for us to keep the jpegs as RGB because some customers will require their artwork on sublimation items as well which require transfers being produced on a non-postscript device. For these we use a sublimation ICC profile and a PCL driver and it works well.
With postscript I have found that outputting the file as cmyk rather than native dulls the image considerably. However, using native output gives different results from both of our printers.
For some reason a Document Color Palette doesn't appear by default when I create a new document. It did at one time, but now I have to manually activate it. Not sure what I did to cause this change in behavior, but I'd like to get it back as a default.
I recently started working on coreldraw x5, but i am having trouble saving a print style and getting the default colour management settings, i dont know if i missed something or did something wrong, but i dont even have those options on my program
read that color management pdf by gennady petrov and tried a few things he wrote. I turned off color management in the printer driver, chose corel to manage color, and the image default profile sRGBxxxxx. picture was way dark and ugly. tried several other profiles and same dark picture. hmm that did not work so well.
went back to the printer driver and disabled no color management, and chose the profile Adobe RGB. still kept corel as manager and chose A RGB as the profile and the print looked spot on. Have not had problems printing from corel because I have come up with my own system, but was quite surprised at the result from turning off color management in the printer driver.
I installed Corel Draw 12 on a new machine with Vista HP, and I cannot git rid of the registration nag screen. I lost my registration info a long time ago, and have tried the "never register" option, but the nag screen keeps coming up.
I'm trying to uninstall X5 to install it again. Because when I try and any of the programs connected to it I get blank screens. I'm completely dumbfounded.. When I click on it to "UNINSTALL" I also get the green bar for about 2 seconds, but the box is completely blank. No buttons or anything.
Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.
I opened my CorelDRAW X3 to find that the colours on screen look corrupted.
I use the "Optimised for professional output setting" in Colour Management which I never change.
Now, rather than looking fairly close to printed colours, they look very bright... too bright! (see screen shot)
I think that i have had this problem before and i ended up uninstalling and reinstalling. I would like to avoid this if i can as have have a lot of custom settings that i would have to re-do.
I’d like to copy an object a distance that I specify on screen. I can see how to copy a specified number of inches, but that is very awkward. You have to measure the distance (horizontal and vertical) and then input the numbers, then click “apply”. Is there a simpler way to do it?
Or is there a way to paste at a specified location? If I do an Edit>Copy then Edit>Paste, it pastes the new object on top of the old one.
I suspect that there is no way to do this, but it seemed so logical....How can I rotate the actual view of a page in DRAW? I have these box designs that I get handed, done somewhere else on the planet, with changes to various panels that are shown as upside down or at 90 degrees to the original page. I have to squint and cough backwards to read them.
Of course, for text, I can do an edit, but usually the text has been converted to curves many revisions ago. I looked, but could find no option for simply rotating the view, which would solve the problem.Surely there is a view "object" that gets filtered through the various existing View options, meaning that a simple set of transforms should also be able to rotate the entire pageview.
I do know how to kludge it, by selecting ALL and then rotating everything around a center point, but it requires than everything be selectable, and I use layers a LOT, for keeping the background frozen, for example. So, to get to a simple view of a small section on some sideways box tab, I have to unlock everything, select everything, rotate, edit, and then rotate back again and relock all the locked layers. It would make life simpler to have rotation as an option in View. Unless there's a better way???(And, no, the monitor is even harder to twist around.)