AutoCad :: Borders Not Visible That 3DFace Command Create
Jan 7, 2012
there is a possible way that the borders that the 3dface command creats will not be visible. I am attaching a foto in order to explain it better. the red arrows at the foto show the borders that i don t want to be seen at the final product.
In order to make it more clear, i have to say that these borders are not lines that i have drawed. these are lines that are created by choosing the 4 points that the 3dface command needs.
I am some trouble working with 3dface. I want convert 3dface to polyline but in some cases I faces with problem that a 3dface don't convert surface or solid.
I have well over 100 old black and white negatives to scan for my wife so that she can put these old family photos in a scrapbook. She wants me to make these prints look like the old fashioned white-bordered with serrated edges. After scanning the negs and before saving them as jpeg files in photoshop...can someone please tell me an easy way to put 1/4" white borders around each print?
I created Dynamic Block visible with blocks. But I don't know how dimension with Dynamic Block first rowahead (Dimension style). I very try but don't success. create dimension with Dynamic block visible. Purpose, I drawing as I sent to you. I can select from list Dynamic block visible instead go to change dimension style on the Styles bar (Dim style control).
Is it possible to use an Autodesk Inventor .iam (assembly) to generate a file containing only the visible/exterior surfaces of that .iam?
My employer has a requirement that, in certain situations, only data without internal features/details can be supplied to customers.In this case, we only want the customer to be able to view the assembly & not see the internal features of individual parts.
Working with many layers 60+ is great, but most of the time we have many that are not selected i.e. visible.sometime 30+ those layers are most of the time not needed anymore or make it too crowd in the layer box, making layer selection and handling messy.
The best way is to remove them from the PDN, while keeping only the visible selected. But removing the "not selected" layers one by one is time consuming and again, accidents happen.
Three solutions .
A simple way to do it, is just add under "edit menu" or the "Layer menu" the following. "Create new PDN from selected visible layers"..
add to the "Save As" the option to "Save selected visible layers only"
OR the long way, that has its good things in it too.
Add the option to INVERT the layers visibility selection, and then the option to remove/delete selected layers. (of coarse add an approval "are you sure box")
This option would even be great for other uses when we need to switch back and forth between many visible layers. for example when making animations etc.
I am trying to create a visible watermark to apply to pictures. How to create one to use in Paintshop Pro X4 Ultimate? I know how to apply one but I'm uncertain on how to make the actual watermark.
I don’t often used but I would like to know how I can create a form with a button that will send a command to AutoCAD. I’ve goggled but get nothing near enough to what I find understandable.
I wanna create a command to put in the LISP file. Bascially when I type XV or XH a vertical or horizontal xline will be created and automaticlly put on defpoints layer.
My former office had this and it was very slick and was wondering if I could ad it to my new office
last week you drafted a mold for my plug part, but you didn't exmplain the steps I need to follow to create the mold using the derive command. Would you mind posting the steps for myself and other forum readers to follow. I guess my real question is: how do you create a 2 part mold using the derive command?
im trying to create line types using the MKLTYPE command , im creating the text and the lines and the text in paperspace and im using annotative text (2mm height fixed) . ie: dashed line 100mm "WA" and another 100mm of dashed line (--------WA---------) , I Need this line in any scale to act the same.
Ive tried many times but the text size is bigger then 2mm and the lines override the text.
Autocad2008 has the Break, Break at Point, and Dimension Break tools. There may be other variations of the break command, but I'm not able to fined a way to quickly use any of these commands to create a very simple single break point on a single segmented line at an unequal segment. I'm surprised Break at Point doesn't fit the billet.
Example: I've drawn vertical line 10 units long. I would like to place a single break point at 7.956 units from either endpointe of that very same line. This is not a polyline. When selected it is depicted as a line with two equal segments.
The purpose of the break is so that I can intersect a horizontal line at 7.956 units located on the vertical line.
It seems to me that with all of the break tools available, one of them should be able to accomplish this simple task on the fly. Even most basic CAD programs such as Draft It, has a break tool that performs this function easily and quickly with one mouse click and one single text box entry.
Also, the fastest way I have found to accomplish this task is to simply draw another vertical line 7.956 units over the original vertical line, and that allows me to attach my horizontal line at 0 or 180 degrees from the vertical 7.956 units. I then go back and delete the second vertical line.
How to create hide situation using AM2DHIDE command in AutoCAD 2013? This command was exist in AutoCAD Mechanical 2009. But when i tried to edit this command in AutoCAD 2013, it displyed as unkinown command?
I recently switched to Inventor 2012 from a previous version. I cannot find the create flat pattern command. Some of my coworkers were able to customize their RMB menu to have this command, but I am not even able to do that! (They don't have the command on the ribbon, either.)
I would like to create an addin in VS2010 & IN2012. How I could able to do this? I have started with "simpleAddin". But, while building I could able to see the following error.
The same error for all Addins.
Error 1 The command "mt.exe -manifest "E:Program FilesAutodeskInventor 2012SDKDeveloperToolsSamplesVB.NETAddInsSimpleAddInMy ProjectSimpleAddIn.manifest" -outputresource:"E:Program FilesAutodeskInventor 2012SDKDeveloperToolsSamplesVB.NETAddInsSimpleAddIninSimpleAddIn.dll";#2 " exited with code 9009. SimpleAddIn
Trying to us SURFPATCH to create a surface from a closed 3d poly (with SP1.1 applied)
The 3D poly on the left worked correctly, but when trying SURFPATCH on the right (axe head shape) the resulting surface id rectangular - why? looks like I will need to revert to EDGESURF - for now