AutoCad 3D :: Closed 3DPolyline To Mesh / 3DFace

Dec 2, 2011

Problem: I have closed 3dpolyline which I need to convert to either mesh (then explode to 3dface) or if possible straight to 3dface.

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AutoCad 3D :: Create Smooth Mesh Through 3DPolyline

Apr 11, 2013

is there is an way to create a mesh if available 2 3dpoline or need lisp

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Convert 3DFace To Polyline

Nov 10, 2010

I am some trouble working with 3dface. I want convert 3dface to polyline but in some cases I faces with problem that a 3dface don't convert surface or solid.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 3DFace Number Of Points

Aug 1, 2013

Is there's any LISP or Program that can increase the number of points in 3DFace?

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AutoCad :: Borders Not Visible That 3DFace Command Create

Jan 7, 2012


there is a possible way that the borders that the 3dface command creats will not be visible. I am attaching a foto in order to explain it better. the red arrows at the foto show the borders that i don t want to be seen at the final product.

In order to make it more clear, i have to say that these borders are not lines that i have drawed. these are lines that are created by choosing the 4 points that the 3dface command needs.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Meshing Solid To Shell Or 3DFace Element Correctly?

Sep 30, 2013

i couldn't convert solid elements to 3dface or shell ,

i attached my dwg files here.  can we do maximum mesh size 25 unit ( mesh can be quad or three angular that is not problem) 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Closed Polyline Not Showing As Closed Section

Apr 10, 2012

I have used PEDIT to join multiple polylines, which now appear as polylines. But when I use QSELECT to show all open (non-closed) section, one polyline still shows up as open.

I've attached the file I'm working on. The polyline in question is the green outline on the object on the right.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Sweeping Along A Complex 3DPolyline

Apr 16, 2013

I am modeling an ASME pressure vessel with a 2:1 semi elliptical head upon which there must be a couple of lines of .375" trace tubing.  I created a 3dpolyine that is the center line of this tubing, and joined  all the segments into one so as to be able to sweep the whole thing and make one solid of the tubing run, but it simply will not sweep.  I get a message this it is "unable to sweep the selected object."  If I break the 3dpolyline, I can sweep parts of it, but the more complex the line segment, I again get the error message.  I have attached a copy of the tubing centerlines.

The one on the left is the joined 3dpolyline, the one on the right is the 3dpolylines unjoined.  (These were achieved using an intersection command of a rotated surface--the head profile--and an extruded surface--the tube tracing plan layout.)  I have done this before, but only with the unjoined 3dpolyline, as in the right-hand example, but that is very time consuming as each segment must be swept.  But I recently acquired a third-party LISP routine that joins the 3dpolylines into one.  I'm thinking there must be a limitation on data of the 3dpolyline preventing the sweep, and wondering if there is a setting or system variable that will allow the more complex 3dpolyline to be swept.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Trim Or Break 3DPolyline At Specific Z Coord

Jul 2, 2013

Say we have a line that goes from 0,0,0 to 10,0,10.

How can i trim or break that line (or snap another line to it) at a specific z coord? say at elev 5.51?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Rotating 3DPolyline To Check Z-value Of Vertices In Top-view Mode

Apr 7, 2013

I am trying to rotate a 3dPolyline, so that I can check(view) the Z-value of vertices in the top-view mode.

The following is the example which I am trying to achieve.

The white 3dPolyline has vertices at each intersecting point with the contour lines. Each vertax has Z-value.

I want to rotate this white 3dPolyline in 3D, so that I can make the red 2dPolyline. (Z-value becomes Y-value)

And the start point of the white 3dPolyline becomes the left most point of the red line.

The end point of the white 3dPolyline becomes the right most point of the red line.

Currently, I am doing this by making a new 2dPolyline, manually inserting Z-values as Y-values.

But it looks like my code can be neater if I use TrnasformBy(Matrix3d.Projection).

I am not good with Geometry, so how to use this Matrix3d.Projection.

Need a quick code snippet to make this function? (preferably in C#)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: River Bottom Surface From 3DPolyline Sections

Sep 4, 2012

Is there an easy way to create a tin surface from 3d polylines that are generated by actual measurements of a river/ditch or imported from Hec-Ras (River Analysis -extension)?

The problem seems to be that the triangles should be long and narrow (like the ditch bottom in the example) instead of normal triangles the triangulation method normally generates. (The triangles in the example are generated by 3dwin -program).

When using Hec-Ras one way to go around this problem is to interpolate sections (XS:s) with very short distance. Hec-Ras does the interpolation very well, but I would like to have a better solution without tricks with other programs. Also in the long rivers the result is a very large file.

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AutoCad 2D :: Reduce Number Of Vertex Points In Polyline Or 3DPolyline?

Oct 9, 2013

Any way to reduce the number of vertex points in a polyline or 3d polyline and retain the basic shape but without having to redraw over the top it?

Ideally, I would like any adjacent segments which are in the same direction as each other to become one segment.

In my image you can see the number of points it has, the majority of which are not necessary for my needs (it was imported from a client's drawing). My desired linetype will also not show because of this.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Matching Mesh Of Hole / Mesh Of Round Bar

Apr 9, 2012

I have an assembly that has somewhere a hole with a round bar that exactly fits in this hole. But when meshing the assembly, the mesh of the hole and the mesh of the bar are different.

The result is that the different parts do only seem to touch each other at the edges of the mesh, resulting in high stresses.

See picture.

I tried to made a derived part from the assembly, but that one does not finish meshing. After 48 hours, the progress bar is still half way. While the one above did finish in about 15 minutes. What can I do to make the meshes match?

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Illustrator :: Multiple Offset Outlines On Closed Or Non-closed Path

Sep 27, 2013

i want to have multiple offsetoutlines on a closed or non-closed path. with "offset path" i can make only one additional outline but i need multiple?
i searched all over the net for answers with no success.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Section / Section View Of A 3dpolyline Along The 3d Polyline

Oct 12, 2012

I am working in Civil3d and have a 3d polyline that i want to generate a 2d section line of i.e the path of the section plane is along the 3d line

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Maya :: Can't Find Mesh And Edit Mesh Menu

Dec 4, 2011

I thought they were supposed to appear when the Polygon shelf is selected? I don't see them. In fact, when I select different shelves the menu items on the right half of the task bar don't change at all. Is this normal?

This is Maya 2011 on Mac OS X Lion.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Know A Polyline Is Closed Or Not?

Jul 3, 2012

Is there a methoed or trick to realize a polyline is closed or not?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Cursor Is Closed Error

Jul 6, 2011

Error called "Cursor is Closed" that I'm getting in my AutoCAD error log.  This error seems to come up when I do a join between an SDF or SHP layer and a Tabular Data Table.  If the SDF or SHP file is on it's own I can click the parcel that I'm getting error and it will allow to be selected, but only when I have a joined table is where I'm getting the error. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Centroid Of Closed Polyline2D

Apr 30, 2012

I would like to place text in centre of each closed polyline2d as a batch.

To do this I need to find out the the centroid of closed polyline2d.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Fill Up Closed Polyline

Aug 7, 2013

I have closed polyline:

Polyline rectangle = new Polyline();rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleTopLeft, 0, 0, 0);rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleBottomLeft, 0, 0, 0);rectangle. AddVertexAt(0, rectangleBottomRight, 0, 0, 0); rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleTopRight, 0, 0, 0); rectangle.Closed = true;

 How can I make it like a hatch(to fill it up)?

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AutoCad :: Hatching Closed Area

Jan 2, 2012

I have small problem. When I use hatch on certain area it also wants to hatch one closed area ,however other closed areas do not hatch. I rechecked , remade the closed area which is hatched along side with the area I really need to hatch. So how can I isolate that little area? Or what is the problem?

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AutoCAD LT :: Hatch As Closed Element

Jun 1, 2012

I've just made the dramatic leap from AutoCAD LT 2005 to AutoCAD LT 2013.  By far and away the environment in 'Classic" mode is very familiar and there are some new features.  However, one item really getting under my skin is the hatch feature.  In LT 2005 one could pick the points to hatch, if the item is closed or not, by individual mouse click points similar to how you can still check an area now.  Is this hatch feature still available and I just don't have the new program configured properly or will I be forced to draw each item I want to hatch as a 'closed' element? 

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AutoCad :: Closed Drawing Without Saving?

Jul 11, 2012

iu accidently close a drawing that i had been working on with out saving... is there a way that i can recover the work that was not saved?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Close 1 DWG - All Closed?

Mar 1, 2012

If you have more then 1 dwg opened, and you close 1 dwg, wants to close the other dwgs as well?

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AutoCad 3D :: Length Of Closed Polysolid

Jan 13, 2013

I have wrapped a polysolid with a width of 2mm around a series of rollers to make a conveyor belt and would like to know the finished length,

When it comes to making the belt I will obviously measure it in real world but it would be good for me to compare the difference between CAD world and real world.

I have tried 'LIST' command and also 'MASSPROP', neither telling me what I need.

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AutoCad :: Closed Drawing Without Saving

Feb 5, 2013

Whilst closing autocad,I have managed to lose all the work I had created------! The file when opened just comes up blank and no back-up seems to exist.

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AutoCad 2D :: Trimming Outside A Closed Polyline

May 16, 2013

Is there a command or lisp that will allow you to select a closed polyline and trim everything outside of it even if the items are blocks that aren’t exploded?

I’ve tried EXTRIM but that fails on blocks.

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AutoCad 3D :: Extruding Closed Polyline

Mar 2, 2010

When I try to extrude this closed polyline (yes it is closed) I get the message "Cannot sweep or extrude a self-intersecting curve." I do this sort of extrusion all the time (closed polylines with various geometry) and usually have no trouble.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Block Insertion Along Closed Polyline

Aug 3, 2011

I've been using the admittedly pieced together code in order to insert border blocks around a closed polyline. Yhe problem I'm having is that when the Block angle is say "zero"  the block is inserted the same way both on top and below the polyline. Since the blocks surround the polyline the blocks on the downside should have an additional 180 degree rotation. How to deduct that the portion of the polyline is in a certain quadrant and adjust the insertion angle as necc? I 'm not sure thats even the best approach.

Dim pso As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("Enter name of block to create reference: ")
Dim pr As PromptResult = myEd.GetString(pso)
Dim blkName As String = pr.StringResult
'If (!bt.Has(blkName)) Then

[Code] ....

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Vertex To Closed Polyline?

Aug 13, 2013

I have a method for inserting a vertex to a polyline. But this does not work for closed polylines for the case shown below. The code fails if the point is on the last edge of the polyline.
public void AddVertexOnPolyline(Point3d addPoint,Polyline editPolyline) { Document acDoc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocu


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Seems To Be Locked After Box Is Closed

Aug 21, 2012

Working in AutoCAD 2011.  Unable to modify text once the text box is closed.  I can only erase and re-write once closed.  Bummer!  When I re-select and double click on text, neither the box that typicallly encloses the text nor the "drop down box" w/ the various modifications that can be made appears.  This includes new text just written since re-opening the file and existing text that was entered in previous sessions.  I don't see anything that indicates that the text is "locked" or otherwise restricted from modification.

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