AutoCad :: Closed Drawing Without Saving
Feb 5, 2013Whilst closing autocad,I have managed to lose all the work I had created------! The file when opened just comes up blank and no back-up seems to exist.
View 9 RepliesWhilst closing autocad,I have managed to lose all the work I had created------! The file when opened just comes up blank and no back-up seems to exist.
View 9 Repliesiu accidently close a drawing that i had been working on with out saving... is there a way that i can recover the work that was not saved?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'd like to get areas from all closed loop polygons of my drawing and save them.
From my point of view, the function would be to:
- hatch every polygon of my drawing
- for each hatch do
- extract area and put it in an array with the variables (name of polygon and area).
And then is it possible to save it in a DWG or DXF file in order to reuse these areas by another program ?
GIMP closed while I was in the middle of saving an image and is now telling me that the xcf is corrupt and that there is no usable data in it even though the file is the same size as it was before the crash. This is the third or fourth time it's done this to me. I'd include the file but this is the first time I've posted here and I don't know how
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a setting that would cause a xref to detach itself when the drawing is closed? I have an existing model, went through the time to relocate all the attachments.
Once everything is attached I save my work close it out and move to another area, when I open up the model I was working on before with all the attachments that I had located, the xrefs are no longer attached and I must redo all the work that was done previously.
I need user to draw a closed ployline. Is it possible to use VBA to code a procedue that the effect looks like the WPolygon of select ?(2 rubber-band lines)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have used PEDIT to join multiple polylines, which now appear as polylines. But when I use QSELECT to show all open (non-closed) section, one polyline still shows up as open.
I've attached the file I'm working on. The polyline in question is the green outline on the object on the right.
I need to segregate closed polylines in my drawing by area range. Ideally, I would input the number of ranges I need.
Then somehow find the smallest and largest pline area to determine the range values (rounding up to a sensble number)
Then with the ranges determined the polylines would be segregated and moved to new layers.
I've been trying to hobble together pieces but with no joy.
i want to have multiple offsetoutlines on a closed or non-closed path. with "offset path" i can make only one additional outline but i need multiple?
i searched all over the net for answers with no success.
I have produced a 3d factory layout drawing for a client, Is there a way of saving it as a .exe or what ever. So that he can open the drawing and view it in its 3d form, orbit, zoom in and out etc
I understand they could download the free Autocad viewer program .
Whenever I go to save a drawing or open a new one from AutoCad, a command box shows up asking me to manually type in the file name and file path of the drawing I would like to open or save. Before I could do it as most programs do (Microsoft word, excel, etc.) where I can browse for the file via folders. Has this happened to any of you before and what do I need to do to get it back to normal?
View 5 Replies View Relatedusing dwgDB.saveas on a drawing database that the user has open but NOT current on his screen?
For example, the user has DWG1 open and DWG2 open and currently active, my program modifies DWG1 (inactive) and when the program tries to run...
dwg1DB.SaveAs(filename, true, DwgVersion.Current, dwg1DB.SecurityParameters)
it errors with an elock violation, even though I lock the document with dwg1DOC.LockDocument before I try to save and unlock it after.
The same code runs fine on the current document so at this time I just ended making the other document current just to save it then switch back to previously current document.
What am I missing to save a document that is open but not current?
How to save active drawing file with filename..
View 9 Replies View RelatedNew install of LT2011. It has been working fine for a week. Now upon opening a drawing file, the first time I save the plan it immediately converts to Read Only file, therefore I cannot save my work.I have done one re-install with no fix.
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhere the drawing files from inventor that i save or export into dwg, dont have accurate dimensions, they are off.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to save current drawing file using save method.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen saving a drawing why do my plot settings not save with it? As in the window I use and the scaleUsing 2007.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI got this message in the Map Message dialog box Messages An error occurred while saving the drawing Message details eHadMultipleReaders
View 6 Replies View RelatedACA 2013: How to get the 'One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created' why this is coming up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I have my username set in Inventor (Application options>General tab) as F Last (First initial, last name), is there a way, for drawing purposes, that I can take that property, extract my initials (FL, with no space), and save that as a new property in the drawing? I'd like to have a "By" column in my revision table that will be my initials that are extracted from that username property.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to save a 2 D drawing as a DXF file, I get a box saying "problems encountered while saving the document". I am using version 2012. My older version did this operation without a problem.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have an issue with a drawing created in AutoCad 2002. Whenever I open it to edit it and then either Print or Save it shows Scanning Drawing and takes considerable amount of time for this process.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I save the drawing it crashes, only happens in 1 drawing. Recovers fine, but has 1795 errors, but can't save it will still crash, but saves the changes just have to recover again. Have tried Auditing, Purging, -Purge, Proxygrafics set to 0 per something I read when I searched this problem, short of wblocking everything out and putting it into a new drawing? Noticed also I have to type in filedia and set it back to 1 everytime as well.
This company brings things in from everybody, so I'm sure it flooded with all sorts of diffrent apps info. Even though I keep telling them only take what you need they dump the architects, mechanical, landscape, everybodies drawings into 1 design file, not using xrefs, for even the survey is blocked in. Only other thing in this drawing a 1 png file and a pdf. This drawing also contains over 20 layout tabs alot but don't think it causing this problem. If your wondering dwg size its only 4mb.
A colleague of mine made the stupid mistake of using an unauthorized personal computer to save a work file, but she used an educational-licensed AutoCAD.
We do use legally purchsed and registered ACAD 2012 in the office. However, as expected, the file has been marked as being made by an educational version of ACAD and, therefore, cannot be sent back to our client.
A superficial search shows the solution as saving to dxf and back to dwg.
However -and herein lies my problem- when I save as dxf, the following error occurs:
"Error in LTYPE Table
Linetype name with vertical bar is not marked dependent on line 9540.
Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded.
Press ENTER to continue:"
And then nothing happens. I used both the "save as" features, as well as the "dxf out/in" and, since both seem to be the same, neither worked.
Is there anyway to save a multileaderstyle so that I don´t have to create it every time I open a new drawing?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have problems with saving my drawing using the save option. I click save but when i close the drawing and reopen it i realise it didnt save at all. I actually have to 'save as' to get it saved.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhenever I save a drawing, it goes to a temp file. I have to do a 'save as' to bring the dwg back to the original folder. Our in-office guru thought it had something to do with the new AutoCAD 360, but I have never even signed in to that, and when we did open it, nothing was in it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am facing an issue while generating the thumbnail of the drawing file.
Thumbnail is generating fine for drawing file.
Once drawing file is saved using below statement,
Thumbnail generation method is returning null as given below.
byte bytCnt = br.ReadByte();
if (bytCnt <= 1) //Means bytCnt value is 1;
return null;
I was working on my drawing, using blocks: open block editor, edit block, close editor by clicking cross of closing block editor, then autocad asks me if I want to save changes, I click yes. And one time I clicked the smaller cross, which closes the whole drawing, and intuitionally clicked to save it. So my whole drawing closed. And when I open it, Autocad asks me : "filename.dwg contains authoring elements. Open it in Block Etidor?" yes/no/cancel. If I press Yes, then my drawing opens in block edit mode, and when I click close block editor the whole drawing closes. If I press no, then my drawing opens in normal mode, and I have in it just lines of that block. All layers, titleblocks are there, but my drawing disappeared. Is there any chance to get it back? how? I can't attach this drawing, because it's to large, ~4,7 mb.
View 9 Replies View Related have two questions:
1: I currently am using AutoCAD 2011 is there any option to back save drawings to 2008? I do not seem to have this choice.Only 2010 or 2007 or 2004.
2: If I upgrade to 2014 or 2013 will I have the option to back save to 2008?
We use LT 2012, and recently we started having issues with file size.
Some of our drawings went from 1.5MB to 12MB after saving.
We tried saving as DXF then PURGE, -PURGE to reduce the size but always comes back.
Now, in one of the drawings I did PURGE, AUDIT, -PURGE and erased everything in the drawing, file is still 1.8MB.