AutoCAD .NET :: Centroid Of Closed Polyline2D

Apr 30, 2012

I would like to place text in centre of each closed polyline2d as a batch.

To do this I need to find out the the centroid of closed polyline2d.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Way To Create Centroid With Z Values?

Feb 20, 2012

Is there any way to create a centroid with Z values?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get Centroid Point From Region

Oct 16, 2011

I need to find center of Region (refer to as Centroid in MassProperties of acad, also known as Centre of gravity if 'element' mass is unique). After few days of googling, searchin i this forum... I still can not figure it out how to get centroid point from Region in VB.NET. For Solid3D is easy while it exposes this property, but Region does not reveal any properties except Area.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: MASSPROP Centroid Algorithum

May 29, 2012

What algorithum is used to determine the centroid when the MASSPROP command is used?

Example, a 3D polyhedra defined by vertices:

2466.0975 2739.0486 2185.3153
0 2013.2174 0
3146.7943 1560.0472 2185.3153
1785.4008 1560.0472 172.0979
3146.7943 1560.0472 172.0979
2466.0975 2739.0486 23.2646

MASSPROP returns the centroid (2466.098, 1957.774, 1153.603).

I have used a second method to determine the centroid writen in Matlab code

>> P = [2466.0975 2739.0486 2185.3153
0 2013.2174 0
3146.7943 1560.0472 2185.3153
1785.4008 1560.0472 172.0979
3146.7943 1560.0472 172.0979

[Code] .....

This uses 'The Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls' and returns the centroid (2095.20268741281, 2084.74098328248, 837.825401397925). There is a massive difference.

I have attached the example polyhedra.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Closed Polyline Not Showing As Closed Section

Apr 10, 2012

I have used PEDIT to join multiple polylines, which now appear as polylines. But when I use QSELECT to show all open (non-closed) section, one polyline still shows up as open.

I've attached the file I'm working on. The polyline in question is the green outline on the object on the right.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Get Parcel Centroid / Label Grip Point

Aug 21, 2012

If you can get the co-ordinates of the centroid / label grip point of a parcel.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Snap To Centroid (massproperties)

Apr 9, 2010

Any way to snap to, create nod, or almost anything to the centroid of a region. I create a region then have to go to massproperities then polyline command then highlight the x value and right click and paste to cmd line then the y value the same way. If there is a way to shorten the process that would be great.

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Illustrator :: Multiple Offset Outlines On Closed Or Non-closed Path

Sep 27, 2013

i want to have multiple offsetoutlines on a closed or non-closed path. with "offset path" i can make only one additional outline but i need multiple?
i searched all over the net for answers with no success.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Know A Polyline Is Closed Or Not?

Jul 3, 2012

Is there a methoed or trick to realize a polyline is closed or not?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Cursor Is Closed Error

Jul 6, 2011

Error called "Cursor is Closed" that I'm getting in my AutoCAD error log.  This error seems to come up when I do a join between an SDF or SHP layer and a Tabular Data Table.  If the SDF or SHP file is on it's own I can click the parcel that I'm getting error and it will allow to be selected, but only when I have a joined table is where I'm getting the error. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Fill Up Closed Polyline

Aug 7, 2013

I have closed polyline:

Polyline rectangle = new Polyline();rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleTopLeft, 0, 0, 0);rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleBottomLeft, 0, 0, 0);rectangle. AddVertexAt(0, rectangleBottomRight, 0, 0, 0); rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleTopRight, 0, 0, 0); rectangle.Closed = true;

 How can I make it like a hatch(to fill it up)?

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AutoCad :: Hatching Closed Area

Jan 2, 2012

I have small problem. When I use hatch on certain area it also wants to hatch one closed area ,however other closed areas do not hatch. I rechecked , remade the closed area which is hatched along side with the area I really need to hatch. So how can I isolate that little area? Or what is the problem?

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AutoCAD LT :: Hatch As Closed Element

Jun 1, 2012

I've just made the dramatic leap from AutoCAD LT 2005 to AutoCAD LT 2013.  By far and away the environment in 'Classic" mode is very familiar and there are some new features.  However, one item really getting under my skin is the hatch feature.  In LT 2005 one could pick the points to hatch, if the item is closed or not, by individual mouse click points similar to how you can still check an area now.  Is this hatch feature still available and I just don't have the new program configured properly or will I be forced to draw each item I want to hatch as a 'closed' element? 

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AutoCad :: Closed Drawing Without Saving?

Jul 11, 2012

iu accidently close a drawing that i had been working on with out saving... is there a way that i can recover the work that was not saved?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Close 1 DWG - All Closed?

Mar 1, 2012

If you have more then 1 dwg opened, and you close 1 dwg, wants to close the other dwgs as well?

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AutoCad 3D :: Length Of Closed Polysolid

Jan 13, 2013

I have wrapped a polysolid with a width of 2mm around a series of rollers to make a conveyor belt and would like to know the finished length,

When it comes to making the belt I will obviously measure it in real world but it would be good for me to compare the difference between CAD world and real world.

I have tried 'LIST' command and also 'MASSPROP', neither telling me what I need.

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AutoCad :: Closed Drawing Without Saving

Feb 5, 2013

Whilst closing autocad,I have managed to lose all the work I had created------! The file when opened just comes up blank and no back-up seems to exist.

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AutoCad 2D :: Trimming Outside A Closed Polyline

May 16, 2013

Is there a command or lisp that will allow you to select a closed polyline and trim everything outside of it even if the items are blocks that aren’t exploded?

I’ve tried EXTRIM but that fails on blocks.

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AutoCad 3D :: Extruding Closed Polyline

Mar 2, 2010

When I try to extrude this closed polyline (yes it is closed) I get the message "Cannot sweep or extrude a self-intersecting curve." I do this sort of extrusion all the time (closed polylines with various geometry) and usually have no trouble.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Block Insertion Along Closed Polyline

Aug 3, 2011

I've been using the admittedly pieced together code in order to insert border blocks around a closed polyline. Yhe problem I'm having is that when the Block angle is say "zero"  the block is inserted the same way both on top and below the polyline. Since the blocks surround the polyline the blocks on the downside should have an additional 180 degree rotation. How to deduct that the portion of the polyline is in a certain quadrant and adjust the insertion angle as necc? I 'm not sure thats even the best approach.

Dim pso As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("Enter name of block to create reference: ")
Dim pr As PromptResult = myEd.GetString(pso)
Dim blkName As String = pr.StringResult
'If (!bt.Has(blkName)) Then

[Code] ....

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Vertex To Closed Polyline?

Aug 13, 2013

I have a method for inserting a vertex to a polyline. But this does not work for closed polylines for the case shown below. The code fails if the point is on the last edge of the polyline.
public void AddVertexOnPolyline(Point3d addPoint,Polyline editPolyline) { Document acDoc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocu


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Seems To Be Locked After Box Is Closed

Aug 21, 2012

Working in AutoCAD 2011.  Unable to modify text once the text box is closed.  I can only erase and re-write once closed.  Bummer!  When I re-select and double click on text, neither the box that typicallly encloses the text nor the "drop down box" w/ the various modifications that can be made appears.  This includes new text just written since re-opening the file and existing text that was entered in previous sessions.  I don't see anything that indicates that the text is "locked" or otherwise restricted from modification.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Select Objects Within Closed Polyline?

May 23, 2011

Is there a way to select objects within a closed polyline? I thought there was but I can't remember how to do it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Closed Profile In VBA?

May 29, 2003

How can I create closed profile in VBA Suppose this profile includes Line and Spline See attached code in vb

Later I cannot create Extrude feature because previously created profile is open (consists of two separate curves)

How can I join together points in profile which belongs to separate curves to get one curve.

Dim t As Inventor.TransientGeometry
Set t = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
Dim c As Inventor.ComponentDefinition
Set c = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Closed When Click (A) Symbol

Apr 10, 2013

Autocad 2013 closed when I click "A" symbol, "A" symbol meaning is AUTOCAD symbol at upper left corner.

one again, why licence screen didn't display after finishing install ?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: AREA Of Closed Polyline Is In Sq In First THEN Sq Ft

Oct 31, 2013

Presently the "AREA" of a closed polyline is in "sq-in" first, THEN "sq ft".

For everything I do, and likely others, I need sq ft - without having to waste time and roll my cursor over the results.

Is there ANY way to change this default to have sq ft FIRST!??

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AutoCAD VB :: Macro To Verify That Rectangle Is Closed?

Apr 27, 2012

For example, I have four lines that they form a rectangle.

I want to verify with a macro that the rectangle is closed.  That the four corners are closed. 

This is the easiest case, but I would like to do it for also more complex form.

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AutoCAD LT :: Properties Of A Closed Polyline Area

Jul 17, 2013

I was wondering if there is a settings for the displayed values in a polyline's properties. Such as area. Normally it will display square feet but I would like for it to also display acres. I know it a simple conversion, but over the course of a year or more it could save me alot of time.

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AutoCad :: How To Delete Objects Outside Of Closed Polyline

Mar 14, 2012

I need a lisp that can remove all objects (lines, polylines, blocks etc.) outside of a polyline. polyline is closed and shape is variable, so not rectangle.

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AutoCad :: How To Convert A Region To Closed Polyline

May 13, 2011

I cant do booleans with polylines, for that I need to convert them to regions which I dislike because I lose edit vertex capabilities right? Also, from a region, how can I convert a region to a closed polyline in one go.

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AutoCad :: XRef Not Found After DWG Closed And Then Reopened?

Jun 28, 2012

I have a number of drawings that I am working on that I need to xref in image files for backgrounds. I am working in MEP 2013. Initially I am loading the xref via the insert tab then "attach" command. It loads fine, shows up , I clip and adjust its location in the dwg, save and plot and close the dwg. The next time I go to work on the dwg I cannot see the xref only the link and when I go to reload it wont let me. I receive the error "not found." I end up having to detach the file and start over. When I attach the xref I am using relative path and overlay options.

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