Photoshop :: Plugin To Create Jagged Borders
Oct 18, 2004i had a great free one before i reformatted. now i have gone all over the web searches, to no avail. do you know where i could fine one?
View 9 Repliesi had a great free one before i reformatted. now i have gone all over the web searches, to no avail. do you know where i could fine one?
View 9 RepliesI am creating an image border using the rectangle marquee, and making it jagged by applying a Stylize > Wind filter to it.
Using Wind there is no way to adjust the jagged edges, is there any kind of third party plugin that gives me more editing features?
I create all of my lineart for illustrations, in Adobe Illustrator. I use the pen tool in combination with the line width tool to create line weight. Once I have completed all of the line work, I select everything and Expand. This results in not having fills for teh areas of the illustration which need to be colored.
From there, what I do is select everything > livepaint > make. I then fill in each area with a base color, using the live paint bucket tool. Once completed, I again select everything > expand. This leaves me fills that I can select indivually to apply gradients and work with directly.
This process works great until I expand the live paint group. After expanding, there is a very thin white border everywhere that two seperate colors meet. This only happens after expanding, it does not happen when it is still a live paint group. I have tried every option in the expand window, and get the same result.
I have exported the completed work in several formats ( .jpg, eps, .png ) and the lines are still there.
I have well over 100 old black and white negatives to scan for my wife so that she can put these old family photos in a scrapbook. She wants me to make these prints look like the old fashioned white-bordered with serrated edges. After scanning the negs and before saving them as jpeg files in photoshop...can someone please tell me an easy way to put 1/4" white borders around each print?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I create sloppy borders in PSE 12?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to create the borders for the first row of letter in this image.
ColourSource.jpg (55.57K)
Number of downloads: 13
PaintShop Pro x6 - recently switched from Adobe Photoshop
Every time I add a border [image|add borders] all my layers merge. How can I add a border and preserve my layers so I can save as a pspimage file.
In Photoshop I could add a border to the background and call it a day. Can I do something similiar with PaintShop?
there is a possible way that the borders that the 3dface command creats will not be visible. I am attaching a foto in order to explain it better. the red arrows at the foto show the borders that i don t want to be seen at the final product.
In order to make it more clear, i have to say that these borders are not lines that i have drawed. these are lines that are created by choosing the 4 points that the 3dface command needs.
I have CS6. I want to create a .ico file, I understand I need a plug-in to do so, where do I find the plug-in to install?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a plugin to create photo packages in CS4 that is similar to what was included in CS3 ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to create one Plugin for AutoCAD 2012. I created one plugin for AutoCAD 2007 using .NET 2.0 . I would like to know which is the correct .NET framework I should use for creating a plugin for AutoCAD 2012. For Ex. [.NET 2.0, .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0, .NET 4.5 etc] ?
If possible can I get a link to any autodesk official page detailing about the .NET frameworks ? Â Â Â
Photoshop CS6 no longer has the Pattern Maker nor supports the plugin that was available in CS5. Any software or 3rd party plugin that will create patterns from high res photo files? I've searched in Google, like crazy, but alas have found nothing.
BTW, for compatibility issues, I'm using OSX Mountain Lion.
Re: 2D circle jagged lines, 3D model hidden jagged lines. How do i get smooth lines?
How do i get rid of jagged lines?
Circles and diagonal lines look rubbish when i am in hidden view which i use for simple 3d black / white (i think this is the best way?).
I have tried:
- viewres (1000, 5000, 10000, 20000 sightly better)
- regen
See examples.
square with jagged lines.fw.pngcircle with fuzzy outline.fw.png
I have created one plugin using .Net 4.0 and AutoCAD 2013. Its working fine on Windows 7 and XP 64bit.
Now I wants to create similar plugin in MAC OS for AutoCAD 2013. I had browsed many topics but not able to find any proper solution.
So, Is it possible to create a MAC OS Specific Plugin in AutoCAD 2013 Design Architecture ??? If yes, then any links /references for the same.
I have created a partial cui file that creates a new tab and a panel in the tab. This works fine.
When I try to create another cui for another plug-in I cannot get the two tabs to merge. I have set the tab Aliases to be the same but they show up as two tabs next to eachother.
I need to create text along a curve. Is there a plugin for that? I will have a graphic in a circular shape and need text at the top and bottom to be curved to follow the circular graphic.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWOuld it be possible to create a terminal emulation plugin?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently installed the Building Design Suite. All installations and plugins were labeled as 'Install successful' Â (I have rechecked all installations for errors).
I am having trouble using the Sketchbook Plugin for AutoCAD. The 'SketchBook Designer' tab and it's content appears and works. When I create a 'New Canvas' the canvas appears on the screen, but the 'Create Canvas' tab does not sequentially appear. All of the settings do not appear and I cannot apply the canvas, hence I do not have any access to the SketchBook features.
Is there or is it possible to create a plugin to directly upload a picture from within to Twitpic, Twitter, Facebook and other kind of social network?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I want to delete the background and just have the object or person in the picture, I use the magic wand tool to delete the background then clean up with the eraser. BUT the outline of the object always looks jaggedy. This doesn't happen when I use photographs with the white background.
Is there some sort of trick I'm missing? Or do I just need more practice with the eraser tool?
i have a a problem i'm hoping someone can help me with. i've been using photoshop for awhile now and have had it installed on my computer for at least 3 years without problems. however, just the other day i've started having a problem with my fonts. whenever i use text, the edges of the text have a jagged appearance. they have a very pixilated look to them instead of smooth lines. i havent been doing anything differently nor have i changed any settings. this is happening with all of the fonts. anyone have any idea what's going on and what i can do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen importing an EPS or AI file and then rasterizing it (doesn’t matter what resolution) the image looks very jagged/pixilated… even and 600res - a lot mort than it should – or should I say used to when I imported. Did I accidentally mess with the settings? Anyone experience this?btw this website always seems so SLOW acting (for the past 5 years)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to create a ICO file from a GIF format image. It becomes ugly when I convert it from PSD to GIF, with a transparent background (fig 001.jpg). I want the edge of the circle smoother as it is in PSD file (fig. 002.jpg).
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhen viewing pdfs exported from photoshop cs4 using acrobat pro 9. If I open single pdf, it's ok, but whenever I open another pdf, all text is jagged. Then if I close all pdfs and try opening the second one, it's ok again. It looks like acrobat is not able to render texts correctly in newly opened pdf when another pdf is already opened. This happens only with pdfs exported from photoshop (file->save as->pdf). It does not really matter if the first opened pdf is from photoshop or not, all other opened pdfs from photoshop are crapy. I tried different settings when saving pdf but the results are always the same - jagged type (it does not even look like aliased, it's completely screwed and unreadable) in second pdf. It is funny because text present as smart object from illustrator renders fine all the time. Therefor I think the problem is between photoshop export and acrobat, vectors are rendered with no problems. I tried opening on different pc (also with acrobat 9 pro) with the same result. Systems are vista on exporting pc, the second pc is running windows7 beta. However on the third pc with windows XP and adobe reader 9 everything works fine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm sure this is easy, I just haven't done much in photoshop. I made an easy button usining the polygonal laso tool so the sides could be angled. Can anybody tell me how to get rid of the jagged edges on the sides of my button caused by the tool?
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhat i want to do is get rid of the pixalated looking edges that are formed from making shapes and usinng the pen tool to make shapes. i want nice smooth edges.....
View 9 Replies View RelatedI was playing around with lighting images today by first creating an alpha channel, blurring it and then applying the lighting effects filter to it. For some reason after applying the filter I get jagged edges everywhere. When working with the channel, i did invert the selection and then clear it...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created a new image 500x500 pixels at 72 pixels per inch resolution. However when I added some text to this image it came out all jagged and of poor quality.
I then created a new image with a resolution of 300 pixels and the text in this came out perfect, however where in the first image the text was about 18pt in the second image I had to drop the text down to about 9 point to be the same size. What resolution hould I be using for web page design and how do I get around the poor quality of lower resolution? I expect some drop in quality but the text at 72 pixels was no where near usable.
Yesterday I needed to design a quick business card for the band that i work for. It's super basic, just the band's logo on the front of the card and their web address on the back. The problem I had was that the curves in the logo were jagged and not smooth; I was only able to smooth the edges by adding a stroke to the logo.
My question is, how do you make curves not look all jagged? This is the version of the card that is being printed so you can see the logo.
to making Gifs, but just took some black text, made bg transparent, changed resolution from 300 to 72. text is huge so have to make it smaller with bicubic resample. but then text looks very jagged and awful,
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been using photoshop for about five years now, but I've just started to get into freehand drawing mainly as a way to hone my skills for my Flash animations. Everything was going fine until I hit a bit of a speedbump. When I start to draw curves by hand, the beginning is always jagged. There will be a straight line that makes a sharp turn and then goes into the ellipse that I want. I turned off smoothing. I'm using a Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet, Is there some brush configuration that I should be using to stop this from happening?
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