AutoCad :: X-reference Causing Currently In Use?

Jan 11, 2013

I'm currently working on a job in a team where we'll be working on different drawings, yet have the other drawings x-referenced into our drawings to keep up with updated files. We've had no issues with this for the few months we've been doing this, until overnight one night this week it seemed everything changed.

I'm currently updating our elevations while my partner is updating the plans. I have those plans x-referenced into my elevation drawings. The issue that we've run into is simply that any time I have my elevations or any drawing open that contains an x-reference, the file that is being referenced won't open without stating "[that file] is currently in use by [other user]. Would you like to open the file read-only?"

I've seen this alert before and it's understandable when dealing with the actual file (one person opens a file another already has open), but I've never before had this alert stem from the file in question being an xref. I closed my elevations and then opened the plans with no alert stating they were in use by someone else.

We're using AutoCAD Architecture 2013.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: What Is Causing EG Data Reference Surface To Disappear On Screen And Profile

Oct 10, 2013

What is causing my EG Data Reference Surface to disappear on screen and Profile goes to crap?  I've noticed this twice on same project in separate drawings.  If I go to Toolspace and synchronize then it appears back on screen. 

First dwg:  I created a Pump Station Site Plan and data referenced in my surface and pipe network.  I save and close then reopen and EG is gone until I synchronize.

Second dwg:  I created a Railroad Crossing Exhibit showing plan and profile.  I data referenced in my surface and pipe network.  Same, close, reopen and I have to synchronize it to have plan and profile to appear ok.

This isn't good when I have .dsd files that I typically plot my drawing package from.  I sent multiple sets of drawings to the plotter and all my Pump Station Site Plans were missing the surface contours.  For this sheet, I had to synchronize and send separate plots just to have contours appear.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structure Reference Alignment Not Holding In Data Reference

Nov 28, 2012

I have structures and alignments data referenced.  If I assign the structures ref alignments in the dwg with the data refs for labeling, the next time I open the dwg the ref alignments are set back to none, causing the labels to be ?

It seems like this worked in the past?

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AutoCad :: One Reference File To Control Multiple Reference Layer Settings

Jun 27, 2012

I'm working on a large infrastructure project with numerous of drawings. On quite a few layout drawings I need to have the same base set of references, however I need to change the layer settings (colors, lineweight etc.). This cannot be done in the base reference itself as it is used by others. As the layouts I work with includes other references as well, it is time consuming to filter and change layer settings on each base reference.

My concept is to have a master reference file to manage all layer settings and add/remove base references. When the master reference is referenced into the layout, all layer settings on the base references should stay as set in the master reference. In this way I can easily control all base references with one file and make sure all changes will be the same for all the layouts.

New illustration of concept:

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Reference Surface (x) Not Found In Reference Drawing

Jul 28, 2011

I am getting this error in my production drawings.

My setup is as follows:

- EG.dwg has my existing surface in it. I create a data reference to use it in other drawings.

- Level One.dwg has the EG surface data referenced in, and I use this to create alignments, profiles, and finish surface. All of these are turned in to data references.

- Storm Sanitary.dwg has my pipe designs. I data reference in the two surfaces, profiles, and alignments, and create pipe networks. I create references for these networks.

- Plan Profile.dwg is the production sheet I'm getting this error from. Every one of my civil objects is data referenced in to this drawing. Everything is inserted correctly, the pipes show correct FG surface elevations for their rims, etc.

BUT when I open this drawing, I get this error. I assume it's because my FG surface is not directly in the storm sanitary.dwg.

How do I get rid of this error, without combining drawings, or promoting the surface to one or more drawings? Isn't this exactly what data references is made for?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: What Could Be Causing All Add-ins To Spontaneously Unload Themselves

Oct 18, 2011

what could be causing all of my add-ins to spontaneously unload themselves?  For the second time in a week, I opened Inventor to have all of my add ins unloaded, and the "Load at Startup" and "Loaded/Unloaded" checkboxes are unchecked.  I am not doing this and I am the only user on this machine.  System stats and version below.


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Importing DGN Causing Fatal Error

Jun 18, 2012

I have tried to import a DGN file into AutoCAD 2013 both plain jane and the verticals. I am trouble shooting at the moment gathering more information but so far this is happening to me and another computer in a different office as well.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensions Causing Unwanted Angles

Jul 9, 2012

The issue I have with Inventor 2010 is when i dimension a rectangle to be 44 in wide and 79 in height it becomes a slated rectangle. This event occurs on the work version of Inventor 2010. I have an educational version of Inventor 2010 at home and when I tried this same dimension rectangle at home it didn't have this issue. Is there a setting I need to turn off to fix this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA - ActiveDocument.Close Causing Crash

Apr 22, 2009

I'm creating a macro to run on creation of a new assembly from a particular template. I created a macro named autonew in the template's VBA project file. It works great except for one thing: if the user presses "Cancel" on my form, I want to not only unload the form but also close the file. For this case I've used:

ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Close True

I've created a test template assembly with only this line in autonew, and it crashes Inventor. The same line of code an a non-autonew module within the template file's VBA project closes the document without error or crashing. I assume this is a bug and not as designed.

Is this a bad way to accomplish the task of closing a newly created assembly? Even if this isn't the preferred approach, I don't think this should cause a crash.

I'm running Inventor 2009 SP1.

I'm running 64 bit on XP64

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Animation Script Causing Crash?

Aug 28, 2013

I want to know if it is possible to creat a script that will rotate the cam wheel show at the pivot point, while causing the rectangle to oscillate up and down in cadence with the ppoint of the whell that is contacting it.  

I have a simple script that rotates the cam wheel, but every time I run it, AC crashes.  I am on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and I have installed the latest service pack.  Here is the script:



I'm not sure what other information you may need to diagnose this, so just let me know.  There is no error message given, it just freezes up.

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AutoCAD LT :: Sata Controller Card Causing Activation

Jul 1, 2013

AutoCAD 2009 LT

windows 7 Pro, 64 bit

Vantec 6 port Sata ii 150 PCI Host card w/ raid

Crucial 128gb SSD hard drive

I'm not running the system in RAID.

I'm having issues with a Sata card I installed on one machine.  It's losing a hard drive from time to time and I have to unplug the Sata cables and plug them back in so the computer will boot up and function like normal.  The only problem is that it casues an activation issue with AutoCAD.  Now I've reached the reactivation limit for CAD.

Can I manually enter something into the registry to correct the activation issue? All drivers are up to date and I've reinstalled the driver for the controller card.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Xref Causing Newly Inserted Blocks To Not Appear?

Dec 10, 2013

We are having a problem with blocks not appearing after xreferencing a drawing. We can place blocks as normal from the tool palette, but as soon as we xreference a 2D site plan and select blocks from the tool palette, they will not place. You can see them when placing, but once you click to place it, the block does not appear. I have copied out the site plan to a new dwg file, still does the same thing. Everything has been purged and ran an audit in the plan drawing and also the site plan drawing. The block does not show up in the block editor either. I am trying to avoid redrawing the site plan like we had done with two models that were doing the same thing. Remodeling a vessel and rebuilding a skid composite corrected the problem with two other drawings, but redrawing this site plan would take considerable time.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Network Vista Causing Crash

Jan 4, 2013

We have a work station with C3D 2013 that has started crashing when trying to open the pipe network vista. We have to edit the pipes using pipe properties for the individual pipes. This makes it difficult when trying to edit a large network. The drawings work fine on other computers. It has something to do with the settings on this machine. What would be causing the crash when trying to open the vista window?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Title Block Insertion Causing Abort?

May 30, 2012

Whenever I insert a title block I get an "AutoCAD Error Aborting" message - FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0040 Exception at d69ac126h.

The title blocks have been working fine for months in ACAD2012, and I've even tried saving the drawing containing the blocks as an AutoCAD 2013 dwg to no effect.

The title blocks are 'home-made' and contain a mix of fields and attributes, could this be causing the problem?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Feature Causing System To Freeze?

Jun 1, 2012

Having problem with a particular file crash/freeze/not respond whenever using the shell feature on Inventor LT 2013?  I am operating with Windows 7.  I have the AutoCAD Inventor LT 2013 Suite.  Just bought the computer two weeks ago and just installed Inventor about two weeks ago also.

In any case, it seems the file of this model is corrupted, as I have never had a problem using the Shell feature before this and shelling other objects even while the corrupted part is open works fine.  However, if the "visibilty" of the part in question is checked and i click on the shell button, the program immediately freezes.  I am not sure how to work around this and I really do not want to start the entire part modeling over from scratch.

Working with... Autodesk: AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite 2013 | OS: Windows 7 | GC: ATI 6670 | Mem: 8 gigs RAM | Proc: Intel core i5 | Monitor: Acer V213HL

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mtext Command Causing High CPU Usage?

Jun 19, 2013

I'm currently using AutoCad 2013 on a Lenovo Thinkpad X230 with windows 7 64 bit.  I have 8 gb of ram and a core I7 processor which seem up to the task for the rather small files I create.  My issue is that whenever I initiate the mtext command or attempt to edit an mtext object, my cpu usage will jump from about 0 to 4% up to 20 to 30% and will stay at that level until I close the drawing.  This causes the fans to run constantly and makes working a little more jumpy.  I've tried removing AutoCad completely and reinstlling.  I've tried loading up AutoCAd 2014 (and subsequently removing it) and now I'm back to AutoCad 2013 and the problem persists. 

I'm assuming it has something to do with the computer or some other software that is running in the background.  It's odd that it would only affect this one command.  The computer is only 1 month old and I've done the hardware checks that Lenovo offers (no problems indicated). 

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AutoCad :: Redefining Block Causing Xref Draw Order To Change

Sep 27, 2011

I have come across a situation whereby when a user redefines a block in a drawing it is changing the draw order of the xrefs.The block in question is the Plan frame, and is located in paperspace. The user redefines the block and the xrefs change their draw order in the viewport. A regen does not unfortunately correct the issue.Drawings were created with Civil 3D 2010. The plan frame block is a dynamic block.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Custom Assembly Causing Error - Unable To Execute The Tool

Apr 28, 2012

I have created a custom Assembly using Assembly Composer for C3D 2012 and imported it to C3D. Problem is when I try to place the assembly in a drawing.

I get the error message "Unable to execute the tool. Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."

I am trying to create an assembly that will calculate a built volume based on constructed height of the structure.

I have attached the PKT file.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimension Style Fill Color Causing Random Lines On PDF Files

Dec 13, 2013

Using Autocad 2014. I recently changed our dimension style fill color to background.  Now when we create pdf files, there are random lines either to left of the text or left and top of text. It is not every dimension. We had it set to none before and would trim lines around dimension text. We did not have problems with pdf until changing the fill color. It plots from autocad to plotter without a problem.

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Photoshop :: 3D Is Causing CS6 To Crash Regularly

Apr 26, 2013

I am doing simple extrusions in 3D.  One or 2 extrusions in a document.  Specifically, earrings.  I have to save every few steps , because PS is going to crash at least once per hour. 
My computer has 12GB RAM, and a 1GB GPU.  My MAC is less than a year old.  It should be able to handle the workload.
When I'm doing 3D I shut down all other programs on my computer.
I have turned up all the preferences inside PS pertaining to performance.
When I save a document the SAVE time is 3-7 seconds.  Each time I hold my breath that it doesn't fail.

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Photoshop :: HDR Causing Highlights To Turn Red

Oct 25, 2013

I've been using the HDR merge function over the last few days and happily converted numerous images successfully.  However, all of a sudden, pictures from the same photo shoot are being converted incorrectly and the HDR function is causing the highlights to be red and completely blown out.  I'm doing nothing different and all the lighting is the same as before.  Does my software have a bug? 
I've just tried doing the HDR merge on the same files in my old Photoshop CS3 and I don't get the problem.  Perhaps there's a bug causing it???

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3ds Max :: Tape Causing Changes In Objects X / Y / Z Location

May 1, 2013

I'm a theatre student, and one of the software programs we have in our design studio is 3DS Max. We don't actually use it for theatre work (it's for another class we share the studio with,) but I'm interested in design work, so I thought I'd try to teach myself some of the basics, just to get a leg up.

I've used some design software before, so I'm not totally ignorant of the basics of using a program like 3DS, but I've been having some problems that I just can't figure out. I'm trying to model a chair. So far I've sketched out the seat base by using a box, with an added arc. I've joined, welded, and extruded by seat base, as well as moving it in the Z axis +18 inches. Secondly, I added some tape helpers, because I want to make sure the base is the right size. It was off a little bit, so I just selected the sketch in the top view, and the appropriate segments, and moved it a bit to meet up with the tape helper. However, here's where I run into problems.

If I move any part of my sketch while in the top view, it changes the models Z location in all other views. I've never had any problem like this before. I've tried everything I can think of, including locking the Z axis move in the objects hierarchy, but so far, no matter what I do, the object gets changed in all axis, even when I'm manipulating it in one axis.

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Illustrator :: Cut And Paste Causing Crashes?

May 23, 2012

I just installed CS 6 Cloud and now I can't copy, cut, or import from Illustrator anymore.  It crashes flash, fireworks, and Photoshop. Illustrator cs6 x86 won't open any files at all.  I'm on Windows 7, Dell Precision, 8 GB ram. What to do with all these mdmp crash logs?

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Lightroom :: 5 Causing Drive To Disappear?

Jan 25, 2014

I am running Windows 7. Recently upgraded from LR 4 (which was always stable for me) to LR 5. I have the application on one drive and my catalog and previews on a separate SSD drive. Anytime I run lightroom 5, after a little while (10-15 minutes), the drive with the catelog and previews is no longer accessible or even viewable from windows explorer. I've never had this trouble with any other program and the only way I've been able to see the drive again is by restarting my computer.

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Photoshop :: What's Causing CS6 To Shutdown Program And Computer

May 19, 2013

CS6 not only shuts down itself, it shuts down my computer. I have a high-end graphics card (which I specifically got to run my photo-editing monitor), i7 processor, Win8, 64-bit, high resolution. It always happens, without fail, when I choose a large size brush or whatever tool in cloning, spot-healing, dodging, burning, etc). Otherwise, it runs fine. But if I choose a large brush, etc, it only shows me a half circle instead of the full circle, freezes PS, shuts down my computer, and then the computer re-starts.

I used this same PS program on my previous Win7 64-bit computer, which had far less capability, processor, graphics, and other credentials than this current one. It has nothing to do with having other apps running because it happens regardless. It has nothing to do with Bridge because I don't use Bridge. It happens every time as described above. When the computer boots itself back up, there's an option for me to send the notice of the error to Microsoft, which I've done about 50 times. Could it have something to do with Win8? Hope not, because I checked before I (regrettably) got a computer with Win8 to make sure Photoshop was compatible with Win8.

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Photoshop :: Extended CS6 Causing Kernel Panics?

Sep 24, 2012

I've been getting one or two a week. Haven't figured out yet what triggers it, but it only happens in CS6. I did recently reinstall the entire OS, so that's clean. Here's the latest panic info the reboot generates to send to Apple.other than the panic notation near the top of the info tells you what it thinks happened.
Interval Since Last Panic Report:  141469 sec
Anonymous UUID:                    44199F46-5B6B-42C5-9E13-29CB09291223
Mon Sep 24 14:40:11 2012
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80002094e7): "thread_invoke: preemption_level -1, possible cause: unlocking an unlocked mutex or


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VideoStudio :: IPhone 4S Video Causing 10 Plus To Crash

May 3, 2013

I've just got an iPhone 4S and shot a test video to edit. However, when I load it and try to create a file, VS10+ crashes every time within a few seconds.

All I'm doing is trying add a few simple titles with the output file being 'same as project settings' so the output should be mpg4, PAL, 720 x 576. This is the first time I've tried editing iPhone video and I've never had this problem with any stuff that I've edited in the past.

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VideoStudio :: X5 Ultimate Causing Crash On DVD Import

May 5, 2013

I am running XP and X5 Ultimate.My workflow follows :

Insert media file to library
Insert Digital media
Select drive in import from digital media box

Then the screen goes black and the PC reboots with an error report box showing. The DVD has a UDF file system and it is 2.32GB and plays in Power DVD OK.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Color Palette Causing Crash?

Sep 11, 2013

I am using X5 on a Win 7 64 bit system. I am having an issue with colors that manifests itself in 3 ways: When I try to change a color from rgb or cmyk to PMS, the program freezes and gives the error message that CorelDraw has stopped working. Files that have been created using more than one palette will not open on this system - although they will open fine on other machines running X5. Finally, if I even mouse-over the color palettes tab from the "Windows" drop-down menu the same thing happens.

I have used F8 to reset the workspace and when that did not work, I re-installed Coreldraw with the same result.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Organizer Is Causing X4 To Freeze?

Aug 28, 2012

It has to do with the organizer. I use my desktop for dropping photos too temporarily then delete them. My organizer is always left viewing that at the bottom of the X4 UI. When I delete those photos it still shows their placeholder when I hope X4 again and it freezes. As if its trying to find them and can't so it just stops. I can obviously work around that... somehow I'm sure. But anyway to stop it form doing that? ( I tested it by putting back all the photos it was trying to find. Opened right up without any hesitation.)

Windows 7 , 12GB Ram
Brand new PSP X4 install

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CorelDRAW X4 :: PSD Files Causing Corel To Crash

Jun 26, 2012

So A client hires a designer to create a vehicle wrap. He does it in Photoshop. If you have not done vehicle wraps before you DO NOT DESIGN IN PHOTOSHOP!!! Anyway, he sends me a link to download a psb file. Another bad sign. Means the file is huge! 1 hr to download. I open it in photoshop (at least he left it unflattened) and reduce it down enough to make a psd with layers intact. I then import it into Corel and begin placement into the vector vehicle template. Once I get all the images fiting nicely I hit save. Come back to it the next day and it won't open. Message says a bitmap is not right "Abort, Retry or Ignore" I try the backup file, same error. I try to move a copy to my hard drive instead of working over the network. No go! Try rebooting, no go! Rebuilt the file agian and saved that version to my desktop. Saved successfully, made a couple changes and then CorelDraw crashes and shuts down. Try to reopen the file and same errors occur.

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