3ds Max :: Tape Causing Changes In Objects X / Y / Z Location
May 1, 2013
I'm a theatre student, and one of the software programs we have in our design studio is 3DS Max. We don't actually use it for theatre work (it's for another class we share the studio with,) but I'm interested in design work, so I thought I'd try to teach myself some of the basics, just to get a leg up.
I've used some design software before, so I'm not totally ignorant of the basics of using a program like 3DS, but I've been having some problems that I just can't figure out. I'm trying to model a chair. So far I've sketched out the seat base by using a box, with an added arc. I've joined, welded, and extruded by seat base, as well as moving it in the Z axis +18 inches. Secondly, I added some tape helpers, because I want to make sure the base is the right size. It was off a little bit, so I just selected the sketch in the top view, and the appropriate segments, and moved it a bit to meet up with the tape helper. However, here's where I run into problems.
If I move any part of my sketch while in the top view, it changes the models Z location in all other views. I've never had any problem like this before. I've tried everything I can think of, including locking the Z axis move in the objects hierarchy, but so far, no matter what I do, the object gets changed in all axis, even when I'm manipulating it in one axis.
how to make a scotch tape effect, but what i'm looking for is creating duct tape (usually "silver" or brown) and/or masking tape (usually white or off-white). what do you suggest (ie what textures to use, any other layer styles, etc)?
How many times can an HDV Mini Cassette be used? Does footage quality go down as you re-record? Is it best to color bar the entire tape before recording onto it?
i want to write a command in C# that allow user to do 2 things:
1. choose a layer to work on 2. make a list/table of all objects in that layer, and their X Y coordinates.
for example - if a DWG file contain few layers, one of them has names (and only names). there are ~1500 objacts (text type) in that layer. every objact have a string (100,101,...,1350,1351...) and locating (X and Y). I want to be able to pick this layer, then bild a text file like this: (name X Y)
100 20456 40789 101 20344 40348 102 21034 40456
its dont has to be sorted. how do I do it? any lift to progress?
I have a questions about deleting/removing all objects from specific location. For Example I want to remove objects from Location X 0,0 Y 0,0 Z 0,0 but keeping all other objects untouched.
Is there a way to do that ?
Also you may ask why do I need that, well it's because I have a lot of objects in one scene which causes a lot of lag and my exporting had some problems, which caused to every single object to copy themselfs to the middle of the scene, but all the original objects not copied objects are already in place and I don't want to remove them. I want to only remove duplicated objects. I'm using 3ds max 2012 64-bit on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
When I issue the Wblock Command I can not find the Dialog box to select objects and file location... This happens in the Layer Dialog when I try to change the color of a layer, the Color Dialog box can not be found. When I use the Block command the dialog box pops up, so I can see it.
Is there an effect that will make a font look like a stitched military name tape?
Examples: [URL].....
Alternatively, any font that already looks like that? The font used in those name tapes is Franklin gothic condensed, but I need to simulate the "stitches".
How I could create the tape with font and "label" font for a poster? Basically like the poster attached. Is this possible to download as a font possible this clean?
I want to capture from mini DV tape, but my current software (not Corel!) requires me to use Firewire. However. my computer only has USB ports. Will Video Studio capture using USB (or do I need to buy a new computer?) My camera has both USB and Firewire outlets.
Am converting a VHS tape to DVD. So captured successfully (albeit with an EzCap device). Produced a fairly good quality AVI file and with no editing at all, used VS x2 to produce my mpeg compatible file.
Details of that file are here: File Format: PAL DVD File Size: 4,514,938 KB Duration: 6056.920 Secs Video Type: MPEG 2 Video, Lower Field First Totoal Frames: 151,173 frames Attributes: 24 bits 720 x 576, 16:9 Frame Rate: 25.000 frame/sec. Data Rate: Variable (Max 6000 kbps) Audio Type: Dolby Digital Audio Total Samples 290.252,160 Samples Attributes: 48000 Hz, 5.1 Channels Layer: None Bit Rate 384 kbps
Started a new project, imported the mpeg into the timeline and proceeded to produce my DVD folders. The only custom setting was to reduce the bitrate to 5,000 to get the whole file onto one DVD.
So far so good. Problem is slight out of sync audio towards the middle to end of the DVD. It gets progressively worse as if the audio is at a slightly different frame rate to the video! I have double checked my settings when burning the DVD folders and they are the same as the mpeg except for the bitrate and I have chosen LPCM Audio 48000 Stereo. I tried first with Dolby but that gave the OOS so thought I would try this new setting but the result was the same.
-I just installed the VideoStudio v10 software and it captures video fine, however I have an issue with the audio. The audio is present but for some reason there is a noticeable static on the video file. Im using a 2000 Sharp ViewCam VL-A10 monaural/analog 8mm camcorder to transfer video to my computer. Im confused because there is NO static on the original 8mm tape, when I play video on the camera, the sound is fine as well as when I plug it in to my TV set for playback. I dont understand where the static is coming from on the digital transfer? Ive tried several capture formats MPEG, DVD, AVI etc. the static is present on all versions. Im using the EasyCAP USB device with A/V plugs for capturing.
I have to make a roll of tape in Inventor, but I'm not too familiar with/used to the program. It's the small invisible adhesive tape, like the kind you'd find in office. So far, I sketched and extruded the plastic part the tape gets wrapped around, which is basically just a small tube. I also have a rectangle that's really long for the actual tape part, and that's extruded but very thin. they're both made as standard.ipt files. I opened a standard.iam file to put them together using constraints, but I'm not exactly sure how. I have the edge of the rectangle on the outside of the circle, so I just have to wrap it around. I'm assuming I just bend the rectangle (tape) around the circle (plastic part), but I don't know how to do that.
I recently started using OSX. Using CS6 Premier Pro on OSX Mavericks.I'm capturing DV tape from a Canon GL2.Both "Scene Detect" and "Tape" options selected.
Two problems:
1. Capture drops out at the first frame of video. I press record a second time and it proceeds to capture the rest of the tape. It almost looks like Premier is trying to determine the aspect ration of the material as the preview window appears to switch between 4:3 and 16:9.
2. Scene Detect is off by a frame or two (not sure exactly how many). So basically the end of the shot has a frame or two of the next shot.
When I try to capture a video from camcorder-(HI 8 Tape) it starts to copy the stops and says tape is copy protected. Then program freezes. It worked last week and this is since svc pak 2 today.
I recently switched from AJA K3 to a BMD Decklink HD Extreme.
Initial testing went reasonably well - working at 1080psf23.98 - output was solid, tape layoffs and captures were frame accurate on short tests.
I'm finishing up a long form 48 minute show, and the audio sync drifts over the course of the layoff. It's about 1 frame per 10 min of content.
By 47:30+00, my audio is 5 frames early during Tape Output - a sync pop is at 47:29+19 - but picture is spot on. Usually I'm working in short form TVCs, so I may have never noticed this - but it's definitely a problem for longer work.
To hit my delivery, I exported a ProRes QT, and laid off from FCP - kind of humiliating to have to depend on FCP for tape workflows.
I also had problems batch capturing from 1080i tape - it could do individual clips if I manually set ins and outs, but Batch Capture never cued up properly in 1080i - it kept rolling back and forth over the cue point, tried 10 times, then gives it up.
I've done this a hundred times with the AJA card and never had a problem - but the BMD is not nearly as solid... (Also performed the Batch Capture in FCP without issues - so the hardware and BMD software seem to be working fine - but not with Smoke.)
Using 2013 Ext 1, BMD 9.7.2, OS 10.8.5, MacPro Tower
Laying out multiple clips to tape from smoke 2013 (maybe in excess of 20 - 30 clips at one time) without having to 'ctrl/click' on each clip individually. In every previous edition of smoke I would be able to go to media library, highlight the folder with all the clips in and press 'output' and all clips would be taken to I/O menu. This is a must for multiple playouts to tape which some of us still have to do on a regular basis. AND don't get me started on having to re-timecode every clip individually because someone thought it a good idea to remove the 'step' (increment) timecode button.
And why if i use smoke2013 without the mac menu at the top do I not have an 'Output to' or 'Capture from' VTR menu.
I'm trying to take the square cd cover image and make a cassette tape cover, or j-card, with that image.
Here's a picture of a j-card template.
Right now all I want is the front cover, spine and tail. I wasn't sure if the templates I found were compatible so i tried to make my own template. What I did was make three separate ones. One for the front cover, one for the spine and one for the tail. I was able to take the square image and use the scale tool to make the image fit inside the front cover. The first problem I had was not knowing if the image quality was good enough to print. It seemed easier to use inches when I made the template and not pixels. So I made the front cover template 4 in by 2.5625 in. I exported the image as a jpg but the final image looked too small. So now I'm not sure how many pixels I need for a printable picture.
Now with the spine and tail most likely I'll just chose a background color and type over it...Artist, Album Name, Song Titles ext. My plan was to use the jpg images I exported and paste them together, then save that final image as a jpg. and print.
I've been working on a drawing that requires me to take .dwg files of 3D equipment and place them into my one drawing for general arrangement purposes. I used it once before but now I'm having a slight issue when I use the flatshot command. I seem to remember Flatshot making my new 2d block at the same coordinates as the existing model and that it would be at zero in the Zed axis (x,y,0). My block now appears and various locations, even when i specify coordinates or basepoint it can be off by a good amount. Is there an option that I'm forgetting or something, so I dont have to manaully move my block back to the desired coordinates?
This isn't a major problem since I can manually match the block back up with the coordinates my model is at and then move it to x,y,0 but I feel like theres a way to ensure I dont have to worry about doing that at all.
I'm currently working on a job in a team where we'll be working on different drawings, yet have the other drawings x-referenced into our drawings to keep up with updated files. We've had no issues with this for the few months we've been doing this, until overnight one night this week it seemed everything changed.
I'm currently updating our elevations while my partner is updating the plans. I have those plans x-referenced into my elevation drawings. The issue that we've run into is simply that any time I have my elevations or any drawing open that contains an x-reference, the file that is being referenced won't open without stating "[that file] is currently in use by [other user]. Would you like to open the file read-only?"
I've seen this alert before and it's understandable when dealing with the actual file (one person opens a file another already has open), but I've never before had this alert stem from the file in question being an xref. I closed my elevations and then opened the plans with no problem...no alert stating they were in use by someone else.
I am doing simple extrusions in 3D. One or 2 extrusions in a document. Specifically, earrings. I have to save every few steps , because PS is going to crash at least once per hour.
My computer has 12GB RAM, and a 1GB GPU. My MAC is less than a year old. It should be able to handle the workload.
When I'm doing 3D I shut down all other programs on my computer.
I have turned up all the preferences inside PS pertaining to performance.
When I save a document the SAVE time is 3-7 seconds. Each time I hold my breath that it doesn't fail.
I've been using the HDR merge function over the last few days and happily converted numerous images successfully. However, all of a sudden, pictures from the same photo shoot are being converted incorrectly and the HDR function is causing the highlights to be red and completely blown out. I'm doing nothing different and all the lighting is the same as before. Does my software have a bug?
I've just tried doing the HDR merge on the same files in my old Photoshop CS3 and I don't get the problem. Perhaps there's a bug causing it???
I just installed CS 6 Cloud and now I can't copy, cut, or import from Illustrator anymore. It crashes flash, fireworks, and Photoshop. Illustrator cs6 x86 won't open any files at all. I'm on Windows 7, Dell Precision, 8 GB ram. What to do with all these mdmp crash logs?
I am running Windows 7. Recently upgraded from LR 4 (which was always stable for me) to LR 5. I have the application on one drive and my catalog and previews on a separate SSD drive. Anytime I run lightroom 5, after a little while (10-15 minutes), the drive with the catelog and previews is no longer accessible or even viewable from windows explorer. I've never had this trouble with any other program and the only way I've been able to see the drive again is by restarting my computer.