3ds Max :: Deleting / Removing All Objects From Specific Location
Mar 6, 2012
I have a questions about deleting/removing all objects from specific location. For Example I want to remove objects from Location X 0,0 Y 0,0 Z 0,0 but keeping all other objects untouched.
Is there a way to do that ?
Also you may ask why do I need that, well it's because I have a lot of objects in one scene which causes a lot of lag and my exporting had some problems, which caused to every single object to copy themselfs to the middle of the scene, but all the original objects not copied objects are already in place and I don't want to remove them. I want to only remove duplicated objects. I'm using 3ds max 2012 64-bit on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
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Jul 23, 2012
I want to remove a catalog from the list of catalogs that shows up when starting Lightroom. I don't want to delete it or mess with it in any way 'cause it's a backup. SOMEHOW (just let it lay there - you can chuckle internally) I managed to grab the backup catalog one time and now its in the list, and every so often if I'm not paying attention I open the wrong one...
So, how do I make that entry in my catalog list go away without actually deleting anything or doing anything to the catalog?
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Feb 2, 2013
I have 'User Order' sorting selected in a catalog of about 25,000 images and I want to move thumbnails around to specific locations in the grid view. Of course, I can select and drag them but I'm wondering if Lightroom has something like a move-to-new-location function according to which I can select photos to move, select the new grid position, and move the photos right to the new location. Phase One's Media Pro has this function but I'm not seeing it in Lightroom.
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May 14, 2013
I've been a casual user of Illustrator for many years, but have only used it at its most basic level. Now I need to begin using it more extensively to develop logos and what-have-you, and it seems that Murphy's Law has gone into effect... now that I need to use it, something has gone amiss.
I've been through Deke McClellands beginner training for AI CS4 and CS6, and I seem to recall this problem being addressed somewhere in that training -- but I can't find it.
So here's the problem:
After I draw a shape, any shape, and then click to reposition it on the artboard, when I release the mouse it snaps to a nearby location.
The shape doesn't stay where I want it to stay.
Smart Guides, Snap to Grid and Snap to Point are turned off.
Preferences > General > Keyboard Increment is set to 0.2 px.
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Dec 8, 2013
I have a whole bunch of Kodak picture CD's that I want to download into photoshop elements 12 organizer album. My photos reside on a external hard drive so it is not the default location. I want to create a file location and tell the program where to put the photos. Right now it is putting them in the right drive in My Catalog but I want to specify a file within My catalog such as My Catalog:2013-12 xmas.
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Jan 10, 2012
Recently I reorganized my system so that my image files were on a different drive that I had previously been using a backup drive, so no additional file copying was involved. When I ran Lr it did not find any images, as expected, at the original location and I told it where to find them by pointing it to the new parent image folder. That worked fine but then it seemed as if all of the previews had to be rebuilt on the fly by Lr as I went to each folder. Could it be that the previews in the preview cache are location specific to drive/volume level rather than just folder level ? Or is there a way to aim that ole preview cache at the new image locations ?
Likewise, would this apply to the ACR cache too ? i.e. if I point Lr at the same images in the same folder names on a different drive, will the ACR cache data still be relevant or should I just scrap it and start again ?
I told Lr to rebuild previews for many of my images and it did so overnight, but now the preview cache is about 30GB instead of about 12GB. It's possible that I picked up previews of images that were previously not in the cache, but would the new cache still contain previews of the now non-existant images at the old locations ?
I have previously reverted to system backups in which the whole drive volume had previously been been copied intact. Lr always worked fine in those situations. Is my present problem because I shifted the images folder relative to the drive volume where Lr is running ?
I'm using Lr 3.6 on a 2011 MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8.
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Oct 30, 2013
In most vector based programs I am used to using a function which allows you to paste a copied item to a specific location determined by a point-click. I find this endlessly more useful than pasting to the centre of the screen, or even paste in place, as both are rarely anywhere near where I would like an object to be. I find the function of point-click paste does away with endless dragging of objects across the screen.
CS6 13"MBP-2012-Mavericks
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Apr 22, 2013
I am having duplicate objects in my files and I am wondering if they could be deleted. I think that I saw the option to select these kind of objects but now I need a remainder so I can get rid of the unnecessary stuff.
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Sep 1, 2010
Is there a way within AutoCAD to delete all objects within a rectangle (closed polygon) or all objects outside of the rectangle?
This then leads on to the question if you can trim to a rectangle or extend to it. I believe I have seen it done somewhere, but it was a long time ago.
I know there are LISP routines out there that can do it, but just this once I want to do it the hard way ;-))
My problem is I have received a drawing from someone else, but I only need part of it. So before inserting it into my drawing I need to get rid of the stuff I don't need. It's easy enough to define the boundary of the area I need, a rectangle or polygon.
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Dec 1, 2006
I want to remove the focus of my picture to put it into another picture. Is there a way to do this without cropping around it? (ie: A tool that removes a specific colour/colours?)
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May 27, 2004
I've been looking for a tutorial I saw some time ago dealing with removing objects from photos, such as people or vehicles. It was a round-about technique, but seemed to work really well. Unfortunately, I can't find again, thought maybe someone here might know the technique, or know of the tut.
If I remember right, it wasn't something simple like the lasso or magic wand. It seems that it had to do with duplicating and inverting, then from there you could make the selection of the object you wanted to remove, and it made a much, much cleaner selection, and looked very natural when it's moved to another background.
Take for instance, a woman with long hair blowing in the wind. This technique selected all of the person, hair included, but left out the background, including the background that shows through strands of hair. I found this technique was much cleaner than other methods, and am hoping to find it again.
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Dec 7, 2011
I've had a simple lisp I've been using for years that suddenly disappeared. It required that you identify a block name, tag name, and the value that you want the tag to be. All of this is performed via command line, so it is scriptable. Since I lost it, I've been experimenting with -attedit. This command comes frustratingly close to what I'm looking for, except it only appends an existing tag, or replaces a specific string within the tag; I can't get it to replace the entire tag, regardless of its value.
1> Any lisp routine that does what I describe?
2> How to make -attedit replace a tag value without regard to what the value currently is (like a * wildcard)?
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Jun 4, 2011
i want to write a command in C# that allow user to do 2 things:
1. choose a layer to work on
2. make a list/table of all objects in that layer, and their X Y coordinates.
for example - if a DWG file contain few layers, one of them has names (and only names). there are ~1500 objacts (text type) in that layer. every objact have a string (100,101,...,1350,1351...) and locating (X and Y). I want to be able to pick this layer, then bild a text file like this: (name X Y)
100 20456 40789
101 20344 40348
102 21034 40456
its dont has to be sorted. how do I do it? any lift to progress?
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May 1, 2013
I'm a theatre student, and one of the software programs we have in our design studio is 3DS Max. We don't actually use it for theatre work (it's for another class we share the studio with,) but I'm interested in design work, so I thought I'd try to teach myself some of the basics, just to get a leg up.
I've used some design software before, so I'm not totally ignorant of the basics of using a program like 3DS, but I've been having some problems that I just can't figure out. I'm trying to model a chair. So far I've sketched out the seat base by using a box, with an added arc. I've joined, welded, and extruded by seat base, as well as moving it in the Z axis +18 inches. Secondly, I added some tape helpers, because I want to make sure the base is the right size. It was off a little bit, so I just selected the sketch in the top view, and the appropriate segments, and moved it a bit to meet up with the tape helper. However, here's where I run into problems.
If I move any part of my sketch while in the top view, it changes the models Z location in all other views. I've never had any problem like this before. I've tried everything I can think of, including locking the Z axis move in the objects hierarchy, but so far, no matter what I do, the object gets changed in all axis, even when I'm manipulating it in one axis.
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Jul 8, 2012
I like this image if only I could remove the branch. Also what is that called in the lower right hand corner? Is that aberration? Could that be removed by GIMP as well?
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Nov 10, 2012
I want to get Lightroom 4 and I think I read somewhere that instead of having to erase and clone unwanted objects in a photo, one could click on object and remove it and the computer would fill in the background to what it should have been. Ex: photo of a church with light pole in front. click on pole, it disappears and what is behind the pole is pictured without the pole in front. I saw this a few months ago when a friend sent me the info. Cost of software then was about $199. Now I cannot find that feature listed and also the price is much cheaper so not sure which software.
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Jan 7, 2013
or how to position a picture in a specific location within a background picture.
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Apr 25, 2009
Every time that I open a file, almost all the layers in the first level appears expanded, even when the file was saved with these layers colapsed.
So, as I have a lot of layers and sublayers/groups, it is difficult to navigate to a specific location and I need to collapse layer by layer.
Are there some trick to force Illustrator to remember the layer status?
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Sep 27, 2013
I want to copy some objects from one drawing to another. However, in the source drawing the objects are on one layer, but I want them on another layer in the target drawing. I know pasting the objects as a block fixes the problem, but as soon as I explode them they're back on their original layer - and I have to select them all and move them to the preferred layer - which can be tedious with multiple objects.
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Aug 30, 2012
I was working on a self project and I have text finally set in the right place, but when I remove the outside box, my text disappears as well. I need to find a way to leave only the text on my document and be able to remove everything else.
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Dec 21, 2011
I need to remove lines from a block definition and replace them with LWpolyLines. I see there is a way to Append entities to a BlockTAbleRecord but I don't see a way of removing an entity.
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Feb 19, 2013
removal of small objects in a drawing. I made with ArcGIS a map of the Netherlands. Because it is a detailed map, it also becomes heavy and my computer slows down. I merged some smll elements together with the pathfinder-unite command, but it is still to heavy. So I have to delete some other elements. The problem is that I want to get rid of all the small objects, but I dont know how to select them. It is a topograpic map with for example houses, lamp post et cetera, but I actuallly need only the build areas.
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Feb 11, 2014
I photograph beach weddings. In my old software, I could remove swimmers and bathers, how in elements12? I am trialing it and cannot see any way to easially remove unwanted objects
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Jan 23, 2012
How is possible to create a shade-render from specific objects in my drawing?
I am using the View>Turn textures ON option in my AutoCAD and what it does is to try to render all objects in my drawing, so no wonder the program freezes.
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Jun 20, 2012
I recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013. I am regularly crashing when I pick objects, usualy in the erase command, then type "r" to remove some of the objects. After I've picked the objects to remove and hit enter I get a fatal error. This is happening in several different drawings so I don't think it's drawing specific. Today it happened with the stretch command. I'm not sure if it's happening everytime I remove objects but if not it's quite often. A co-worker said he has noticed the same thing.
Windows 7 x 64
Intel i7-4770 CPu @ 3.40 GHz
NVIDIA Quadro K2000D
Civil 3D 2014 (i.108.0.4, SP1)
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Dec 19, 2012
I'm looking for any options that could remove the hidden sections over numerous overlapping objects. I have plenty of objects that lay over each other in this design, and now my client is thinking about getting it screen printed. Is there a shortcut for this that would save me a mass amount of time? (other than using Pathfinder on each and every one?)
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Sep 1, 2013
I have a stock photo of an item I want to sell but the picture shows some accessories I don't have so how do I remove these items and replace the space with the background. There are no layrers in the photo
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Apr 20, 2012
I need to find a way to add "perspective" to grouped objects that include a bitmap and other drawn objects. I can convert everything to a bitmap in needed. What I need this for is I engrave this grouped artwork onto drinking glasses and I have to adjust the artwork for the differences in the diameter of the glass. I need to be able to set the width of the top of the artwork with a numeric value and the bottom with a different numeric value.
An example of the problem with the engraving is that if I wanted to engrave a one inch square half way down the glass I would have to make the top of the square 1.1 inches wide and the bottom of the square 1.2 inches (the math is not right with this example) so a trapezoid turns into a square once engrave on the tapered glass.
The image below shows a sample of the artwork I need to engrave. The right side image is an exaggerated example of what the artwork would need to look like to work right once engraved. I could only adjust the black ring but not the text or image in the center. The third image is to show a trapezoid.
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Jul 8, 2013
I am working on a .dwg file in AutoCAD 2013 , and on one specific layer (defpoints), I am not able to select any of the objects. Initially, I thought that the layer may have been locked or frozen, but it is not. Additionally, I went ahead and locked then unlocked the layer as well as froze then thawed the layer, still not able to select any objects on the layer.
My next attempt to fix the problem was to run the command "AUDIT", and instructed to "Yes" fix any errors detected. The command seemed to execute correctly, however, it did not do anything. The objects on the layer still cannot be selected.
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Jun 20, 2007
I am using the command Draw Order and would like to use the Quick Select so that I can select all objects on a specific layer. How do I use the Quick Select in conjuction with the Draw Order command?
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Nov 5, 2012
I have multiple icons placed in a document, from several different sources (all are vector objects) -- see the included image. They vary in size and what I would like to do is find a less onerous method of resizing all the heights to a specific size, while scaling the width proportionately. I have found several scripts that come close to a solution (see links below), but none that allow me to input a height (or width) in inches and have all the objects resize to that height proportionately.
Change Width to the Width of the narrowest object --> Script01
Change Height to the Height of the shortest object --> Script02
Change Multiple Attributes (JohnWundes) --> Script03
icon image (couldn't place via Adobe Forum) --> click
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