AutoCad 2D :: Deleting Objects Inside / Outside Of A Rectangle

Sep 1, 2010

Is there a way within AutoCAD to delete all objects within a rectangle (closed polygon) or all objects outside of the rectangle?

This then leads on to the question if you can trim to a rectangle or extend to it. I believe I have seen it done somewhere, but it was a long time ago.

I know there are LISP routines out there that can do it, but just this once I want to do it the hard way ;-))

My problem is I have received a drawing from someone else, but I only need part of it. So before inserting it into my drawing I need to get rid of the stuff I don't need. It's easy enough to define the boundary of the area I need, a rectangle or polygon.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Fill Table Inside Specified Rectangle?

Jun 23, 2013

Let's say I have a rectangle and I want to fill a table inside of it.

The below is the code snippet I wrote.....
Table tb = new Table();tb.NumColumns = 5;tb.NumRows = 40;tb.SetRowHeight(C_height / 40);tb.SetColumnWidth(C_width / 5);tb.Position = new Point3d(ext.MaxPoint.X, total_MaxPoint.Y, 0);tb.Width = C_width;tb.Height = C_height;tb.SetTextHeight(C_height / 40, (int)RowType.DataRow);tb.HorizontalCellMargin = 0;tb.VerticalCellMargin = 0;btr.AppendEntity(tb);tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(tb, true);
Where C_width and C_height are the width and height of the rectangle respectively.

Then, I got the following

The red line is the specified rectangle. It seems like SetRowHeight and SetColumnWidth are not working.

FYI, the rectangle size is around width = 3.5m height = 5m.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Text Inside A Rectangle

Aug 19, 2011

Is there a way to put constraints on text and a rectangle? I'm trying to make a block so if i change the text the rectangle around it grows automatically. I know it's simple enough to just manually extend it but one of my engineers asked me to try and create this for him and i can figure it out.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Selecting Objects BEHIND OR INSIDE Other 3D Objects

Jul 3, 2013

Something changed in my settings & I don't know how to chance it back. I can't click on to select objects inside or behind objects. What do I have to change to be able to select any item I click on regardless of where it is?

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Revit :: Hide Decal Line (rectangle With X Inside)

Jun 14, 2013

I am using Revit 2013 student version. I have successfully attached a decal on one of my walls and managed to show a realistic mode of the decal in my elevation. I would like to remove the decal lines (rectangle with x inside) but I am struggling to do this.
I have done some research on the web and so far, found out that I need to select the decal lines (or cross), right click and choose Override Graphics in View > By Element, and check Transparent. The problem is, my system does not display the option for Transparent; I am only given the boxes for Visible and Half-tone.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Deleting Duplicate Objects

Apr 22, 2013

I am having duplicate objects in my files and I am wondering if they could be deleted. I think that I saw the option to select these kind of objects but now I need a remainder so I can get rid of the unnecessary stuff.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Control Margin Between Rectangle And Text Inside?

Aug 13, 2012

I try to control the width between the border of rectangle and the edge of the text I put inside.

Is this possible with X4 ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Proxy Of Workplane Inside Pattern / Inside Part / Inside An Assembly

Oct 14, 2013

There are many examples of creating rectangular patterns, but not many, if any, of interrogating existing patterns.I have attached the files and a screenshot of a rectangular part inside an assembly. The part contains a rectangular pattern of holes and do I get hold of each proxy of the workplane in the pattern?In other words I don't know what to put in the for loop at the end of this code fragment:
If _invApp.Documents.Count = 0 Then MsgBox("Need to open an the assembly document") ReturnEnd If If _invApp.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("Need to have an Assembly document active") ReturnEnd If Dim asmDoc As Assembly Document asmDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim asmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition asmDef = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition im occurrences As ComponentOccurrencesoccurrences.

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3ds Max :: Deleting / Removing All Objects From Specific Location

Mar 6, 2012

I have a questions about deleting/removing all objects from specific location. For Example I want to remove objects from Location X 0,0 Y 0,0 Z 0,0 but keeping all other objects untouched.

Is there a way to do that ?

Also you may ask why do I need that, well it's because I have a lot of objects in one scene which causes a lot of lag and my exporting had some problems, which caused to every single object to copy themselfs to the middle of the scene, but all the original objects not copied objects are already in place and I don't want to remove them. I want to only remove duplicated objects. I'm using 3ds max 2012 64-bit on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Selected Set Of Objects

Feb 27, 2013

How can I draw a The smallest rectangle enclosing for a selected set of objects in current drawing?

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Illustrator :: Put Objects INSIDE 3D Object?

Aug 8, 2013

How would I put smaller objects inside a 3D object? I made a tube and wanted to fill it with little spheres. How to put the objects inside and shade them to look like they're in there.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Changing Length Of Rectangle In Stack Of Objects

Jul 8, 2013

peace sign.cdr

Howdy gang, I am trying to create a peace sign in CDX6, but I cannot change the lengths of the two angled members, as they seem to be selected in some special mode. I am sure that this is a quick fix (and I have a CD Book coming today) and obvious.

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3ds Max :: How To Make Total Darkness Inside Objects

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to make a pyramid in which there is total darkness, this is for testing self illumination effects and lights without outside influence. So i made a pyramid and gave it a shell and material, but if i look inside, every object inside of it is fully illuminated! How to keep light from reaching the inside of an object?

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Illustrator :: Select Objects Inside A Shape?

Apr 24, 2013

Im looking for a way to export a pattern made in Illustrator to auto cad.
I would like to select objects inside a shape based on the shape.
As you can see here i would like to select all the objects inside the blue circle, and delete everything outside of it. I dont want to use a cliping mask as it does not really destory the objects outside the circle.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Creating Bounding Rectangle And Selecting Particular Objects?

Aug 23, 2012

I'm extremely new to scripting; I managed to create a script to extend the artboard of my documents (which I was extremely proud of given my inexperience!) and another to align a couple of objects alongside each other, but my attempts to script some new code has met with failure.
Firstly, I need some Illustrator CS4 Javascript code that will create a bounding rectangle for the selected object(s). The selected object(s) will always be rectangular; no irregularly-shaped objects. I know this should be simple, but I can't work out the variables/attributes involved.
Secondly, some code to select the leftmost object in a document. And the equivalent for the rightmost object.
If it makes any difference, I'll be stitching these scripts together with an action to achieve the following workflow.

Two EPS files are dragged into an empty document as 'Linked Files'.The two Linked Files are aligned alongside each other. (Using a script I've already written.)The leftmost Linked File is selected and has a bounding rectangle created, which is then used to mask the Linked Object.The rightmost Linked File is then selected and has a bounding rectangle created, which is then used to mask the Linked Object.Both masked Linked Files are selected, and a bounding rectangle is created to mask them into the same Clipping Mask group.The artboard is set to the dimensions of this combined masked pair (I've managed to write that script already).The Linked Files are embedded into the document. 

The reason for this is because we have EPS map files exported from AutoCAD that are left- and right-hand pages. These need to be combined into one file, but when they are brought in they lose their masks as the BBOX element is not recognised by Illustrator. The double-masking in my process above is needed to ensure that content from either map doesn't overlap the other half of the map.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Detecting Objects Inside Shape?

Jun 18, 2012

so I came up with this script, and it worked fine until I tried it on a different file. I have moved the artboard around all over the "main" canvas (if that is what it is called) and on the one that it works on, seems to only work when artboard(top, left) is positive values. however on the new file it doesn't seem to matter where it is on the artboard, it wont work anywhere. it should find the textpath relative to the shapes position.
I thought it was the coordinateSystem, but that doesn't seem to fix it. How the canvas works (maybe the math.abs();
threw it up on gist because it was pretty big: [URL]

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Illustrator :: Selecting Objects Inside Selection Window Only?

Aug 28, 2012

is there a way, that objects only inside the selection window or lassoed region get selected rather than objects getting selected which are partially inside the selection window?

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Photoshop :: Enlarged Smart Objects With Vectors Inside Them Appear As Resized Bitmaps

Jul 7, 2013

In Photoshop CC for Mac I have...
Created layers of vector artCombined them into a smart object. Enlarged the smart object (both via "Transform" and "Image Size")  Upon enlarging, the vector objects look the way an enlarged bitmap would (i.e. fuzzy, pixelated, terrible) instead of crisp and clean as a vector should look. I've double- and triple-checked to make sure all layers have remained vector after resizing and they have.
This is a terrible inconvenience for anyone that works heavily with vector smart objects and resizes them. I use this workflow on a daily basis to make adapting interface elements for various screen resolutions easier, without it I am beyond screwed.
Screenshot proof below:

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Illustrator Scripting :: Change Colour Of Objects Inside Of Document Using Applescipt?

Mar 26, 2013

I'm trying to use this command to change the colour of objects inside of a document using applescipt but i keep getting an error "adobe illustrator "can't get color"" the colour exists and is active on a document. I have read the manual on variables and i'm a little lost on what i'm doing wrong, heres what i've got so far:
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
if color is "C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90" then
set color to "C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90"
end if
end tell
i understand this is quite basic but its all i have to start with at the moment

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Remove Line Inside Solid Object / Transparent Solid Objects?

Sep 16, 2013

How can I remove the lines in the middle after I press and pull the objects.

Attached is the Untitle.jpg, to make more clearer to you. Blue is the wall and skyblue is the aquarium. I want the back and the front of the aquarium don't have any line in the middle but even I do shade command the fill of the color is still there. Cause if I explode and delete the line in the middle the colors that fill the aquarium are getting rid off See Untitled 2.Jpg to see what I mean. And also how can make the aquarium Untitle 3.jpg transparent?

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Illustrator :: Rectangle Tool Default Behavior Is Odd / Dragging Objects Clones Them By Default

Jan 28, 2011

I have a situation where the default behavior of my rectangle tool (or any of the other shape tools) is now different. I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.5 running Illustrator CS5. It acts as though the option-shift keys are pressed, so whenever I draw an object, it draws from the center point and the dimensions are constrained, so i can only draw a square or circle, not a rectangle or ellipse. Additionally, whenever I use the selection tool, it clones the object I drag, and also constrains the positioning, so i can only drag in a 0, 45 or 90 degree angle (or multiples thereof). It's as if my option-shift keys are permanently pressed (if I actually press option-shift, the behavior persists). I tried using a different (brand new) keyboard, tried throwing away preferences, and the problem remains. I also tried booting up Illustrator CS4, and the weird problem showed up there! This behavior just started happening spontaneously. I couldn't think of anything weird that happened (a crash, a new plug-in, etc.). I can't find a preference that sets this behavior either.

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Illustrator :: Drag To Select Over Object For The Objects Inside That Object?

Aug 11, 2013

How do I drag to select over the top of objects without selecting and moving the objects under the mouse when I begin the "drag to select" motion?

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Illustrator :: Convert Expanded Appearance Rounded Rectangle Back To Sharp Cornered Rectangle

Mar 12, 2013

Any quick tips to convert an expanded appearance rounded rectacngle back to a sharp cornered rectangle?

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Photoshop :: Rounded Rectangle With Other Layers As Actual Rectangle

Feb 14, 2011

I have 4 layers (background, layer1, layer2, layer3-text). They fill all 300 x 600 pixels that comprise the .psd/future image. What I want to do is use a rounded rectangle to encompass all of the other layers, so that the surrounding pixels (around the rounded rectangle) are transparent.

I want all of my current layers to be the content of a rounded rectangle.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Bold Text Inside Viewport And Slim Text Inside Paperspace?

Feb 8, 2013

I have this strange situation.. i use the Arial font inside my cad drawings and when i print my paperspace layout, the text inside the viewport is a little bit more "bold" then the text i put directly on paper space.

Maybe it's a trick to know what text is placed where, but i want all this to be uniform, same thickness. Is there a system variable to correct that issue?

See the image below: It's a 400 DPI scan from an impression i did.

Up to COUPE C1 is the text inside the viewport, under COUPE C1is the paperspace text. Both are the same height... but difference tickness.

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Illustrator :: Draw Inside Not Working Inside Expanded Shape

Dec 3, 2010

I really enjoy this new draw inside feature in Illustrator. But, I find that it does not always work. It seems to be grayed out sometimes. For example, I have drawn a shape with my Wacom tablet using a blush.  I then converted it to a shape instead of keeping it a stroke by expanding it. But it will not allow me to now draw inside of it, even though it is a shape.

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Photoshop :: CC / Convert Rectangle To Rounded Rectangle?

Jun 28, 2013

I saw that the Rounded Rectangle properties were not available on the regular rectangle (to change corner radius).

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3ds Max :: How To Light A Sphere From Inside To See Inside Surface

Oct 17, 2011

I have a really large sphere and have put a camera on the inside to see the inside surface. I have used the normal modifier to flip the normals and so have the skin on the inside. Something is going very wrong at this point because I have this ugly shadow line that I cannot get rid of and I also seem to not be able to light this interior, when I use an omni light it makes no difference. Where am I going wrong?

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AutoCad :: Size And Shape Of All Objects Connecting The Objects To The Main Structure

Nov 22, 2012

I am very much new to AutoCad, but have learned quite a bit about it in the last few days. As a part of the learning I have been building a 3D model of the shed my dad is building. But I ran into a problem on the roof and cant seem to figure out how to click everything into place.

My problem: I need to keep the size and shape of all objects while also connecting the objects to the main structure. I need to keep A and B connected to the main structure and adjust the angles so that both meet at C. But if I move one then another moves out of place. (In the pic B is out of place) All I want to do is hold the beams at A and B in their spot while adjusting the rotation on both beams to meet at C all at the same time. I have tried to fine adjust the rotation on the beams individually but still cant get them together. I cant seem to get the constraints feature to work, because I guess it only works in 2D. I have tried to use the align tool but it just throws everything haywire.

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AutoCAD VB :: Converting AttributeDefinition Objects To Text Objects On Same Layer

May 9, 2013

I have several .dwg files that I use as templates. I run find and replace VBA routines on the template .dwg files, ie find $Flavor$ and replace it with "Grape", and then I save the .dwg to another directory with a new name. 

These VBA routines work well for acdbText and acdbMText objects, but I have a bunch of AcdbAttributeDefinition objects in the .dwg templates as well.

After much research about the AutoCAD object model (I'm mostly a Microsoft Access VBA programmer), I have come to understand that these AcdbAttributeDefinition objects are actually "remnants" of a block that no longer exists in the drawing.

Anyway, I'd like to convert all of these orphaned AcdbAttributeDefinition objects to acdbText objects in the templates and then delete the AcdbAttributeDefinition objects. I have some code that does just that.

However, the issue that I am having with the code is that the newly created acdbText objects are not on the same layer that the original AcdbAttributeDefinition objects were on. I don't know the syntax to identify what layer the AcdbAttributeDefinition object is on or how to specify what layer on which the acdbText object is created.

how to keep the acdbText objects on the same layers as the original AcdbAttributeDefinition objects during the conversion and deletion process?

Here is the code I am using currently:

Sub AttConvert(dwg as string)Dim oDocument as AcadDocumentDim ent as AcadEntityDim aa as objectset oDocument = For Each ent In oDocument.ModelSpace If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then' DO SOMETHING TO IDENTIFY WHAT LAYER THE ACDBATTRIBUTEDEFINITION OBJECT IS ON
' DO SOMETHING TO SPECIFY THAT THAT IS THE LAYER TO CREATE THE ACDBTEXT OBJECT ON Set aa = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(ent.TagString, ent.InsertionPoint, ent.Height) End If Next ent For Each ent In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then ent.Delete End If Next ent End Sub

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Aligning Objects In Modelspace With Objects In Paperspace?

Apr 10, 2012

I'd like to know how to align an object in model space with the edge of my viewport in paperspace.

When I draw, I like to lay out multiple complete drawings in model space, make an appropriately scaled bounding box around them, and then snap a view port to the bounding box in my layout. I usually have multiple drawings lined up in a row in modelspace, so when I want a new layout I do a Save As and then pan around in my viewport to find the next bounding box, at which point I have to resize the viewport to get it to snap to the edges nicely. I really want to be able to to it the otehr way around- while panning I'd like to be able to grab a corner of my modelspace bouding box and snap it to the the corresponding corner of my viewport window. That way making new layouts would be a snap. Is there a way to do this in AutoCAD 2012 LT?

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