3ds Max :: How To Make Total Darkness Inside Objects
Aug 5, 2011
I am trying to make a pyramid in which there is total darkness, this is for testing self illumination effects and lights without outside influence. So i made a pyramid and gave it a shell and material, but if i look inside, every object inside of it is fully illuminated! How to keep light from reaching the inside of an object?
Something changed in my settings & I don't know how to chance it back. I can't click on to select objects inside or behind objects. What do I have to change to be able to select any item I click on regardless of where it is?
I love the area command how you can pick multiple objects and they highlight and adds the total. I was wondering is there a way to do that same concept but with multiple objects and total it to acreage?
There are many examples of creating rectangular patterns, but not many, if any, of interrogating existing patterns.I have attached the files and a screenshot of a rectangular part inside an assembly. The part contains a rectangular pattern of holes and workplanes.how do I get hold of each proxy of the workplane in the pattern?In other words I don't know what to put in the for loop at the end of this code fragment: Â If _invApp.Documents.Count = 0 Then MsgBox("Need to open an the assembly document") ReturnEnd If If _invApp.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("Need to have an Assembly document active") ReturnEnd If Dim asmDoc As Assembly Document asmDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim asmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition asmDef = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition im occurrences As ComponentOccurrencesoccurrences. [code]....
How would I put smaller objects inside a 3D object? I made a tube and wanted to fill it with little spheres. How to put the objects inside and shade them to look like they're in there.
Is there a way within AutoCAD to delete all objects within a rectangle (closed polygon) or all objects outside of the rectangle?
This then leads on to the question if you can trim to a rectangle or extend to it. I believe I have seen it done somewhere, but it was a long time ago.
I know there are LISP routines out there that can do it, but just this once I want to do it the hard way ;-))
My problem is I have received a drawing from someone else, but I only need part of it. So before inserting it into my drawing I need to get rid of the stuff I don't need. It's easy enough to define the boundary of the area I need, a rectangle or polygon.
Im looking for a way to export a pattern made in Illustrator to auto cad. Â I would like to select objects inside a shape based on the shape. Â Â As you can see here i would like to select all the objects inside the blue circle, and delete everything outside of it. I dont want to use a cliping mask as it does not really destory the objects outside the circle.
so I came up with this script, and it worked fine until I tried it on a different file. I have moved the artboard around all over the "main" canvas (if that is what it is called) and on the one that it works on, seems to only work when artboard(top, left) is positive values. however on the new file it doesn't seem to matter where it is on the artboard, it wont work anywhere. it should find the textpath relative to the shapes position. Â I thought it was the coordinateSystem, but that doesn't seem to fix it. How the canvas works (maybe the math.abs(); Â threw it up on gist because it was pretty big: [URL]
is there a way, that objects only inside the selection window or lassoed region get selected rather than objects getting selected which are partially inside the selection window?
How does one remedy this Adobe error message? "Can't scale the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too small to use." This one always gets me. I'll spend more time trying to find the object in question. This has happened in almost al versions, but this time it's CS5.
In Photoshop CC for Mac I have... Â Created layers of vector artCombined them into a smart object. Enlarged the smart object (both via "Transform" and "Image Size")Â Upon enlarging, the vector objects look the way an enlarged bitmap would (i.e. fuzzy, pixelated, terrible) instead of crisp and clean as a vector should look. I've double- and triple-checked to make sure all layers have remained vector after resizing and they have. Â This is a terrible inconvenience for anyone that works heavily with vector smart objects and resizes them. I use this workflow on a daily basis to make adapting interface elements for various screen resolutions easier, without it I am beyond screwed. Â Screenshot proof below:
I'm trying to use this command to change the colour of objects inside of a document using applescipt but i keep getting an error "adobe illustrator "can't get color"" the colour exists and is active on a document. I have read the manual on variables and i'm a little lost on what i'm doing wrong, heres what i've got so far:  tell application "Adobe Illustrator"  if color is "C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90" then set color to "C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90" end if end tell  i understand this is quite basic but its all i have to start with at the moment
I can only do basic things (i.e burning text, lightning bolts, random-generated maps and a few others), but I want to be able to create something that embodies what I see in my mind via science and imagination - Black holes.
My question is how do I generate black holes or time-bending gravitation?
how to edit revit objects in 3dsMax. How do I separate objects to make them individual objects? In other words, when I try to select the roof, I get ALL objects that are "dimensional lumber" i.e. I joists, roof, fascia, etc.
I tried selecting a roof polygon and making a copy and editing it but still when I apply materials to this polygon they apply to all of the dimensional lumber. Probably because I made a copy as a clone but it didn't give me the "copy" option.
I am trying to make a block with text inside in it. I need the text to rotate at 0 no matter what degree I insert the block into my drawing. For example the type of blocks I use are for fire alarm in which need to go onto different sides of the walls so I need a base point in which I can insert the block at but the text to always rotate back at 0.
The standard in the industry I work in is the radius dimension goes on the inside of the arc. However, AutoCAD defaults the dimension to the outside of the arc. Is there a way to make it default to the inside? If not then this is the issue when I use the mirror command.
I know this was done WAY before the days of Photoshop and was done using actual lighting, but I'd like to be able to re-create a shadow over the one side of the face using photoshop. I already have my image looking exactly like the below, but without the shadow.
I am comparing multiple scanned images and I need to find out if one image is darker than another. For example, if you print a document on 5 different printers and then scan those documents into photoshop 7, is there a way to quantitatively analyze how dark each document is. Can photoshop 7 tell you the average darkness of a selected area of an image? They will all be scanned on the same scanner so the only variable should be the printers. I need a numerical value for each, not just a visual comparison.
Is there a way to make an outline that is either only on the inside or the outside of the center line of the outline? I know that the default in Corel is to center the outline on the center line of the outline.
I'm attaching an image where the client has requested the dark background be made a bright color, #e48da8 for example, yet still have a believable edge from hair to background. I have made a couple of attempts which have fallen short. How can I replace that darkness with a brightish color and do it convincingly, given that the darkness comes into the hair quite a bit, and the edge is feathery?
I have a drawing with the floor plan as an xref. I added the plumbing on top of the xref. My problem comes when plotting. When I print the drawing to the plotter, since the plotter is black and white only the lines of the plumbing come out darker than the xref. But I also need a pdf copy in black and white, but when I change the settings to greyscale all the lines look the same in terms of darkness.
Additional info, the xref is grey and the plumbing layer line color is dark purple.
I just bought a pressure sensitve tablet (wacom intuos5 medium). Â I want to set it up so I can practice "charcoal drawing" in photoshop without the mess. Specifically, I want the pressure to control the darkness of the brush tool, from very faint to completely black. Â So, in the brushes window, I enabled "other dynamics" and set the flow control to pen pressure. It works but not very well. It's hard to draw a faint line, and faint lines appear to be made up of discrete circles. Â I also try linking the opacity to the pen pressure, and set flow to 100%. This work better for faint lines, but I'm unable to draw a completely black line. It seems the opacity maxed out at about 40%. I don't want to apply too much pressure lest I break the tablet.
I am trying to make a circular sign with text inside it that follows the contour of the circle. Half of the text will be on the top and half on the bottom.
Isn't there a way to accentuate darkness in the nooks and crannies of, say, a furniture piece. Sort of like ambient occlusion, but more pronounced, as if there was accumulation of dark stuff there.
How can I remove the lines in the middle after I press and pull the objects.
Attached is the Untitle.jpg, to make more clearer to you. Blue is the wall and skyblue is the aquarium. I want the back and the front of the aquarium don't have any line in the middle but even I do shade command the fill of the color is still there. Cause if I explode and delete the line in the middle the colors that fill the aquarium are getting rid off See Untitled 2.Jpg to see what I mean. And also how can make the aquarium Untitle 3.jpg transparent?