AutoCad :: How To Make A Pull Down Inside Of Attributed Block

Jun 11, 2013

Is it possible to make a pull down inside of a attributed block?

For example: if I a have engineering code section of a title block and I want to be able to choose from a list of codes:

ASME A17.1-2004
ASME A17.1-2007
ASME A17.1-2010
ASME A17.1-2012

Can I set up the block to let me do that?

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AutoCad :: Make A Block With Text Inside?

Jan 13, 2014

I am trying to make a block with text inside in it. I need the text to rotate at 0 no matter what degree I insert the block into my drawing. For example the type of blocks I use are for fire alarm in which need to go onto different sides of the walls so I need a base point in which I can insert the block at but the text to always rotate back at 0.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Attributed Block Insertion

Aug 11, 2011

I am using ACA 2009 and am experiencing something new with attributed blocks.  When I insert the block, a copy of the block is placed at what seems to be an arbitrary distance away. As I fill in the boxes for each attribute, it appears in the image away from the insertion point.  After I am done, the completed block appears filled out where it was inserted.  I have never seen this before.  Is there a setting affecting this?

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AutoCad :: Attributed Definitions Within Dynamic Block?

Aug 5, 2011

Basically I have a rectangle and want to change the dimensions of it. There are a couple of attributed definitions that I want to stretch the and change it length but I alsowant the attributed definitions to move with the right hand side of the rectangle and the stay a constant distance from the right hand side. Unfortunately when I use the stretch action it filters out the attributed from the object that I can stretch, any way to include these AD’s with the stretch action

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dynamic Block With Attributed Text

Jan 17, 2012

I have a dynamic block with attributed text that I want to remain horizontal right reading even when the block is rotated.  I have set up the parameters and the actions how I was taught and even revisited one of AU's downloadable lessons to try to get it correct.  my settings are the same as in the lesson.  I have the rotate parameter / action set to only the geometry and did not select the attributed text.  I also have the attribute locked.  Nothing I do gets the text to rotate with the block and stay horizontal and right reading.  It will either rotate the text along with the block or just leave the text stationary.  I have tried adding a point parameter to the text but that doesn't seem to work either. I am  using Base ACAD 2010 I have also attached the block for troubleshooting.

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AutoCAD LT :: Extracting Info From Attributed Block Into Spreadsheet

Dec 29, 2011

what is the easiest wqy to extract information  from an attrbuted block into a spreadsheet (excel)?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Get Point Marker With Attributed Block

Jan 24, 2013

How do you get a point marker that uses a block with attributes to show the attributed text?

We are using tree symbols that have the size of the tree as an attribute, but when the points that use that block come in...the block shows up w/out any attributed text. Tried to edit the "block" or point marker with attedit command, but C3D tells me it is not a block. Understand that it is a "marker" for the point. But, what is stopping the text size of tree from showing up?

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AutoCad 2D :: Number Of Viewports And Editing Attributed Block?

Apr 21, 2011

1) Problem about viewports :

I am using 2011, I have created 17 viewports in one paper space, there are 2 viewports not showing anything. I deleted 2 viewports with content, then the 2 viewports which were not showing is now showing images.

I started a new drawing, drew something very simple for testing, I could create 63 viewports the 64th is not showing.

I would like to ask what it is to control/affect the number of viewports I can create in one paper space.

2) To Edit an Attributed Block

When double click an attributed block (command = eattedit), the dialog box "Enhanced Attribute Editor" disappeared !

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AutoCad 2D :: Scaling Attributed Block - Imperial / Metric Conversion

Nov 11, 2013

I have the drawing I'm working on, who's scale is set to "unitless". I'm attempting to insert a series of attributed blocks (containing titleblock information) into the paperspace of my drawing. The attributed block is also set to unitless.

Two of these blocks require editing to suite the drawing, the other two are to be edited at a later date by a third party.

Everything HAD been working fine, however, it appears the wheels have fallen off ~ I'm now experiencing a periodic error where, I insert a block to the 0,0 at a scale of 1 (as per procedure) but the block comes in at a fraction of the correct scale. I have to scale the block up by 25.4. (The imperial / metric conversion.) (Note, I'm working in Metric)

Even stranger - its not happening on all blocks. Just the two that have to be edited "in house".

I've checked measureinit within the blocks and it is set to metric. I'm limited in my ability to purge / audit the drawings as they don't want template information deleted from the drawing - but I don't know what other system variables i should be looking at.

I'm using CivilCad 2012 with Windows 7,

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AutoCAD LT :: All Text Including Information On Attributed Title Block

Dec 21, 2011

This is the command line responce I get when i attempt to enter text. All teh numeric expressions of all my dimensions have been replaced with a backslash. Along with all text including infomation on the attributed title block.

I have exhausted my options for figuring it out, do I need to reload the program? is there a restore default option? ( I haven't found one yet) I am running 2011 LT

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Marker Style Or Note With Attributed Block Text

Oct 2, 2013

Is is possible to have an attributed block in a marker style or note style?  I would like to have editable text upon insertion of the marker or text?  I have tried unsuccessfully to get it to work.  Does the fact that C3D displays the marker and note as objects prevent it from being editable?  Is there a workaround?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing Text In Attributed Block

Dec 21, 2012

I am trying to speed up some basic drafting of text revisions. In the P (plumbing) we call out the fixture units for a water pipe, along with the fixture units, the pipe size changes.
Is there any way to add numbers in an attributed block? (I have a lisp that works on text & mtext, but not attributes)

1.1. Example: Like if you have a block with two attributed text fields, the 1st field {x} is a number (fixture unit), and the 2nd field {y} is a number (pipe size).  I would want it to only add the 1st text fields. [If possible then change the 2nd text field according to a changeable chart. (see #2)]

1.1.1.   This is how the block looks like: x (y")   x could be any number from 0.5 – 10,000 (only using 1 decimal place, and only as needed)   y could be any number from the following list: ½, ¾, 1, 1¼, 1½, 2, 2½, 3, 3½, 4, 5, 6
Is there a way like in excel that you can set up a formula that will give a numerical result depending on other input? Like pipe size that change depending on the number of fixtures. There would need to be two different formula, one for hot and one for cold values (The value would be set at the beginning of the job; typically these values would not change later in the job). This could be separate text or if possible using the attributed block as described in #1.

2.1.    Example: Like if you have a block with two attributed text fields, the 1st field {x} is a number (fixture unit), and the 2nd field {y} is a number (pipe size).  I would want it to change the 2nd text fields according to the value in the 1st text field. If the value in {x} is 0.5 – 1.0, it would result in ½; 1.5 – 7.0 = ¾; 7.5 - 17 = 1; 17.5 – 36 = 1¼; ect.

2.2.    In excel it would be =IF(x)<1,"1/2",IF(x)<7,"3/4”,IF(x)<17,"1",…{all #’s in between} …IF(x)>5000,"6")))))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Link Attributed Block With Polyline To Get Area

Sep 13, 2013

I'd like to set up a blockwith different attributes like Roomname, Floor, Area,...

Therefore I'd like to link a polyline of the drawing with the block and it shows me its area. I know how it works with fields, but not how to connect it when the field is within a block.

Is there a LISP for that?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Attributed Multi Block Insert From Custom DCL

Dec 27, 2011

I have been working on an AutoLISP routine which is intended to:

1) collect input from the user via a DCl dialog box

a) Create a List of the non-null "GROUP_CODE..." variable values collected from the dialog's settings

b) Create a List of the "ESN***#_Part" variable values collected from the dialog's settings (does the List elements' order need to be reversed after collecting them?)

2) Prompt the user to select an insertion point

3) Insert a Block named "ESN-CONTROL-WIRED" which has multiple attributes

a) Apply the first List element collected at step 1.a above to the attribute tag "INPUT_ADD" in the block

b) Apply the first List element collected at step 1.b above to the Attribute Tag "PART_NUMBER" in the block

4) Insert a second instance of the Block named "ESN-CONTROL-WIRED" below the first instance

a) Apply the second List element collected at step 1.a above to the attribute tag "INPUT_ADD" in the block

b) Apply the second List element collected at step 1.b above to the Attribute Tag "PART_NUMBER" in the block etc. .... keep inserting the block "ESN-CONTROL-WIRED" below the previous on until all the input from the dialog has been displayed in the attributes. 


The Dialog's pop-up lists are populated from external .TXT files which reside on our network (or alternate local C: drive folder if no network drive is found)

Inside the file "ESN_SENSORS_NUMBER.LSP", it is the function "ESN_APPLY_TAG" which I am struggling with how to write...

find inside the .ZIP file:

- (2) example screenshot .BMPs showing dialog box settings and what the resulting output in AutoCAD should look like



- (1) ESN_SENSORS_NUMBER.DWG with a sample output - and the definition of the block ESN-CONTROL-WIRED

- (1) ESN-OCC.txt  which populates the PopUp List Boxes

- (1) ESN-DAYLT.txt which populates the PopUp List Boxes

- (1) ESN-IR.txt which populates the PopUp List Boxes

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Inserting An Attributed Block Using Data From An External Source?

Aug 9, 2013

I am reasonably experienced in coding in VBA but cannot find any references as to how to achieve the above within VBA so am now turning to LISP to see if I can achieve it in that language.

Basically I want to be able to create multiple instances of an attributed block using an external source, e.g. a spreadsheet to provide data for the attributes.

I'm not even sure if this is possible.

I can find lots of references for extracting attribute date to a spreadsheet but I want to go the other way!

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Explode Destroys The Small Block Inside Bigger Block?

May 30, 2012

I have a block containing several parts blocks. When I explode the main block all of the parts are exploded back to lines. I have used both "explode" and "xplode" and have the same results.  How can I explode so I have my components as blocks?

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AutoCad :: Nest Annotative / Dynamic Block Inside Non-annotative Block?

Sep 23, 2011

I have attached the block for reference. Now that I have found the error of my way with the annotative cutline. I have a slab-on-grade block that needs to have annotative hatches; I also need the cutline to be annotative and dynamic so that as the drawing scale changes the scale of the cutline will be match and I can adjust the length of the extension lines. I have made the cutline a nested annotative and dynamic block within the slab-on-grade block. When I insert the block into my drawing the cutline is annotative and the dynamic grips show up but they do not work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Proxy Of Workplane Inside Pattern / Inside Part / Inside An Assembly

Oct 14, 2013

There are many examples of creating rectangular patterns, but not many, if any, of interrogating existing patterns.I have attached the files and a screenshot of a rectangular part inside an assembly. The part contains a rectangular pattern of holes and do I get hold of each proxy of the workplane in the pattern?In other words I don't know what to put in the for loop at the end of this code fragment:
If _invApp.Documents.Count = 0 Then MsgBox("Need to open an the assembly document") ReturnEnd If If _invApp.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("Need to have an Assembly document active") ReturnEnd If Dim asmDoc As Assembly Document asmDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim asmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition asmDef = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition im occurrences As ComponentOccurrencesoccurrences.

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AutoCad :: Field Inside Block

Jan 23, 2013

We are using both AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD LT 2013, and are having some difficulties doing something that seems reasonable...

Basically, we made a block that has the following attributes:


When we define this block, we set the value for "CUT-WEIGHT' as (CUT-LENGTH - WEIGHT-PER-FOOT) and "CUT-LENGTH" as (LENGTH - CUT-OFF)

Those formulas work when we initially create the block. The goal is to be able to change the "LENGTH" and "CUT-OFF" attributes, and have the block automatically calculate the CUT-WEIGHT and CUT-LENGTH based on those values.

The issue is that once the block is created, the formulas no longer work. We have tried Update Fields, we have tried REGEN, REGENALL and more, but nothing seems to work. The only thing we have been able to do is define the block, then basically create the block a second time, with those respective attributes being linked to the initial block, which is both not ideal, and created other problems.

I am attaching a copy of one such block, how to make this block work properly.

The final use of this block is to insert it into Shop Drawings for our Companies Products and then link the block to a table that shows the values of the blocks as a Bill of Materials.

I am unable to currently upload a copy of any Shop Drawings, but if need be, I could ask for a "Dummy" Shop Drawing that I could upload.

TAG - TUBE STEEL 4 x 2 x .25.dwg

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Thumbnail From Block Inside

Sep 11, 2012

I'm developing a tool similar to Insert command.

All I need is to get the thumbnail (image preview) from blocks in my drawing with application.

I'm Using VS2010, and API.COM to develop this.

I found how to do this with an external dwg file, but in this case i want to show the thumbnail from blocks in a drawing opened.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Block Symbols Stored Inside Drawing

Jan 9, 2014

How do I delete the AutoCad block symbols that are stored inside my drawing?

Not blocks that have been created that you can see on your drawing it’s the blocks that the point styles use and are stored in the drawing.

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AutoCad :: How To Justify All Text Inside Of Block To Right Without Retaining Position

May 17, 2013

I am trying to align all of the text inside of a block and have it actually align the text instead of having it keep it original position (like when you use "Justifytext" command). For example: We use blocks for fire alarm devices that we insert into drawings. When the devices are inserted they look like this (Middle left):


I can double click each line of these texts, have the eattedit window pop up, go to "text options" tab, click the drop down menu for "Justification:" and then choose my justification(middle right); then the text will actually move to align itself with my justification, causing my text to end up like this:

..TBD (Roughly like this, only perfectly straight vertically on the right hand side)
..TBD (ignore the dots, i had to insert them for the spacing to be correct for
1/4W this example)

When I type "Justifytext", select my block, choose my justification (Middle right), just the snap point moves to that justification without the text actually moving at all, causing my text to end up like this:


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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Polar Array Inside A Block

Dec 19, 2013

I've made this block . when i rotate the vertical line I need to add lines every 15° as you see in the image, i've seen that polar array is not possible in the dynamic blocks.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: One Attribute At Two Different Locations Inside Of One Block

Aug 5, 2011

Is there a way (or a “trick”) to have one attribute at two different locations inside of one block (I want to avoid filling in the same text twice when this block is inserted or edited)?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Modify Line Inside A Block

May 20, 2013

I have a simple block with 2 attribute and 1 line inside it.

something like this:




I want to modify length of line due to width of thoes attributs. length of line is equal to maximum(width attribute1 and width attribute2).

dxf code for start point of a line is 10 and end point for a line entity is 11.The question is: how can I modify the length of line automatically via maximum width of these attributes?

for getting width of a text:

(defun GetWidth ( en ) ((lambda ( lst ) (- (caadr lst) (caar lst))) (textbox en)))



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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Redefine Block Inside Reactor

Dec 4, 2012

I have the following code to redefine a block after a command has ended:
(vl-load-com);*********************************************************(defun Redefine() (command "_.INSERT" "reactortest=reactortest" nil)(princ "Block redefined."));****************************************(vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandEnded . endCommand)));******************************************************(defun endCommand (calling-reactor endcommandInfo / thecommandend) ; Get the name of the command.(setq thecommandend (nth 0 endcommandInfo)); Check name of the command.(cond ((= thecommandend "PLINE") (Redefine)));cond(princ));defun(princ)

It doesn't work because INSERT is an interactive function and can't be called while a reactor is active. Is there another way to redefine a block that can be used in a reactor? The block is in one of the default search path's.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Explode Window - Block Inside To Origin Point

May 28, 2013

when i export (or explode) my plan every window, doors etc... split in more "under-blocks", and that's ok. but i have a problem with the windows: after the explode command, one of the blocks inside (the one that shows the opening side) "jump" in the 0,0,0 coordinates point, but all the others remain in the right position.

PS: i think the problem is not in the window-block, because i tried it in another old file, and it works. and the autocad option are also always the same.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Delete All The Dimensions Inside Selected Block?

Dec 2, 2010

I need a lisp routine which will delete all the dimensions inside selected block or blocks, including nested blocks inside.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert Text To Attribute Inside Block

May 3, 2013

Looking for routine for converting text to attributes inside the block?

In my drawing I hv some attribute blocks having some Text in it. I need to change the Texts inside the blocks as Attribute Texts. I am attaching sample Blocks drawing..

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AutoCad 2D :: Create Dynamic Block Made Up Of Circle With Letter Or Number Inside?

May 27, 2013

I'm working with Autocad 2011. My objective is to create a dynamic block made up of a circle with a letter or number inside. Here's the tricky part. As I add additional letters or numbers the circle increases in diameter automatically to fully encircle whatever it is I type. The more letters or numbers the larger the circle and the fewer the letters or numbers the smaller the circle?

Or is there a lisp routine for this type of request?

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AutoCad :: Explode Xclip Block While Keeping Stuff Inside Clip Boundary?

Dec 15, 2013

explode xclip block while keeping the stuff inside the clip boundary as it is

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