I am comparing multiple scanned images and I need to find out if one image is darker than another. For example, if you print a document on 5 different printers and then scan those documents into photoshop 7, is there a way to quantitatively analyze how dark each document is. Can photoshop 7 tell you the average darkness of a selected area of an image? They will all be scanned on the same scanner so the only variable should be the printers. I need a numerical value for each, not just a visual comparison.
I can only do basic things (i.e burning text, lightning bolts, random-generated maps and a few others), but I want to be able to create something that embodies what I see in my mind via science and imagination - Black holes.
My question is how do I generate black holes or time-bending gravitation?
I know this was done WAY before the days of Photoshop and was done using actual lighting, but I'd like to be able to re-create a shadow over the one side of the face using photoshop. I already have my image looking exactly like the below, but without the shadow.
I'm attaching an image where the client has requested the dark background be made a bright color, #e48da8 for example, yet still have a believable edge from hair to background. I have made a couple of attempts which have fallen short. How can I replace that darkness with a brightish color and do it convincingly, given that the darkness comes into the hair quite a bit, and the edge is feathery?
I just bought a pressure sensitve tablet (wacom intuos5 medium). Â I want to set it up so I can practice "charcoal drawing" in photoshop without the mess. Specifically, I want the pressure to control the darkness of the brush tool, from very faint to completely black. Â So, in the brushes window, I enabled "other dynamics" and set the flow control to pen pressure. It works but not very well. It's hard to draw a faint line, and faint lines appear to be made up of discrete circles. Â I also try linking the opacity to the pen pressure, and set flow to 100%. This work better for faint lines, but I'm unable to draw a completely black line. It seems the opacity maxed out at about 40%. I don't want to apply too much pressure lest I break the tablet.
I have a drawing with the floor plan as an xref. I added the plumbing on top of the xref. My problem comes when plotting. When I print the drawing to the plotter, since the plotter is black and white only the lines of the plumbing come out darker than the xref. But I also need a pdf copy in black and white, but when I change the settings to greyscale all the lines look the same in terms of darkness.
Additional info, the xref is grey and the plumbing layer line color is dark purple.
I am trying to make a pyramid in which there is total darkness, this is for testing self illumination effects and lights without outside influence. So i made a pyramid and gave it a shell and material, but if i look inside, every object inside of it is fully illuminated! How to keep light from reaching the inside of an object?
I have 10 layers and I want to blend them such that the resultant flattened image represents the average colour. i.e. If layer 1 has a white pixel and layers 2-10 have black pixels the result will be 90% black.
As the title points out I need to find an average of the L, a, b values from a region of a photo. I can find out the values for a single pixel but these values vary to some degree in the region I am interested in. If this can not be done in photoshop but in an other program i'd be if you could show me how.
Is there a way to select a portion of an image and display the average RGB or Lab values of that area? Right now I can only see the values of selected individual pixels. Instead of manually adding up these values to get the average value which is quite tedious, can someone help me to a better option?
I need to analyze an image and read the value of each pixel, exclude the highest and lowest values (perhaps anything less than 10,10,10 and greater than 245,245,245) , then average the remaining. I may need to do this on each channel of RGB.
I can almost get a result blurring the sample and then using a large brush with the info tool, but is there any other method more direct and all inclusive?
Is there a way to select a portion of an image and display the average RGB or Lab values of that area? Right now I can only see the values of selected individual pixels. Instead of manually adding up these values to get the average value which is quite tedious, can someone help me to a better option?
Isn't there a way to accentuate darkness in the nooks and crannies of, say, a furniture piece. Sort of like ambient occlusion, but more pronounced, as if there was accumulation of dark stuff there.
When 4-color process printing (CMYK), how might one remove the black plate from the process, but maintain the same "shade", or very close to, of all process colors? Â Â Top swatch is the original. Bottom is the closes I could get while keeping Black at 0%.
1) Office Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz 2.93GHz 8GB of RAM ATI Vga 1GB (Updated Driver) 64 bit Operating System (Windows 7 Ultimate) "3ds max 2009 64bit" + "Vray 1.50 RC3"
2) Laptop Intel(R) Core Duo(TM) CPU 2.53GHz 2.53GHz 4GB of RAM 32 bit Operating System (Windows 7 Professional) Nvidia Vga 512 MB (Updated Driver) "3ds max 2009 32bit" + "Vray 1.50 RC3"
I've one scene having 3 sofas, one table, and one chandelier, with 2 windows.with "average quality of the render setup in Vray 800x600" my desktop is taking more than 5 hours to render. with same configuration of vray settings or higher like "1200x800" my Laptop is taking 30 to 40 minutes to render. I checked everything, everything is fine. why its taking too much time to render this small scene, i check another files its same,
I am taking daily shots of a fig tree which is just in front of my kitchen window. At the end I would like to produce a video showing the fig tree blossoming and then loosing its leaves. I am realizing that the lighting is changing from one picture to the other. Is there a way to even out the lighting of all my pictures to a given average?
What formula Civil3D uses to calculate the average slope of a surface?
The formula I am using is S = I*L/A
S = Average Slope I = Contour Invertval L = Length of Contours (ft) A = Area of parcel (sq. ft)
I just had to do four parcel calcs and the percentage I find using the formula is always 1-3% lower than the percentage Civil3D spits out. I can't find anything about how Civil3D arrives at that number, it just appears. I assume that Civil3D is more accurate but I can't give that number to a client without knowing how the program arrived there.
I have been able to undertake this with other software and have desperately tried to find this same function in Civil 3D .
Is there a command that returns the average level of any particular surface within a specified area, for instance if we have a generated a large surface and then draw a square in  the middle of the surface, can it calculate the average level within the square only?
I have 2 different surveys of the same area of ground. If i create a surface from each data set, can they be averaged into one suface? I know you can past them together, but how does it paste? the first one on the bottom and the second on time? I would like an average.
Let's say a have an image mask (see image shown below) where the white areas are the selection islands and then apply that to an image. What I want to do is get the average color for each selection island in that object. Just blurring gives you a gradient effect and if you blur too big, you just get a single color. That's not what I want.
I am trying to automate the average path command to apply the action to a field of discrete objects. In the end, I want each object to be avereaged into separate paths and not the entire group averaged as a single path. I have a very large set of objects and it doesn't make sense to select each object on an individual basis.
Any quick way of calculating average Parcel Area? I used to export to LandXML and do an area report in CSV. That doesn't seem to be working for me when I export out of C3D 2012.
The workaround I found was to select all the parcels in Prospector, copy to clip board, paste in excel, find and replace "_Sq. Ft._" with 0, then do the average.Â
We have to compute the average elevation along the front, sides and rear of a proposed building envelope to calculate the required set back.
Right now I am setting FL with elevation nodes at the required interval, assigning EG elevation and pasting from the panorama to excel to compute the average.
Is there a way I could create a toolbox report to do this? Maybe even from a profile report?
HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
Any example of a demolitions drawing for an average sized building, showing interior partitions strip out, not sure if I have got it right and I am not sure how many other ways there are to show it,
I am mainly looking for different linetypes and legend with symbols
I am trying to record an action to find the center of a polygon with the following commands  1. Select the object 2. Copy and Paste in Front 3. Select > Object > Direction Handles 4. Cmd+X (Cut); do not deselect 5. Object > Path > Average: choose both axes 6. View > Guides > Make Guides  All is good & well except that step 5 never gets recorded as an action step.
Is there a way to change an object's fill from a gradient to a solid color that is the average of that gradient? What I want to do is have a grid of squares, select them all and apply a colorful gradient to them as a whole, and then average each square's color so I end up with a pixelated look. Kind of like the mosaic filter in Photoshop, but in vector.
I have an acad document connected to some .shp files, which contain polygonal shapes with some meta-tags.
I want to achieve the following: draw a polygonal shape and select all the tangent areas (I already know how to do so)take a property of those areas and calculate an area-proportional [or: area weighted] average value  (proportional to the partial area defined by the drawn polygonal shape). I tried to achieve this by splitting the objects and merging them again with defined splitting (area proportional) and merging (average) options. The problem is: splitting & merging doesn't work until I disconnect the data files (checking the objects out doesn't work) and even then I can't split the areas. And, more important: This doesn't create a weighted average and I don't even want to manipulate the objects! I just want to get one value out of all these steps.
I appended a screenshot of my file. E.g. I want to take the value 923.2 and multiply it with the corresponding area percentage it represents in the drawn shape. So the calculation would look something like 0.02*923.2 + 0.2*926 + 0.12*945,9 [...] until all the 100% are covered and I get one single representative value.
I use AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 on an Intel Core i7, 12GB RAM, 64bit Win 7 Pro SP 1 PC.
I am trying to create some images in PS2 that have to be 3.5 to 4.0 mb. When viewing the Image Size screen, I might see an image size of 9.6 mb. However, when I save the image and run my mouse over the image in Bridge, it shows a size between 2 to 3 mb. I can't figure out why this discrepancy, or what math I need to do in order to figure out how to create the required image size other than by trial and error.