AutoCAD 2013 :: Xref Causing Newly Inserted Blocks To Not Appear?

Dec 10, 2013

We are having a problem with blocks not appearing after xreferencing a drawing. We can place blocks as normal from the tool palette, but as soon as we xreference a 2D site plan and select blocks from the tool palette, they will not place. You can see them when placing, but once you click to place it, the block does not appear. I have copied out the site plan to a new dwg file, still does the same thing. Everything has been purged and ran an audit in the plan drawing and also the site plan drawing. The block does not show up in the block editor either. I am trying to avoid redrawing the site plan like we had done with two models that were doing the same thing. Remodeling a vessel and rebuilding a skid composite corrected the problem with two other drawings, but redrawing this site plan would take considerable time.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Update (title Block) Being Inserted As Xref

Oct 16, 2012

How to update the “title block” being inserted as Xref?

I wanted to update the title block (inserted as Xref) as some changes occur in the original dwg but sounds not to work.

How the Xref is updated so that all changes in its original source can be reflected automatically?

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Add Xref To Newly Created DWG?

May 18, 2012

I am having an issue with trying to get and xref or multiple xrefs attached/overlayed in a drawing that I just create.

I have a command that will create a sheet set, then add sheets in that sheet set based on a number the user puts in.

I then ask the user if they want to add xrefs to the drawings, if they press yes, I want to have the dwgs that are selected by the user to be referenced into the newly created dwgs.

I believe I am mising making the dwg that is created the active dwg before adding the xrefs, but I may also be missing locking the dwg.  At the moment I have it set to open the dwg after it is created then attempting to add the xrefs to it.
'Starts the process of adding sheets based on the number specified
For i As Integer = 1 To info.TotalSheetNum.Value
'shows dialog box for sheet information to user
'adds the sheet to the sheet set
[Code] ...........

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AutoCad :: Redefining Block Causing Xref Draw Order To Change

Sep 27, 2011

I have come across a situation whereby when a user redefines a block in a drawing it is changing the draw order of the xrefs.The block in question is the Plan frame, and is located in paperspace. The user redefines the block and the xrefs change their draw order in the viewport. A regen does not unfortunately correct the issue.Drawings were created with Civil 3D 2010. The plan frame block is a dynamic block.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Draworder Of Objects In Newly Created Blocks

Nov 12, 2012

I am creating a new block that includes text, lines and a solid object. The block is creating properly, however, the linework is behind the solid object.

How do I control the draworder of the items in the block?

Is there a way to set the order before I create the block, OR do I have to modify the block after I have created it?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Bold Text When DWG Inserted As Xref?

Sep 17, 2013

I have dwg files with Calibri font (our standard font style) that I am trying to xref into one drawing (a bunch of detail dwgs essentially). The detail looks fine in its own dwg - but when I xref the dwg into another dwg some text elements appear bold. I've check ALL of my font styles - nothing is selected to "bold"... I scale the x,y and z to the same scale.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Material Changed When Inserted As Xref

Jul 12, 2012

Few of the materials in the Xref'd file changed when inserted as xref in the current drawing.

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AutoCad 2D :: Scaling Of Inserted Blocks?

Oct 16, 2013

I created a block w/ attributes for my border and saved it for future use on other drawings. But when I insert it, even if the units are the same the blocks I inserted scaled smaller than the actual border that i wanted it to be.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Blocks Inserted Off In Space

Feb 24, 2012

I've created my first dynamic blocks...but when i insert them into my dwg they are way off in space. i've tried selecting a base point in the library file. and i've tried using INSBASE 0,0,0 but no luck. my dyn block is made up of several individual blocks.

using: civil 3D 2011

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AutoCAD .NET :: Display Inserted Blocks While Inside A Loop?

Sep 18, 2011

I am asking the user to select points and insert a block at each of the selected points. On user exit from the point selection I draw a polyline connecting the blocks.

However, I cannot get the already inserted blocks to display until I complete the insertion of all blocks.  How do I go about getting them to display as soon as they are inserted? The code segment below is inside a transaction and nothing appears on the screen till this transaction is committed' Pt(0 to 2) is defined as a double and is returned when the user selects a point with function

SelectPoint Do While SelectPoint(Pt) = True Dim MyPoint3D As New Point3d(Pt(0), Pt(1), Pt(2)) InsertBlockAtPoint(MyPoint3D, myTransManager, strBID, _ myBlockTable, CurrentBlockSpace, dwg, True)' strBID is a previously populated structure containing data about the block insertion details and Xdata to be added to the block reference Dim MyPolyPoint3D As New Point3d(Pt(0), Pt(1), 0) myPoints.Add(MyPolyPoint3D)' myPoints is a data set used to plot the polyline


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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Looks Different When Inserted And Dropped From Tool Palette

Mar 20, 2012

I have created simple dynamic block for plan section call outs. If I use comment INSET to put this block in my file ever thing looks ok but if I dropped from tool palette block is srewed up. See attached CAD file. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Collect Empty Blocks Inserted In DWG?

Nov 1, 2012

The code below collects empty blocks with the intent to delete them.However, it appears that if an Xref is currently 'unloaded' it apparrently collects that too. I could probably just test to see if the block is an Xref and avoid it... but how could I modify this to check if it is loaded and still empty? 

(defun NullBlocks (/ block *thisdwg* block nullblocks)
 (setq *thisdwg* (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (vlax-for block (vla-get-blocks *thisdwg*) ;iterate block table
  (vla-get-Name block)
  (if (= 0 (vla-get-count block))
   (setq nullblocks (cons (vla-get-name block) nullblocks))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Update Inserted Blocks / Attributes

Sep 5, 2013

I'm using a blocklibrary, where I stored all my blocks, most of them have attributes.

Now I'd like to simplify my workflow and want to update the blocks that I inserted in a drawing trough LISP.

Is there a way to update all  inserted blocks and attributes of the whole drawing a once? The idea is, that the LISP checks the whole blocklibrary and updates the inserted blocks that to not match with the once from the library.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2011 / Counting Blocks Inserted In Current Drawing

Apr 5, 2012

I was looking for a way of counting blocks inserted in my current drawing.

F1, brings up HELP.

In the search box i type BLOCKS.

Results =

Overview of Hatch Pattern Definitions

Create a Shortcut Menu

Overview of Shape files

Overview of slides

Work with User Interface Elements

Multiple Drawing Folders

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Creating A Riser From Blocks Inserted On Floor Plan

Apr 25, 2013

I'm looking for an easy way to generate a on-line riser diagram of blocks that have been inserted on a floor plan.Here's what I was thinking.

For every instance where the block  SLC_DEVICE IS insert on the drawing, the routine would insert the block listed in the "TYPE" and place text equal to what is listed in the "ADDRESS".  The TYPE is the actual block name.

Each one of these blocks have a tag of TYPE and ADDRESS.  What is in the TYPE tag is the block name of what should be inserted and what is in the ADDRESS tag is the text that should be inserted under the block.

So for example; the routine would find the first instance and the tag TYPE which is "Smoke_Detector" and the tag ADDRESS which is 01:03:001.  The routine would insert the block "Smoke_Detector" with the text "01:03:001" directly under it.  It would insert the next instance the same way a specified distance from the last; so on so on so on until all instances of the BLOCK (SLC_DEVICE ) have been inserted.

The other part of this would be the Block "NAC&SPK_Circuit" but you would use the Tags "Type", "Candela" AND "NacCkt" to generate the one liner.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Importing DGN Causing Fatal Error

Jun 18, 2012

I have tried to import a DGN file into AutoCAD 2013 both plain jane and the verticals. I am trouble shooting at the moment gathering more information but so far this is happening to me and another computer in a different office as well.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Animation Script Causing Crash?

Aug 28, 2013

I want to know if it is possible to creat a script that will rotate the cam wheel show at the pivot point, while causing the rectangle to oscillate up and down in cadence with the ppoint of the whell that is contacting it.  

I have a simple script that rotates the cam wheel, but every time I run it, AC crashes.  I am on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and I have installed the latest service pack.  Here is the script:



I'm not sure what other information you may need to diagnose this, so just let me know.  There is no error message given, it just freezes up.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Title Block Insertion Causing Abort?

May 30, 2012

Whenever I insert a title block I get an "AutoCAD Error Aborting" message - FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0040 Exception at d69ac126h.

The title blocks have been working fine for months in ACAD2012, and I've even tried saving the drawing containing the blocks as an AutoCAD 2013 dwg to no effect.

The title blocks are 'home-made' and contain a mix of fields and attributes, could this be causing the problem?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mtext Command Causing High CPU Usage?

Jun 19, 2013

I'm currently using AutoCad 2013 on a Lenovo Thinkpad X230 with windows 7 64 bit.  I have 8 gb of ram and a core I7 processor which seem up to the task for the rather small files I create.  My issue is that whenever I initiate the mtext command or attempt to edit an mtext object, my cpu usage will jump from about 0 to 4% up to 20 to 30% and will stay at that level until I close the drawing.  This causes the fans to run constantly and makes working a little more jumpy.  I've tried removing AutoCad completely and reinstlling.  I've tried loading up AutoCAd 2014 (and subsequently removing it) and now I'm back to AutoCad 2013 and the problem persists. 

I'm assuming it has something to do with the computer or some other software that is running in the background.  It's odd that it would only affect this one command.  The computer is only 1 month old and I've done the hardware checks that Lenovo offers (no problems indicated). 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Rotate An Inserted OLE Object

Nov 15, 2013

When i insert an OLE i want to rotate it from vertical to horizontal, but the rotate button just moved the full image around a point.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Inserted DWG Block Out Of Scale

Nov 7, 2013

I would like to solve a drawing insertion when I set the scale as 1 but when I insert the dwg, it looks smaller and the PROPERTIES box tells me that the dwg is .0364 in size.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Find Inserted Block

Nov 5, 2012

I inserted a block into a very busy drawing. I can't find it now. Is there a way to locate it? I want to delete and insert a newer  version, but I can't until I delete this one.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Control Order Of Attributes When Inserted?

Aug 2, 2012

(Using AutoCAD 2013) I am trying to insert a .dwg as a block (which has attributes) using the "-insert" command, but the attributes order wrong.  The .dwg I'm inserting is the "Exploded" version of the block (loose attributes) so that I don't have to explode it after inserting.

Is there a way to control the order of the attributes when they are inserted?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimension Style Fill Color Causing Random Lines On PDF Files

Dec 13, 2013

Using Autocad 2014. I recently changed our dimension style fill color to background.  Now when we create pdf files, there are random lines either to left of the text or left and top of text. It is not every dimension. We had it set to none before and would trim lines around dimension text. We did not have problems with pdf until changing the fill color. It plots from autocad to plotter without a problem.

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AutoCAD LT :: Way To Turn Off Blocks In Xref

Dec 8, 2005

Is there a way to turn off blocks in an xref? Example.I would like to xref a lighting plan, however the "Exit Sign" blocks are to large and cover up the sprinklers, tees, and piping in my fire protection plan. Additionally the “Exit Sign” blocks have been inserted on the same layer as the "lighting" blocks which are very important in laying out sprinkler heads so I don’t place a sprinkler in a light.

I know of ways to fix this problem by editing the electrical drawing but it might cause more problems for the electrical draftsman. Any way to turn off these blocks?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Multileader Text Angle As Inserted / Always Right-reading - Keep Horizontal

Aug 8, 2013

I'm setting up styles and trying to play spot-the-difference; I can't see any difference between these three settings.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Annotative Blocks In Xref

May 16, 2012

I have a file I received from a consultant that has an annotative block in it. I've been trying to xref (attachment, not overlay) it into our files, and it's not showing up. I've got the affected layers on, the block units for both files are identical..

This block has editable attributes in it. The attribute is what is not showing up...the point, which is the other block component, displays correctly in the xref. 

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AutoCAD VB :: Return Attributes Of Blocks In XRef?

Apr 4, 2012

Just wondering how I would return attributes of blocks in my drawing's XRefs?

I've come across one example that is in VB but no luck.

I currently have a list in a form that consists of all the XRefs in my drawing and I wish to return all blocks and attributes that are linked to the selected XRef.

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AutoCad :: View Bound XREF's That Are Now Blocks

Jul 30, 2013

I'm a document controller that is trying to ID the situation with 2600 drawings. Some files are so large - 250,000kb, they won't open. They have bound xref's in them. We want to ask the contractor to unbind them and attach them as normal xref's. I need to view if a drawing has bound xref's. I just want to see them as BLOCKS which I now understand they are. How do I do view the blocks that were once xref's?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Applied Material Disappears From Part Of Block When Inserted Into Drawing

Aug 9, 2013

I have a library of blocks that I built for our company to use.  We recently upgraded from 2013 to 2014 and boy did it throw our library for a loop!

There is a check box (reflectivity) that leaves the materials black when the drawing shade mode is changed to Realistic (unless you go in and uncheck the reflectivity box) and while I have figured out how to alleviate that issue (by unchecking it on our tempate and saving it) I am still having a materials issue with our blocks.

I can open the block (and turn on Realistic mode) and all the pieces have their materials like they should.  I then open a new drawing and insert the same block into the drawing .. one piece is sans material.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's there on one drawing but it gone when inserted.  The new drawing has been purged and doens't contain anything it shouldn't.


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Modify Annotative Blocks In XREF

Aug 30, 2012

I have inserted an XREF with annotative blocks.  The blocks in the original drawing are 1:1.  In the new drawing I want to plot the XREF at 1:250.  How do I set the annotative scale to the blocks with out adding scales to the original drawing?

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