AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimension Style Fill Color Causing Random Lines On PDF Files
Dec 13, 2013
Using Autocad 2014. I recently changed our dimension style fill color to background. Now when we create pdf files, there are random lines either to left of the text or left and top of text. It is not every dimension. We had it set to none before and would trim lines around dimension text. We did not have problems with pdf until changing the fill color. It plots from autocad to plotter without a problem.
I have the fill color turned on in my dimension style to background. I want to adjust the "masking" box size. Just as you are able to in the text edit-background mask. I believe the default must be 1.25 larger than the text. I would like it to be 1.00. Is this possible? You can adjust the text background mask size, but not the dimension mask size.
I just got a new job with AutoCAD 2011. In the previous version (was using 2008 beore), I could select all lines, dimensions hatches, and then change the dimension style. But with this new version, as soon as I select anything that is not a dimension, like a hatch pattern or a regular line, I can't change the dimension style anymore. Is there anyway to change this back to how it was?
My problem is about the dimension fill color, every time i set the fill color to none. But every time i reopen the drawing again the fill color is set into background.
I have a huge problem with my Autocad 2013 for MAC, everything is running nice and steady except for one detail, everytime I open the dimension style format to make a new dimension style, autocad freezes (only autocad, rest of my mac keeps working normally) and I cant work anymore, I have to force quit the program and re-open it, but the dimension style I created gets lost. is there something i can do? i already tried by uninstalling it and reinstalling it and this problem doesnt go.
also im new in this discussion groups so if this topic doesnt belongs here let me know before deleting it so i can put it where it belongs
I have attached a simple dwg file with two dimension styles in it. The current style ("standard") is also the default, so it obviously cannot be purged. The other one ("PULL_X"), which is clearly not current, is also not used by anything in the drawing (as far as I can tell), yet it won't purge.why it cannot be purged?
I am familiar with the LAYMCUR command to select an object and make that layer current. I am hoping there is a command to select text or a dimension and make that style current. I can't fine such a command. I have to select a text, see what style shows up in the box at top, go to the text style box, find the style and make it current. It seems like unneeded steps. It's simple for layers, why not text and dimensions?
Getting an error at startup relating to the dimension style dialog..."C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2013acdim.arx cannot find a procedure that it needs.
file date is 8/29/2012
Are there any solutions out there other than a complete re-install? maybe an install repair?
I'm having a bit of a problem struggling with creating new dimension style using vee bee dot net, in AutoCAD 2010 environment. I am particularly trying to figure out how to set the newly created dimension style to color white, and to assign it a specific layer (for example, a layer called "test"). What the code syntax is to accomplish this?
I post the code below for what I have done thus far:
Public Shared Sub addDimensionStyle(ByVal strDimStyle As String) Dim acDb As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase Using acTrans As Transaction = acDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Dim dimTbl As DimStyleTable = acDb.DimStyleTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) Dim dimTblRec As DimStyleTableRecord = Nothing
I would like to set dimension text fill color to "background" instead of, you know, dimensioning my drawings properly.
I have this code I got on these forums and it works well except for the 'TextFillColor' variable. I can't find the correct color number or syntax for "Background'. It's currently set to 0 which produces ByBlock, and any number I put in there corresponds to the AutoCAD color number (1 = Red, 2 = Yellow, etc.)
If you have a better routine that you could post that works for me too. Or maybe you could just do my work for me? Even better.
(defun c:test (/ obj num cnt) (vl-load-com) (setq ss1 (ssget '((0 . "Dimension"))) num (sslength ss1) cnt 0)
I need to start doing shaped glass drawings for our new glass supplier who insists everything is viewed from outside. Unfortunately all our drawings are viewed from inside and I don't want my team to be responsible for copying and flipping glass details in case they forget to flip one day.
I can obviously mirror the viewport view by clicking View/Views/Bottom but this is also mirroring any text dimensions, even though my Mirrtext preference is set to 0.
Is there a way to set a dimension style where the text is automatically back to front so it will then appear the right way round in that particular viewport. How to get round this problem without duplicating parts that can then get missed at a later date and not amended?
This needs to work in both AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014 as we run a mixture in our office.
when I draw a shape and add a dimension to it, the text and the numerical and the arrows of the dimension are small, so I have to increase the text height manually
how can I make it automatically scale itself?
also similiar thing with the lines, I tried putting a dashed center line on a shape, it looks solid but when I zoom it it does not.
I'm working on a drawing that was converted into cad and it seems like every dimension has its own style. When I copy use the move comand or try to change the dimension the text changes from being above the dimension line to centered and the text gets closer together horizontally. When I compare a copied dimension to the original it has all the same properties including the text pos vert still being above text. The actual dimension style hasn't changed at all but what is showing up on screen is different.
Here a image showing three dimensions with the same properties, the top 2'-10" is what it should look like, the bottom is what it looks like when I copied it and the 1'-2" is when I make a new dimension.
When placing a dimension with the text outside of the extension lines, it defaults to placing the text either above right or below left of the arrows. If you try to grip/drag the text to another location (i.e. below right or above left) it won't allow it. I don't know if it is following some standard, but in the example shown, I had to explode the dimension to position the text in the preferred location.
I am trying to figure out a way to get the cut and fill lines on my sheet files to dynamically update when I update my corridor.
My work flow:
Currently I have a model drawing with my corridor, which produces cut and fill feature lines.
I create a separate reference file with drefs, and then paste in cut and fill polylines (where I created from the feature lines).
Finally, I have sheet files where I xref in the reference file.
Is there a better way to deal with these cut and fill lines so they are dynamic when I change my corridor? I don't really want to xref in my model drawing just because it has all sorts of things in there..
I have a drawing (.dwg) file. It is having so many polygons created by polyline. I want to fill up those polygons by a color. How can I do the same in AutoCAD?
I am working with a template, that doesn't allow me to change the dimension style. In the project the Use Style Library is set to Read/Write. I have created my dimension style, at this point just a copy of the ANSI standard with a text size difference. I went to my template and set that syle as my default, and saved it. Now the fact that it doesn't automatically update the drawing I had alreadycreated is a nuisance, however if I creat a new drawing, the style has reverted to a different standard, that is not even the ANSI default. If I right click a dimension and change the dimstyle to what I saved it does update, but if I try to change the style again it defaults to a random dimstyle, AND changes the style even if I hit cancel. So... the question is how to make the changes stick?
I have a vector map of the United States that I am currently trying to shade in for the election. I would like to achieve an effect similar to that shown here with the lines going through the red and blue states - [URL] How would I go about doing that? I'm a novice at Illustrator and only know the basics of filling with solid colors. I have CS6 if that makes a difference.
I am a bit of a newbie to illustrator cs6. I have been using the image trace function so that I can edit my hand drawn pictures. I 'Place' the scan of my drawing and then go to Object>Image Trace>Make and Expand. The problem I have is when I want to join two lines together to close the shape (as below).
I have tried simply dragging the anchor points and reshaping the line so it appeared to be closed, I have tried closing it with the pen tool and I have tried to 'path>join' them but this box comes up.
I want to be able to fill my image traces with colour easily, can this be done?
I'm able to print pasted excel table with default colors ( ie: cell with text and fill with color background in autocad. By using Autocad 2013, with I can see the default colors when preview, but once I printed out to hard copy or PDF format, its only printed text but without any color background, I have try to print the pdf file by using DWG To PDF.pc3, Adobe PDF & CutePDF Writer, HP Design Jet T1120 plotter, all have the same result.
I need to fill the object with oblique lines of one color - strips rotated 45deg. Among them is empty, that is to be visible below the bottom (lower layer) of this texture. Somehow I can not figure out how to do it: ps textures are useless/complex and other standard off are not "leaky". So far I have dealt with manually, copy lines and trimming.
a)) I have a simple drawing attached with color outlines.How do i fill in the shapes with color.The blue outline filled in Blue and the red outline filled in Red
b)) How do i set the drawing space so as it fits to a A4 size paper?
Is there a way to change the default color of the Dimension lines and text? I want it to default to black not dull green! I can change it afterwards, but can't seem to find a way to change the default color.
I'm having a very annoying problem where the color and lineweight of my alignment in a viewport is not what it's set to be. I have an alignment with a style that sets all the linework components to a layer named C-STRM-CNTR-N, the color is set to BYLAYER, the linetype set to Continuous, and lineweight set to .80mm (see style_and_layer_screenshots.png). The layer C-STRM-CNTR-N has Cyan as the color, which shows in the Alignment Style dialog box (see style_and_layer_screenshots.png). In the model space everything looks fine (see c3d_model_space_screenshot.png). But in my layout, the alignment is a different color and lineweight (see c3d_layout_screenshot.png).
At first I thought maybe the alignment wasn't on the correct layer, but I checked and it's set correctly. Then I checked to see if the layer C-STRM-CNTR-N had a different color set for the viewport through the layer manager, but it's set to Cyan just like it's supposed to be. I went to the model space and noticed the color is correct. Frustrated and at a loss, I closed C3D, then reopened it and the problem is still there.
Why I can't change the lineweight nor the color of the alignment in this viewport? If I change either of those two settings in the Alignment Style Dialog box nothing changes, but the linetype does change.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM