AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimension Offset - Text Outside Of Extension Lines
Jul 31, 2013
When placing a dimension with the text outside of the extension lines, it defaults to placing the text either above right or below left of the arrows. If you try to grip/drag the text to another location (i.e. below right or above left) it won't allow it. I don't know if it is following some standard, but in the example shown, I had to explode the dimension to position the text in the preferred location.
Sometimes when I am dimensioning an object, my autosnap will pick up the end of an adjacent dimension extension line instead of the end of the object. Is there a way to prevent that?
Having used another CAD program for several years, I was used to the idea that all radius dimensions, like of a given arc, would easily start at the center of the arc, thereby denoting the position of the arc's center.
I'm slightly bugged with some CAD users, even books on the subject by autocad users, that give an arc's dimension from the outside of the arc, yet fail to show the location of the arc's center when it may not be self explanatory. Not good dimensioning practice from what little I've been schooled...
So, in AutoCAD 2007, how do I get an arc's radius dimension line to start at the center and point out to the edge. I can do all kinds of things to the position of the text, etc, but can't figure how to get it to start at the center. (The dimension line needs to start at the center.)
Some times when I re open a drawing I have been working on, I start to dimension and I notice that the dimension extension lines stay the same length when I move the dimension in and out from the object being dimensioned.
Not sure why this happens, I do all my dimensions in model space, in fact I do just about everything in model and then just set it up in paper space to print.
I never change anything when I start a new drawing in my template, so not sure why it happens.
I'm using Inventor 2011 and I can't figure out how to set my dimension settings so it breaks the dimension extension lines automatically when crossing over other dimension extension lines. I saw that others say it just happens, but it is not "just happening" for me. how to set my dimensions so when dimension lines cross each other one of them automatically breaks?
when I draw a shape and add a dimension to it, the text and the numerical and the arrows of the dimension are small, so I have to increase the text height manually
how can I make it automatically scale itself?
also similiar thing with the lines, I tried putting a dashed center line on a shape, it looks solid but when I zoom it it does not.
Im trying to move radial dimension text away from the dimension line so I can add in text between the dimension and dimension line.
#1 is the default style #2 is what happens when I do "Move text only", it moves the dimension line to inside the radial and I do not want that. #3 is how it looks when I just manually edit the dimension text #4 is how I want it to look
#4 is a combination of dimension and a manually added leader with the dimension line removed. How can I move the dimension text on a radial without the dimension line automatically moving to the inside? Or is there another way to add in text outside the box while having the dimension text offset from the line?
Using Autocad 2014. I recently changed our dimension style fill color to background. Now when we create pdf files, there are random lines either to left of the text or left and top of text. It is not every dimension. We had it set to none before and would trim lines around dimension text. We did not have problems with pdf until changing the fill color. It plots from autocad to plotter without a problem.
I just created a dimension style called "Test" and I am now attempting to use its DIMCLRD and DIMCLRT properties without success.
DIMCLRD is supposed to assign a color to dimension lines and arrowheads. How to use this property to assign, say, color index 140?
AS well, DIMCLRT is supposed to assign a color to dimension text. A code snippet on what I am attempting to accomplish is posted below:
Dim tblRec As DimStyleTableRecord = New DimStyleTableRecord()
tblRec.Name = "Test" tblRec.Dimasz = 0.08 ' Sets the arrowhead size tblRec.Dimclrd = ??? ' Here is where I am attempting to assign a color to dimension lines on this dimstyle tblRec.Dimclrd = ??? ' Here is where I am attempting to assign a color to dimension text on this dimstyle
I have a rather weird problem. I am using .dxf files as digital overlays on a new optical comparator we recently purchased. The problem is, the cad files we used to create our old mylar overlays is both 3d and comprised of text/curves/dimensions. I figured out the flattening and turning the text into lines and curves, but I cannot find a method to change the dimension graphics (profile boxes, length dimensions, and angle dimensions) into lines and curves.
When I import them into the comparator program only the lines and curves can be displayed on the comparator. Is there any way to flatten and make all of the dimension graphics lines and curves?
I just made an object, specifically, a rectangle with 6 units of height and 30 of long. Now I want to write text in the middle of the rectangle, I was able o find the middle point using osnap and a diagonal line (the point would be 3 units of height and 15 of long) but when I start writing text (with dtext) the text starts writing from that middle point to the right, If its a long text its not in the middle it starts in the middle :/ what can I do so the text will be exactly at the center?
Just upgraded to Autocad 2013 and I've noticed that if you click a dimension then right click the "dimension text position" is missing. Also double clicking it to get to properties, under text position I don't get the option to change to sat centred or above line. how to get it back. I've switched to classic view if this has any effect.Inventor 2013
Trying to place this dimension text. Is there any circumstance that someone would want the leader to be the final result of this animation?
Of all the ways to generate a leader (when the correct one to the center of the dim can't be generated), the extremely acute angle version doesn't seem like the best option.
I am as-building some model space drawings. Client wants model space. I am trying to determine how to size the text and dimensions.
Ex: drawing 1/2" =1'-0", I scaled the drawing bdr up 24 times. What is the right sizing for text, dims. Arrows to get 1/8" text, etc? So far the arrow heads look to tiny.c
Check out the two pics I have added. I did this from Solidworks. Sometimes when dimensioning you have a series of holes that are close together like the ones shown below. What I would like to do is to drag the jog so that the dimension line does not run thru the other hole and the text stays where you put it. I would like to be able to do this without exploding it or going thru some sort of hoops to make it happens. Is this possible in Autocad? I thought that in a earlier version of Autocad you were able to do it but I am not sure.
see attached jpg. I want to know if there is a way to get rid of the "extension line" that the diameter dimension creates?
as you can see it runs over the slots on my detail and looks confusing.
win 7 64 bit sp1 cpu intel xeon E5-2687W0@3.106 eight core two solid state hard drives 32 gig of ram Autodesk product design suite premuim 2014 64bit Nvida quadro 4000 Space Pilot ver. 1.6.2 2010 slphantom (NNTP handle: scottl)
I am having a problem with dimension lines defaulting with blue text. I have set my defaults to black but it does not change. Other designers in my company are having the same problem.
In AutoCAD 2013, when I try to select a dimension object for moving, erasing, &c, the text disappears. How to get it to stay displayed? Seems to just be when using AutoCAD 2013.
When I have to scale something after bringing it in from another drawing (Windows copy, paste), usually (but strangely not always, it seems) the dimension text and arrows are all messed up. If I scale down, they are (obviously) way too big, up, and they are microscopic. How is this best avoided / dealt with? I imagine it is something with the DIMSTYLE not being copied over or something?
I have the fill color turned on in my dimension style to background. I want to adjust the "masking" box size. Just as you are able to in the text edit-background mask. I believe the default must be 1.25 larger than the text. I would like it to be 1.00. Is this possible? You can adjust the text background mask size, but not the dimension mask size.
When you make a diameter or radius dimension it always has this static extension line shown in red when you move the dimension far enough away. I can not seem to extend this extension line at all it is always the same length no matter what variable I change. How to lengthen this extension line?
I have a set of Rotated Dimensions in paperspace that are graphically offset from their associated points. I have not made any changes to the viewport, model or dimensions for this layout since the last time they displayed properly. In other words I found them like this when I opened the drawing this morning.
See attached image.
Command: list 1 found
DIMENSION Layer: "A-ANNO-DIMS" Space: Paper space Layout: ramp layout Handle = a433 associative: yes type: horizontal
how to edit the line space distance for the dimension text. I can change the style, size and several other features. But the line space distance is the one thing I can't seem to edit. The only solution I know of and use is exploding the dimension and then the text turns to mtext and the option becomes available. But then if the section changes to a shorter/longer area, i have to go through several steps with the exploded lines. how to edit the line space distance for the annotation in the dimensions. i have also attached a pic of my issue as well.
It's 2012. I haven't found a setting in the dim style or the RMB options to turn off the extension line. I saw the posts showing drawing a sketch in the view but come on, all that to just turn off the line?
I need to start doing shaped glass drawings for our new glass supplier who insists everything is viewed from outside. Unfortunately all our drawings are viewed from inside and I don't want my team to be responsible for copying and flipping glass details in case they forget to flip one day.
I can obviously mirror the viewport view by clicking View/Views/Bottom but this is also mirroring any text dimensions, even though my Mirrtext preference is set to 0.
Is there a way to set a dimension style where the text is automatically back to front so it will then appear the right way round in that particular viewport. How to get round this problem without duplicating parts that can then get missed at a later date and not amended?
This needs to work in both AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014 as we run a mixture in our office.
Is there a way to change the default color of the Dimension lines and text? I want it to default to black not dull green! I can change it afterwards, but can't seem to find a way to change the default color.