CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Change Default Color Of Dimension Lines And Text?
Aug 14, 2013
Is there a way to change the default color of the Dimension lines and text? I want it to default to black not dull green! I can change it afterwards, but can't seem to find a way to change the default color.
How can I change the default text size? I can set the size to 12 pt in three different places and choose "save settings as default", and when I place the text cursor on the page, it goes back to 24 pt. Very maddening...
I have attached a free macro to change the text color of cells in a table. Without the macro there is currently no way to select more than one cell and change the text color.
The macro allows the user to either:
click on a table (to select it) and then apply a new color to ALL text in the table; or choose a new color from the macro from, select some cells in a table and then apply that color to the text in those selected cells
Please note in step 2 it is important you choose the new color first and then select the table cells. If you do it the opposite way around, while choosing a colour you will deselect the selected cells and apply color to all of the text in the table.
Experiencing problems with the dimension tool since upgrading to Corel Draw X6 at this end, which hasn't been resolved with the updates.
I work in mm. The system doesn't remember the default settings if I change my preferences for it to measure in mm via the customisation window or the toolbox as it used to in previous versions. When I open the program again or start a new document, the measurement default keeps changing back to ["] (inches). Sometimes, it will jump back to inches after I change the default to mm when I'm working on the same document.
Same problem seems to be happening with the other units of measure available as well.
Current workaround - the only time it seems to remember my settings is if I change the default to mm and then save a document.
I can fwd a video screen capture which shows the problem if that would work.
We like to put our dimension lines in CorelDraw 5 on separate layers from the objects being dimensioned. This way we can turn the dimensions ON/OFF depending on our needs. Unfortunately, we find that the dimensions for these objects do not move with the objects on the other layer. We have also found that certain edit operations seem to break the link between the objects on one layer and their dimensions on another layer.
How we can maintain our dimension lines on one layer, the objects on another, and prevent the problems described above?
it seems like in the past whenever i made either artistic text or paragraph text color default, that was reflected in the control Text using the Dimension tool.
but no matter what changes i make in X6, it remains a chalky blue.
I'm having a major issue here, I use custom colors (created in my custom palette), X^ used to hold it very nicely, even in PDF exports etc.
Now - with the latest update, X6 "forgets" the custom colors, it resets it to default color, I have to manually set every object to the custom color all over again.
Ok so I have x3 and recently installed the trial for x5, since the trial ran out i removed it and carried on as before, this however has left a few things buggy, the first was file assocation which was easier to fix, the other biggie is that I seem unable to edit any bitmaps using the usual method. How do I re-enable the bitmap editing? and if i have the choice I'd rather it opened photoshop to edit the file opposed to corel paint if this is at all possible?
where the preferences are saved for items like in the postscript tab. Automatically increase Flatness
Auto increase Fountain fill steps. Optimize Fountain Fills
Confirm to DSC
As far as I can see the default behavior for these should be ON, it used to be this could be saved as the Defaults until after version 9, now they turn off. However is there any reason to ever have them off? I think not but just in case there is I will allow as to leave them there for people to turn off.
Yes I am aware I can save those settings as Print styles and have in fact got 2, one with crop marks enabled and because crop marks are 100 % CMYK unless greyscale is chosen I have one with no cropmarks so Xerox doesn't charge me color clicks on mixed black and color prints. Of course one has only to forget to use one of these 2 preferences to have all the problems associated with not having those items checked such as dropped out complex items.
While I am at it another default should be NOT to treat all objects as filled - the first thing needed to be changed during a install. I can however live with it as is as it is not a item that needs to be changed with every job.
As I see it the most common reason for Adobe users to complain about Coreldraw is the problems that come by not having Auto Increase Flatness as a default postscript behavior and their not knowing to turn it on.
And while I am at it an addition for creating PDF's would be the option of creating as a Bitmap, this being the preferred proofing method so providing a proof doesn't provide the artwork to the client, it could also be a useful method of supplying Web artwork.
I just got X6. I can't get my default color mode to save. I go to options, document,general and change it from CMYK to RGB click document to save styles for all but it doesn't save it. When I export I have to manually change CMYK to RGB and the resolution every time. In other versions once I set it it was always there. Am I missing a setting somewhere?
We hit a weird snag. All our text used to be 100% black (c=0 m=0 y=0 & k=100) On opening files the black is now a mixture of CMYK.We changed default color profiles last week. Could this effect all files? f so - what are the original clr setting for Coreldraw X5 or how can we reset them?
I use Corel Draw X5 while at work and to do the particular task needed I have to have the stroke set to COLOR: RED, and WIDTH: HAIRLINE, MILLIMETERS. How to set the program to jump to these settings as a default upon opening all files.
For some reason a Document Color Palette doesn't appear by default when I create a new document. It did at one time, but now I have to manually activate it. Not sure what I did to cause this change in behavior, but I'd like to get it back as a default.
How can I change the default point size of the numbers that the dimensioning tool generates? Right now it is defaulted at 24 pt. and i have to manually select and change to 10 pt all through my drawings.
I cannot find the default Placeholder Text Folder.In 'My Documents, I have 2 Corel folders:In the first one, it contains: Content X6.Inside of it, it contains 5 folders:1- Bitmap Patterns, 2- Image Lists, 3- Photo Frames, 4- Templates and 5- Vector Patterns.and there's no RTF Placeholder file.In the Second Corel folder, it contains: Corel Content.Inside of it, it contains 3 folders: 1- Bitmap Pattern, 2- Trays and 3- Vector Patterns. and there's no RTF Placeholder file.
I need to fill the object with oblique lines of one color - strips rotated 45deg. Among them is empty, that is to be visible below the bottom (lower layer) of this texture. Somehow I can not figure out how to do it: ps textures are useless/complex and other standard off are not "leaky". So far I have dealt with manually, copy lines and trimming.
I'm writing a coursework about banks and need to insert a picture, which shows the globe in unrealistic greenish color. Someone told me about Corel, that it has eyedropper and fill tools. But I really feel missing with all those complicated tools and get tired of trying to understand what is what. How to replace the greenish color of the globe with blue one, so it looks more like of the same color as the bottom book from the stack. The rest of the things on the pic should remain their colors.
Here is the original picture that I need to edit [URL] ...
i want to change the color of a bitmap that i hav in the cdr 11.
1st i draw a circle, then fill any color. then i turn that circle to bitmap by click the option "Covert to Bitmap" as RGB with 300dpi. Then i select that image, then i go to " Bitmap - Creative - Scatter". Now the image is show with edges scattered. After all these ladder i want to change the color of that image by right click on mouse from the color palatte. someone says, go back and change the color and do all these ladder. Its very difficult. i had seen this thing when i went to a printing firm near by.
The appearance is totally change what i mean is possibly the brightness. Every single color in the color palette change and become a shocking color. But when i print it, they got printed normally as usual. i can't see the true color i want to use in my design. They're all become a really shocking color and too bright than they supposed to be :[URL]
I've been using an older version of Corel Draw and Photopaint for years on end (Version 10 on win XP). A recent hard drive crash has moved me to the latest version of CDR/PP (X6)in Windows 7/64.
I'm amazed to see that Photo Paint hasn't changed dramatically over the last decade - most of the tools and options are where I am used to finding them. However, one function of the latest build of PP.
I do a fair amount of video editing and I use PP to create .tga files with transparency for the timelines. In version 10 of PP, I would create an object, say a red arrow for example, >mask create from object>image / paper size / background color to red> save as .tga. The background color would appear as red and would become transparent when I changed the image properties in the video timeline to "straight unmatted." Having control of the background color is important for good transparencies in video as any fringes will blend with the objects. The issue i'm having with X6 is that no matter what I do, the background color saves as white, which causes a halo when transparency is applied in the video timeline. How to change the background color when saving a .tga?
When making a print preview the drawing is looking like it should.But when printing the file on our printers (we have tested it on 2) it comes out with no background.When we change the color mode to CYMK there is no problem printing.How can we resolve this issue so that we can print in RGB color mode without having to swap to CYMK?
1. How to fit properly A4 size Rectangle in the document? because after finish work when I converted the the cdr file to TIFF, it shows the image is not fit in the document and also the print does not comes out properly.
2. An other problem I have is, when I converted cdr file to TIFF and even JPEG, color of drop shadows which was black, is appears as a white color....what should I do? how to change the color setting?
I've noticed that sometimes when I use an artistic media brush around a closed path, I can't change the brushstroke color without filling the path with that color; see the attached file for an example. I thought that was just unfortunately the way it was.But today I watched Jeff Harrison's video tutorial [URL]...about making a custom brush. He applies it to a closed path, and then, to my surprise, he changes the color and it just changes the color of the brushstroke.
I followed the tutorial, made the brush, applied it to a rounded rectangle, all fine. However, when I changed the color, the center of the rectangle filled with the color as well as changing the brush color, as it always has for me in the past. So what's wrong? Do I have some setting somewhere set to the wrong thing? (I don't have Fill Open Curves checked.)