AutoCad :: Selection Highlighting Changed To Solid

Apr 2, 2009

Midway through my session I must have hit some key combination that changed a global setting of some sort as all of a sudden when selecting objects they no longer show up dashed to show they are selected, the grip points still show but there is no dotted line of the objects.

This happens everywhere including when picking boundaries to cant see what boundaries you have selected because the selection line is solid.

This is making life unbelievably difficult, how to reset the selection to a dashed line as opposed to a solid line?

In case I am not being clear, draw a line. Then select it (click on it) and you see it becomes dashed and the grips appear. When I select now just the grips show up and the line stays solid.

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Illustrator :: Why Shortcut For Highlighting Font Selection Field In Character Panel Not Working

Sep 20, 2013

I'm trying to use Illustrator CC (instead of CS6).. In AI CS6, pressing Command+Shift+Option+F on the keyboard, while text is active, hilights the Font Field in the Character Panel... not so in AI CC. I can open CS6 on the same file and it works... Open AI CC and no result.

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3ds Max :: Wireframe Selection Has Changed?

Jun 15, 2012

When working in wireframe mode in previous versions of max I was always able to select whatever object I wanted by clicking on one of its edges, regardless of whether it was behind any other objects. Now in the latest version max appears to be selecting objects closest to the view (as if I were in shaded/perspective) and it's driving me absolutely mental as making selections is now very slow and arduous.

I haven't yet managed to find whether or not this is a glitch, or a change, and if it is a change whether it can be turned back to how it was before?

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Photoshop :: Selection Color Can Be Changed

Nov 21, 2013

For a  B&W photo, can the selecting color be changed to say red?

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Illustrator :: Vector Group Changed To A Solid Raster Image While File Was Closed?

Jun 18, 2013

I was working in Illustrator CS6 I had made a a bunch of vectors for a background and grouped them. I applied a blur to the group and was still editing the vectors within the group since then. After I saved and closed my file at the end of the day and opened it the next day my vector group is now solid. It seems like it is just a raster image? I can't edit it at all. How can I get it back? If I can't change it back I am going to have to start again!

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AutoCAD VB :: How To Reach 3D Object Volume With Solid Selection

Apr 28, 2012

I can use SolidSelection.Item  for 3D object's handles and but I can't take 3D object's volumes with SolidSelection.

Then I can put object 's handles(1EE) to a collection.  Can I use SolidSelection to keep my 3D volumes values? All sub-structure of my program works with SolidSelection Object.

Volume Codes;

For Each tEnt In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
If TypeOf tEnt Is Acad3DSolid Then
Dim tEntSolid As Acad3DSolid
Set tEntSolid = tEnt
tmpVols1.Add (tEntSolid.Handle & "/" & tEntSolid.Volume)
End If

I can't match with returned result of  these codes and SolidSelection.item(i)

For Each tEnt In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
If TypeOf tEnt Is Acad3DSolid Then
Dim tEntSolid As Acad3DSolid
Set tEntSolid = tEnt
tmpVols1.Add (tEntSolid.Handle & "/" & tEntSolid.Volume)

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AutoCAD VB :: Change Hatch Pattern From Solid Into ANSI31 With Selection Set?

Oct 25, 2012

I have several objects in a drawing. These objects are placed on a layer: "Layerhatch". These objects all have a hatch pattern: "solid". Now I want with vba that the pattern of this objects change from "solid"into "ANSI31". (For example with a button).

I have tried this with a adadselectionset but it doesn't work.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim tSelSet As AcadSelectionSet Set tSelSet = getSelSetByLayer("Layerhatch") If tSelSet Is Nothing Then MsgBox ("No Selectionset") ElseIf tSelSet.Count = 0 Then MsgBox ("No objects found on Layer "Layerhatch") Else


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Solid Hatch Selection - Select Group Of Item

Apr 30, 2013

I have a problem with selecting a solid hatch in autocad 2014 or 2012. from some reason when I click in random place on top of the hatch it always select it self even if it's not highlighted. It causes a problem when i need to select group of item which are on top of the hatch with the selection box. I did not have this problem in previous version. i also find it very strange that in different drawing in the same autocad version that problem do not exist. is there any variable to be set to solve that issue?

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AutoCad 3D :: Turn Off Auto Highlighting

Jul 26, 2009

When I'm drawing in 3D and as I move the mouse across the drawing, the faces of my solids highlight automatically. I need to turn this off as needed but cannot find in my notes how that is done.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Highlighting Parts In Sub-Assemblies

Oct 16, 2012

I'm having a problem highlighting parts within a sub assembly.  A simple structure to demonstarte this issue would be:


Using this structure I wish to highligh ChildPart1.ipt, howver my vba macro code below doesn't seem to work (nothing happens):

Public Sub Highlight()
Dim SubAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument
Dim ChildPart1 As Inventor.ComponentOccurrence


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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 - Not Highlighting Object Before Select It

Jul 28, 2011

how or why objects aren't being highlighted BEFORE you select them?

In 2011 I was able to (say preview the object) highlight the object before selecting it.

I noticed this when I have a few lines on top of each other and couldn't 'toggle' through to bring the correct line to the front.

Also occurs when hatching by Object, object doesn't highlight.its just a variable I can change.

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AutoCad :: When Highlighting Text / Highlight Is NOT Showing Up

Jun 16, 2011

I am running AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2012. When editting Text or MText, if I try to highlight some part of text, it does highlight BUT it does not show the highlight. What I mean is like if you were to highlight some text of this paragraph, on any internet explorer, it should highlight whatever text with blue. On every other version of AutoCAD, this is also the case. On my AutoCAD, I can highlight the text but it never shows the blue highlight, it does not show it as I am highlighting, nor does not show after I make my selection. If you are very careful you can still select the correct text, but this makes it very hard to know exactly what you are about to edit or delete. I was wondering if there is some setting that may have been in previous AutoCAD that I don't know about that somehow got changed or something?

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AutoCAD LT :: Highlighting Multiple Objects In Model Space

Sep 11, 2012

I have always been able to highlight separate objects in model space, and now i can only do one at at time???  I click on the second object, and the first one stops being highlighted.

I don't know if somehow i changed a setting on accident, but i don't know how to get it back to be able to do multiple separately.

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AutoCad 2D :: Cursor Stopped Highlighting Lines And 3D Objects

Nov 29, 2013

I am using autocad 2010 and this morning the cursor stopped highlighting the lines and 3d objects, tried everything but no luck.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select Non-solid Entities On Solid Layer

Mar 19, 2012

We have this need to have all of the solids in a drawing to be placed in the "solid" layer.

Sometimes folks are drafting lines to develop these solids, and keeping the lines on the "solid" layer, rather than moving them to another layer, or deleting them altogether.

I could get folks to run this command before leaving the drawing.

I'm thinking something along the lines of:

Select all entities that are on the solids layer that are not solids.

If nil, great, do nothing.

If entities are selected, let me do something with them.

I'm hoping the following can be modified ever so slightly.

 (setq non_solid (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "3DSOLID")(cons 8 "solid"))))

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Split A Single Solid Body Into 2 Solid Bodies?

Sep 19, 2012

I'm trying to split a single solid body into 2 solid bodies. The problem is that the body I'm trying to split consists of two separate pieces. I can split a body when it is a single piece no problem, but I'm having the problem when the two pieces are not joined at all.

When I try and split it on the origin plane it gives this error:

"Creating parting line failed. Could not build this Split"

When I try and split it on a work plane lying on one of the pieces it gives this error:

"Creating parting line failed. Modeling failure in ASM. Redefine inputs."

Or, another variation on this erorr:

"Creating parting line failed. Split feature could not create two bodies. Change the Split Tool so that split feature can create two bodies."

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import 3D As Solid Objects Or Convert Polymesh To Solid

Jun 18, 2013

I have a.3ds file imported into Civil 3d. The object imported as a polymesh in Civil 3d. I need the solid 3d object to do some edit like slice or union and subtract.

The question is "How can I import .3ds into Civil 3d as a solid objects or hoe can i convert polymesh to solid?"

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Converting Complex Solid Surface To Solid Model

Aug 12, 2013

I have finally created the shell of the complex surface that you see. This is only a section of the part because I cannot show the whole thing for proprietary reasons. I formed solid surfaces using the network command. The propblem is that it will not convert to a solid because the surface seams are not "water tight." When the network command created the solid surfaces, the surface seams do not exactly match the lines so there are gaps in all the seams. I have tried blending, patching, etc. and nothing works. how to convert this to a solid without losing the outlines and the shape?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Remove Line Inside Solid Object / Transparent Solid Objects?

Sep 16, 2013

How can I remove the lines in the middle after I press and pull the objects.

Attached is the Untitle.jpg, to make more clearer to you. Blue is the wall and skyblue is the aquarium. I want the back and the front of the aquarium don't have any line in the middle but even I do shade command the fill of the color is still there. Cause if I explode and delete the line in the middle the colors that fill the aquarium are getting rid off See Untitled 2.Jpg to see what I mean. And also how can make the aquarium Untitle 3.jpg transparent?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Trim A 3d Solid Using Another 3d Solid As A Cutting Edge?

Aug 27, 2013

Is it possible to trim a 3d solid using another 3d solid as a cutting edge? I want to cut the edges of a dam using the natural ground surface (which is also a solid) as my cutting edge.

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AutoCad 3D :: Trim Diagonal 3D Solid To Top Of Horizontal 3D Solid In Picture?

Jul 10, 2013

Is there away to trim the diagonal 3d solid to the top of the horizontal 3d solid in the picture.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Solid / Change Parameter Of Solid

Nov 18, 2012

I am making a design on inventor 2013 for a colleague who does not know how to use the inventor.

I want to make the solid and then set something up that allows the user to change a few of the parameters of the solid in a very user friendly way (i.e. a box that says "cylinder radius" and has an input box so the user can enter a value).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create Layer From Highlighting Words In Text Or Mtext?

Sep 23, 2011

I want to create a layer from selecting only some words from an mtext or text entitty.

Is it possible to highlight and select only part of the text from an mtext using a lisp routine ? similar to how Adobe Reader can select text.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Hatching Looking Solid But Its Not A Solid Pattern

Dec 13, 2012

i am having a hatching issue, it seems no matter what hatch pattern i use and what hatch scale, alot of the hatch looks solid instead of the pattern i want, for example i am using currently ANSI37 @ Annotative with a scale of .20 and on the same paperspace page one plan with the hatch shows the cross hatching and the other one below looks solid (see attached) now i can go and say change the hatch scale and it reverts to the cross hatching, but then when i zoom out it goes back to "solid" is it a graphical issue?

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AutoCad 3D :: Subtract Smaller Solid From Bigger Solid

Nov 7, 2012

I want to subtract smaller solid from bigger solid.I can not understand how to move smaller solid and place it in front of bigger solid.

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AutoCad 3D :: Convert Some Solid Bodies To Single Solid?

Dec 1, 2006

How can i convert some solid bodies to a single solid.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Highlighting Text

Nov 6, 2013

Is it really possible that there is no way to highlight text by selecting the text?? Creating and adjusting little rectangles, making them partially transparent, and putting them behind words you want highlighted seems extremely work intensive..... Not to mention having to move and readjust all of them every time you edit the text.....

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Photoshop :: Highlighting Text

Aug 13, 2009

I want to highlight text on a page similar to the way they do on the news when they show a page, the page darkens and only the relevant sentence is highlighted.

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Photoshop :: Highlighting Text

Sep 3, 2006

I am in the middle of a photoshop tutorial about creating flaming text.

On step 20 it tells me to pick the horizontal text tool and I did. So I click and drag to "highlight" the text but all I get is a textbox!

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VideoStudio :: Highlighting One Area Of Video And Following It

Aug 15, 2011

VS3. I would like to grey out the background of a video so that the observer focuses on a particular area. I think it is called a spot shadow.

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VideoStudio :: Highlighting Moving Object?

Oct 17, 2013

I want to create a highlight around a player; I think I can use track motion (Pro X6) to follow the player, but is there a way to highlight a small area around him? See an example in the video linked below (not my video) at the 0:24 mark. URL....

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