Is it really possible that there is no way to highlight text by selecting the text?? Creating and adjusting little rectangles, making them partially transparent, and putting them behind words you want highlighted seems extremely work intensive..... Not to mention having to move and readjust all of them every time you edit the text.....
I want to highlight text on a page similar to the way they do on the news when they show a page, the page darkens and only the relevant sentence is highlighted.
In several instances I can't highlight text to copy or to edit, other times it works fine. If I click the radio button for the text in layers (other layers may be locked to prevent accidental selection), the baselines appears and I should be able to highlight the text, but I can't. If I highlight some other unaffected area of text successfully (unlocked layers), sometimes it will allow me to select the problem text directly after.
I am running AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2012. When editting Text or MText, if I try to highlight some part of text, it does highlight BUT it does not show the highlight. What I mean is like if you were to highlight some text of this paragraph, on any internet explorer, it should highlight whatever text with blue. On every other version of AutoCAD, this is also the case. On my AutoCAD, I can highlight the text but it never shows the blue highlight, it does not show it as I am highlighting, nor does not show after I make my selection. If you are very careful you can still select the correct text, but this makes it very hard to know exactly what you are about to edit or delete. I was wondering if there is some setting that may have been in previous AutoCAD that I don't know about that somehow got changed or something?
1. Lately I can't resize an object. The surrounding border of the object is with filled rectanglers and not with hollow rectangler.Thus, I can't resize objects - how can I fix it ?
2. When I try to mark text, it's mark it perfectly but I can't see the higlighting even though I choose it. How can I mark text and see the text marked (chosen text marked)
Something that has been missing in Xara since the dawn of time is when you double-click on a word of text and then continue to slide the mouse over to the right, it does nothing. In just about any other Windows program, after highlighting a word, the sliding of the mouse over to the right continues to highlight whole words. Why, oh why, can this not be done in Xara, which is now supposed to be a mature text-handling application? It is infuriating when you have a word at the very beginning of a text box and you are fiddling about trying to get the cursor in front of the first letter of a word when all you should have to do is double-click the word and then continue to slide your mouse over the rest of the text you wish to select.
This is a Windows program. Windows has certain conventions that just about everybody sticks to so that you don't have this hair-pulling, pill-popping, bloody frustration when you switch between programs.
I want to create a highlight around a player; I think I can use track motion (Pro X6) to follow the player, but is there a way to highlight a small area around him? See an example in the video linked below (not my video) at the 0:24 mark. URL....
When I'm drawing in 3D and as I move the mouse across the drawing, the faces of my solids highlight automatically. I need to turn this off as needed but cannot find in my notes how that is done.
Midway through my session I must have hit some key combination that changed a global setting of some sort as all of a sudden when selecting objects they no longer show up dashed to show they are selected, the grip points still show but there is no dotted line of the objects.
This happens everywhere including when picking boundaries to cant see what boundaries you have selected because the selection line is solid.
This is making life unbelievably difficult, how to reset the selection to a dashed line as opposed to a solid line?
In case I am not being clear, draw a line. Then select it (click on it) and you see it becomes dashed and the grips appear. When I select now just the grips show up and the line stays solid.
I have designed a C# application to To Print I Cards Of School. Here I am sending data from my application to a CDR FILE (Already Created ) Which Contains ADDRESS Text Field..Now I Need to Print Address(which contains 60 characters or more) on this Text field .
I Have Used The following c# Code.. To Replace Address text field that contains text 'Address '.....
s.Text.Replace('Address',"Text To be replaced .......") s is Active shape...
This Works Fine But How can i WRAP TEXT....of Address field.
Whenever I am editing text and press Return or Enter, Photoshop highlights the 'Set the font family' in the top options bar.I cannot find a way in the keyboard shortcuts to change it.
I have always been able to highlight separate objects in model space, and now i can only do one at at time??? I click on the second object, and the first one stops being highlighted.
I don't know if somehow i changed a setting on accident, but i don't know how to get it back to be able to do multiple separately.
I have a high res picture of a painting signature that is very hard to read. I need to post the artists name in the sale. How I can highlight the black signature or extract it for analysis?
When I highlight a picture with the rectangular marquee button (and the rectangular button on the tool bar at the bottom of the page is highlighted), I only get an oval picture. How do I get the entire picture to use in layers?
How to disable border highlighting when selecting a smart object in the layers panel? Designing pixel-to-pixel is cumbersome when the highlight appears and temporarily extends the size of the shape by 1 px.
I'm trying to use Illustrator CC (instead of CS6).. In AI CS6, pressing Command+Shift+Option+F on the keyboard, while text is active, hilights the Font Field in the Character Panel... not so in AI CC. I can open CS6 on the same file and it works... Open AI CC and no result.
My boss is using CorelDraw x5 on a Dell Studio lappy w/ win7 x64, his question is... If you accidentally stretch text and don't realize it till later is it given a value that can be compared to other text so you can conform it to the rest of the text? Is this a tool or what? The scenario is you accidentally stretch text minutely, save the file, copy and paste this text to another file with same format to realize later it has been manipulated and doesn't match.
I had several CorelDraw documents that crashes on me, and the auto-backup did not work.
In all these documents, if I open the text paragraph window and typed on it, the entire program will crash if I exit that window after finishing.
I discovered that if I typed directly on the text paragraph, it will not crash. That means do not open the text paragraph window to do editing. But this makes editing very slow since it seems to be more memory intensive.
Strange the auto-backup directory/folder always do not have my backup files too.