Illustrator :: Why Shortcut For Highlighting Font Selection Field In Character Panel Not Working
Sep 20, 2013
I'm trying to use Illustrator CC (instead of CS6).. In AI CS6, pressing Command+Shift+Option+F on the keyboard, while text is active, hilights the Font Field in the Character Panel... not so in AI CC. I can open CS6 on the same file and it works... Open AI CC and no result.
Whenever I am editing text and press Return or Enter, Photoshop highlights the 'Set the font family' in the top options bar.I cannot find a way in the keyboard shortcuts to change it.
Thought I'd force myself to use CS6 on a new project. I want to select multiple objects using "Option-drag", in the Layer Panel, but it doesn't work as it does in CS5.
Is there a different shortcut for selecting multiple contiguous objects using the Layer Panel, in CS6? Of course, I mean "Select" not "highlight".
I'm wondering why some fonts arent visible in my character viewer. I am using Illustrator Version15.0.2 on a MacBook Pro running 10.9.1. I have included 2 screen shots below for a visual reference.
Additionally, I'd like to understand how the fonts in the character viewer menu are organized. I know they are alphabetical, but what are the grey divider lines representing?
Can I deactivate non-english language fonts so that this menu is less conjested with fonts I never use? I've used Illustrator for years. Which fonts are actually non-english. As a side note, I use Font Explorer X Pro to manage my fonts.
in Illustrator CS6 I can no longer use my mouse wheel to scroll the list of fonts [which appear when you click the down arrow next to the font family] in the Character control panel. I could do this in CS5.
I thought after having the newest version of Illustrator I would be able to have a text box selected & scroll through the font list to see the different fonts change on the text using the arrow up/down keys.
I seem to only be able to scroll through 2-3 fonts & then it stops, which is very frustrating because I am so used to doing it in ID & PS.
What I can do? Picking each font one by one is time consuming.
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and Creative Suite CS5, Adobe Illustrator CS 15.1.0. I'm using Suitcase Fusion 4 ver. 15.0.5 (latest version). I'm having a problem with 2 of my fonts loading correctly in illustrator's Character pallet. They display like a missing fonts in the character pallet as shown in my screen shot with "less than" characters around them: < Carta >, , < ITC Zapf Dingbats > These fonts and files do not give me warnings for missing fonts. The files print and rip correctly. The font displays correctly in illustrator when I use them in a layout (as shown on pic). They also display correctly and are fine in all other applications: Quark, InDesign, Photoshop etc. My fonts are setup correctly, pared down system fonts, other user folders emtpy etc. I have font nuked with Suitcase, Font Nuke and did a safe start up to clear font caches. several times. I've also removed these fonts from suitcase and loaded them in my system folder to see if that fixed it. These fonts are used 1,000's of pages/files so replacing them with another verion isn't really an option.
How to disable border highlighting when selecting a smart object in the layers panel? Designing pixel-to-pixel is cumbersome when the highlight appears and temporarily extends the size of the shape by 1 px.
Midway through my session I must have hit some key combination that changed a global setting of some sort as all of a sudden when selecting objects they no longer show up dashed to show they are selected, the grip points still show but there is no dotted line of the objects.
This happens everywhere including when picking boundaries to cant see what boundaries you have selected because the selection line is solid.
This is making life unbelievably difficult, how to reset the selection to a dashed line as opposed to a solid line?
In case I am not being clear, draw a line. Then select it (click on it) and you see it becomes dashed and the grips appear. When I select now just the grips show up and the line stays solid.
I rely heavily on the ctrl+z function to undo steps of my work quickly, but it's not working in Illustrator cs6. It says I'm using the correct shortcut, but no matter what I do I can't get it to work.
When you select a linked image on the artboard you should have the option to " Create a Linked File variable: Select a linked file and click the Make Object Dynamic button in the Variables panel." That is right out of the Adobe Illustrator reference. When I select linked files the button to make object dynamic is greyed out.I see no other way to continue(CS6) also reading about similar problems in (CS5).
so naturally our keyboard layouts are Danish.But there's a fantastic shortcut in Illustrator, that only works with the English layout. Basically - make a square and place a pattern in it. If you rotate the box using 'R' you rotate the entire box and the pattern. But if you hold the 'button next to 1' (tilde in some parts of the world, console in other parts) and then press 'R' it will only rotate the pattern and not the box.
However, that only works with the English layout.. what is the name of that function, so I can set up the shortcut manually or change the keys needed for the shortcut?
When I get to the character panel I cannot enter numeric values using the numeric keypad. I'm using CS6 ( under Windows 7. How to report a bug.
Version: Illustrator CS5.1 System: Mac OS X 10.8.5
Whenever I use a Shape tool for which the up and down arrow keys change its attributes, the up and down arrow keys skip several states. So for example, a star can go from 5 points to 12 points if I tap the up arrow key once, skipping 6 - 11 pointed stars entirely. It happens with polygons, spirals, and the flare tool as well.
I tried using a different keyboard, but the problem persisted. I also used my keyboard with another computer and Illustrator behaved just fine. So it's definitely a problem with the software.
In Illustrator CS6 I established a keyboard shortcut of Alt+Shift+Ctrl+= to the command Type-->Change Case-->UPPERCASE (and Alt+Shift+Ctrl+- to Type-->Change Case-->Title Case). In Illustrator CC, these two keyboard shortcuts are not working. They are displaying in the Type menu correctly, and the menu commands themselves work correctly, but the shortcuts do not work.
Why is my text not updating to new font selection when I select from "Type > Font", not "Character > Set the Font Family"? When I go Type > Font > and select Ari for example it doesn't update.
I can't seem to find the keyboard shortcut to kern between characters in the text effect - is there one? Pretty much every caption generator I've ever used has something like alt arrow to adjust between characters - even Avid title tool! I know I can use the kerning slider but that's a bit slow on larger amounts of text.
I had a problem with my fonts be locked in all caps.Clicking the reset buttons did not clear it.On the internet it said to open the 'character' panel and change it there but I couldn't find the character panel.It is not on the menu bar at the top of the screen nor is it available under the Window drop down. I finally found a work around on the internet but would like to have access to the character panel.
I'm trying to see how tracking and kerning differ through the Character panel. Tracking adjusts the space between characters, though isn't that the same thing that kerning does?
Any issues with the tracking settings in the character panel on PC? When I type in a value and click the enter key, it seems to round down or round up to a close, but random number.
I found that those shortcuts of the 'Character Panel' don't work correctly in Photoshop CC.
For example :
Press [cmd(ctrl)+ shift + >]→Increase or decrease the font-size with a step of 33.74px every time I press the shortcut.Previous version of Photoshop just changes the font-size with a step of 2px.
The same problem occurs while using the shortcuts to control tracking or leading etc... Obviously the 'step' is not correctly.This could be a critical problem for me.
Aonther problem is if you try to set the font-size to 100,it will say this 'A value between 0.01 pixel and 1296.00 Pixels is required.
I am working on (yet another) minecraft character rig xD
So i have set up a facial control panel, using blend shapes and driven keys, but i need it to follow my character. If i parent it to the head, i doesn't follow when i grab the skeleton and move the character around, and if i bind it to the neck joint, i am not able to use the control panel, because the movement of the controls are locked, since they're binded to a joint.
Using the selection tool i should be able tp reduce or shrink the size of the box or an image as a whole without changing the format. Iam not able to do that. I think i disabled something in my illustrator.
I can't figure out why the selection tool won't work. When active, I can't grab an object to move it and the icon next to the selection arrow is a line with an arrow pointing to the left, like this
The two selection tools in CS6 Illustrotor not working properly. They don't select the object when I click and drag a box around them and the handles on drawing path won't stay highlighted when I use the direct selection tool so I can adjust them
Any way to open a font or character map in Gimp? I'm working with a font that contains elements and doodles (wingdings?) and instead of having a guide to follow on which element to select I'm opening a text box and typing letters until I find the right one and it's time consuming. Is there a better way?
In several instances I can't highlight text to copy or to edit, other times it works fine. If I click the radio button for the text in layers (other layers may be locked to prevent accidental selection), the baselines appears and I should be able to highlight the text, but I can't. If I highlight some other unaffected area of text successfully (unlocked layers), sometimes it will allow me to select the problem text directly after.