Illustrator :: Option-drag Selection Not Working In CS6 Layer Panel
Oct 20, 2012
Thought I'd force myself to use CS6 on a new project. I want to select multiple objects using "Option-drag", in the Layer Panel, but it doesn't work as it does in CS5.
Is there a different shortcut for selecting multiple contiguous objects using the Layer Panel, in CS6? Of course, I mean "Select" not "highlight".
I'm trying to use Illustrator CC (instead of CS6).. In AI CS6, pressing Command+Shift+Option+F on the keyboard, while text is active, hilights the Font Field in the Character Panel... not so in AI CC. I can open CS6 on the same file and it works... Open AI CC and no result.
In my previous version of Elements, I was able to duplicate a layer (which was a picture) and then drag and drop a new picture into that layer. How can I do this with Elements 12, since the drag and drop option doesn't work? Â I am using this for a "scrapbook" photo page, where there are multiple photos and text on the page.
I was having a few issues with shift-constrain resizing not working, and option-drag duplication not working, also using the space bar to move the document around the viewport.
OSX 10.9, InDesign 9.2.1.
I reset the preferences, restarted which failed to solve the problem.However once I updated my Wacom driver from 6.3.3 to the latest 6.3.8-2 that seemed to solve the problem.
I have determine that my AutoCad 2009 will allow me to drag/drop layers to an existing Group Layer Filter, but it will not allow me to right click on the Group Filter>Select Layers>Add. Once I go to the model space an select layers then "enter" no layers are added to the Filter Group and it gives me an error message that says "unable to modify layers while another command is active".
I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow. Â I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.
This morning, my Selection Tool (the filled-in arrow) is acting like a Direct Selection Tool (the hollow arrow), but only when I click and drag on a group. It ends up select the anchors within the group rather than the whole group itself.  I've checked my preferences, quit and relaunched Illustrator a few times, and nothing seems to fix it. The problem briefly went away a few minutes ago, but came back when I quit and relaunched for good measure.  It's happening in Illustrator CS 5.1. I have CS6, and that version works fine, but I'm waiting on some plugins to be updated for it, so I'd like to use CS 5.1. I'm also running the latest Suitcase Fusion 4.
I cannot stand it when I make a new layer in Illustrator and the color hint becomes yellow. This usually happens on the third new layer into every project. I can go in and manually change it from yellow to the ten plus other colors, but I just want yellow completely out of the list. It's awful to look at, and I think every other color is easier.
I recently started working with Illustrator CS6, and noticed that the Transform option panel in the top tool bar is listed as a word, which i need to click on in order to access the x/y coordinates and the object height and width values. I was wondering if there was a way to set this toolbar so that these options are locked in the tool bar so that i don't need to always click on the word to expand it out. I have included a screenshot of the tool bar as it exists. Also the align options are set up in this way as well.Â
I also included a screenshot of the same tools in Indesign to give an idea of what i'm looking for, where everything is expanded out.
I routinely add paths to existing Live Paint Groups, by dragging a path that is outside the group, into the LP group. But AI won't let me drag the "selection icon" from a nested layer, into an existing LP Group. Why?
It seems I'm requesting the same action, but AI won't allow the icon to be dragged into the group. I have to either open the layer and drag the objects directly, or drag the objects into the main layer, then into the Live Paint Group. I think this is an interface flaw.  FYI… I realize I could jump into the Live Paint Group using Isolation mode, but that takes extra steps and makes the template less useful.
I just upgrade to Windows8 x64 and I'm using Illustrator 64 CS6.  I am trying to drag and drop a TIF file off my desktop in to a document like I have so many times before in Illustrator but my cursor is showing the 'No' symbol (circle with line thru it).  It is working in Photoshop tho.
I can't seem to drag a selected object to a different layer via the colored dot in the Layers palette in CS6. Â Â Â I've been doing that since I can remember. Is there some new CS6 default setting I'm missing?
I can select individual layers either in the Layer Palette or on the canvas with no problem. It's when I use the selection tool with Shift, Cntrl, or Alt that I cant get more than one layer selected. I want to group and lock layers together so I can scale down the group to a maller image size.
When you select a linked image on the artboard you should have the option to " Create a Linked File variable: Select a linked file and click the Make Object Dynamic button in the Variables panel." That is right out of the Adobe Illustrator reference. When I select linked files the button to make object dynamic is greyed out.I see no other way to continue(CS6) also reading about similar problems in (CS5).
How can I make Illustrator's layer-panel remember the opened/closed sublayers? I have a file with hundreds of layers, and it's a pain in the *** to do the sorting and opening/closing certain sublayers each time I open the file. Why isn't it remembering how I have set it up?
I want to select a few paths in the layerpanel by NOT clicken on every one. So for example I have the following structure: Â Layer 01 Â Â Â Â path01 Â Â Â Â path02 Â Â Â Â path03 Â Â Â Â path04 Â Â Â Â path05 Â Â Â Â path06 Â Â Â Â path07 Â Â Â Â path08 Â Â Â Â path09 Â Â Â Â path10Â Â And I want to activate path03 to path09 for further modifications - I would have to select every single path by clicking on it in the Target column. Â Is there a faster way like selecting path03 and than holding the Shift-key and selecting path09 ? <- (This obvious solution doesn't work)
I'm having an issue with the "Show Print Tiling" menu option not working at all. Â I have setup a bleed for my document and have even tried a settings reset.
The 'Template' checkbox gets activated in Layer Options dialog box, and the box gets closed, then, the Layer name and several icons at the bottom of the Layer Panel disappear.The Layer is still there without a name, and rolling over the icons on the Layers Panel I can see the Tool Icons.Illustrator Prefs were trashed/restored using the Opt-Shift-Command restart shortcut.
Is it possible to select a few objects by "sliding a mouse", on layer panel? For example, you can hold down the mouse, slide to lock multiple objects. It's fast and easy!
But if I need to select, say, only red, blue, yellow stars... I need to click the â—Ž icons to select each sublayer. when I have so many objects to be selected on layer panel.
I use CS6 on Mac. Is there any secret shortcut key to select objects on layer panel by "sliding a mouse"?
Is it possible to create an art which is present on the document but not on the 'Layer' panel(F7)? Â My requirement is to create an art which is visible on the document, but could not be seen on the Layer panel and user is not able to select it. Â Just like it happens in case of reflection, when we are creating a copy of selected art object, the reflected copy doesn't present on the 'Layer' panel but it is visible on the document and user is not able to select the reflected one, while he can only select the original art.
Using the selection tool i should be able tp reduce or shrink the size of the box or an image as a whole without changing the format. Iam not able to do that. I think i disabled something in my illustrator.
I can't figure out why the selection tool won't work. When active, I can't grab an object to move it and the icon next to the selection arrow is a line with an arrow pointing to the left, like this
The two selection tools in CS6 Illustrotor not working properly. They don't select the object when I click and drag a box around them and the handles on drawing path won't stay highlighted when I use the direct selection tool so I can adjust them
AI CS6 Layers panel missing labels when you deselect print in the layer options. Is this a bug? I noticed this on a furnished file at work on a MacPro and had a hard time working the file because all of the labels were missing.
I stumbled on the cause when I turned on the Print Layer and all the labels came back. To be sure it was not computer related, I made a file on my AI CS6 version 16.1.0 with the same result. See screen shot. Â MacBook Pro, OSX 10.6.8, 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3.
In PS i can Magic wand selection shape from one layer, drop to sub layer and copy that selected shape from that sub layer. How do I do this in illistrator, and moreover, from multiple layer at the same time. Â For instance, in PS = Import an image of gold - select a text phrse with wand - drop to gold - copy paste = gold text.
I am running elements 10 on I-Mac with montain lion With a new blank page when I drag and drop from the Project Binto Panel bin the pic is black & white why
Why is it when i drag one image from the bottom panel over to another picture(solid color) i will only get 50% of the image and not the full image. Same thing when i copy and paste that image over the gray solid colored image also i will get only 50% of the image. The original image of the cat(full view) is about 24.79% and picture is 11.733 x 15.644 in size. the other image (solid color) is at 43.63% or 6.667 x 8.889". size is in inches. Do i have to resize the images and if so how as i am a stupie in this matter. The images are aligned side by side on the main panel or display.I am trying to place the cat over the gray background image and with a layer mask delete the present baackground of the cat to uncover the gray of the bottom layer.Â